The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

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Avatar1234 if you'd rid yourself of the mormons, you could become a fruitful vessel for the lord, instead of the corrupt fruit your spreading now, serve the lord God to be fruitful, and quit serving him in vain.

And what exactly would I have to do to be fruitful in your eyes?

How many will you try to decieve through mormonism, get my point.

No. Not at all. Did you make one?

How is encouraging people to see truth bad? How is encouraging them to accept Christ bad? How is encourage them to be better people bad? How is any of this unfruitful?
Show me the proof, not what joe wrote.

You havent even bothered to read what Joseph "wrote" so how would you even begin to know whether what he wrote was suported by evidence?

Joe got the ideal from a book Ethan Smith had written earlier, Joe, Oliver Cowdery, and Cowdery cousin David Whitmer. It was a scam. A great lie, he lied to those who invested in his illegal bank, the robbed them blind, he was a con. through his counsler Sidney Rigdon, after they got sued he split the country. Then he gave his (three witness) the boot. But ole cowdery got the last laugh on Joe. after joes demise,and the movement broke up Cowdery talked Brigham Young into starting it up again.
Ava do you have other so-called brother morms watching you on this site, and when someone tries to get you out, do they start sending you mormon messages?
And what exactly would I have to do to be fruitful in your eyes?

How many will you try to deceive through mormonism, get my point.

No. Not at all. Did you make one?

How is encouraging people to see truth bad? How is encouraging them to accept Christ bad? How is encourage them to be better people bad? How is any of this unfruitful?

Your working through a deceitful organization for one.
Collapse of church in Ohio
After the dedication of the Kirtland temple, Smith's life "descended into a tangle of intrigue and conflict."[84] The religious enthusiasm relating to the temple was destroyed by a series of internal disputes that caused the collapse of the church in Ohio.[86] One dispute had to do with the embarrassment caused by Smith's failure of "redeem Zion". Another dispute related to a 14-year-old girl named Fanny Alger, with whom Smith had married as a plural wife. Smith's assistant president Oliver Cowdery was dismayed by this, considering it to be a "dirty, nasty, filthy affair."[87]

The greatest strain on the church, however, was financial. From an economic perspective, the Kirtland temple had been "a disaster," as money that might have been used for the City of Zion was channeled into a costly building project. Both Smith and his church went deeply in debt, and Smith was "hounded by his creditors ever after."[88] In an attempt to recover, in August 1836, Smith dictated a revelation that there was "much treasure" in Salem, Massachusetts. Hoping he might find it with his seer stone, he and his closest associates left the financially troubled Kirtland community for the East. By September they were back in Kirtland; they returned with no treasure.[89]

A more common expedient for raising money on the frontier was wildcat banking. Smith did not have enough capital to obtain a state charter, but he printed notes anyway and circulated them in January 1837. The Kirtland Safety Society failed within a month. The notes had Smith's signature on them, and he was personally blamed for the fiasco. The onset of a nationwide panic in 1837 also encouraged creditors to pursue their debtors vigorously.[90] Many Latter Day Saints, including prominent leaders who had invested in the banking scheme, became disaffected and either left the church or were excommunicated.[91] There were even a couple of unseemly rows in the temple, including one occasion on which guns and knives were drawn.[92] When a leading apostle, David W. Patten, raised insulting questions, Smith slapped him in the face and kicked him into the yard.[93] After a warrant was issued for Smith's arrest on the charge of bank fraud, Smith and Rigdon fled Kirtland for Missouri on the night of January 12, 1838.[
"Joe" didn't write that stuff? Those are facts.

No they arent. You are a clear example of push over. Conmen like Joe love guys like you, and so do the current elders in your cult. They make tons of cash from idiots, but at least you got your nifty magic underwear starter kit.
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"Joe" didn't write that stuff? Those are facts.

No they arent. You are a clear example of push over. Conmen like Joe love guys like you, and so do the current elders in your cult. They make tons of cash from idiots, but at least you got your nifty magic underwear starter kit.

