The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

  • Total voters
Get real, Liability, the reactionaries are finished in the GOP. Sarah cooked her goose when she caused the defeat of a safe Republican seat in New York, one we held for more than 150 years. You guys are truly political fools, and you will get what political fools that cause defeats always get, political death, exclusion from the party's decision-m. You all will lose your access to decision-making. The 25% of you who make up the party will no longer dictate to the rest of us.
Get real, Liability, the reactionaries are finished in the GOP. Sarah cooked her goose when she caused the defeat of a safe Republican seat in New York, one we held for more than 150 years. You guys are truly political fools, and you will get what political fools that cause defeats always get, political death, exclusion from the party's decision-m. You all will lose your access to decision-making. The 25% of you who make up the party will no longer dictate to the rest of us.

Jokey, I decline to take comments about getting real from a fraud like you. The term "reactionary" is not just outdated, but rather meaningless.

Conservatism is the ONLY road to saving the Republic from the imbeciles ruining the U.S. at this time and from the weak-knee'd pale imitations of the libereal Democrats presently infesting the Repbulican Party -- i.e., jokes like you IF you are even a member of the GOP which remains unlikely.

You are the fools.

But keep yapping. I like it when you continuously (albeit inadvertently) tip your hand.
Liability, you are not a Republican but a reactionary fool, your types cost us the election, and you won't get another chance to dictate to the party.
Liability, you are not a Republican but a reactionary fool, your types cost us the election, and you won't get another chance to dictate to the party.

Jokey, you are just miffed because I saw through your obvious fraud. I noted that you aren't a Republican so now YOU have to say "oh yeah? Well you aren't a Republican either!"


In any event, asshole, I already SAID I'm not a Republican.

Try to follow along, schmuck.
You know as little about politics, Liability, as you do about Mormonism. Now run along.
You know as little about politics, Liability, as you do about Mormonism. Now run along.

I know you are a pontificating wrong-headed gasbag with the inclinations needed to fuck up whatever chance the GOP might have of staging an urgently needed come-back.

SO, in case I haven't made it clear to you before, your opinion if of no value.

Now, go fuck off. That's a good little fraud.
When you, L, can answer affirmatively to these questions then you may consider yourself my equal in party matters.

Ever served as a delegate to your state's GOP convention?

Ever net your GOP candidates nearly $50,000 in one campaign's fund raisiing efforts?

Ever been asked to run for the state legislature on the GOP ticket?

Ever served on a central committee of your local GOP?

Ever served as the state's College Young Republicans president?

Since you can't, I am not really worried about your blah blah. You are nothing for the party in the future unless you truly change. That remains to be seen. In the meantime, those like me in the party are making sure that those like you are excluded from decision-making.

Just watch what happens to Sarah between now and April 1, fool's day. Appropriate day for her and you.
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the trouble with mormons are they believe everything joe wrote in the book of mormon, but believe only parts of what the apostals who were with jesus wrote.

At what point will you learn knowledge? At what point will you learn to comprehend what someone says back to you. We answer a question directly as directly could be and you look at the sun at noonday and say it's not shining.:wtf:

Why do you have to :eusa_liar:
the trouble with mormons are they believe everything joe wrote in the book of mormon, but believe only parts of what the apostals who were with jesus wrote.

At what point will you learn knowledge? At what point will you learn to comprehend what someone says back to you. We answer a question directly as directly could be and you look at the sun at noonday and say it's not shining.:wtf:

Why do you have to :eusa_liar:

As I said earlier, he is just playing a juvenile "gotcha" game, and isn't really interested in what anyone else has to say.

He should simply be ignored, if at all possible.
the trouble with mormons are they believe everything joe wrote in the book of mormon, but believe only parts of what the apostals who were with jesus wrote.

At what point will you learn knowledge? At what point will you learn to comprehend what someone says back to you. We answer a question directly as directly could be and you look at the sun at noonday and say it's not shining.:wtf:

Why do you have to :eusa_liar:

As I said earlier, he is just playing a juvenile "gotcha" game, and isn't really interested in what anyone else has to say.

He should simply be ignored, if at all possible.

Disregard the book of joe, and praise god not joe.
Why were these gold plates, never made available to be checked for authenticity
Get off my phone! (This was done after becoming a mormon of course, so your post makes no sense.)

Pinhead. :lol:

I was unaware that being mormon means you have to let annoying people on speak on your talkshow.

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