The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
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  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

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BUMPING this thread because this thread just needs to be bumped every once in a while.

Just like me telling you the truth, cause you need to hear it every once in a while.

It might be "just like" that -- if only you would, for once, start telling the truth -- or even being marginally coherent.

Thanks for the bump.

This thread is great (despite your silly contributions to it) and it deserves repeated bumpage!
Is as obvious as your proboscis between your eyes.

Smith absolutely fullfills the required statistics of a "false prophet".

These visions he had in N.Y. as a young man are just his own mental gymnastics.

Nowadays, he'd be committed to a mental hospital.

The bible provides all that mankind needs to have a relationship with God, through giving one's life to Christ as Savior and Lord.

The Book of Mormon is filled with plagarism from the King James of Smith's day, plus his wild, mentally touched and manipulative imagination.

The Christian world does not need Mormonism to enjoy a true relationship with God through Jesus Christ. In fact the world doesn't need Mormonism at all, as it is a false religion, that leads many true Christians into uneffective lives that no longer glorify Christ and God Almighty.

Thank God, that Salvation is a secure and sealed relationship promised by God to all true regenerated believers, but Mormonism preys on the Christian that doesn't follow Roman's Chapter 12 admonishments to fill one's mind with the scriptures, in order to wash away the old ways of the fallen, and Adamic life.

Truthspeaker projects this handsome well dressed well poised image via his avatar. No doubt he's very popular. That doesn't mean anything in God's economy. Smooth speech, good looks, persuasive personalities, don't make a Christian. A Christian is who they are because God, has established the permanent, binding relationship between the person and Him, via the avenue of His grace through the person's belief that Christ is the one and only Son of God, and He/Christ is the Alpha-Omega, Beginning and End, and is equal to, and is God in the Flesh.

The bible does not teach that there are progressions of God, nor that us earthlings are entitled to Godhood. That is blasphemous, and brings God down from His majestic position of omnipotence, Omniscience, and Omnipresence.

Mormonism, Jehovahs Witnesses, Scientologists, Bahai', Moonies, appostles of Christ Church, Unitarianism, Unity Missouri, Hinduism, Islam, and on and on, are all manmade, and Satan instigated belief systems that attempt to counterfeit, true biblical Christianity. It was ongoing when the early church of Acts was in it's infancy, and it is going strong now. Why? Cause the enemey of God, the Prince of this World, Lucifer, is alive and well, working overtime, with great brilliance to lead all whom he may from receiving Christ and joining God's kingdom.

Some manmade religions are subtle, and take a little here and there from the holy bible, to make themselves appear to be legitimate, others blantantly reject the bible, and the Christ as revealed there-in.

Mormonism has grown by leaps and bounds as it initially introduces potential converts to it's religion, by convincing Christians and those raised or knowledgeable of Christianity to some extent, and even those totally unknowledgeable about Christianity, by pushing the "family, love, community spirit, "we will come to your aid in hard times"" approach. Who can resist that kind of approach; especially in these hard economic times?

Throughout the bible, it is emphasized that living here on earth is not an easy task, as man's fall in the Garden precipitated and resulted in a fallen world, that growns with labor pains for the coming of Christ to make this right again.

Mormonis offers Smith's humanistic answer to understanding and believing in God. His teaching brings God down to a sinful, and fallen level, that stips God of His holiness, and omnipotent power to be the One and only answer to mankind's folly and woe.

White shirts and neckties does not make a true Christian, nor riding bicycles miles and miles facing one rejection after another from door to door, attempting to provide the answers to life to strangers at their doorsteps. Those are all termed "dead works" in the bible. Though Mormons try to reject this being pinned on them, they indeed are working hard at the task of being accepted by God through their deeds of community service, door to door proselytizing, clean living, clean clothes and clean cut haircuts. God doesn't want the exterior of man cleaned-up, but wants to clean up the inner man, or man's soul.

Since the Fall of man, man's soul has been devoid of a spiritual relationship with God. God knew that man would fall in the Garden and that this race starting from the loins of Adam would continue to multiply, continue to look for a reason for life and existence, but would fail miserably doing-so. God had planned before even the creation of man to send His one and only Son, through immaculate conception of a young Godly virgin woman on earth as the "Perfect Man/human", devoid of the sin of the Fall, as He/Jesus bears no fleshly inheritance of Adam's ancestry.

