The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

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Joseph Smith did not lead an indulgent lifestyle. It is merely the opinion of anyone who "documented" so. It will always be a fruitless argument.
It is also irrelevant if he sinned, which we all know he did. Does that make us better than him? No. God has always had sinners as prophets. He has chastened them whenever they have sinned and called them to repentance which they all did. The sins of a prophet cannot denunciate the good he has done and taught. That's what it means to be "imperfect". Imperfect means that there is at least one thing that EVERYONE does that is repulsive in the sight of God? Why should Joseph be any different?

Did a vision from God tell you that Joseph Smith Jr. was not indulgent? What authority revealed to you that J.S. jr. was an upstanding individual?
Did a vision from God tell you that Joseph Smith Jr. was not indulgent? What authority revealed to you that J.S. jr. was an upstanding individual?

Actual Eye witness accounts. The continuous fact that he was always found innocent of any accusation made in a court of law. The fact that your side needs to fabricate evidence in order to support your position.

Nothing important.

And for the record, Id rather have an imperfect sinner as a prophet than have no prophet at all. After all, its not like Christ has lots of perfect individuals to work with.
Did a vision from God tell you that Joseph Smith Jr. was not indulgent?
It was not a vision that informed me.

What authority revealed to you that J.S. jr. was an upstanding individual?

It was through the Holy Ghost that I obtained a knowledge of the calling of Joseph. Here's how I got my answer:
1. I decided that I WANTED to know if he was a true prophet or a false one.

2. I decided to act on my desire and study the man's life in great and minuscule detail. Including the negative stories about him from all sources.

3. I weighed the information in my mind and considered the pro's and con's of his life.

4. After studying it all out in my mind I leant heavily towards the impression that he was a great man of action and words; But I still didn't know for sure that he was a prophet.

5. I decided to fast and pray to my Maker on the subject and during this fast I was answered with a voice that entered my head which was clearly not my own. This voice told me in plain English. "Joseph Smith is a prophet of the Most High."

That is my personal experience and I'm glad you asked it.

My life has been so much simpler since that day. I was 17 years old.
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A puzzling question is, what would American Foreign Policy be if USA had become totally Mormonized? Would Jewish lobby groups be able to twist the arms as easily as they have done with the Evangelical-Pentecostals who were the main Christian groups supporting Junior Bush and his Mass Destructive Weapons? Would ''Israel'' as a nation be? If so, would it had swiftly died as perhaps no American huge aid would be given it? Furthermore, would it not have brought the glory of Jews in Palestine and its geographic sanctity to a low level, now when the American continent would become something much more interesting to consider? Would USA's language have been English? Why not Hebrew, or German, or some Scandinavian language? The language was already decided upon, but it could have been changed. The Mormons are without a doubt in my opinion the most fantastic and interesting religious group to study. They seem to have everything. And they asked questions that boggled the minds of European theologians as they did missionary work in Europe. There were thousands of articles written against the ''menace of Mormonism'' and for those who can read Danish, Norwegian, Finish, Swedish, and German, they are a real eye-opener. They simply gave the traditional Lutheran Church a KO and may have contributed to their authoritarian decline.
What would America Foreign policy look like? good question. I dont have a clue. I am sure Israel would still be a nation. In what form? What kind of support? Dont have a clue.

Im not sure we have everything. Not even sure what you mean by that.
LDS historians document that JS led a sexually indulgent life. What Avatar or Truth think it about is whatever they think about it, and unimportant. Smith was a womanizer, an indulger in female flesh, some of it very young. No way around the truth. Did that disqualify him as a prophet? Only God knows.
LDS historians document that JS led a sexually indulgent life. What Avatar or Truth think it about is whatever they think about it, and unimportant. Smith was a womanizer, an indulger in female flesh, some of it very young. No way around the truth. Did that disqualify him as a prophet? Only God knows.

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbor's. Thou shalt not commit adultry.
Did a vision from God tell you that Joseph Smith Jr. was not indulgent?
It was not a vision that informed me.

What authority revealed to you that J.S. jr. was an upstanding individual?

It was through the Holy Ghost that I obtained a knowledge of the calling of Joseph. Here's how I got my answer:
1. I decided that I WANTED to know if he was a true prophet or a false one.

2. I decided to act on my desire and study the man's life in great and minuscule detail. Including the negative stories about him from all sources.

3. I weighed the information in my mind and considered the pro's and con's of his life.

4. After studying it all out in my mind I leant heavily towards the impression that he was a great man of action and words; But I still didn't know for sure that he was a prophet.

5. I decided to fast and pray to my Maker on the subject and during this fast I was answered with a voice that entered my head which was clearly not my own. This voice told me in plain English. "Joseph Smith is a prophet of the Most High."

That is my personal experience and I'm glad you asked it.

My life has been so much simpler since that day. I was 17 years old.

It was through the Holy Ghost that I obtained a knowledge of the calling of Joseph. Here's how I got my answer:

Above is your weak link, and your downfalling.

You don't know if it was the Holy Spirit, you just think or hope it's the Holy Spirit that revealed to you that J.S. Jr. is a "sound","godly" person.

Paul explicitly says, as well as the other biblical Apostles, that scripture is the "Final" judge. Human beings have been receiving messages, visions, dreams since their creation, but the Word of God is the final Source to determine the validity and source of these messages.

So, let's go to the bible scriptures and put J.S. Jr.'s life in total under the magnifying glass of God's Word. He/ Joseph Smith fails miserably. Therefore, your alleged Holy Spirit confirmation is false, as the Word of God has revealed.

