The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

  • Total voters
That's sounds interesting, but one question first: can I get laid by a mormon chick without having to marry her first? Or is that frowned upon?
First of all, repentance is usually the first thing that happens, as a result of conviction.

Well it can't be the first, because by your own admission, the conviction had to happen first. Conviction of Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. How can you repent if you don't know the law of Christ first and gain a conviction of it?

Then placing one's faith in Christ atoning work at Calvary and His subsequent ressurrection, and ascension.

I believe this happens first.

Then the receiving of the Holy Spirit, not necessarily and usually not by laying on of hands comes next.

Well we have our reasons to disagree with you but that's not the point of this thread.

Remember that the 11 received the H.S. when Jesus breathed it upon them.

Again we disagree, but that's off topic.

When Peter spoke to the thousands in Jerusalem that were there from all parts of Asia Minor for Pentacost, people received the Holy Spirit while standing in the crowds. Thousands believed and were saved that day.

We have several minor disagreements when it comes to the interpretation of the receipt of the Holy Ghost on the day of Pentecost but that's ok.

Water baptism was administered upon their belief/salvation as a public statement of their new lives in Christ Jesus.

We agree!!!!!!!

The water baptism symbolized the believer's co-death, co-burial, co-ressurrection, and spiritual co-ascension with/and in Christ. Galatians 2:20-21
20. I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. 21. I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law(Trying To Please God In Order To Be Saved Or Be Acceptable), Christ died for nothing

So Christian baptism was a symbolic external expression of an internal transformation done by God Almighty.

We agree 99%
Couldn't have said it better myself. Except for your remarks in parentheses about trying to please God being bad.
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So you're a church full of virgins until you get married, or is sex for fun beforehand allowed?
So you're a church full of virgins until you get married, or is sex for fun beforehand allowed?

People are people. Some follow their religion, some don't have the discipline.
I don't think your use of the word "allowed" is appropriate. Everything is allowed because we teach the freedom of choice. But if you want to follow God's commandments, then you would choose not to do such things. If it wasn't allowed, we would have bedroom police. But there are no bedroom police so it's up to your own conscience to decide to do what is right.
So if you do have sex before marriage, you have to repent, or you're stained forever? Or does a hymenorrhaphy restore your purity? What about for men?
So if you do have sex before marriage, you have to repent, or you're stained forever? Or does a hymenorrhaphy restore your purity? What about for men?

I don't know why anyone would want to have that done. Gross:eek:. But, c'mon, you're only a virgin once.

The past is not as important as the present. It's about making the change to truly convert yourself to God. Repentance is always available.
Why? What did you win? :lol: The knowledge to not know whether what you got is any good compared to what's out there? :rofl:
Why? What did you win? :lol: The knowledge to not know whether what you got is any good compared to what's out there? :rofl:

I know what else is out there. That's why I was selective. Now that I'm married with 2 beautiful kids and a beautiful wife, I'm happy. Why would I waste time waiting to test out all 4 billion women on the planet? Life's too short to worry about being too picky with women. Find one that's attractive, loves you and makes you happy. That's everyone's dream woman. I found mine.
Why? What did you win? :lol: The knowledge to not know whether what you got is any good compared to what's out there? :rofl:

I know what else is out there. That's why I was selective. Now that I'm married with 2 beautiful kids and a beautiful wife, I'm happy. Why would I waste time waiting to test out all 4 billion women on the planet? Life's too short to worry about being too picky with women. Find one that's attractive, loves you and makes you happy. That's everyone's dream woman. I found mine.

Props on the integrity, truthspeaker.
Why? What did you win? :lol: The knowledge to not know whether what you got is any good compared to what's out there? :rofl:

I know what else is out there. That's why I was selective. Now that I'm married with 2 beautiful kids and a beautiful wife, I'm happy. Why would I waste time waiting to test out all 4 billion women on the planet? Life's too short to worry about being too picky with women. Find one that's attractive, loves you and makes you happy. That's everyone's dream woman. I found mine.

Props on the integrity, truthspeaker.

There's probably something majorly wrong with him, like he's super fat, or he's got one tooth, because it sounds to me like he couldn't get laid growing up. I've always said that marriage is mostly for ugly people who need to secure a regular screw. :lol:
I know what else is out there. That's why I was selective. Now that I'm married with 2 beautiful kids and a beautiful wife, I'm happy. Why would I waste time waiting to test out all 4 billion women on the planet? Life's too short to worry about being too picky with women. Find one that's attractive, loves you and makes you happy. That's everyone's dream woman. I found mine.

Props on the integrity, truthspeaker.

There's probably something majorly wrong with him, like he's super fat, or he's got one tooth, because it sounds to me like he couldn't get laid growing up. I've always said that marriage is mostly for ugly people who need to secure a regular screw. :lol:

I don't think I'm THAT hard to look at. why don't you poll the ladies and see what they think?
I think that BigBarry has a story to tell that undermines his posting. Being faithful to one's spouse is not difficult at all. If one understands that moral veniality is nothing more than weakening of one's personal, interior worth as an individual, keeping one's wedding vows or partner vows or whatever vow is not difficult at all. Good for you, Truthspeaker, and good to those who were good examples in your life when you were growing up.
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I know what else is out there. That's why I was selective. Now that I'm married with 2 beautiful kids and a beautiful wife, I'm happy. Why would I waste time waiting to test out all 4 billion women on the planet? Life's too short to worry about being too picky with women. Find one that's attractive, loves you and makes you happy. That's everyone's dream woman. I found mine.

Props on the integrity, truthspeaker.

There's probably something majorly wrong with him, like he's super fat, or he's got one tooth, because it sounds to me like he couldn't get laid growing up. I've always said that marriage is mostly for ugly people who need to secure a regular screw. :lol:

Or, it could be that he is sure enough of his masculinity that he feels no need to see how many conquests he can make.

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