The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

  • Total voters
zeigy , learn of treason everyday in America ? really I'd love learn who what where ? the treason's I know of where trough wikileak from a specialist that gave secret document to a ass hole from australia .

and a CIA employ that solid information . you have more?any connection to the white house ?
could you please be pacific ? just a little , your like a movie teaser no substance ,

Do you want me to read it for you?

Economic & Multicultural Terrorism

My Blog
Economic Terrorism In America I « My Blog
Economic Terrorism In America II « My Blog
Economic Terrorism In America III « My Blog
Multiculturalism:America’s Destruction I « My Blog
Multiculturalism:America’s Destruction II « My Blog
Multiculturalism:America’s Destruction III « My Blog
New age global Babylon? « My Blog
zeigy , learn of treason everyday in America ? really I'd love learn who what where ? the treason's I know of where trough wikileak from a specialist that gave secret document to a ass hole from australia .

and a CIA employ that solid information . you have more?any connection to the white house ?
could you please be pacific ? just a little , your like a movie teaser no substance ,

sin, How about for a start allowing millions and millions of illegal aliens into the country on purpose, during a so-called war on terra by the way, so they can eventually sway the Democratic vote? Not to mention provide more tax revenue for the corrupt Government to blow even more money on bullshit once they grant them all amnesty? How is that for a start? I got many more examples for you too my friend. Just saying. :razz: ~BH

now look allowing millions of illegals is bad but bush is out of office , obama's problem is you white people selling military grade weaponry to drug cartels .

if you would let just marijuana be legal you would cut them out of it enrich our farmers , then use the money you save from DEA to focus on hard drugs , weapons crossing the border . violence ,
the moneys to tax , the money not spent on prison rehabilitation and so on .
now U know right winger admire the Chinese , read it enough , they don't imprison you they just shoot you in the back of the head right there in the courthouse in a special room then bill you relives for the bullet .

but no .

but who's committed treason ? your governors are the responsible for their boarders , Obama has increased the boarder patrol , they are finding some , laws have been past to fine employees of illegals , two republican have been caught ,
Arizona is now demanding papers .
to me its why the hell would they come here ? low employment , nut jobs running for office , ass holes cutting social programs , really whats the point ?

but Americans , we always have to have someone to hate , someone we think is inferiors
religion race sexuality , left handed ,short . some one . we have to feel superior ,
where the hell did I leave the point ?
oh well it is 10:45
zeigy , learn of treason everyday in America ? really I'd love learn who what where ? the treason's I know of where trough wikileak from a specialist that gave secret document to a ass hole from australia .

and a CIA employ that solid information . you have more?any connection to the white house ?
could you please be pacific ? just a little , your like a movie teaser no substance ,

sin, How about for a start allowing millions and millions of illegal aliens into the country on purpose, during a so-called war on terra by the way, so they can eventually sway the Democratic vote? Not to mention provide more tax revenue for the corrupt Government to blow even more money on bullshit once they grant them all amnesty? How is that for a start? I got many more examples for you too my friend. Just saying. :razz: ~BH

now look allowing millions of illegals is bad but bush is out of office , obama's problem is you white people selling military grade weaponry to drug cartels .

if you would let just marijuana be legal you would cut them out of it enrich our farmers , then use the money you save from DEA to focus on hard drugs , weapons crossing the border . violence ,
the moneys to tax , the money not spent on prison rehabilitation and so on .
now U know right winger admire the Chinese , read it enough , they don't imprison you they just shoot you in the back of the head right there in the courthouse in a special room then bill you relives for the bullet .

but no .

but who's committed treason ? your governors are the responsible for their boarders , Obama has increased the boarder patrol , they are finding some , laws have been past to fine employees of illegals , two republican have been caught ,
Arizona is now demanding papers .
to me its why the hell would they come here ? low employment , nut jobs running for office , ass holes cutting social programs , really whats the point ?

but Americans , we always have to have someone to hate , someone we think is inferiors
religion race sexuality , left handed ,short . some one . we have to feel superior ,
where the hell did I leave the point ?
oh well it is 10:45

