The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

  • Total voters
Oh and can I read the rules from those tablets? If not, why not. And is it true, is Beck a Mormon? (perhaps this is where he got his special kind of race relations from?)

What exactly was up with Smith and his legal troubles again?
Oh and can I read the rules from those tablets? If not, why not. And is it true, is Beck a Mormon? (perhaps this is where he got his special kind of race relations from?)

What exactly was up with Smith and his legal troubles again?

Beck is a Mormon and most, but not all, Mormons are racist. However, the religion is not any crazier than most all other religions. Castrate Beck.
Oh and can I read the rules from those tablets? If not, why not. And is it true, is Beck a Mormon? (perhaps this is where he got his special kind of race relations from?)

What exactly was up with Smith and his legal troubles again?

Beck is a Mormon and most, but not all, Mormons are racist. However, the religion is not any crazier than most all other religions. Castrate Beck.

Can you name a credible religion that was founded here in the states? I know that is sort of a judgment call but seriously, a religion founded here in the states? LOL

Scientology maybe? LOL
Oh and can I read the rules from those tablets? If not, why not. And is it true, is Beck a Mormon? (perhaps this is where he got his special kind of race relations from?)

What exactly was up with Smith and his legal troubles again?

Beck is a Mormon and most, but not all, Mormons are racist. However, the religion is not any crazier than most all other religions. Castrate Beck.

Can you name a credible religion that was founded here in the states? I know that is sort of a judgment call but seriously, a religion founded here in the states? LOL

Scientology maybe? LOL

I've always been skeptical of religion, but after watching Religulious, I'm even more skeptical. I just don't think the Mormon religion is any crazier.
Beck is a Mormon and most, but not all, Mormons are racist. However, the religion is not any crazier than most all other religions. Castrate Beck.

Can you name a credible religion that was founded here in the states? I know that is sort of a judgment call but seriously, a religion founded here in the states? LOL

Scientology maybe? LOL

I've always been skeptical of religion, but after watching Religulious, I'm even more skeptical. I just don't think the Mormon religion is any crazier.

Holy underwear...? Their thoughts on blacks pre 78..(then of course EVERYTHING is equal, the tablets story, Smith himself, the fact that is was started here....yeah, they are a little crazier than most religions.

Like someone else said, all organized religions are nuts. I agree. Beck represents just fine.
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St Matthew 12:38-39 said:
Then certain of the scribes and Pharisees answered, saying, Master, we would see a sign from thee.

But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:

The term "signs" easily equates to the terms "proof" and "tangible facts". What say you?

St Matthew 13:10-12 said:
And the disciples came, and said unto him, why speakest thou unto them in parables?

He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.

For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance; but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that which he hath.

People who receive testimonies and sincerely seek an understanding of the testimonies will find the sense in the words given - the parables will no longer be riddles to them and their knowledge of God will increase.

But of him who will not receive the testimony and will not sincerely seek an understanding, from him shall be taken away even the little understanding which he hath.

I am sure any answer to this would be confirmatory. What say you?

I agree one hundred percent. Everybody wants to see a sign these days! But even when they see it, they still don't believe it.
Jesus said a wicked and adulterous generation seeketh a sign. Amen to that! Anyone seen the adultery rates today? Or the fact that Internet Porn is 75% of all content on the internet. Truly this is a wicked and adulterous generation we live in.

Thank you.
I have started this post because it still seems there are a lot of people out there that don't understand our religion. One thing I know I can do is clarify a lot misconceptions that people have.
I served a two year mission in South Africa, and I think I have pretty much heard it all. I actually would welcome some questions that I haven't heard before.
I know some of you aren't interested in what we really believe, but are only going to be interested in trying to trap me in my words, but that's ok. I welcome those attempts as well. Let's see what this develops into.:eusa_pray:

Did the entire mindset change about blacks in 78? Did they become equal in their eyes from one day to the next some how?

Ah. It's been a while since someone brought this up. I began my explanations of this subject on page 15 through 17. Let me know when you read it.
Oh and can I read the rules from those tablets?

I'm not sure which tablets you are referring to but I think you mean the Book of Mormon. You can certainly read the book in it's entirety on The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints under the gospel library tab. Select Scriptures, then book of mormon. Totally free and you don't even have to sign in or anything. it's a quick read.

And is it true, is Beck a Mormon? (perhaps this is where he got his special kind of race relations from?)