You guys say Joseph was such a brilliant conman, yet an idiot. But he died in abject proverty. Murdered by people who hated him simply for his faith. What conman does that? What conman doesnt try to make money, but in fact, regularly gives his possessions away for free? Your position makes no sense whatsoever.
"Joe" didn't write that stuff? Those are facts.

No they arent. You are a clear example of push over. Conmen like Joe love guys like you, and so do the current elders in your cult. They make tons of cash from idiots, but at least you got your nifty magic underwear starter kit.

You guys say Joseph was such a brilliant conman, yet an idiot. But he died in abject proverty. Murdered by people who hated him simply for his faith. What conman does that? What conman doesnt try to make money, but in fact, regularly gives his possessions away for free? Your position makes no sense whatsoever.

The guy used to rip off farmers before he came across the religion con. He claimed he could use divining rods to find water. After a couple weeks when he wasnt able to produce results, he skipped out of town with a fist full of dollars in his hand and a mob of pissed of farmers on his trail. This happened more than once. He also claimed he could find people treasure, using those same rods. I forgive the ignorant people from those times, but you people in the modern age have no excuse for believing in that garbage.
The guy used to rip off farmers before he came across the religion con. He claimed he could use divining rods to find water. After a couple weeks when he wasnt able to produce results, he skipped out of town with a fist full of dollars in his hand and a mob of pissed of farmers on his trail. This happened more than once. He also claimed he could find people treasure, using those same rods. I forgive the ignorant people from those times, but you people in the modern age have no excuse for believing in that garbage.

Can you name any farmer he supposedly ripped off? What town did he skip? If it happened more than once it cant be too difficult to cite.

And quite frankly, I dont need forgiveness from you for telling the truth and question citations. I dont know who you are. I've done nothing to you. So please keep your self righteous attitude to yourself.
A quickie recap:

Mormons believe the basic precepts and tenents of their Faith.

Those who are hostile to the Mormons disbelieve the historical basis for much of the Mormon faith.

IF one were to bother engaging in the form of argumentation favored by those here who are expressing such hostility to the Mormon faith, and apply it to the religion of choice of such critics, I wonder how they'd feel about it? Would their answers be founded on anything better than the faith expressed by the Mormon faithful? I doubt it.

Now back to our show:

No they arent. You are a clear example of push over. Conmen like Joe love guys like you, and so do the current elders in your cult. They make tons of cash from idiots, but at least you got your nifty magic underwear starter kit.

You guys say Joseph was such a brilliant conman, yet an idiot. But he died in abject proverty. Murdered by people who hated him simply for his faith. What conman does that? What conman doesnt try to make money, but in fact, regularly gives his possessions away for free? Your position makes no sense whatsoever.

The guy used to rip off farmers before he came across the religion con. He claimed he could use divining rods to find water. After a couple weeks when he wasnt able to produce results, he skipped out of town with a fist full of dollars in his hand and a mob of pissed of farmers on his trail. This happened more than once. He also claimed he could find people treasure, using those same rods. I forgive the ignorant people from those times, but you people in the modern age have no excuse for believing in that garbage.

Source please.
No they arent. You are a clear example of push over. Conmen like Joe love guys like you, and so do the current elders in your cult. They make tons of cash from idiots, but at least you got your nifty magic underwear starter kit.

You guys say Joseph was such a brilliant conman, yet an idiot. But he died in abject proverty. Murdered by people who hated him simply for his faith. What conman does that? What conman doesnt try to make money, but in fact, regularly gives his possessions away for free? Your position makes no sense whatsoever.

The guy used to rip off farmers before he came across the religion con. He claimed he could use divining rods to find water. After a couple weeks when he wasnt able to produce results, he skipped out of town with a fist full of dollars in his hand and a mob of pissed of farmers on his trail. This happened more than once. He also claimed he could find people treasure, using those same rods. I forgive the ignorant people from those times, but you people in the modern age have no excuse for believing in that garbage.