The Mormon church stands and falls on biblically unconfirmed messages to it's individual members. They refuse to go to the Word of God/bible to "judge" with finality their alleged messages from their god.

Start with a false premise; build a religion upon it, and what do you have.......................? A few Mormons have the courage to face this crossroad, and are able to break away, and find true salvation, peace that is based on God's written Word.
Did a vision from God tell you that Joseph Smith Jr. was not indulgent?
It was not a vision that informed me.

It was through the Holy Ghost that I obtained a knowledge of the calling of Joseph. Here's how I got my answer:
1. I decided that I WANTED to know if he was a true prophet or a false one.

2. I decided to act on my desire and study the man's life in great and minuscule detail. Including the negative stories about him from all sources.

3. I weighed the information in my mind and considered the pro's and con's of his life.

4. After studying it all out in my mind I leant heavily towards the impression that he was a great man of action and words; But I still didn't know for sure that he was a prophet.

5. I decided to fast and pray to my Maker on the subject and during this fast I was answered with a voice that entered my head which was clearly not my own. This voice told me in plain English. "Joseph Smith is a prophet of the Most High."

That is my personal experience and I'm glad you asked it.

My life has been so much simpler since that day. I was 17 years old.

It was through the Holy Ghost that I obtained a knowledge of the calling of Joseph. Here's how I got my answer:

Above is your weak link, and your downfalling.

You don't know if it was the Holy Spirit, you just think or hope it's the Holy Spirit that revealed to you that J.S. Jr. is a "sound","godly" person.

Paul explicitly says, as well as the other biblical Apostles, that scripture is the "Final" judge. Human beings have been receiving messages, visions, dreams since their creation, but the Word of God is the final Source to determine the validity and source of these messages.

So, let's go to the bible scriptures and put J.S. Jr.'s life in total under the magnifying glass of God's Word. He/ Joseph Smith fails miserably. Therefore, your alleged Holy Spirit confirmation is false, as the Word of God has revealed.

The Mormon church stands and falls on biblically unconfirmed messages to it's individual members. They refuse to go to the Word of God/bible to "judge" with finality their alleged messages from their god.

Start with a false premise; build a religion upon it, and what do you have.......................? A few Mormons have the courage to face this crossroad, and are able to break away, and find true salvation, peace that is based on God's written Word.

Here is what the Word of God has revealed from 1 Corinthians Chapter 2:

10 But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.
11 For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.

How is it that you have come to know the things of God, if you do not believe the Bible when it says that the Holy Spirit is the only way to know the things of God?
LDS historians document that JS led a sexually indulgent life. What Avatar or Truth think it about is whatever they think about it, and unimportant. Smith was a womanizer, an indulger in female flesh, some of it very young. No way around the truth. Did that disqualify him as a prophet? Only God knows.

Official Lds source please? Or even whatever source you care to share?
LDS historians document that JS led a sexually indulgent life. What Avatar or Truth think it about is whatever they think about it, and unimportant. Smith was a womanizer, an indulger in female flesh, some of it very young. No way around the truth. Did that disqualify him as a prophet? Only God knows.

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbor's. Thou shalt not commit adultry.

I promise I do not covet ANY man's ass.
A puzzling question is, what would American Foreign Policy be if USA had become totally Mormonized? Would Jewish lobby groups be able to twist the arms as easily as they have done with the Evangelical-Pentecostals who were the main Christian groups supporting Junior Bush and his Mass Destructive Weapons? Would ''Israel'' as a nation be? If so, would it had swiftly died as perhaps no American huge aid would be given it? Furthermore, would it not have brought the glory of Jews in Palestine and its geographic sanctity to a low level, now when the American continent would become something much more interesting to consider? Would USA's language have been English? Why not Hebrew, or German, or some Scandinavian language? The language was already decided upon, but it could have been changed. The Mormons are without a doubt in my opinion the most fantastic and interesting religious group to study. They seem to have everything. And they asked questions that boggled the minds of European theologians as they did missionary work in Europe. There were thousands of articles written against the ''menace of Mormonism'' and for those who can read Danish, Norwegian, Finish, Swedish, and German, they are a real eye-opener. They simply gave the traditional Lutheran Church a KO and may have contributed to their authoritarian decline.

Thanks for the compliment I guess. But I'm afraid you don't realize how fond we are of the Jews. We are far and away their best friends on this planet. They'd be in pretty fine shape if we were in power. We feel inseparably connected to them.
Thank you for your opinion. I'm not interested in trying to prove to you what I know in my heart. I really don't care if you believe me or not. We've debated enough and you have your conclusions and I have mine. It is pointless to argue with you. Would you like to contribute by asking some questions you don't have answers to yet?
Thank you for your opinion. I'm not interested in trying to prove to you what I know in my heart. I really don't care if you believe me or not. We've debated enough and you have your conclusions and I have mine. It is pointless to argue with you. Would you like to contribute by asking some questions you don't have answers to yet?

What was joey first occupation?
Thank you for your opinion. I'm not interested in trying to prove to you what I know in my heart. I really don't care if you believe me or not. We've debated enough and you have your conclusions and I have mine. It is pointless to argue with you. Would you like to contribute by asking some questions you don't have answers to yet?

What was joey first occupation?

Come on, guys, let's be open here.

What froggy wants to talk about is treasure digging, magic spirits, amulets of power, seer stones, etc.

What both of you are missing is that Americans overwhelmingly believed in folk magic during the 2nd Great Awakening. Shoot, we have palm readers and fortune tellers and power preachers in my home town today.

None of this is new, guys. Come out front with what you have to say about JS and folk magic.

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