The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

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Do you think God would give us his commandments and then hid them from us. God put his word inside us. He doesn't have to hide it from us to be dug up years later in a field by a con. Well ava what your answer?
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Though not specifically related to anything we are currently discussing. I though a link to Mormon Scholars Testify might be an interesting reprieve for our normal discussion and allow people to get a new perspective on the topic of mormonism
You must have missed it. If you need a guide, please tell the attendants.

No, I saw it quite fine. I'm glad to see you are seeking professional help, but if you probably need to work on talking to the good doctor privately so you dont tell everyone everything. Confidentiality that way and all.
Do you think God would give us his commandments and then hid them from us. God put his word inside us. He doesn't have to hide it from us to be dug up years later in a field by a con.

I think God hides alot from us in mercy because we are simply too unprepared for alot of what He has to present to us. Paul spoke in the Bible that he was providing the people the milk of the Gospel in his epistles. That they werent ready for meat. Sadly, I think that is still true today.

God has so many things He wants to share with us. I mean look at all the knowledge He has poured out on all His children in the last 200 years. Could we be here talking from various locations around the world instantaneously if not for the grace of God? Could we without His mercy showing us how?

The Lord has commanded us to "Ask and ye shall recieve; seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be given unto you." Does it sound like everythings just handed to us? or that its already in us? Or does it sound like God wants us to work and search out His Word. He wants us to prove our trustworthiness.

Sadly few do try and many who try arent at the point where they can recieve much yet because they havent recieve all theyve already been given.
Do you think God would give us his commandments and then hid them from us. God put his word inside us. He doesn't have to hide it from us to be dug up years later in a field by a con.

I think God hides alot from us in mercy because we are simply too unprepared for alot of what He has to present to us. Paul spoke in the Bible that he was providing the people the milk of the Gospel in his epistles. That they werent ready for meat. Sadly, I think that is still true today.

God has so many things He wants to share with us. I mean look at all the knowledge He has poured out on all His children in the last 200 years. Could we be here talking from various locations around the world instantaneously if not for the grace of God? Could we without His mercy showing us how?

The Lord has commanded us to "Ask and ye shall recieve; seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be given unto you." Does it sound like everythings just handed to us? or that its already in us? Or does it sound like God wants us to work and search out His Word. He wants us to prove our trustworthiness.

Sadly few do try and many who try arent at the point where they can recieve much yet because they havent recieve all theyve already been given.

Your misleading again, the milk paul spoke of was for new christians he refered to as babes not able to eat meat like older christians. god gave us the holy ghost to help able us to understand his word. Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone? Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent? If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him? Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets. Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
"I post drunk." - Autozona

"I like little boys" - Dr. House

Why on earth are you telling Dr. House that you like little boys? You've got serious issues man.

You must have missed it. If you need a guide, please tell the attendants.

And ... ANOTHER one sails way the fuck over Zona's pinhead at mach speed!

It remains a mystery why Zona is inclined toward pedophilia. But science, so far, is sadly aware of this: there is no cure for pedophilia known to science. Thus, there is no cure for Zona's expressed affliction.
Carbon dating would be impossible with metal objects.

Learn something new every day.

So there was no evidence of joe ever having them, other than joe saying he had them, God didn't take back the ten commandments tablets, why would he take those?

Evidences other than "Joe saying he had them" for the existence of the "gold plates":

-Witnesses of 12 others already posted
-Mobbers relentlessly vandalizing the Smith's property to find them
-Mobber who had his face wallopped by the heavy plates inside the bag
-The charactor set copied and presented to Dr.'s Mitchell and Anthon
-Horse bones carbon dated to book of mormon times
-Egyptian style mummies found in the new world also dated to said times
-Modified heiroglyphic use similar to Egyptian style found
-Accurate path through Arabian desert described despite no knowledge on the matter.
-Ore and wood found as described
-Cities found with ancient ruins dating to said times.
-Widespread oral traditions among nearly all tribes of ancient pale god(Kate-zahl, Qetzal-Coatl) who once taught them.
-Tobacco found in Egypt pre-columbus
-Cocoa found in Egypt pre-columbus
-Egyptian figurines found in Guatemala dating to said times.
-End of Olmec culture destroyed as Mayan culture rises dating to same time as fall and rise of Jaredite culture and Nephite culture
-Oral traditions in agreement with book of mormon
-Burial site of Ishmael found, "Nahom", Yemen
-Tree of life, vision of Lehi stone found, Stella 5, dated to said times.

Do you want more? How many more evidences do you want?
Like I said before, it is not evidences or ancient knick-knacks that convince someone, it is the Holy Spirit that speaks for Father in Heaven that confirms truths to us.
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Learn something new every day.

So there was no evidence of joe ever having them, other than joe saying he had them, God didn't take back the ten commandments tablets, why would he take those?

Evidences other than "Joe saying he had them" for the existence of the "gold plates":

-Witnesses of 12 others already posted
-Mobbers relentlessly vandalizing the Smith's property to find them
-Mobber who had his face wallopped by the heavy plates inside the bag
-The charactor set copied and presented to Dr.'s Mitchell and Anthon
-Horse bones carbon dated to book of mormon times
-Egyptian style mummies found in the new world also dated to said times
-Modified heiroglyphic use similar to Egyptian style found
-Accurate path through Arabian desert described despite no knowledge on the matter.
-Ore and wood found as described
-Cities found with ancient ruins dating to said times.
-Widespread oral traditions among nearly all tribes of ancient pale god(Kate-zahl, Qetzal-Coatl) who once taught them.
-Tobacco found in Egypt pre-columbus
-Cocoa found in Egypt pre-columbus
-Egyptian figurines found in Guatemala dating to said times.
-End of Olmec culture destroyed as Mayan culture rises dating to same time as fall and rise of Jaredite culture and Nephite culture
-Oral traditions in agreement with book of mormon
-Burial site of Ishmael found, "Nahom", Yemen
-Tree of life, vision of Lehi stone found, Stella 5, dated to said times.

Do you want more? How many more evidences do you want?
Like I said before, it is not evidences or ancient knick-knacks that convince someone, it is the Holy Spirit that speaks for Father in Heaven that confirms truths to us.

Show me the proof, not what joe wrote.
Avatar1234 if you'd rid yourself of the mormons, you could become a fruitful vessel for the lord, instead of the corrupt fruit your spreading now, serve the lord God to be fruitful, and quit serving him in vain.
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Avatar1234 if you'd rid yourself of the mormons, you could become a fruitful vessel for the lord, instead of the corrupt fruit your spreading now, serve the lord God to be fruitful, and quit serving him in vain.

And what exactly would I have to do to be fruitful in your eyes?
Avatar1234 if you'd rid yourself of the mormons, you could become a fruitful vessel for the lord, instead of the corrupt fruit your spreading now, serve the lord God to be fruitful, and quit serving him in vain.

And what exactly would I have to do to be fruitful in your eyes?

How many will you try to decieve through mormonism, get my point.

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