Source please. I might add that your boy Moses did the same thing. Hopefully you're willing to forgive him too;)
A quickie recap:

Mormons believe the basic precepts and tenents of their Faith.

Those who are hostile to the Mormons disbelieve the historical basis for much of the Mormon faith.

IF one were to bother engaging in the form of argumentation favored by those here who are expressing such hostility to the Mormon faith, and apply it to the religion of choice of such critics, I wonder how they'd feel about it? Would their answers be founded on anything better than the faith expressed by the Mormon faithful? I doubt it.

Now back to our show:


Isn't that the truth?!! And HOW?!

You could pick any religion out of a hat and the skeletons in their closet would be far worse than any pretended to be of our religion.
A little for those challenged on Mormon culture. Please feel free to add to it.


MO - Mormon
NO MO - Non-Mormon
MO NO MO - Apostate
MO TOWN - Provo
MO PEDS - People walking across the street to Temple Square or the MTC in Provo.
MO HAIR - Missionary standards haircut.
PO MO - A financially challenged Mormon
MO LASSES - Mormon Babes!!
MO TEL - Bishop's interview, tithing settlement.
PO MO HOMO - a postmormon gay.
SU MO - Grad of BYU Law School
MO GUL - Large white Utah bird frequently seen in Church history books, parking lots and dumps.
MO RALLY - Third quarter BYU drive against the U of U.
MO SEY - LDS sense of time. See also LOCO MO TION.
LOCO MO TION - Post-game exodus from Cougar Stadium.
MO NOGOMY - LDS marriage practices.
MO TIF - Two or more Mormons engaged in a heated difference of opinion.
MO LDIE - Older LDS member, temple worker, etc.
As I was walking past the City-County building on State Street this morning, I heard a voice cry out as if it were a voice crying out from the wilderness. The voice said, "Look! Behold the legacy of Mormonism." And I looked and saw a multitude gathered in front of the Matheson Courthouse. There were many men, women, and children milling about. The women were of curious nature and had long ponytails that would have made Rapunzel jealous. There seemed to be some kind of post-Pioneer Day Celebration going on. I was mesmerized. Just then the voice said, "Look!" And I looked and saw old men hugging their granddaughters. And I said, "What's the big deal about that?" And the voice said, "That's not their granddaughters." "Who are these people," I asked. And the voice said, "Behold, these are the people who would not go along to get along when the Federal Government outlawed polygamy. They are the spawn of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints." "But the mainstream Mormon Church decries and disavows polygamy," I said. And I heard the voice chuckle and say, "The mainstream Mormon Church is playing possum. Polygamy is still part of their canonized scripture. The mainstream Mormon Church lies to avoid governmental intrusion." "Wow, how can anyone ever fully understand the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints," I said. And the voice said, "Listen!" And I listened. And the voice said, "To fully understand the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints you must be in Utah but not of Utah." "In Utah but not of Utah? For how long," I said. And the voice said, "Until the twelfth of never, and that's a long, long time." And I said to the voice, "Who are you?" And the voice said, "I am Donald of OZmund." "Donald of OZmund, do you have a sister named Marie," I said. And as the voice faded away it said, "Yeah, what's it to ya?" Utah is getting "curiouser and curiouser."
You could pick any religion out of a hat and the skeletons in their closet would be far worse than any pretended to be of our religion.

Any religion is a pick list to choose from, but your basic point is generally correct. But that does not excuse you from the historical truth of your own set of beliefs. And that truth condemns much of it.
A little for those challenged on Mormon culture. Please feel free to add to it.


