The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

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  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

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Jake, I know you think I'm wrong But there is nothing in the Gospel or the scriptures that teaches that the responsibility to take care of the poor and afflicted should be taken care of by the government. It's the responsibilities of individuals to minister to those around them and they must do so voluntarily or it's pointless.

In fact, it speaks nothing but evil for overburdening the people with taxes and Robbing the people through political force.

You can claim otherwise all you want. But you aren't right about it.

So the gospels leave no doubt that Jesus taught his followers not only in words, but by example, to give to the government any taxes that are owed.

In Romans 13:1, Paul brings further clarification to this concept, along with an even broader responsibility to Christians:

"Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God." (NIV)
Therefore, we can conclude from this verse, if we don't pay taxes we are rebelling against the authorities established by God.
Romans 13:2 gives this warning:

"Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves." (NIV)
And finally, regarding the paying of taxes, Paul couldn't make it any clearer in Romans 13:5-7:

Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also because of conscience. This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God's servants, who give their full time to governing. Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor. (NIV)

Never said otherwise... So I'm not sure what your point is.
I have started this post because it still seems there are a lot of people out there that don't understand our religion. One thing I know I can do is clarify a lot misconceptions that people have.
I served a two year mission in South Africa, and I think I have pretty much heard it all. I actually would welcome some questions that I haven't heard before.
I know some of you aren't interested in what we really believe, but are only going to be interested in trying to trap me in my words, but that's ok. I welcome those attempts as well. Let's see what this develops into.:eusa_pray:

I don't know a damned thing about your religion.

Do you believe in Jesus and God?

If so - you pass.
is it true they actually believe they will get their own planet when they die? Seriously?

Go beck! Please.

if you'd like to know, you can find out for yourself. Feel free to read the Book of Mormon. You can order one for free.

So these fucking nuts really believe they will get their own planets when they die. This is a credible religion? No wonder Beck loves it. It makes sense to me now.

Their own planet....lololololololol
I have started this post because it still seems there are a lot of people out there that don't understand our religion. One thing I know I can do is clarify a lot misconceptions that people have.
I served a two year mission in South Africa, and I think I have pretty much heard it all. I actually would welcome some questions that I haven't heard before.
I know some of you aren't interested in what we really believe, but are only going to be interested in trying to trap me in my words, but that's ok. I welcome those attempts as well. Let's see what this develops into.:eusa_pray:

I don't know a damned thing about your religion.

Do you believe in Jesus and God?

If so - you pass.

Our First Article of Faith is that "We believe in God, the Eternal Father, His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost"

So to answer your question in one word: Yes
I have started this post because it still seems there are a lot of people out there that don't understand our religion. One thing I know I can do is clarify a lot misconceptions that people have.
I served a two year mission in South Africa, and I think I have pretty much heard it all. I actually would welcome some questions that I haven't heard before.
I know some of you aren't interested in what we really believe, but are only going to be interested in trying to trap me in my words, but that's ok. I welcome those attempts as well. Let's see what this develops into.:eusa_pray:

I don't know a damned thing about your religion.

Do you believe in Jesus and God?

If so - you pass.

Our First Article of Faith is that "We believe in God, the Eternal Father, His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost"

So to answer your question in one word: Yes

You have that whole Trinity thing going.
I'm good with that
is it true they actually believe they will get their own planet when they die? Seriously?

Go beck! Please.

if you'd like to know, you can find out for yourself. Feel free to read the Book of Mormon. You can order one for free.

So these fucking nuts really believe they will get their own planets when they die. This is a credible religion? No wonder Beck loves it. It makes sense to me now.

Their own planet....lololololololol

I recommended you read for yourself instead of simply relying on what others say. In fact, Id recommend everyone do that.

Either the Book of Mormon is true or it isn't. And there is an easy way to find out. God has promised that He will reveal the truth through the Holy Spirit.

