The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

  • Total voters
The truth about Mormons is: that Joe and his cohorts were cons and the entire belief that they started were false. So it must have been founded on false religion.

That might mean something to us if you could actually support your assertions.

The problem is the evidence doesn't support your position.

1) Joseph went to his death for his belief. That's not something someone who knew he was lying about things would do.

2) Joseph provided witnesses who saw and experienced the things he did who continued to testify to these things after they had falling out with Joseph.

3) The Book of Mormon. The Book is here. There is no satisfactory way to explain it away. Anyone who likes can read it and find out for themselves the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The truthfulness of the Book of Mormon was testified to by 12 witnesses. But the beauty of it is that no one has to trust the witnesses. They can learn for themselves by reading, pondering, and praying about it. The Holy Spirit will testify that the Book of Mormon is true.

I invite you to read the Book of Mormon one of these days Froggy. Youll be very surprised by what you read. It's not what you think it is.

a copy of the Nuremberg Chronicle surfaced in Sandy Utah, this is probably the book Joe and his cohorts used to make up the Mormon religion.

Ahh it's good to be back.. I've been on hiatus for a while... missed you peeps... now back to the mundane...
Please froggy provide some clips or attachments from this supposed document for review. i'm not gonna chase it down.
Sarcasm is lost on you isn't it?

He's probably serious... I doubt he wants to be tolerant of anything outside of his 0bama worship...

you poor little people you can't get past Obama , you hate black people sp much that he is the reason for all your hate derected at you .

but the grown up answer is I'm entolerable to religous groups trying to gain control over political in the entire country . your opwn flock of sheep is just fine but all of us? even the magarety of us because we are non believer ? no FUCKING WAY , the protestants try it , now you clown , and you pathetic dicks think its because of Obama ? n
\ hi am a clown and a mormon . love those TV bull shit adds ot evber the Democrat party . it YOU !!!

The way you type sounds like you have marbles in your mouth when you're talking. probly a few missing up in the cranial area too. No response to that.
the truth about mormons? they suck .

If you think insults made out of ignorance bother anyone, you are mistaken. I have no ill will toward you or any other person because the Lord taught me a long time ago that there is no point to. Despite what you might think, you are still my brother and one day I hope you realize that.

I also hope that one day you take the challenge to read the Book of Mormon and ask God to show you whether it's true. Because I can assure you that if you take the challenge provided, and ask God with a sincere heart, in humility to sincerely know the truth that He will manifest to you with power by the Holy Spirit that the Book of Mormon is true and that Joseph Smith was the Prophet of the Restoration.

More importantly, He will show you that Jesus is the Christ. That He is the Holy One of Israel and remembers and loves His people no matter where in the world they are or no matter what time they live in.

You don't have to take my word for it. That's what is so beautiful about the Gospel. Every individual in the world is entitled to read for themselves. They are entitled to study and to pray and recieve a witness from the Holy Spirit. And then they are free to either act on that witness or not. Either way you choose, wouldn't it be wise to find out for yourself what we actually teach?

Wouldn't it provide a better opportunity to understand one another and create greater love and unity between us all? You can seek that out, or you can seek to remain in ignorance, divided, and afraid. I would encourage you to seek knowledge and truth for yourself. Vanquish fear and unite in knowedgible and civil discourse. But again it's up to you.

if I insulted it wasn't out of ignorance but judgement giving buy mormons ,by their actions , and their fairy tail norcistic crap about becoming gods , thats a hoot .

knowledge of truth ? LOL

I travel to Binah a lot , I visit
Chakhmah almost daily ,
I don't need crap from organized religion the path is open to all , you don't need a guide .

or crutch ,
your as a sad person to need and be accepted by others . weak really .

your religion has shown its ass , sense smith was first run out of town , state to state people hated you , until Utah a territory ,
now you spend millions to try and convince people your just like them but they still don't like you and still wont vote a mormon into the presidency .

