The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

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  • Bigoted

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  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

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With froggoids re-entry into the discussion, the thread just took another downturn.

Nevertheless, I bump this thread because it might prove useful to disabuse froggy of his narrow-minded preconceived notions.
First of all, all “Mormons” do not have “visions”, just prophets/seers. Second, we stick to the Bible when it says that things of God are only spiritually discerned. I have already quoted 1 Corinthians chapter 2, verses 10-11 in response to you earlier (which you ignored) where it says that we can only know the things of God through His Spirit. I also believe in Galatians 5:22 where it says the fruit of the Spirit is “love, joy, peace”, etc.

I believe that God communicates to us through these “good” emotions as we attempt to communicate with Him in prayer. Love is the universal language, so it makes sense He could communicate with everyone that way. Our heart has to be open and ready for an answer and that is typically the problem with us.

Please answer a few of my questions, so that I can better understand your position on how we know whether something is from God or not. Here goes: First, if you have not prayed and asked God that what you have read in the Bible is true, what method have you used to actually know that everything contained in the Bible is the Word of God? Second, is the method you used to know this any more or less subjective than through the way I described?

There's your first bold faced lie. We don't have visions. Countless Mormons give testimony of dreams and visions that tell them that "Mormonism is the truth".

"Burning Bosum" experience? How is this not a type of vision?

I guess you folks might call it a strong "feeling" that Mormonism is the truth.

Sadly, "feelings/emotions" are the greatest betrayers of human kind. They are a blessed part of humanity, but they are not the "test" of the truth.

Feelings/emotions are so often used as a gauge by human beings involved in religion to determine if God is near or faraway.

For instance, the tongues movements in many Pentacostal/charismatic churches can get so out-of-control, that all objective scriptural truth becomes second-rate to experiencing physical/emotional phenomena in worship situations.

Much of the tongues phenomena is not from God, but is Satan's major "tickle" to get Christians off-track and looking for the experienctial in order to validate the strength and closeness of their faith in God.

Sadly, there are so many "drop outs" from Charismatic churches where gifts are and especially tongues are given greater emphasis than God desires according to His Word, the bible.

Likewise, the Mormons, have taken a similar root. They ask folks to pray and ask God if Mormonis is the true church. This opens up the realm of the "invisible spiritual demonic realm". It's like a on off switch. God had wired us to have total communion with Him, because we are spiritual creatures. Sadly, the spiritual counterfeits of Satan are ready to fill the gaps in a Christians or non-Christian/Mormon's seeking, when they use unscriptural means to seek God.

Remember that Satan and 1/3 of the angels in heaven followed him in turning away from their Maker/God. They were all cast to earth, and now Satan is called the Prince of this world. He is deluded to the point of thinking that he can defeat God, Christ, and the great plan of salvation that is clearly laid-out in the bible.

He is no dummy. He can fool the intellectual, the artist, the whole gamut of human personalities, and intelligence. He has created many religions that are substitutes or counterfeits of true Christianity as laid-out in the bible.

First of all, in order for Satan to make inroads in humanity and win souls to his delusional bent, he must "attack the bible"; the very foundation of Christianity. This is done in many ways:

1. Take away the divinity of Christ as the I AM or God Almighty as Christ and His apostles described Him over and over in the N.T..
2. Create a scenario where mere sinful, Adamic man can attain the level of God, through works.
3. Create a false martyrdom of the his/Satan's counterfeit belief system in order to give members or potential converts the idea that they are of a type of exclusivity that is always under danger because of their faith.
4. Confirm in the unseen spiritual realm of the human soul validity his/Satan's false belief system. In fact this is the easy one for him. As Americans or the Western world becomes more and more enamored with spiritual phenoma...ghosts, occult, witch craft, ......which founder J.S. Jr. found intriguing in the use of seers stones, and crystals, the stage is set for massive deception.
5.God has His ways, and man has his ways. One is Spiritual, the other is worldly or of the flesh. Satan plays on the fleshly side of mankind; feeding the sexual desires, that J.S. Jr. propogates with polygamy.
6. Satan also hates "woman" as she was the means which brought the incarnate Christ to earth. Also she was the link to deceiving mankind in the garden, though Adam was just as guilty as he believed Eve over God's commands.
For a Mormon wife to reach that celestial kingdom, her husband must raise her up to life after death. This is blasphemous, as it places the male human above the female human in importance.