I don't think it's unreasonable to order a free copy of the Book of Mormon and reading it for yourself and finding out from the Lord the truth of it.
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if you'd like to know, you can find out for yourself. Feel free to read the Book of Mormon. You can order one for free.

So these fucking nuts really believe they will get their own planets when they die. This is a credible religion? No wonder Beck loves it. It makes sense to me now.

Their own planet....lololololololol

I recommended you read for yourself instead of simply relying on what others say. Inf act, Id recommend everyone do that.

Either the Book of Mormon is true or it isn't. And there is an easy way to find out. God has promised that He will reveal the truth through the Holy Spirit.

I don't think it's unreasonable to order a free copy of the Book of Mormon and reading it for yourself and finding out from the Lord the truth of it.

No thanks, all religion is bullshit anyway.
No thanks, all religion is bullshit anyway.

Not sure how you can logically conclude that when you refuse to study religions, but to each his own.

So, YOUR understanding of this all, do they really believe in getting a planet when they die? I am asking YOUR interpretation of all this. YOURS....

Is that what it says? No deflection, no misdirection. YOu read it, what is what you took from it..? What planet will you get when you die? :)
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No thanks, all religion is bullshit anyway.

Not sure how you can logically conclude that when you refuse to study religions, but to each his own.

So, YOUR understanding of this all, do they really believe in getting a planet when they die? I am asking YOUR interpretation of all this. YOURS....

Is that what it says? No deflection, no misdirection. YOu read it, what is what you took from it..? What planet will you get when you die? :)

I have no clue what happens when we die other than what's been written in scripture. I know that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ we are joint heirs with Christ and will receive all the Father has. The Father does have a number of planets. I can't imagine that wouldn't be part of the package.

The Book of Mormon says nothing on the subject. You'd know that for yourself if you read it.
is it true they actually believe they will get their own planet when they die? Seriously?

Go beck! Please.

Is it true that when you get bored, you entertain yourself by bobbing for French Fries?

That sounds painful, so I hope no one does that.

But the beauty of the Gospel is that even if someone does something that stupid, God can heal them.
You are partially right, but since King Benjamin was the head of government and head of church, yes, to take care of the poor and the sick and the ill and the orphan is indeed part of your scriptures by individual, by church, and by government. In modern days, theodemocracy fuses church and goveernment. Your church would practice theodemocracy openly if it could. So would many churches. Simple fact.

Of course we would... We've been warning everybody that Jesus is going to insititute his theodemocracy very soon worldwide.
I have started this post because it still seems there are a lot of people out there that don't understand our religion. One thing I know I can do is clarify a lot misconceptions that people have.
I served a two year mission in South Africa, and I think I have pretty much heard it all. I actually would welcome some questions that I haven't heard before.
I know some of you aren't interested in what we really believe, but are only going to be interested in trying to trap me in my words, but that's ok. I welcome those attempts as well. Let's see what this develops into.:eusa_pray:

I don't know a damned thing about your religion.

Do you believe in Jesus and God?

If so - you pass.

Well there are no damned things to know... Only good knowledge that won't get you damned.

btw we pass I guess.
is it true they actually believe they will get their own planet when they die? Seriously?

Go beck! Please.

if you'd like to know, you can find out for yourself. Feel free to read the Book of Mormon. You can order one for free.

So these fucking nuts really believe they will get their own planets when they die. This is a credible religion? No wonder Beck loves it. It makes sense to me now.

Their own planet....lololololololol

what's more ridiculous?
Believing there is a God who is the literal father of all of us who you're not allowed to see but are supposed to believe in.......... or........
That that same God would give all his has to his children in the next life?......or..... BONUS OPTION.....

Not believing in a God at all..

Choose door number 1 2 or 3 smartypants.
So these fucking nuts really believe they will get their own planets when they die. This is a credible religion? No wonder Beck loves it. It makes sense to me now.

Their own planet....lololololololol

I recommended you read for yourself instead of simply relying on what others say. Inf act, Id recommend everyone do that.

