The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

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Answer the question is this true? Mormons must believe that Joseph Smith was the Prophet, Seer, and Revelator -- the means through which the "true Gospel" was restored to the earth. You cannot become a Mormon and doubt the words of Smith! "Latter-day Saints revere Joseph Smith as a prophet in the tradition of biblical prophets like Moses and Isaiah. Church members believe that his doctrinal teachings and instructions concerning the Church's organization resulted from divine revelation, not his own learning." ("From Farm Boy to Prophet," The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints).

Other than the "true Gospel" part, Id say is fair. The truth is he restored the Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Priesthood after the Holy Order of the Son of God, The Church of Jesus Christ, the keys, gifts, powers, authority to act in the name of christ.

I would invite you to learn for yourself. If you are confident in your beliefs you have nothing to fear from reading the Book of Mormon and asking God whether it's true or not.
Answer the question is this true? Mormons must believe that Joseph Smith was the Prophet, Seer, and Revelator -- the means through which the "true Gospel" was restored to the earth. You cannot become a Mormon and doubt the words of Smith! "Latter-day Saints revere Joseph Smith as a prophet in the tradition of biblical prophets like Moses and Isaiah. Church members believe that his doctrinal teachings and instructions concerning the Church's organization resulted from divine revelation, not his own learning." ("From Farm Boy to Prophet," The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints).

Other than the "true Gospel" part, Id say is fair. The truth is he restored the Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Priesthood after the Holy Order of the Son of God, The Church of Jesus Christ, the keys, gifts, powers, authority to act in the name of christ.

I would invite you to learn for yourself. If you are confident in your beliefs you have nothing to fear from reading the Book of Mormon and asking God whether it's true or not.
So i've told the truth in all i've posted.
I have read the Book of Mormon, and I think Joseph Smith is underappreciated in relationship to it. The normal ways of evaluating him are the following: either (1) God revealed it, so JS doesn't matter at all -- God could have revealed it to the fellow in the mail room who thinks comic book characters are real persons; or (2) Smith was a fraud who created it, and we look at him as a creep rather than an artist. I believe the BoM to be a wonderful narrative, an original piece of American religious literature, but not God's revelation of timeless truths brought to the world again by a boy prophet.
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Answer the question is this true? Mormons must believe that Joseph Smith was the Prophet, Seer, and Revelator -- the means through which the "true Gospel" was restored to the earth. You cannot become a Mormon and doubt the words of Smith! "Latter-day Saints revere Joseph Smith as a prophet in the tradition of biblical prophets like Moses and Isaiah. Church members believe that his doctrinal teachings and instructions concerning the Church's organization resulted from divine revelation, not his own learning." ("From Farm Boy to Prophet," The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints).

Other than the "true Gospel" part, Id say is fair. The truth is he restored the Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Priesthood after the Holy Order of the Son of God, The Church of Jesus Christ, the keys, gifts, powers, authority to act in the name of christ.

I would invite you to learn for yourself. If you are confident in your beliefs you have nothing to fear from reading the Book of Mormon and asking God whether it's true or not.
So i've told the truth in all i've posted.

Obviously not. But you may have been partly correct in a number of your posts.
Other than the "true Gospel" part, Id say is fair. The truth is he restored the Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Priesthood after the Holy Order of the Son of God, The Church of Jesus Christ, the keys, gifts, powers, authority to act in the name of christ.

I would invite you to learn for yourself. If you are confident in your beliefs you have nothing to fear from reading the Book of Mormon and asking God whether it's true or not.
So i've told the truth in all i've posted.

Obviously not. But you may have been partly correct in a number of your posts.

I've told the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
So i've told the truth in all i've posted.

How on earth do you take one post where your quote is mostly accurate and conclude that somehow because it's mostly accurate that you've told the truth in everything youve posted???
So i've told the truth in all i've posted.

How on earth do you take one post where your quote is mostly accurate and conclude that somehow because it's mostly accurate that you've told the truth in everything youve posted???

Because everything i've posted relates to mormons praising that con joe, what i posted was all truth.
So i've told the truth in all i've posted.