Jesus is termed, the "new Adam" in the bible, and rightly so. He is sinless, and His flesh is not fallen as it is not of Adam's heritage, but of God's as He/Jesus is God..........It is believed that the Priest, Melkisidek was an early incarnate appearance of Jesus in Abraham's presence as interestinglly, the bible gives no geneology for Melkisidek the priest.

The Mormon church has grabbed onto the Melkisidek priesthood, and used it as part of their rituals of attaining a greater step towards ultimate Godhood. This is all again blasphemous, yet predictable, as it feeds into the inherent fallen nature of man to ascertain or attempt to achieve godliness via his own pititful design.

The Mormons church ultimately teaches that "works" are the only way to achieve godhood or be in the good graces of their god. On the other hand, the bible teaches that Godhood is not man's need, as he/man is but made from dust, is finite in lifespan, and is not eternal except when God intervenes and places His eternal life into that finite human soul.

Mormons on the contrary, work their darndest to impress their Smith Jr. engendered god, lacking the true biblical knowlege of what God is, and what brings humanity into a lasting, eternal relationship with Him.

Simply put, "Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.". Christ is uniquely, and clearly revealed as to His nature and purpose in the 1st chapter of the book written by John the Apostle, who outlived all the other Apostles.

The 1st chapter says:

It is written all over the bible...............Receive Him............Receive Him...............God abhor's most of man's works to impress Him as they are feeble attempts to assuage their god's fickle, and demanding personna. That is the the bible God.

Remember Mormons, that Jesus is the representation of God, whom no man has seen. God extended Himself to the ultimate to reveal His nature to this fallen race, whom He had originally created in His image. By the way, "in His image" doesn't mean "in His Godhood". It means that He/God created a race of beings that could respond to Him, and could reveal in their lives His life, as vessels of His. Man was created to with a need for God, but not a need to be God. That is blasphemous again, as God is endless, never being created, and pre-existing all creation. Man is one of God's great creative works, as man was intended to bring glory to the un-Created One or the Creator of man. God didn't make man because He was lonely, but created man to bring glory to Himself. God deserves all glory, as all of creation exists because of Him, not despite Him, as cynics would spout.

Mormons are without excuse when introduced to the Truth of the bible; anymore than man in any part of the world, involved or non-involved in any religion.

God has made Himself very apparent even to the natives living in the Stone Age cultures of remote Islands and remote areas of continents.

Trees, mountains, stars, animals, the birth of a child..........all reveals a greater Power than ouirselves. Romans chapter one says that we are without excuse as God has made if very, very, plain to all throught His creative genius that there is One greater than man.

Smith Jr. has attempted, and done so quite successfully, to bring God, down to a level of fleshly, fallen, Adamic man's level. Smith Jr. cannot, and has not coped with the God of the bible.

Smith's con-life and sorry track record of life, has immediately disqualified him from the position of an Apostle of Jesus Christ. Yet, Smith has gone further and made his disqualification more concrete through his blasphemous teachings and sermons that have recreated God into a mere fallible human that became a god through progressive good works as prescribed by the leaders of their religion.

There is no way that one can refute, clearly the Mormon's stance, as they have created a circular path of doctrine that attempts to avoid biblical mandates. All things Mormon start with mere self-appointed apostle's teachings and come full-circle around to these false apostles for confirmation.

Secondly, the Mormon is taught that manifestations that confirm Mormonism as truth on the personal psychic level such as visions, dreams, etc.., are valid. This again protects the average Mormon from questioning these experiential happenings in light of what the bible says. God has nothing against the visions or dreams, but throughout the bible, these dreams/visions must be taken to the bible to make sure they are of God, and not of just manmade-manifested origin.

Avatar and Truthspeaker defend their visions and happenings that confirm that they are Christians, yet refuse to confirm these with the bible. That is both deflection, and outright refusal to "test" their belief system against the Word Of GOD. Bereans tested even Apostle Paul's letters and teachings their their early church by going to their scripture. PAUL COMMENDED THEM! Will a Mormon elder commend you, a Mormon church member, if you go to the bible to ultimately confirm yeah or nay, the teachings of Smith Jr., Young, or even one's visions, dreams or burning bosom experiences?

Satan is a wise and wylie character, and He has a multitude of fallen angels that 24/7 work overtime keeping the human race in bondage from seeking the truth of God. Mormons don't see it that way. Satan was merely a disenfranchised brother of Jesus, that lost out on being picked by their progressive god the father once a man from Lucifer to be the next savior of planet earth.