Some how a womans or wifes call to submission to her husband as the bible states has been convoluted into a male dominance within the LDS church that is both flatly unscriptural, and sad.
7. Moroni brought false messages to J.S. Jr.., if indeed Moroni actually existed and wasn't a figment of a very disturbed mind in need of Lithium treatments. J.S. Jr.'s life reflects one that can easily fall into the category of "disturbed". There is or was a "granduer" complex with him, that lacked humility, humbleness, contrite, and repentant of heart, etc. that typified the bible-Jesus' disciples, excluding the false one Judas.
8. To this day, I've not witnessed or read any posts by the most vocal Mormons on this thread that show or emit the tiny'est ounce of the humility, contriteness of heart, that typifies, true Holy Spirit filled biblical Christians. Those that bring up legitimate points are blown off or considered "enemies" of the LDS church.

Paul on the other hand loved to debate, and get right in their with Jews, gentiles alike. In fact he had a wonderful time on Mars Hill with many greek philosophers, and won many over to Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit working through Him.

Paul was an extremely educated Jew, who at one time persecuted Christ's followers, but later was met with an encounter with the ascended Christ that changed his life, and turned the whole world upside down................Paul the most prolific author of the N.T. heartily stood by and cheered on folks as they stoned to death Steven the Godly man of the early Jerusalem Church. Paul would later-on become a fire-brand of Holy Spirit filled power as he endured stonings, lashings, imprisonments, and being cut-off from fellowship in the Jerusalam temple, because he chose Jesus, yes Jesus, the One who was and is so clearly described in the Word of God.
So what does the LDS church give us? Well, they give us a veiled polytheism..........or progression of godhood. Basically it's just good old polytheism, as there is "no" one God, but a myriad of gods.

Secondly, it teaches that God was once just an guy like you and me. Then this average guy, through good earthly works or whatever planet he performed his good works-on, was elevated by an earlier elevated god to godhood too.

Folks, most realize that Hubbard's Scientology is a real "crock" but folks, the LDS church isn't far off from Scientoloty in their many planets, doctrine or belief.

Mormons on this forum and elsewhere just say that we just have to pray and believe.....................The first mistake is praying. Why? Cause when you pray, your suppose to pray in a way that says that you are seeking the true God's intimacy or relationship. Now this is where the crap shoot happens. You may or may not get the true answer to your prayer. This is why the bible will confirm whether burning bosums, visions, dreams, any kind of messages are trully "of God", and not counterfeits.

Again, emotions are God given, but they are not the final proof of what is right and what is wrong/false. Secondly emotions are a beautiful addition to "true" believe. The human mind must always be "in gear" or "drive". When the potential Mormon prospect just prays and asks if Mormonis is the truth, this is when this person has placed their mind in "Neutral". I.E. they have allowed their mind to be subjected to any and all things spiritual..............That includes not only God, but Satan, and his demonic principalities, that are practically numberless. Demons or false spirits can place thoughts in the human mind, while awake, asleep, at any time. They also insert feelings and emotions to acompany the false thoughts that they inject into the human soul/mind.

What in the world can we do to stop or thwart this? Romans Chapter 12 says, "renew your mind with God's word/scripture".

This means that Satan and his demonic host have to go against the imbedded Word of God, or if the potential proselytite does so they can "flee" to the Word of God, after experiencing the vision, burning bosum, dream, that confirms Mormonism, and "TEST" the spirits.

I can attest that when false, ungodly thoughts come into the mind, that the Word of God will make them null and void. The Truth is the Light, and darkness flees from the light. The Light/Truth illuminates every part of the human soul. The Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword dividing the Word of God from false doctrine, even if possible to the very bone marrow of the individual(metaphor-but biblical).
You Mormons need to be brave and stand up and question your doctrine, and test it against the Word of God in totality.
here's your first bold faced lie. We don't have visions. Countless Mormons give testimony of dreams and visions that tell them that "Mormonism is the truth".

"Burning Bosum" experience? How is this not a type of vision?

I guess you folks might call it a strong "feeling" that Mormonism is the truth.