How on earth do you take one post where your quote is mostly accurate and conclude that somehow because it's mostly accurate that you've told the truth in everything youve posted???

Because everything i've posted relates to mormons praising that con joe, what i posted was all truth.

That doesnt make any sense. How does acknowledging an Apostle or Prophet somehow take away from Christ?
How on earth do you take one post where your quote is mostly accurate and conclude that somehow because it's mostly accurate that you've told the truth in everything youve posted???

Because everything i've posted relates to mormons praising that con joe, what i posted was all truth.

That doesnt make any sense. How does acknowledging an Apostle or Prophet somehow take away from Christ?

Because JS was not an apostle or prophet like Peter or Paul or the others of the New Testament?
How on earth do you take one post where your quote is mostly accurate and conclude that somehow because it's mostly accurate that you've told the truth in everything youve posted???

Because everything i've posted relates to mormons praising that con joe, what i posted was all truth.

That doesnt make any sense. How does acknowledging an Apostle or Prophet somehow take away from Christ?
Nothing makes sense to you, unless it comes from the book of JOE.
Just read the book, it all made up. None of the so called authors existed.

Can you post the "facts" again, as well as the credible sources where you received these "facts"? I must have missed them. Just provide the post numbers in this thread. I'm talking about the facts (and not the speculation) which conclusively supports your statements about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon.
Read my post, Long Read but Worth it. Try and find any of them in their time, nothing

I finally read all of it, however, nothing in the link you provided conclusively supports your statements. I agree with Avatar's first response to it in that thread, which you never fully responded to.
Is it true you cant be alone when talking to someone about mormonism? I mean you have to have another mormon with you.
Is it true you cant be alone when talking to someone about mormonism? I mean you have to have another mormon with you.

Yes it's true you cant be alone when you talk to someone about mormonism. By definition you cant be alone when you talk to someone about anything. Because if you were you'd be talking to yourself. I can promise you that I've never been alone when I've talked to anyone about anything. It's just not possible.

However, no you dont have to have another mormon with you to talk about mormonism. I can talk to non-mormons as well. For example, Ive been trying to talk to you about it for a while and you certainly arent mormon.
If you do not understand that everything belongs to and begins with the Christ, then you are truly lost, Avatar4321.

Stop projecting your own inadequacy onto me. Work on your relationship with Christ, instead. Truthspeaker, I suspect, will give you that advice as well if you ask him.

That advice goes to everyone, especially you. I did not agree with your attack on Avi. I think he's doing just fine. You however have yet to pose yourself as anything other than a more articulate Froggy; constantly making assertions without discussing them.
Good, Truth, then we can agree on some things. Avatar, however, took the shot, I merely deflected it. And I do agree with you that "[G]rim mystical warnings" serve absolutely nothing of worth.

On a lighter note, I have been to your Temple Square in SLC at this time of the year. It may be the most magnificient holiday spectacle of the season ~ absolutely awesome ~ in all of the United States.

Merry Christmas to you and all of yours, and a happy holiday season to all.

Happy Christmas to you and yours as well. I now assume you must live in Utah. I wish I could get out there to temple square. If you are ever out in the San Francisco area, you really should visit the Oakland Temple Square during the Christmas season. Also easily the most magnificent Christmas display in the Bay area.
Grim, mystical warnings? Truthspeaker, go and read some of the discourses and conference reports of the 1850s and 1860s and 1870s by your church's prophets and leaders. Your church had a history of that, like many churches.

Please, I know of the Christian Scientists and JW's "predictions" but I would appreciate an illustration of other churches that did the same (of the Christian persuasion).......and yes, there is a trap to my question.

Thank you for springing the "trap" in the first half of your sentence before giving the warning. If you don't know your early Second Great Awakening history, particularly in the Case Western Reserve, and its impact of millenialism, then I suggest you go read.

Again the mystical sage imparts of but a fraction of his hidden "wisdom" to us. Please Mr. Miyagi, can you please tell us what in said history will be so relevatory to us? And cut the crap as if you know so much about it.

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