boo hoo .
now go whine to the monitor ,

Your life is very bitter I see. There are many things that are true which you will never even consider because of your limited opinions and scope of knowledge. You only speak and know a broken version of one language... ghetto english. Therefore you do not have the intellectual capacity to understand more complicated subjects than welfare and atheism. Have a nice life and I truly hope you snap out of it one day.

why do people like you have blogs ? how narcissistic are you .

why would anyone read blogs , no life of their own ?

when I was a kid there was a saying s he how writes on shit house wall role his shit in little balls , ye how reads theses words of wit , eats those little balls of shit ,

blogs reminded me of that , this was before republicans started tapping their feet in the stalls .
people just wrote jokes and limericks .

I have heard that some genious created a shit detector for gutter wenches like you.... All ya have to do is go near it to make it beep....:bsflag:

Well, I suppose that if you had any glimmer of higher cognitive function, you would be capable of writing your own blog, and actually be useful to others who seek knowledge and insight into the world we live in.... Cartoons, dope and video games create useful idiots as do many of our schools and universities today.... I believe you fit into these categories somewhere?:banana:

Hey! don't crush video games! They have their place. but crush the idiots who worship them.
Ahh it's good to be back.. I've been on hiatus for a while... missed you peeps... now back to the mundane...
Please froggy provide some clips or attachments from this supposed document for review. i'm not gonna chase it down.

i like froggy and all, but he isn't one to provide support for his claim or even articulate it very clearly.
Your life is very bitter I see. There are many things that are true which you will never even consider because of your limited opinions and scope of knowledge. You only speak and know a broken version of one language... ghetto english. Therefore you do not have the intellectual capacity to understand more complicated subjects than welfare and atheism. Have a nice life and I truly hope you snap out of it one day.

Everyone has the ability to comprehend the Gospel. Unfortunately most choose not to bother trying.
I have started this post because it still seems there are a lot of people out there that don't understand our religion. One thing I know I can do is clarify a lot misconceptions that people have.
I served a two year mission in South Africa, and I think I have pretty much heard it all. I actually would welcome some questions that I haven't heard before.
I know some of you aren't interested in what we really believe, but are only going to be interested in trying to trap me in my words, but that's ok. I welcome those attempts as well. Let's see what this develops into.:eusa_pray:

With all due respect I do not think that a practicing Mormon can objetively anwers questions about the faith.

That being said I was a Mormon for about a yr. IMO it is a brain washing cult. They tell you that individuality counts yet ya better be "goose steppin" to their tune. They even want you to wear their "magical mystery panties" Babtise the dead, soo they can say that they are members. What's wrong with that picture? They even have a certqin way you have to pray.. $ easy steps. lol Seems hypocritical too.. For example... A couple should never be alone/date but yet they wanted me to go to a strange mans house to try to enlist him.
With all due respect I do not think that a practicing Mormon can objetively anwers questions about the faith.

So you think that people who are antagonistic and don't practice the faith would know more than those who do? On what basis do you reach that conclusion? In my experience, if you want to know the truth about something, you go to it's source.

That being said I was a Mormon for about a yr. IMO it is a brain washing cult. They tell you that individuality counts yet ya better be "goose steppin" to their tune. They even want you to wear their "magical mystery panties" Babtise the dead, soo they can say that they are members. What's wrong with that picture? They even have a certqin way you have to pray.. $ easy steps. lol Seems hypocritical too.. For example... A couple should never be alone/date but yet they wanted me to go to a strange mans house to try to enlist him.

I have to say I'm incredibly skeptical of your claim here. However, that may be because i found your thought process difficult to follow coherently.