Sadly, "feelings/emotions" are the greatest betrayers of human kind. They are a blessed part of humanity, but they are not the "test" of the truth.

Feelings/emotions are so often used as a gauge by human beings involved in religion to determine if God is near or faraway.

For instance, the tongues movements in many Pentacostal/charismatic churches can get so out-of-control, that all objective scriptural truth becomes second-rate to experiencing physical/emotional phenomena in worship situations.

Much of the tongues phenomena is not from God, but is Satan's major "tickle" to get Christians off-track and looking for the experienctial in order to validate the strength and closeness of their faith in God.

Sadly, there are so many "drop outs" from Charismatic churches where gifts are and especially tongues are given greater emphasis than God desires according to His Word, the bible.

Likewise, the Mormons, have taken a similar root. They ask folks to pray and ask God if Mormonis is the true church. This opens up the realm of the "invisible spiritual demonic realm". It's like a on off switch. God had wired us to have total communion with Him, because we are spiritual creatures. Sadly, the spiritual counterfeits of Satan are ready to fill the gaps in a Christians or non-Christian/Mormon's seeking, when they use unscriptural means to seek God.

Remember that Satan and 1/3 of the angels in heaven followed him in turning away from their Maker/God. They were all cast to earth, and now Satan is called the Prince of this world. He is deluded to the point of thinking that he can defeat God, Christ, and the great plan of salvation that is clearly laid-out in the bible.

He is no dummy. He can fool the intellectual, the artist, the whole gamut of human personalities, and intelligence. He has created many religions that are substitutes or counterfeits of true Christianity as laid-out in the bible.

First of all, in order for Satan to make inroads in humanity and win souls to his delusional bent, he must "attack the bible"; the very foundation of Christianity. This is done in many ways:

1. Take away the divinity of Christ as the I AM or God Almighty as Christ and His apostles described Him over and over in the N.T..
2. Create a scenario where mere sinful, Adamic man can attain the level of God, through works.
3. Create a false martyrdom of the his/Satan's counterfeit belief system in order to give members or potential converts the idea that they are of a type of exclusivity that is always under danger because of their faith.
4. Confirm in the unseen spiritual realm of the human soul validity his/Satan's false belief system. In fact this is the easy one for him. As Americans or the Western world becomes more and more enamored with spiritual phenoma...ghosts, occult, witch craft, ......which founder J.S. Jr. found intriguing in the use of seers stones, and crystals, the stage is set for massive deception.
5.God has His ways, and man has his ways. One is Spiritual, the other is worldly or of the flesh. Satan plays on the fleshly side of mankind; feeding the sexual desires, that J.S. Jr. propogates with polygamy.
6. Satan also hates "woman" as she was the means which brought the incarnate Christ to earth. Also she was the link to deceiving mankind in the garden, though Adam was just as guilty as he believed Eve over God's commands.
For a Mormon wife to reach that celestial kingdom, her husband must raise her up to life after death. This is blasphemous, as it places the male human above the female human in importance.

Some how a womans or wifes call to submission to her husband as the bible states has been convoluted into a male dominance within the LDS church that is both flatly unscriptural, and sad.
7. Moroni brought false messages to J.S. Jr.., if indeed Moroni actually existed and wasn't a figment of a very disturbed mind in need of Lithium treatments. J.S. Jr.'s life reflects one that can easily fall into the category of "disturbed". There is or was a "granduer" complex with him, that lacked humility, humbleness, contrite, and repentant of heart, etc. that typified the bible-Jesus' disciples, excluding the false one Judas.
8. To this day, I've not witnessed or read any posts by the most vocal Mormons on this thread that show or emit the tiny'est ounce of the humility, contriteness of heart, that typifies, true Holy Spirit filled biblical Christians. Those that bring up legitimate points are blown off or considered "enemies" of the LDS church.

Paul on the other hand loved to debate, and get right in their with Jews, gentiles alike. In fact he had a wonderful time on Mars Hill with many greek philosophers, and won many over to Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit working through Him.