Arizona's Governor passed that law asking for papers, Not Obama. Obama hasn't done shit bro. "White people" are sending firearms over the border? WTF? ~BH
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sin, How about for a start allowing millions and millions of illegal aliens into the country on purpose, during a so-called war on terra by the way, so they can eventually sway the Democratic vote? Not to mention provide more tax revenue for the corrupt Government to blow even more money on bullshit once they grant them all amnesty? How is that for a start? I got many more examples for you too my friend. Just saying. :razz: ~BH

now look allowing millions of illegals is bad but bush is out of office , obama's problem is you white people selling military grade weaponry to drug cartels .

if you would let just marijuana be legal you would cut them out of it enrich our farmers , then use the money you save from DEA to focus on hard drugs , weapons crossing the border . violence ,
the moneys to tax , the money not spent on prison rehabilitation and so on .
now U know right winger admire the Chinese , read it enough , they don't imprison you they just shoot you in the back of the head right there in the courthouse in a special room then bill you relives for the bullet .

but no .

but who's committed treason ? your governors are the responsible for their boarders , Obama has increased the boarder patrol , they are finding some , laws have been past to fine employees of illegals , two republican have been caught ,
Arizona is now demanding papers .
to me its why the hell would they come here ? low employment , nut jobs running for office , ass holes cutting social programs , really whats the point ?

but Americans , we always have to have someone to hate , someone we think is inferiors
religion race sexuality , left handed ,short . some one . we have to feel superior ,
where the hell did I leave the point ?
oh well it is 10:45

Arizona's Governor passed that law asking for papers, Not Obama. Obama hasn't done shit bro. "White people" are sending firearms over the border? WTF? ~BH

hay WTF are really this dense or just like attention ? the FBI has been following bicker gangs and white supremacist sell illegal firearm to cartels , you really can't expect anyone that hispanics are sell to hispanics ? give me a break lady ,
I see you hate hispanics the viol crap you spew , but it is entertaining , so thanks .

oh President Obama has sent more border guard then Bush did , and the one time bush sent reinforcement he pulled out after one month ,

taxas arizona all border state are getting money for patrol how the spend it ? you got me , the reinforcement for patrol is still there as fare as I know . but teabagger don't lye about our leader .
now look allowing millions of illegals is bad but bush is out of office , obama's problem is you white people selling military grade weaponry to drug cartels .

if you would let just marijuana be legal you would cut them out of it enrich our farmers , then use the money you save from DEA to focus on hard drugs , weapons crossing the border . violence ,
the moneys to tax , the money not spent on prison rehabilitation and so on .
now U know right winger admire the Chinese , read it enough , they don't imprison you they just shoot you in the back of the head right there in the courthouse in a special room then bill you relives for the bullet .

but no .

but who's committed treason ? your governors are the responsible for their boarders , Obama has increased the boarder patrol , they are finding some , laws have been past to fine employees of illegals , two republican have been caught ,
Arizona is now demanding papers .
to me its why the hell would they come here ? low employment , nut jobs running for office , ass holes cutting social programs , really whats the point ?

but Americans , we always have to have someone to hate , someone we think is inferiors
religion race sexuality , left handed ,short . some one . we have to feel superior ,
where the hell did I leave the point ?
oh well it is 10:45

Arizona's Governor passed that law asking for papers, Not Obama. Obama hasn't done shit bro. "White people" are sending firearms over the border? WTF? ~BH

hay WTF are really this dense or just like attention ? the FBI has been following bicker gangs and white supremacist sell illegal firearm to cartels , you really can't expect anyone that hispanics are sell to hispanics ? give me a break lady ,
I see you hate hispanics the viol crap you spew , but it is entertaining , so thanks .

oh President Obama has sent more border guard then Bush did , and the one time bush sent reinforcement he pulled out after one month ,

taxas arizona all border state are getting money for patrol how the spend it ? you got me , the reinforcement for patrol is still there as fare as I know . but teabagger don't lye about our leader .