Either the Book of Mormon is true or it isn't. And there is an easy way to find out. God has promised that He will reveal the truth through the Holy Spirit.

I don't think it's unreasonable to order a free copy of the Book of Mormon and reading it for yourself and finding out from the Lord the truth of it.

No thanks, all religion is bullshit anyway.

No thanks, all religion is bullshit anyway.

Not sure how you can logically conclude that when you refuse to study religions, but to each his own.

So, YOUR understanding of this all, do they really believe in getting a planet when they die? I am asking YOUR interpretation of all this. YOURS....

Is that what it says? No deflection, no misdirection. YOu read it, what is what you took from it..? What planet will you get when you die? :)

What you've heard is a regurgitated piece of anti mormon excriment... It's loosely derived from the fact that we are all Gods in training. What do gods do in the next life? Whatever they want... If they want to build a planet, then the name of the planet hasn't been created yet. So I don't have a name. I might name my planet as a special place where cynical morons are not allowed... Perhaps NOMORONS... Has a nice ring to it eh?:razz:
Truthspeaker, 'porn' is concept applied to more than perversion of sex and attitudes about sex. It applies to religious discussions: not all defenders of Mormonism practice apologeticsporn, not all critics of Mormononism practice apostasyporn. If we stay with incontrovertible historical facts, we can discuss without name calling.
Not sure how you can logically conclude that when you refuse to study religions, but to each his own.

So, YOUR understanding of this all, do they really believe in getting a planet when they die? I am asking YOUR interpretation of all this. YOURS....

Is that what it says? No deflection, no misdirection. YOu read it, what is what you took from it..? What planet will you get when you die? :)

What you've heard is a regurgitated piece of anti mormon excriment... It's loosely derived from the fact that we are all Gods in training. What do gods do in the next life? Whatever they want... If they want to build a planet, then the name of the planet hasn't been created yet. So I don't have a name. I might name my planet as a special place where cynical morons are not allowed... Perhaps NOMORONS... Has a nice ring to it eh?:razz:

Dear SaltJones TruthSpeaker et al:
1. I would agree that all religions (and secular laws as well) can be abused to espouse and perpetuate "BS". As I have long argued, the scourge of legal/judicial abuse is just as rampant if not worse than religious/cult abuse (in part because legal/judicial authority is mandatory to follow while religious authority is optional; but both can be abused to induce severe psychological and physical damage, even PTSD for harm that is otherwise hidden)

But I also recognize any law or system can be used for good equally as bad.
If we only focus on the bad, and the unforgiveable offenses there,
that can bias our judgment instead of putting all things in balanced perspective.
Yes, the wrongs should be addressed, but in all systems equally across the spectrum.
And so should the good contributions from all groups be encouraged and recognized.

2. TS I misread your post at first, and thought it said NOMORMONS
instead of NOMORONS!

How I would interpret the vision of having a new planet:
when the false ways of the world come to their own end for they are unsustainable
then it is like a new world being reborn, so that can seem like a new planet.

On a literal level, there are some people who believe mankind is destined to develop
our technology to be able to move to another planet since the earth will eventually
move too close to the sun.

Either way, both futures would require humanity to reach spiritual maturity
and cooperate in perfect harmony instead of haggling over details and issues
carried over from the past as we do now.

So no matter what our future holds, or what these visions mean,
the common factor is making peace and rising above our differences
to establish universal truth so we can align in purpose and action to be more productive
and resourceful, instead of wasting so much on conflict.

The peacemaking process will humble us all, and compel correction or elimination of every fault on all sides. When we are all equally humble that way, we will not pick on each other for how we say or see things, because we all are going to be different, so what.

I believe the learning curve bends toward truth and justice and harmony,
so thank you for abiding in faith until all hearts and minds align in peace.

The more we struggle to understand each other,
the greater the rewards in the process.
Wishing you the best, Thanks!
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