Paul was an extremely educated Jew, who at one time persecuted Christ's followers, but later was met with an encounter with the ascended Christ that changed his life, and turned the whole world upside down................Paul the most prolific author of the N.T. heartily stood by and cheered on folks as they stoned to death Steven the Godly man of the early Jerusalem Church. Paul would later-on become a fire-brand of Holy Spirit filled power as he endured stonings, lashings, imprisonments, and being cut-off from fellowship in the Jerusalam temple, because he chose Jesus, yes Jesus, the One who was and is so clearly described in the Word of God.
So what does the LDS church give us? Well, they give us a veiled polytheism..........or progression of godhood. Basically it's just good old polytheism, as there is "no" one God, but a myriad of gods.

Secondly, it teaches that God was once just an guy like you and me. Then this average guy, through good earthly works or whatever planet he performed his good works-on, was elevated by an earlier elevated god to godhood too.

Folks, most realize that Hubbard's Scientology is a real "crock" but folks, the LDS church isn't far off from Scientoloty in their many planets, doctrine or belief.

Mormons on this forum and elsewhere just say that we just have to pray and believe.....................The first mistake is praying. Why? Cause when you pray, your suppose to pray in a way that says that you are seeking the true God's intimacy or relationship. Now this is where the crap shoot happens. You may or may not get the true answer to your prayer. This is why the bible will confirm whether burning bosums, visions, dreams, any kind of messages are trully "of God", and not counterfeits.

Again, emotions are God given, but they are not the final proof of what is right and what is wrong/false. Secondly emotions are a beautiful addition to "true" believe. The human mind must always be "in gear" or "drive". When the potential Mormon prospect just prays and asks if Mormonis is the truth, this is when this person has placed their mind in "Neutral". I.E. they have allowed their mind to be subjected to any and all things spiritual..............That includes not only God, but Satan, and his demonic principalities, that are practically numberless. Demons or false spirits can place thoughts in the human mind, while awake, asleep, at any time. They also insert feelings and emotions to acompany the false thoughts that they inject into the human soul/mind.

What in the world can we do to stop or thwart this? Romans Chapter 12 says, "renew your mind with God's word/scripture".

This means that Satan and his demonic host have to go against the imbedded Word of God, or if the potential proselytite does so they can "flee" to the Word of God, after experiencing the vision, burning bosum, dream, that confirms Mormonism, and "TEST" the spirits.

I can attest that when false, ungodly thoughts come into the mind, that the Word of God will make them null and void. The Truth is the Light, and darkness flees from the light. The Light/Truth illuminates every part of the human soul. The Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword dividing the Word of God from false doctrine, even if possible to the very bone marrow of the individual(metaphor-but biblical).
You Mormons need to be brave and stand up and question your doctrine, and test it against the Word of God in totality.
Sorry, but I did not see much of an answer to either question I asked in your reply here. Please address the questions I asked more specifically. You seemed to work around them, yet I still do not know your answers.

No, it is not a lie to say all Mormons have not had visions. You are trying to stretch the definition of “vision” to mean something more than it is. Many do have personal experiences through prayer, but not really “visions”.

You say that emotions can be “betrayers” and I agree, but they can also be the greatest evidence for the individual. Such as how a man can feel towards his wife or children. He knows that he loves her or them through an understanding of his feelings. If the scripture is true that “God is love”, why would you deny that God would not communicate through that love, through emotion? If it is such a "bad" thing, to use our emotions, why would God be described as "love"? Why would He tell us to have compassion and "love one another"?

Again, what is your method of “testing the truth”? Are you going to answer this or not?

I have questioned my religion and put it to the test, the test God tells us to do in the Bible. In James, “if any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God”. Prayer is the method I use. Is your method of determining truth from God less subjective than mine?

I have stood up and questioned our doctrine. What makes you so certain that I have not?
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One of these days 8ball, id like to see you actually interact with people instead of talking past them. Maybe listen to what we say sometime too. You are still trying to claim we deny the Divinity of Christ. It's such a ridiculous argument and complete easy to prove wrong as has been done. But you still claim it as if no one corrected you.

And you wonder why you have no credibility with us.
This is a very verbose / high-end discussion. I'd like to do a fly-by and get the "Mormanism for Dummies" version.

1. What would the Mormon theologians at BYU differ with the theologians at Notre Dame and SMU on? (main bullet points)

2. What would the dems use in 2012 against Mitt Romney? (Any controversial or politically incorrect issues, "special panties" being one obvious one)

3. Do Mormons believe in the "Rapture"?
1. Yes.

2. Dems will attack him, not because he is Mormon, but because he is Republican. That Mitt is a Mormon is all that many evangelicals need to know about him to not vote for him, and cost him a chance at the nomination. I would vote for him if I had the chance.