"Biker gangs"? LMAO! You're a fucking idiot. I don't hate hispanics. I don't like illegal immigration. Yeah, I do think that the cartel has members inside the USA selling it back to their own people. Can your weak mind understand that you dumb shit you? ~BH
Arizona's Governor passed that law asking for papers, Not Obama. Obama hasn't done shit bro. "White people" are sending firearms over the border? WTF? ~BH

hay WTF are really this dense or just like attention ? the FBI has been following bicker gangs and white supremacist sell illegal firearm to cartels , you really can't expect anyone that hispanics are sell to hispanics ? give me a break lady ,
I see you hate hispanics the viol crap you spew , but it is entertaining , so thanks .

oh President Obama has sent more border guard then Bush did , and the one time bush sent reinforcement he pulled out after one month ,

taxas arizona all border state are getting money for patrol how the spend it ? you got me , the reinforcement for patrol is still there as fare as I know . but teabagger don't lye about our leader .

"Biker gangs"? LMAO! You're a fucking idiot. I don't hate hispanics. I don't like illegal immigration. Yeah, I do think that the cartel has members inside the USA selling it back to their own people. Can your weak mind understand that you dumb shit you? ~BH

wow , you don't believe the feds and you have some idea the cartel sent people here to buy guns and smuggle them back to mexico ? and the way you throw around the word hispanic let me to think you don't like them , glad to see you do .
but you have no idea of what your talking about . so we wont .

your just to much a fucking ass hole .
hay WTF are really this dense or just like attention ? the FBI has been following bicker gangs and white supremacist sell illegal firearm to cartels , you really can't expect anyone that hispanics are sell to hispanics ? give me a break lady ,
I see you hate hispanics the viol crap you spew , but it is entertaining , so thanks .

oh President Obama has sent more border guard then Bush did , and the one time bush sent reinforcement he pulled out after one month ,

taxas arizona all border state are getting money for patrol how the spend it ? you got me , the reinforcement for patrol is still there as fare as I know . but teabagger don't lye about our leader .

"Biker gangs"? LMAO! You're a fucking idiot. I don't hate hispanics. I don't like illegal immigration. Yeah, I do think that the cartel has members inside the USA selling it back to their own people. Can your weak mind understand that you dumb shit you? ~BH

wow , you don't believe the feds and you have some idea the cartel sent people here to buy guns and smuggle them back to mexico ? and the way you throw around the word hispanic let me to think you don't like them , glad to see you do .
but you have no idea of what your talking about . so we wont .

your just to much a fucking ass hole .

Oh I am the asshole now? You insulted me first guy. Then you throw around some race-baiting crap because I don't like illegal immigration? You must have bumped your fucking head, because I like their culture, have visited their country many times and personally know for a fact that most are very kind people. Listen to me you idiot, I don't have to like illegal immigration! "Biker gangs"? LMAO! You sure are dumb bro. However, Because I am not an "asshole", I am willing to give you another chance. ~BH
zeigy , learn of treason everyday in America ? really I'd love learn who what where ? the treason's I know of where trough wikileak from a specialist that gave secret document to a ass hole from australia .

and a CIA employ that solid information . you have more?any connection to the white house ?
could you please be pacific ? just a little , your like a movie teaser no substance ,

Do you want me to read it for you?

Economic & Multicultural Terrorism

My Blog
Economic Terrorism In America I « My Blog
Economic Terrorism In America II « My Blog
Economic Terrorism In America III « My Blog
Multiculturalism:America’s Destruction I « My Blog
Multiculturalism:America’s Destruction II « My Blog
Multiculturalism:America’s Destruction III « My Blog
New age global Babylon? « My Blog

why do people like you have blogs ? how narcissistic are you .

why would anyone read blogs , no life of their own ?