Folks when you take Mormon teaching from Smith and Young in total, it is so bazaar, and crazy, in it's teacing. How do perfectly rational, intelligent folks like Truthspeaker and Avatar etc... buy into this stuff? It all goes back to the ultimate fall of man. Just as man decided that he would ascertain or reach God through building the Tower of Babel, so the Mormon doctrine follows similarly, in building a false unbiblical road map for fallen man to ascertain, and even become a god.

Why do I lower case the "g" in the Mormon god? Because the bible reserves the name "God" for "God" alone.; not a glorified man........nor a hard working sinner, who got granted godhood.

Welcome back 8-Ballsy. You are true to form in your repetition. You just couldn't stay aways could you. I knew you missed me. I've responded to every one of those things already and will simply copy and paste the articles of faith for all who care about what we really believe in.
Articles of Faith 1

You haven't adequately answered any of my question past or present, and you know it to. :) You are the king of deflection. What I'd call a "good" Mormon.

Round and round we go. Which questions, pray tell, have I dodged in 200 plus pages? I think all intelligent observers know that I've been all over every question;)
Explaining what Mormons believe is something that can be done on a forum quite easily. Truthspeaker and Avatar have done a good job of that.

Trying to convert someone to those beliefs is quite another, and is most likely not possible on such a forum.

Now, the discussion has gone from the former to the latter. Almost all of the counters to Truthspeaker's posts have, in fact, been of the "I don't believe it" type.

There are a ton of misconceptions about Mormons and what they believe. A thread like this one should help to correct some of those misconceptions, but isn't going to convince anyone to accept LDS beliefs.
Explaining what Mormons believe is something that can be done on a forum quite easily. Truthspeaker and Avatar have done a good job of that.

Trying to convert someone to those beliefs is quite another, and is most likely not possible on such a forum.

Now, the discussion has gone from the former to the latter. Almost all of the counters to Truthspeaker's posts have, in fact, been of the "I don't believe it" type.

There are a ton of misconceptions about Mormons and what they believe. A thread like this one should help to correct some of those misconceptions, but isn't going to convince anyone to accept LDS beliefs.

I'll second that......I don't know of anywhere where I actually told someone they need to join our church or where I said my church is better than others but if I did, then I'd like to know because that is off topic. I find it necessary to continue responding to 8-balls and Froggy's posts repetitively because they each keep claiming we believe something we don't believe.
It is tempting sometimes to try and find the holes in their religion but I realize that is not conducive to the Spirit. I will not further the cause of ransacking someone elses religion. I will however tear down false perceptions of "Mormonism".
Quit praising Joey and give god the glory. Joey led you astray god will bring you back. Attend a real church this sunday and get back on the road to glory.
Quit praising Joey and give god the glory. Joey led you astray god will bring you back. Attend a real church this sunday and get back on the road to glory.

You do realize that simply because you dont disagree with a Church or it's doctrines doesn't make it any less real. It's still there. You can still walk in the building. You can still meet with the congregation. It's not going away simply because you making the ridiculous claim that it's not real.

Acknowledging God's servants does not take any glory away from God. "Joey" as you call him has testified and preached Jesus Christ. He has taught the redemption of the Son of God. The great Plan of Happiness designed with Christ as it's very center. Are you suggesting that I shouldnt serve Christ, I shouldnt testify of Christ, I shouldnt speak of Christ, teach of Christ, Pattern my life after Christ, etc, simply because Joseph Smith taught that I should?
Quit praising Joey and give god the glory. Joey led you astray god will bring you back. Attend a real church this sunday and get back on the road to glory.

You do realize that simply because you dont disagree with a Church or it's doctrines doesn't make it any less real. It's still there. You can still walk in the building. You can still meet with the congregation. It's not going away simply because you making the ridiculous claim that it's not real.

Acknowledging God's servants does not take any glory away from God. "Joey" as you call him has testified and preached Jesus Christ. He has taught the redemption of the Son of God. The great Plan of Happiness designed with Christ as it's very center. Are you suggesting that I shouldnt serve Christ, I shouldnt testify of Christ, I shouldnt speak of Christ, teach of Christ, Pattern my life after Christ, etc, simply because Joseph Smith taught that I should?

if you really want to you'll find it.
Joseph Smith led a life of sinful indulgence with the female sex. He broke his wife's heart. He paid for his behavior at Carthage jail. Choices have consequences, and Smith paid his.
if you really want to you'll find it.