3. No.
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the trouble with mormons are they believe everything joe wrote in the book of mormon, but believe only parts of what the apostals who were with jesus wrote.

What part of the Book of Mormon differs from the testimony of the Apostles?

Do you believe the entire king james bible?

I remember you admitted to me that we do not have all the accounts of Jesus contained in the Bible (or something like this). With that in mind, you should be more open to the Book of Mormon which claims to contain another account of Jesus.
1. Yes.

2. Dems will attack him, not because he is Mormon, but because he is Republican. That Mitt is a Mormon is all that many evangelicals need to know about him to not vote for him, and cost him a chance at the nomination. I would vote for him if I had the chance.

3. No.

I am glad to hear you would not let a person's religion prevent you from voting for them. That is something we can agree on.
1. Yes.

2. Dems will attack him, not because he is Mormon, but because he is Republican. That Mitt is a Mormon is all that many evangelicals need to know about him to not vote for him, and cost him a chance at the nomination. I would vote for him if I had the chance.

3. No.

" I would vote for him if I had the chance. "

But you will never have that chance because you can't vote in a GOP Primary -- you being a liberoidal Democratic and all.
This is a very verbose / high-end discussion. I'd like to do a fly-by and get the "Mormanism for Dummies" version.

1. What would the Mormon theologians at BYU differ with the theologians at Notre Dame and SMU on? (main bullet points)

2. What would the dems use in 2012 against Mitt Romney? (Any controversial or politically incorrect issues, "special panties" being one obvious one)

3. Do Mormons believe in the "Rapture"?

1. There are probably many and I do not have time right now to go through it, however, here is a link which shows some of the major differences between mainstream Christianity and Mormons:Comparison Chart of Mormonism vs. Mainstream Christianity - ReligionFacts This seems to cover some of the main differences.

There is actually a Mormonism for Dummies book, which I was surprised to find on Amazon, although like the link above I do not know how accurate it is on everything.

2. I think they will bring up abortion and gay marriage for sure. Other "controversial" topics could include many of the same things the evangelicals went after him for in the GOP race regarding his religion.

3. We do not believe in the "Rapture" as many Christians do. We do believe that when Christ will come that the righteous alive at the time will change to an immortal state and there will be a First Resurrection.
1. Yes.

2. Dems will attack him, not because he is Mormon, but because he is Republican. That Mitt is a Mormon is all that many evangelicals need to know about him to not vote for him, and cost him a chance at the nomination. I would vote for him if I had the chance.

3. No.

" I would vote for him if I had the chance. "

But you will never have that chance because you can't vote in a GOP Primary -- you being a liberoidal Democratic and all.

I have voted in every GOP primary available the last twenty plus years.
1. Yes.

2. Dems will attack him, not because he is Mormon, but because he is Republican. That Mitt is a Mormon is all that many evangelicals need to know about him to not vote for him, and cost him a chance at the nomination. I would vote for him if I had the chance.

3. No.

" I would vote for him if I had the chance. "

But you will never have that chance because you can't vote in a GOP Primary -- you being a liberoidal Democratic and all.

I have voted in every GOP primary available the last twenty plus years.

Bullshit, unless you live in a state that has open primaries.

You are a liberal Democrat and that much is quite clear. Your fraudulent cover story is too frayed to ever convince anybody that you are a Republican.
1. There are probably many and I do not have time right now to go through it, however, here is a link which shows some of the major differences between mainstream Christianity and Mormons:Comparison Chart of Mormonism vs. Mainstream Christianity - ReligionFacts This seems to cover some of the main differences.

There is actually a Mormonism for Dummies book, which I was surprised to find on Amazon, although like the link above I do not know how accurate it is on everything.

2. I think they will bring up abortion and gay marriage for sure. Other "controversial" topics could include many of the same things the evangelicals went after him for in the GOP race regarding his religion.

3. We do not believe in the "Rapture" as many Christians do. We do believe that when Christ will come that the righteous alive at the time will change to an immortal state and there will be a First Resurrection.