MO - Mormon
NO MO - Non-Mormon
MO NO MO - Apostate
MO TOWN - Provo
MO PEDS - People walking across the street to Temple Square or the MTC in Provo.
MO HAIR - Missionary standards haircut.
PO MO - A financially challenged Mormon
MO LASSES - Mormon Babes!!
MO TEL - Bishop's interview, tithing settlement.
PO MO HOMO - a postmormon gay.
SU MO - Grad of BYU Law School
MO GUL - Large white Utah bird frequently seen in Church history books, parking lots and dumps.
MO RALLY - Third quarter BYU drive against the U of U.
MO SEY - LDS sense of time. See also LOCO MO TION.
LOCO MO TION - Post-game exodus from Cougar Stadium.
MO NOGOMY - LDS marriage practices.
MO TIF - Two or more Mormons engaged in a heated difference of opinion.
MO LDIE - Older LDS member, temple worker, etc.

That IS witty.
As I was walking past the City-County building on State Street this morning, I heard a voice cry out as if it were a voice crying out from the wilderness. The voice said, "Look! Behold the legacy of Mormonism." And I looked and saw a multitude gathered in front of the Matheson Courthouse. There were many men, women, and children milling about. The women were of curious nature and had long ponytails that would have made Rapunzel jealous. There seemed to be some kind of post-Pioneer Day Celebration going on. I was mesmerized. Just then the voice said, "Look!" And I looked and saw old men hugging their granddaughters. And I said, "What's the big deal about that?" And the voice said, "That's not their granddaughters." "Who are these people," I asked. And the voice said, "Behold, these are the people who would not go along to get along when the Federal Government outlawed polygamy. They are the spawn of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints." "But the mainstream Mormon Church decries and disavows polygamy," I said. And I heard the voice chuckle and say, "The mainstream Mormon Church is playing possum. Polygamy is still part of their canonized scripture. The mainstream Mormon Church lies to avoid governmental intrusion." "Wow, how can anyone ever fully understand the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints," I said. And the voice said, "Listen!" And I listened. And the voice said, "To fully understand the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints you must be in Utah but not of Utah." "In Utah but not of Utah? For how long," I said. And the voice said, "Until the twelfth of never, and that's a long, long time." And I said to the voice, "Who are you?" And the voice said, "I am Donald of OZmund." "Donald of OZmund, do you have a sister named Marie," I said. And as the voice faded away it said, "Yeah, what's it to ya?" Utah is getting "curiouser and curiouser."

It's really not that hard to understand. Especially when all our doctrine is written down for the public to examine.
As I was walking past the City-County building on State Street this morning, I heard a voice cry out as if it were a voice crying out from the wilderness. The voice said, "Look! Behold the legacy of Mormonism." And I looked and saw a multitude gathered in front of the Matheson Courthouse. There were many men, women, and children milling about. The women were of curious nature and had long ponytails that would have made Rapunzel jealous. There seemed to be some kind of post-Pioneer Day Celebration going on. I was mesmerized. Just then the voice said, "Look!" And I looked and saw old men hugging their granddaughters. And I said, "What's the big deal about that?" And the voice said, "That's not their granddaughters." "Who are these people," I asked. And the voice said, "Behold, these are the people who would not go along to get along when the Federal Government outlawed polygamy. They are the spawn of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints." "But the mainstream Mormon Church decries and disavows polygamy," I said. And I heard the voice chuckle and say, "The mainstream Mormon Church is playing possum. Polygamy is still part of their canonized scripture. The mainstream Mormon Church lies to avoid governmental intrusion." "Wow, how can anyone ever fully understand the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints," I said. And the voice said, "Listen!" And I listened. And the voice said, "To fully understand the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints you must be in Utah but not of Utah." "In Utah but not of Utah? For how long," I said. And the voice said, "Until the twelfth of never, and that's a long, long time." And I said to the voice, "Who are you?" And the voice said, "I am Donald of OZmund." "Donald of OZmund, do you have a sister named Marie," I said. And as the voice faded away it said, "Yeah, what's it to ya?" Utah is getting "curiouser and curiouser."

It's really not that hard to understand. Especially when all our doctrine is written down for the public to examine.

It's not hard to understand at all. But you are talking to Jokey. He and truth are not on speaking terms, you know.

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