The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

  • Total voters
Fact: sept 2008
Another fact: 19,000+ posts.
Or are you just a bullshitter on that too? Why? You trying hard to make yourself look foolish?
Mission accomplished!!! :rofl:
Your church should pay YOU to go there. Or is it like amway, you get a cut of everyone's tithe that you bring in? I bet that's it.

You just don't get it. There is nothing in it for me moneywise. Literally nothing for anyone in the church's ministry. No one is paid.
Fact: sept 2008
Another fact: 19,000+ posts.
Or are you just a bullshitter on that too? Why? You trying hard to make yourself look foolish?
Mission accomplished!!! :rofl:

Fact: I work on computers when I do work so I'm online no matter what.

Fact: I also have more rep than you so I must be doing something right.

Fact: The fool is the one who doesn't learn ... someone like you.
Fact: sept 2008
Another fact: 19,000+ posts.
Or are you just a bullshitter on that too? Why? You trying hard to make yourself look foolish?
Mission accomplished!!! :rofl:

Fact: I work on computers when I do work so I'm online no matter what.

Fact: I also have more rep than you so I must be doing something right.

Fact: The fool is the one who doesn't learn ... someone like you.

Only a total weenie cares about rep:lol:

kk, you must be hot for me or something, I wasn't even talking to you and now you're all over my posts.
PS 19,000+ posts in a year= no life whatsoever. I bet you can't even get laid properly.
Only a total weenie cares about rep:lol:

kk, you must be hot for me or something, I wasn't even talking to you and now you're all over my posts.
PS 19,000+ posts in a year= no life whatsoever. I bet you can't even get laid properly.

You're the one bringing up the reps. if you dont care about them, why mention them?

Odd that you seem to think that success in life correlates to your ability to "get laid." Any moron can get laid, you think that is some sort of status symbol that shows you arent a loser? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. And I've heard a lot of stupid things on this board.

It's like that stupid claim that earning a piece of paper means you are educated.
JL, you are a troll. I think the concept of "a one true church" is controverted by God's merit and grace. But it is all testimony and faith for those who believe or not, and their right to believe deserves respect. I agree with KK on this one. You are not arguing, you are trolling.

Who in the LDS or other Mormon sects stepped on your tail? I would rather have Mormons as neighbors. Southern Baptists will steal from you.
JL, you are a troll. I think the concept of "a one true church" is controverted by God's merit and grace. But it is all testimony and faith for those who believe or not, and their right to believe deserves respect. I agree with KK on this one. You are not arguing, you are trolling.

Who in the LDS or other Mormon sects stepped on your tail? I would rather have Mormons as neighbors. Southern Baptists will steal from you.

wait... you are actually saying something nice... you feeling okay? :p:
You guys are just pissed that I exposed the fact that you have no concrete proof of any of the wild claims your religion makes.
Avatar, where did I say that getting laid equates success in life or is a status symbol? Gee, you mormons sure like to make stuff up! :lol: No wait, I wrote that on thin magic gold plates that disappeared, or should I say got ripped off by an angel. Makes perfect sense, don't you think?
You guys are just pissed that I exposed the fact that you have no concrete proof of any of the wild claims your religion makes.
Avatar, where did I say that getting laid equates success in life or is a status symbol? Gee, you mormons sure like to make stuff up! :lol: No wait, I wrote that on thin magic gold plates that disappeared, or should I say got ripped off by an angel. Makes perfect sense, don't you think?

You wrote it in your last post when you are claiming that KK is a loser who cant get laid. As if that matters. Are you even bothering to remember what you are saying?
You guys are just pissed that I exposed the fact that you have no concrete proof of any of the wild claims your religion makes.
Avatar, where did I say that getting laid equates success in life or is a status symbol? Gee, you mormons sure like to make stuff up! :lol: No wait, I wrote that on thin magic gold plates that disappeared, or should I say got ripped off by an angel. Makes perfect sense, don't you think?

You wrote it in your last post when you are claiming that KK is a loser who cant get laid. As if that matters. Are you even bothering to remember what you are saying?

KK is a loser who cant get laid.

Hey Fuck You!

Kitten don't want sex..there is a big difference!

I think......?????.....
You guys are just pissed that I exposed the fact that you have no concrete proof of any of the wild claims your religion makes.


What's concrete to me is not to you so it's entirely irrelevant to the discussion. I understand that you think we're deluded....Fine by me. Do you have any other questions?

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