Yes Glenn Beck is a recent convert to the church. I believe he joined back in 2003.
What exactly was up with Smith and his legal troubles again?

His entire legal troubles consisted of being forced to constantly fight vexatious lawsuits. He was accused over and over of various crimes and miraculously acquitted each time. This is surprising considering that there were never any mormons on the jury or the bench.
He was illegally imprisoned awaiting trial many times and subjected to severely inhumane conditions.
Beck is a Mormon and most, but not all, Mormons are racist.

Ouch. Which racist mormons have you met? it's a pretty tough sell that you are pushing especially since our Book of Mormon has had the statement "All are alike unto God. Male and female, black and white, jew and gentile, bond and free." since the church's origination.

However, the religion is not any crazier than most all other religions.

I'd say it's a lot crazier. We do have in my opinion the boldest claims of any other religion.

Castrate Beck.

Ouch. That's not nice at all. I may not like you, but I'd never cut your balls off.:eek:
Can you name a credible religion that was founded here in the states?

Interesting question. What is your definition of a credible religion?

I know that is sort of a judgment call but seriously, a religion founded here in the states? LOL

I volunteer The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints!:eusa_angel:

Scientology maybe?

Credible to who? Credibility is sort of like asking for a referral. Whose word do you trust?
I think you can believe in a higher power, but organized religion is a sham.

Joseph Smith thought the very same thing. I would think the very same thing if I didn't become exposed to my religion. It's the only one that makes any sense to me. If it didn't REALLY make sense to me, the first thing I would stop doing, is paying 10% of my income to the church. That's how you know someone is really convicted of their beliefs.
paying 10% of my income to the church. That's how you know someone is really convicted of their beliefs.
Dude, was Forrest Gump your autobiography?

"convicted of your beliefs"? LOL, a Freudian slip perhaps?
Holy underwear...?

You don't understand the concept.

Their thoughts on blacks pre 78..(then of course EVERYTHING is equal,

This one is the easiest to misunderstand because of our young 21st century mindsets, often devoid of historical understanding of context and situations. keep reading my earlier explanations. When you catch up, you may change your tune.

Don't be so presumptuous as to think you can just jump right in on the 136th page for the first time and assume no one has dealt with your questions.

the tablets story,

The plates story is quite a whopper. I admit that. A lot of our stories are whoppers. But that doesn't make them false.

Smith himself,

Ahh see. I would use "Smith himself" as one of the strongest arguments in his favor. Please.:eusa_pray: Heavily scrutinized his life and you will be impressed with what a remarkable man and christian he was.

the fact that is was started here

First, the country a religion is founded in has no relevance whatsoever as to it's veracity. it's the doctrine that is key.

by the way. The religion wasn't founded here. It was restored here. It was originally founded with Christ.

....yeah, they are a little crazier than most religions.

Crazy is as crazy does.

Dude, was Forrest Gump your autobiography?

Let's see, I was not born in Greenbough Alabama, I never met Elvis, my parents were married, my iq is higher than 75, so my mom didn't have to bang the principle to get me into public school, never served in the military, never was an all american football player, never met any president, didn't expose the watergate scandal,didn't inspire the very smiley faces we use on this messageboard:lol:, never inspired the phrase S!*# HAPPENS, never went to an all white school, never had braces on my legs, never got a medal of honor, didn't live through the hippy sixties, never gave a speech at the washington monument, didn't marry a white girl, or a drug addict for that matter, actually was there for the birth of my kids, wasn't a shrimp boat captain, an original apple invester:eusa_doh:, didn't found the Bubba Gump shrimp company, wasn't a go-zillionaire, a world ping pong champion, and didn't run across the country even once, let alone 3 times..................

I love ping pong, rode the bus to school, I sometimes eat a few of the chocolates before I give the box as a gift, I was alive in 1981, and I believe in God. That's about where the similarities end. Oh and I'm white with brown hair.....Oh and he's not real.

"convicted of your beliefs"? LOL, a Freudian slip perhaps?

No. I'm convicted of my beliefs. I don't know where I'm slipping?
Your church should pay YOU to go there. Or is it like amway, you get a cut of everyone's tithe that you bring in? I bet that's it.
Your church should pay YOU to go there. Or is it like amway, you get a cut of everyone's tithe that you bring in? I bet that's it.

Even I see you are just being a troll now. Why don't you study something before you even try to knock it, because now you look like a foolish troll.

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