The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

  • Total voters
I dated a young LDS lady when I was in school. It was quite an intersting experience. I met her whole family and learned quite a bit about the Morman way of life. She and her family definately had big plans for the both of us. I made a startegic exit. Being a dedicated Atheist, I was not about to marry a Morman . . .

Much water has passed under the bridge since those days. Looking at how the world has changed in the past 50 years, I have come to respect many things about the Mormans. I especially like the Radical Morman Sect which still practices ploygamy. I actually met a couple of these people when I was in the US Military. I could never subscribe to their beliefs. But I like the fact that they hold together in a solid community. They endorse and support many of the values of Western Civilization. They are completely self supporting and they are not affraid to have plenty of offspring. I think America benefits from White/Western offspring. I don't care what religion the parents espouse. I respect them for their Western Ways and for their self-sufficient productivity!
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A treasonist criminal is just that whether black, white, or green....:cuckoo:

how old are you ?

you throw around words like treasonous and fascist , prove them lets start with treason a serous word it is , so boy please show where president Obama commit treason ?
I can throw around word to like smith was a child molester and rapist < is that true ? no , is there any foundation for it well ya ignorance is one bigotry is another . grow up kid you can't call people names that are untrue just because your a sheet wearing ass hole
Sarcasm is lost on you isn't it?

He's probably serious... I doubt he wants to be tolerant of anything outside of his 0bama worship...

you poor little people you can't get past Obama , you hate black people sp much that he is the reason for all your hate derected at you .

but the grown up answer is I'm entolerable to religous groups trying to gain control over political in the entire country . your opwn flock of sheep is just fine but all of us? even the magarety of us because we are non believer ? no FUCKING WAY , the protestants try it , now you clown , and you pathetic dicks think its because of Obama ? n
\ hi am a clown and a mormon . love those TV bull shit adds ot evber the Democrat party . it YOU !!!

We live in a representative Republic. We have the right to petition the government to pass laws and to preserve laws we think are moral and just. We have the right to speak out for said laws, vote for said law, and persuade others to join us in support of those laws. I'm sorry you don't like that. But that's our system and I rather like it that way.

Oh, and contrary to your opinion, opposition to Obama is because of his poor policies, his lack of leadership, and his lack of character. It has nothing to do with the color of his skin. Nor does it have anything to do with Mormonism.
A treasonist criminal is just that whether black, white, or green....:cuckoo:

how old are you ?

you throw around words like treasonous and fascist , prove them lets start with treason a serous word it is , so boy please show where president Obama commit treason ?
I can throw around word to like smith was a child molester and rapist < is that true ? no , is there any foundation for it well ya ignorance is one bigotry is another . grow up kid you can't call people names that are untrue just because your a sheet wearing ass hole

Ah, but you can?

when will people start living the standards they desire to attack others for violating?
A treasonist criminal is just that whether black, white, or green....:cuckoo:

how old are you ?

you throw around words like treasonous and fascist , prove them lets start with treason a serous word it is , so boy please show where president Obama commit treason ?
I can throw around word to like smith was a child molester and rapist < is that true ? no , is there any foundation for it well ya ignorance is one bigotry is another . grow up kid you can't call people names that are untrue just because your a sheet wearing ass hole

Poly wanna CRACKER! You are the personification of what an indoctinated progressive parrot sounds like and thinks like.... You take the prize for throwing around progressive buzz words to hide your ignorance.... Take off the progressive liberal blinders and fly like an Eagle instead of a parrot....
A treasonist criminal is just that whether black, white, or green....:cuckoo:

so if you can prove he committed treason then do it , black white or green . prove it and I'll call for his trail .
as for my beliefs ? their not christian ,so anything other regurgitation of the quire? is not going to happen .
but all I want from you is proof thats all .when or how did he commit treason thats a crime you are hung for .
and treason is not same same as criminal act, thats like saying petty theft , child molestation same same . you have to be a real bum ass to think that . so I await your proof Obama committed treason
A treasonist criminal is just that whether black, white, or green....:cuckoo:

so if you can prove he committed treason then do it , black white or green . prove it and I'll call for his trail .
as for my beliefs ? their not christian ,so anything other regurgitation of the quire? is not going to happen .
but all I want from you is proof thats all .when or how did he commit treason thats a crime you are hung for .
and treason is not same same as criminal act, thats like saying petty theft , child molestation same same . you have to be a real bum ass to think that . so I await your proof Obama committed treason

Learn of the treason taking place in America...

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A treasonist criminal is just that whether black, white, or green....:cuckoo:

so if you can prove he committed treason then do it , black white or green . prove it and I'll call for his trail .
as for my beliefs ? their not christian ,so anything other regurgitation of the quire? is not going to happen .
but all I want from you is proof thats all .when or how did he commit treason thats a crime you are hung for .
and treason is not same same as criminal act, thats like saying petty theft , child molestation same same . you have to be a real bum ass to think that . so I await your proof Obama committed treason

Learn of the treason taking place in America...

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your right I'm learning Spanish and dealing with muslims . but its not easy
so if you can prove he committed treason then do it , black white or green . prove it and I'll call for his trail .
as for my beliefs ? their not christian ,so anything other regurgitation of the quire? is not going to happen .
but all I want from you is proof thats all .when or how did he commit treason thats a crime you are hung for .
and treason is not same same as criminal act, thats like saying petty theft , child molestation same same . you have to be a real bum ass to think that . so I await your proof Obama committed treason

Learn of the treason taking place in America...

My Blog
your right I'm learning Spanish and dealing with muslims . but its not easy

zeigy , learn of treason everyday in America ? really I'd love learn who what where ? the treason's I know of where trough wikileak from a specialist that gave secret document to a ass hole from australia .

and a CIA employ that solid information . you have more?any connection to the white house ?
could you please be pacific ? just a little , your like a movie teaser no substance ,
zeigy , learn of treason everyday in America ? really I'd love learn who what where ? the treason's I know of where trough wikileak from a specialist that gave secret document to a ass hole from australia .

and a CIA employ that solid information . you have more?any connection to the white house ?
could you please be pacific ? just a little , your like a movie teaser no substance ,

sin, How about for a start allowing millions and millions of illegal aliens into the country on purpose, during a so-called war on terra by the way, so they can eventually sway the Democratic vote? Not to mention provide more tax revenue for the corrupt Government to blow even more money on bullshit once they grant them all amnesty? How is that for a start? I got many more examples for yuh too my friend. Just saying. :razz: ~BH
I would argue if we all lived the principles of Mormonism, we wouldn't have nearly as many problems as we have in this world.

Just saying.

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