The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

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haha i liked the mormon church too because there were alot of cute girls lol. mormon girls for some reason seem more attractive to me for some reason.

Uh oh....our secret is out =) ... you should have to live with em here in Utah! But honestly, be careful what ya wish for... They play for keeps, and demand huge assault vehicles to kart around ginormous families!

The entire reason Mormons banned booze is because with that many wives one is either going spawn the population of China or go broke.

Or both.
China discourages children and supports sober, idiot, assembly line work.

Now they are rich.

Kill your soul or your bank balance, place your bets.
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I don't think I'm THAT hard to look at. why don't you poll the ladies and see what they think?

So you do care about other women being attracted to you? :lol:

Or, it could be that he is sure enough of his masculinity that he feels no need to see how many conquests he can make.

Or that he wasn't masculine enough to get laid. :lol:

Maybe he's one of those qweers who's trying to change to hetero through god? :rofl:
You really need to learn that there is more to life than getting laid. Especially so crudely.
How would YOU know? :lol:

Because ive experience more of life. Art, poetry, music, all types of knowledge throughout the world. A world to explore and see. people to meet and get to know. there are so many other things in this world that are good and excellent to experience
I've experienced all those things as well, and getting laid with a hot chick is right up there!
You should try it sometimes!! :lol:
Do you have to wash magic underwear?
Do mormon women shave their armpits and cameltoe?
When mormons have several wives, can they have group sex with all of them at once?
Don't recall if I've asked this in a past post, but why is it that a "Cross" is not found at the top of a LDS church building where the Mormons worship?

Isn't it the angel, "Moroni" who's likeness is a-top the LDS worship/church buildings? :confused:

Question: Is Moroni more important to the Mormon church than the crucifixion, ressurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ? :confused:

For Christians around the world, the "cross" represents or symbolizes the means and instrument that stood upon Golgotha's hill and through-which Jesus atoned for mankind's sins once and for all.

So some folks may think that wearing a little cross on a neck chain or having it a-top a churchs' steeple seems sadistic, yet they miss the point that the "cross" is not being worshiped, but is a symbol of the total work of sins atonement by Christ for mankind.

Trully the "cross" was a horrible instrument used during a certain period of Roman capital punishment. Yet, the symbol reminds Christians of what Christ did on their be-half.
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Don't recall if I've asked this in a past post, but why is it that a "Cross" is not found at the top of a LDS church building where the Mormons worship?

We don't use the cross because it is a Catholic symbol that we feel only focuses on Christ's death. We claim Jesus is alive and well. We focus on his resurrection more than we do on his death, however necessary his death was. To us a cross is just too morbid.:eusa_angel:

Isn't it the angel, "Moroni" who's likeness is a-top the LDS worship/church buildings? :confused:

Actually the angel Moroni sounding a trump is not atop any of our churches. The statue can only be found on the top's of our temples facing east. This is to symbolize all the angels that will sound their trumps to the second coming of Jesus Christ in the east.

Question: Is Moroni more important to the Mormon church than the crucifixion, ressurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ? :confused:

Since Moroni is announcing the coming of Christ in the statue, the answer to your question would be a definitive "No."
You might also recognize the Christus statue found in many of our temple locations

So some folks may think that wearing a little cross on a neck chain or having it a-top a churchs' steeple seems sadistic, yet they miss the point that the "cross" is not being worshiped, but is a symbol of the total work of sins atonement by Christ for mankind.

I realize the symbol is not being worshipped. We just feel there are better symbols to signify Jesus than the manner of his death.

Trully the "cross" was a horrible instrument used during a certain period of Roman capital punishment. Yet, the symbol reminds Christians of what Christ did on their be-half

I don't really have anything AGAINST the cross. It's just not the symbol of my choice. Also, I think symbols we use are far less important than the actions we take in our lives. I don't think God's criteria for judment will be based on if we used a cross or not.
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We claim Jesus is alive and well.
He's having fried banana and PB sandwiches with Elvis! :rofl:

This is to symbolize all the angels that will sound their trumps to the second coming of Jesus Christ in the east.
Thought you said he was alive?:confused:

I don't really have anything AGAINST the cross. It's just not the symbol of my choice.
T prefers tight magic undies! :lol:
This is to symbolize all the angels that will sound their trumps to the second coming of Jesus Christ in the east.
Thought you said he was alive?:confused:

Yeah, He is... So why are you so confused?
How can he come back if he's alive. Alive means not a ghost or a spirit, it means physically alive.
Geez, maybe your magic undies are too tight?

PS do you ever try on your wife's magic undies? Are they bigger than yours?
How can he come back if he's alive. Alive means not a ghost or a spirit, it means physically alive.
Yeah, I don't understand your density level. If someone is alive and they leave this planet and go somewhere else in the universe, it doesn't mean they're dead. For crying out loud Humans have left earth and come back. They weren't dead just because they left.

Geez, maybe your magic undies are too tight?

PS do you ever try on your wife's magic undies? Are they bigger than yours?

I don't have any magic undies. Neither does my wife. Do you wear your significant other's undies?:slap:
How can he come back if he's alive. Alive means not a ghost or a spirit, it means physically alive.
Yeah, I don't understand your density level. If someone is alive and they leave this planet and go somewhere else in the universe, it doesn't mean they're dead. For crying out loud Humans have left earth and come back. They weren't dead just because they left.

I'm dense! :rofl:
So where is jesus then if he's "somewhere else in the universe"?
Didn't he die on the cross?

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