when I was a kid there was a saying s he how writes on shit house wall role his shit in little balls , ye how reads theses words of wit , eats those little balls of shit ,

blogs reminded me of that , this was before republicans started tapping their feet in the stalls .
people just wrote jokes and limericks .
I have started this post because it still seems there are a lot of people out there that don't understand our religion. One thing I know I can do is clarify a lot misconceptions that people have.
I served a two year mission in South Africa, and I think I have pretty much heard it all. I actually would welcome some questions that I haven't heard before.
I know some of you aren't interested in what we really believe, but are only going to be interested in trying to trap me in my words, but that's ok. I welcome those attempts as well. Let's see what this develops into.:eusa_pray:

so gods screwing all theses women in heaven and decides you'll go to earth be moron then become a god in another universes ?LOL

hey on an serious note do black people still go to a separate heave ? a lesser heaven or has that been pulled from church tenets
Not sure what most of this has to do with the specifics of Mormonism although I guess since Mormonism encompasses all truth, I suppose you could define some of the stuff as mormonism.

I'd prefer to talk about the Doctrines of Eternal life rather than this other stuff. But thats just me.
Not sure what most of this has to do with the specifics of Mormonism although I guess since Mormonism encompasses all truth, I suppose you could define some of the stuff as mormonism.

I'd prefer to talk about the Doctrines of Eternal life rather than this other stuff. But thats just me.

I wouldn't worry about him... He's not all there....
Not sure what most of this has to do with the specifics of Mormonism although I guess since Mormonism encompasses all truth, I suppose you could define some of the stuff as mormonism.

I'd prefer to talk about the Doctrines of Eternal life rather than this other stuff. But thats just me.

I wouldn't worry about him... He's not all there....

encompasses all truth ? like god screwing all the women in heaven ? till he sends you here then after here you become gods of your own right ? really ?

eternal life ? explain eternal ? heaven has an end date, where then ? oh ya you become gods . ok god

but what happened to the old god you replaced ?

doctrine of eternal life was and is bull shit , as is all religions , but mormons are really nasty .

hated by christians and non christians alike , thats why romney didn't and wont win .

eternal life was invented by christians, not even jews believe this .
but it was a selling point on the religion , you lived for ever , no death .
but thats crap, you die ,

most of you dumb bastards think only of after life , like there was one , and ignore the life you have .
religion is based on what if .

not nice to weaken the crutch's of the week , I know , but your arrogance is just irritating .

death is simple , your organs fail blood stop flowing to the brain , brain cells start to die from lack of blood , your memories start dying off and as they do you relive them , white light , thats from bleeding on the brain , like seeing stars , its an electrical short .

then your gone ,

eternity ? thats not measured with a clock , its not physical , so no one can explain it .
the truth about mormons? they suck .

If you think insults made out of ignorance bother anyone, you are mistaken. I have no ill will toward you or any other person because the Lord taught me a long time ago that there is no point to. Despite what you might think, you are still my brother and one day I hope you realize that.

I also hope that one day you take the challenge to read the Book of Mormon and ask God to show you whether it's true. Because I can assure you that if you take the challenge provided, and ask God with a sincere heart, in humility to sincerely know the truth that He will manifest to you with power by the Holy Spirit that the Book of Mormon is true and that Joseph Smith was the Prophet of the Restoration.

More importantly, He will show you that Jesus is the Christ. That He is the Holy One of Israel and remembers and loves His people no matter where in the world they are or no matter what time they live in.

You don't have to take my word for it. That's what is so beautiful about the Gospel. Every individual in the world is entitled to read for themselves. They are entitled to study and to pray and recieve a witness from the Holy Spirit. And then they are free to either act on that witness or not. Either way you choose, wouldn't it be wise to find out for yourself what we actually teach?

Wouldn't it provide a better opportunity to understand one another and create greater love and unity between us all? You can seek that out, or you can seek to remain in ignorance, divided, and afraid. I would encourage you to seek knowledge and truth for yourself. Vanquish fear and unite in knowedgible and civil discourse. But again it's up to you.
the truth about mormons? they suck .

If you think insults made out of ignorance bother anyone, you are mistaken. I have no ill will toward you or any other person because the Lord taught me a long time ago that there is no point to. Despite what you might think, you are still my brother and one day I hope you realize that.

I also hope that one day you take the challenge to read the Book of Mormon and ask God to show you whether it's true. Because I can assure you that if you take the challenge provided, and ask God with a sincere heart, in humility to sincerely know the truth that He will manifest to you with power by the Holy Spirit that the Book of Mormon is true and that Joseph Smith was the Prophet of the Restoration.