1. Good start, thanks for the link. Summarizes some major belief differences. I don't see anything serious, no more than between athiests, Jews, muslims, hindiis, or any other personal belief system in the US. Religion in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. Please elaborate. It sounds like Mormons approve of abortion and gay marriage?? What are/were the main issues that the evangelicals attacked him on? All I remember was that in MA as governor he was too liberal. After the Obama win, I don't think the evangelicals will be throwing stones.
You are a liberal Democrat and that much is quite clear. Your fraudulent cover story is too frayed to ever convince anybody that you are a Republican.

You are a contoid bozo, L-boy. Many Republicans believe as I do, fiscal responsibility, less intrusive government, more soft less hard projection internationally of American power, American exceptionalism. My state does not have open primaries, which I wish it did. You want to see a "rigged" party state, go to Utah or New Jersey.
You are a liberal Democrat and that much is quite clear. Your fraudulent cover story is too frayed to ever convince anybody that you are a Republican.

You are a contoid bozo, L-boy. Many Republicans believe as I do, fiscal responsibility, less intrusive government, more soft less hard projection internationally of American power, American exceptionalism. My state does not have open primaries, which I wish it did. You want to see a "rigged" party state, go to Utah or New Jersey.

Yes. Republicans do often believe in fiscal responsibility. Mouthing the phrase doesn't mean that YOU do, lib.

Republicans tend to believe in less intrusive government, lib. That doesn't mean YOU do.

Your pet phrase of uber-babble "more soft less hard projection internationally of American power" still doesn't mean dick, lib.

Many very reasonable Republicans DO believe in the oft-mocked phrase "American exceptionalism," but that doesn't mean YOU do, lib.

If your state does not have open primaries then you, being a liberal democratic have not voted in any GOP primaries (barring outright voter fraud, I suppose). Your claim is not credible because YOU have no credibility.

You are a lib. Libs often lie.

BTW: "contoid?" Man are you weak.
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You can't contradict what I have said, Liability. Thus you use the ad homs. That's what Dude does because he cannot logically offer a counter argument on anything. You are a far right reactionary, L, and your kind is not wanted in our party anymore. Two words: step off.
1. There are probably many and I do not have time right now to go through it, however, here is a link which shows some of the major differences between mainstream Christianity and Mormons:Comparison Chart of Mormonism vs. Mainstream Christianity - ReligionFacts This seems to cover some of the main differences.

There is actually a Mormonism for Dummies book, which I was surprised to find on Amazon, although like the link above I do not know how accurate it is on everything.

2. I think they will bring up abortion and gay marriage for sure. Other "controversial" topics could include many of the same things the evangelicals went after him for in the GOP race regarding his religion.

3. We do not believe in the "Rapture" as many Christians do. We do believe that when Christ will come that the righteous alive at the time will change to an immortal state and there will be a First Resurrection.

1. Good start, thanks for the link. Summarizes some major belief differences. I don't see anything serious, no more than between athiests, Jews, muslims, hindiis, or any other personal belief system in the US. Religion in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. Please elaborate. It sounds like Mormons approve of abortion and gay marriage?? What are/were the main issues that the evangelicals attacked him on? All I remember was that in MA as governor he was too liberal. After the Obama win, I don't think the evangelicals will be throwing stones.

Mormons most definitely don't approve of gay marriage or abortion. If the Evangelicals would take an objective look at where Mormon's stand politically, they'd see that they're in the same exact place. There are theological differences, to be sure, but the political views of most faithful Mormons, particularly when it comes to "social" issues, mirror perfectly those of the Evangelicals.
You can't contradict what I have said, Liability. Thus you use the ad homs. That's what Dude does because he cannot logically offer a counter argument on anything. You are a far right reactionary, L, and your kind is not wanted in our party anymore. Two words: step off.

Wrong again, you silly bombastic moron.

I am a conservative. Unlike you, I grasp the notion of a LIMITED government and why it is very important.

I will not be stepping off anywhere, ya fraudulent twerp.

I am here to stay in the FACE of assmunchers like you who are royally fucking up this Republic.

Get your ass over to the Democrat Underbelly for remedial education on how to pretend to be a Republican. Up to this point, you suck at it and need further instruction.

Two words: fuck off.

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