Oh and to answer your question, there is nothing wrong with seeking to bless others with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
With all due respect I do not think that a practicing Mormon can objetively anwers questions about the faith.
I think it's funny that you start out with all due respect and then immediately begin harsh disrespect by insulting us by calling us names and making up childish tags for our doctrines.
Also, to echo Avatar's statement... How can you say that you or anyone else who is not a practicing member of our faith is more knowledgeable than someone who is. There's nothing objective or subjective about our relaying of the facts about our church. We simply repeat the doctrine as it has been taught to us by our prophets. Please learn proper use of english. Someone is either objective or subjective when giving an opinion, but we are just repeating facts about our official church's teachings.

That being said I was a Mormon for about a yr. IMO it is a brain washing cult.
I highly doubt that you were:eusa_liar: but if you are telling the truth, then we didn't do a good job brainwashing you obviously.

They tell you that individuality counts yet ya better be "goose steppin" to their tune.

I think you are referring to our teachings which encourage us to do the things that we enjoy in life but keep the commandments of God... I don't think that's to much to ask to subscribe to our religion... Could you elaborate further?

They even want you to wear their "magical mystery panties"

What magical mystery panties? We believe in no such thing... That's why I don't believe you ever were a member of our church.

Babtise the dead, soo they can say that they are members. What's wrong with that picture?

We don't baptize the dead... Correction... we perform baptisms FOR the dead who never had a chance for baptism for whatever reason.

What's wrong with that picture? Nothing... What do you think is wrong with it?

They even have a certqin way you have to pray.. $ easy steps. lol

lol??? You just said that?:confused: who says that any more? so hilarious... you're laughing out loud at what I imagine?
Yes there is a proper way to pray... news flash... you don't just holler at God and say "Yo dawg... I need u ta git me a favor right quick.."

1. you address God
2. you thank him for things he has done for you
3. you ask him for things you need.
4. you tell him what's on your mind.
5. Close in the name of Jesus Christ... then say Amen..

I know pretty radical huh?:eusa_eh:

Seems hypocritical too.. For example... A couple should never be alone/date but yet they wanted me to go to a strange mans house to try to enlist him.

uhhh.... we don't teach that a couple should never be alone. And we don't want you to go to anyone's home. Only willing missionaries are sent door to door. Please come a little more educated than that please.
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The word "undergarment" or just "garment" has a distinctive meaning to Latter-day Saints. The white undergarment worn by those members who have received the ordinance of the temple Endowment is a ceremonial one. All adults who enter the temple are required to wear it. In mormon temples, men and women who receive priesthood ordinances wear this undergarment and other priestly robes. The garment is worn at all times, but the robes are worn only in the temple. Having made covenants of righteousness, the members wear the garment under their regular clothing for the rest of their lives, day and night, partially to remind them of the sacred covenants they have made with God.
I will never understand why people are obsessed with our underwear.

I only posted about the underwear being that the OP denied that that existed; or was unaware. HIS QUOTE: "What magical mystery panties? We believe in no such thing... That's why I don't believe you ever were a member of our church."

I do not know of anyone who is obcessed other than possibly the wearer? I found when I was introduced to the idea, that was a 'deal breaker" no one gets to pick out my panties but me.. Ohh also I remember I was told I had to be re-babtised. Apparently the one that I had in the Lutheran church wasn't good enough; or maybe it wore out, just didn't take right?
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And we don't.

Nevermind the fact that you brought it up. Please don't insult the intelligence of people who can read a few posts up and see that you are the one obsessing over underwear.
Something about getting your own planet when you die?

Seriously, I was just watching a thing on Jim Jones. What the hell is the difference, a cult is a cult.
Something about getting your own planet when you die?

Seriously, I was just watching a thing on Jim Jones. What the hell is the difference, a cult is a cult.

Jim Jones was a communist.

JJ was a communitarian, just as was Joseph Smith, Lyman Wight, George Miller, and other early Mormon leaders. JJ was also a socio-pathic murderous scumbag. Before you start pumping hot air, friend, understand the Law of Tithing in Missouri required the property of members to be consecrated to the Bishop then returned as part of a stewardship. If a person left the church, he lost his property.

Please don't show us that you don't understand this anymore than you do Mosiah 4.

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