More importantly, He will show you that Jesus is the Christ. That He is the Holy One of Israel and remembers and loves His people no matter where in the world they are or no matter what time they live in.

You don't have to take my word for it. That's what is so beautiful about the Gospel. Every individual in the world is entitled to read for themselves. They are entitled to study and to pray and recieve a witness from the Holy Spirit. And then they are free to either act on that witness or not. Either way you choose, wouldn't it be wise to find out for yourself what we actually teach?

Wouldn't it provide a better opportunity to understand one another and create greater love and unity between us all? You can seek that out, or you can seek to remain in ignorance, divided, and afraid. I would encourage you to seek knowledge and truth for yourself. Vanquish fear and unite in knowedgible and civil discourse. But again it's up to you.

if I insulted it wasn't out of ignorance but judgement giving buy mormons ,by their actions , and their fairy tail norcistic crap about becoming gods , thats a hoot .

knowledge of truth ? LOL

I travel to Binah a lot , I visit
Chakhmah almost daily ,
I don't need crap from organized religion the path is open to all , you don't need a guide .

or crutch ,
your as a sad person to need and be accepted by others . weak really .

your religion has shown its ass , sense smith was first run out of town , state to state people hated you , until Utah a territory ,
now you spend millions to try and convince people your just like them but they still don't like you and still wont vote a mormon into the presidency .

boo hoo .
now go whine to the monitor ,
you deny ignorance, yet you display it in your denial. It's your choice.
zeigy , learn of treason everyday in America ? really I'd love learn who what where ? the treason's I know of where trough wikileak from a specialist that gave secret document to a ass hole from australia .

and a CIA employ that solid information . you have more?any connection to the white house ?
could you please be pacific ? just a little , your like a movie teaser no substance ,

Do you want me to read it for you?

Economic & Multicultural Terrorism

My Blog
Economic Terrorism In America I « My Blog
Economic Terrorism In America II « My Blog
Economic Terrorism In America III « My Blog
Multiculturalism:America’s Destruction I « My Blog
Multiculturalism:America’s Destruction II « My Blog
Multiculturalism:America’s Destruction III « My Blog
New age global Babylon? « My Blog

why do people like you have blogs ? how narcissistic are you .

why would anyone read blogs , no life of their own ?

when I was a kid there was a saying s he how writes on shit house wall role his shit in little balls , ye how reads theses words of wit , eats those little balls of shit ,

blogs reminded me of that , this was before republicans started tapping their feet in the stalls .
people just wrote jokes and limericks .

I have heard that some genious created a shit detector for gutter wenches like you.... All ya have to do is go near it to make it beep....:bsflag:

Well, I suppose that if you had any glimmer of higher cognitive function, you would be capable of writing your own blog, and actually be useful to others who seek knowledge and insight into the world we live in.... Cartoons, dope and video games create useful idiots as do many of our schools and universities today.... I believe you fit into these categories somewhere?:banana:
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You don't have to like us. Doesn't mean we don't have to right to speak up. Nor does it mean we don't have the right to engage in the politican process for causes we believe in. Nor does it mean we can't exercise our faith freely in our lives.

Simply because you don't like it, doesn't make us second class citizens.

Well Said....
You don't have to like us. Doesn't mean we don't have to right to speak up. Nor does it mean we don't have the right to engage in the politican process for causes we believe in. Nor does it mean we can't exercise our faith freely in our lives.

Simply because you don't like it, doesn't make us second class citizens.

Well Said....

Thank you. I have my moments of articulation. And then other moments where even I think I sound dumb. That's life I suppose.
It's hard to tell who you are dealing with today. We have so many foreign subversives in our Country today claiming to be Americans just because our gov't allowed them to sneak into our Country or were given visas to add to the invasion....

Many of our real American children have been turned against themselves, and made to feel guilty about their own Religion, race, culture, heritage and form of Republican gov't...all in the name of a socialist utopian open global society ruled by secular monkey gods....
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