Find what? what on earth are you talking about? How does that even pretend to answer the question I just asked?

Joey did it for his own glory not for god an that make him a false prophet why cant you understand that. it will go away when people like you quit supporting false prophets.

You really dont have a clue what anyone is saying do you?
Find what? what on earth are you talking about? How does that even pretend to answer the question I just asked?

Joey did it for his own glory not for god an that make him a false prophet why cant you understand that. it will go away when people like you quit supporting false prophets.

You really dont have a clue what anyone is saying do you?

it's true you've been brainwashed, poor you.
Joseph Smith led a life of sinful indulgence with the female sex. He broke his wife's heart. He paid for his behavior at Carthage jail. Choices have consequences, and Smith paid his.

Claim it all you want, cant prove it at all.

And please cite references to any mobs killing people who lead life of sinful indulgences. The consequences of such a lifestyle are illegitimate children, disease, inability to have lasting relationships etc. Joseph has none of those. He was murdered by a mob because he had the audacity to say that He saw God and that God speaks to men. You apparently think he got what he deserved.
Joseph Smith led a life of sinful indulgence with the female sex. He broke his wife's heart. He paid for his behavior at Carthage jail. Choices have consequences, and Smith paid his.

Claim it all you want, cant prove it at all.

And please cite references to any mobs killing people who lead life of sinful indulgences. The consequences of such a lifestyle are illegitimate children, disease, inability to have lasting relationships etc. Joseph has none of those. He was murdered by a mob because he had the audacity to say that He saw God and that God speaks to men. You apparently think he got what he deserved.

just open your eyes, its plain to see. he didn't see god it was all a LIE, HE LIED about it all.
Joseph Smith led a life of sinful indulgence with the female sex. He broke his wife's heart. He paid for his behavior at Carthage jail. Choices have consequences, and Smith paid his.

Claim it all you want, cant prove it at all.

And please cite references to any mobs killing people who lead life of sinful indulgences. The consequences of such a lifestyle are illegitimate children, disease, inability to have lasting relationships etc. Joseph has none of those. He was murdered by a mob because he had the audacity to say that He saw God and that God speaks to men. You apparently think he got what he deserved.

Foolish, foolish Avatar. Yes, JS's immoral and self-indulgent lifestyle has been documented clearly and convincingly many, many times, not only by non-LDS but also by LDS temple-going historians. You better read Bushman and Compton.
Joseph Smith did not lead an indulgent lifestyle. It is merely the opinion of anyone who "documented" so. It will always be a fruitless argument.
It is also irrelevant if he sinned, which we all know he did. Does that make us better than him? No. God has always had sinners as prophets. He has chastened them whenever they have sinned and called them to repentance which they all did. The sins of a prophet cannot denunciate the good he has done and taught. That's what it means to be "imperfect". Imperfect means that there is at least one thing that EVERYONE does that is repulsive in the sight of God? Why should Joseph be any different?
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Foolish, foolish Avatar. Yes, JS's immoral and self-indulgent lifestyle has been documented clearly and convincingly many, many times, not only by non-LDS but also by LDS temple-going historians. You better read Bushman and Compton.

We clearly have very different definitions of immoral and self-indulgent. And you should know by now that just because you make a claim doesnt mean you can support your position or that i am obligated to accept it because you claim it.

I also cant help but noticed that you didnt deny the fact that you think it was quite reasonable for the mob to murder him. Immoral and self indulgent people dont get murdered by mobs. They get reality shows.
I think avatar1234 and truthspeaker are descendants of old joey. Brain dead to reality
Joseph Smith led a life of sinful indulgence with the female sex. He broke his wife's heart. He paid for his behavior at Carthage jail. Choices have consequences, and Smith paid his.

Claim it all you want, cant prove it at all.

And please cite references to any mobs killing people who lead life of sinful indulgences. The consequences of such a lifestyle are illegitimate children, disease, inability to have lasting relationships etc. Joseph has none of those. He was murdered by a mob because he had the audacity to say that He saw God and that God speaks to men. You apparently think he got what he deserved.

Foolish, foolish Avatar. Yes, JS's immoral and self-indulgent lifestyle has been documented clearly and convincingly many, many times, not only by non-LDS but also by LDS temple-going historians. You better read Bushman and Compton.

Excellent example of one of the myths I mentioned earlier. There are way too many, and some people actually believe them.

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