The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

  • Total voters
If you are seeking the Truth, then you will accept the Book of Mormon, because the Holy Spirit says it contains the Truth. It preaches the Fulness of the Gospel and establishes the Bible as Truth as well. The Record of Joseph and the Record of Judah are in the hands of descendants of Jacob and reminding them that God will keep the covenants He has made with the House of Israel and Establishing that Jesus is the Christ.

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is a reality. He appeared to people throughout the world. The Book of Mormon records the appearance of the Risen Lord to those who lived in America. Their witness is true. Read it. Study it. Pray over it. The Lord has told us to prove all things. He has told us that the Spirit will show us the Truth of all things. And that all scripture is profitable for us.

You can read it for free. You can pray about it. Every person can find out for themselves that the Book of Mormon is true. God has made a promise that all may learn.
Truthspeaker, 'porn' is concept applied to more than perversion of sex and attitudes about sex. It applies to religious discussions: not all defenders of Mormonism practice apologeticsporn, not all critics of Mormononism practice apostasyporn. If we stay with incontrovertible historical facts, we can discuss without name calling.

Porn?:eusa_eh: I miss your point...

As to the name calling... I called no one any name.:eusa_angel:
ANY variety of "CHRISTIAN" is a screwed up mystical believing, intellectually lazy, wishful thinking, arrogant, self-serving, childishly acting human being.

I humbly disagree. Christianity, accurately taught and in it's fullness, is the Lord's Plan of happiness and Redemption. It is an answer to the Fall of man and the inherent corruption in ourselves. The Doctrines are designed to help us overcome both sin and death, and thus find true joy in this life and in the life to come.

The unfortunate truth, however, is that few end up using the Atonement of Christ to it's fullest potential. There are intellectally lazy Christians. There are wishful thinking, arogant, self-serving, childish Christians. The fact that Christians as a whole are imperfect or fail to understand the power of godliness found in their faith, doesn't invalidate (or validate) whether that faith is true.

There is only one way to determine whether Jesus is the Christ, and that is the way Peter did.

Tell me, have you studied the scriptures? Have you read the Bible? Have you read any other scripture such as the Book of Mormon? Or do you simply base your conclusions on what you percieve Christians to be or do?

To elevate ANY ONE human being above another, from the moment of birth and baptism......this is the ultimate kind of tribal lunacy that we see in a 21st century world.

How is it lunacy? merely because you say so? Christ descended below all things to lift us above all things. If we elevate Christ to the position He rightly holds, we are merely rising ourselves to the same level because through His Atonement we have become Joint Heirs with Christ. We shall recieve the blessings He has recieved from the Father. And unlike us, He was actually worthy of those blessings.


Again, why? Because you say so? We have the testimony of countless eye witnesses. I have my own personal witness from the Holy Spirit that Jesus is the Christ. The only reason I truly know is because God revealed it to me. I've asked myself "why me?" many times. I am no more worthy to know than anyone else. There are many more worthy. But who am I to deny God? Why should I deny what I know to be true simply because you make claims you don't back up? Is ridicule truly the only evidence you have?

Please people, grow up and let your brains grow up, too! We don't need to be fighting amongst each other, killing over a million people with American tax dollars in the last ten years, all based upon "Christianity is better than..." kind of thinking.

No we don't need to fight against each other. Truth be told, I don't consider myself fighting with you. You are my brother. You may not believe that, but it's true. And I have no doubt that you truly believe what you are saying. We simply disagree on whether it's true.

There is no reason that Christians, or anyone from any other faith for that matter, doesn't use thteir brains or let their intellect grow. Do you honestly believe that unless someone agrees completely with you that they aren't using their brains? Everyone has different experiences. Everyone is privy to different facts. Some have learned "facts" that simply aren't true, but honestly don't realize it.

Is this ridicule really necessary? If you're points are correct, shouldn't you be able to simply rely on the merits of your arguments rather than ridicule your opponents? Obviously, we are all imperfect and we can get caught up in the emotion of debate. It's human tendency, but insulting someone doesn't prove yourself correct. In fact, it shows immaturity in regards to the debate and creates insincerity in discussion. How are we going to be united and come to any sort of understanding when we poison the discussion with insults rather than discuss things on the merits?

I truly feel ashamed that I ever engage in that, especially, when i hurt a brother because of it and the merits of the truth to my faith are obscured in the emotion and hurt produced by it. The weakness of man is difficult to overcome sometimes.

And also, there hasnt been any killing or tax dollars spent to show Christianity is better than other ideals in the past ten years. Our government doesnt spend tax money to promote any religion, let alone Christianity. I

However, some ideas are superior to others. That is the truth. Thankfully, we have the freedom to speak our minds and debate and discuss what those ideas are. We can study and learn for ourselves and persuade others as well.

Please, Christians, of any and all varieties, get over your mythologies, and fight for human beings being able to co-exist in peace and mutual support upon this planet. Believe what fairy tales you want to believe about Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, Jesus, Moses parting the seas, whatever.......I don't really think it makes a bit of difference what you believe.....just get on with saving the people... all the people.. on the planet,

I think you are falsely assuming that Christians don't already seek to coexist in peace and mutual support with our brethren. I have no doubt that some Christians may seek contention and violence, but the Spirit of Contention and disunity does not come from Christ. The Fruits of the Spirit are "love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance" (Gal 5:22-23).

Those are the fruit of the Christian faith.

But I would also warn you against denying the power of godliness. I don't think that is wise. I've seen miracles. and the powers of God manifest. I've been healed from a serious injury instantaneously by the Spirit. (Quite unexpectedly too which was nice). There is power in Christianity. But the powers of heaven can only be maintained and controlled upon the principles of righteousness.

AND STOP THIS SILLY BICKERING AND INTERNET VOTING !!! Get to work fixing stuff. Get an education, get busy doing something to make this planet a better place to live and stop fighting with each other over which mythology you prefer!!

More presumptions brother. I don't see how communication with my fellow man is silly bickering. Internet voting, you may have a point, but when two people are communicating and teaching and learning from one another, how does it not make the planet better place? likewise, how do you reconcile your own attitude in our internet discussions with your own desire? Do you really believe that everyone, but you is engaged in this behavior which you detest?

I find that is what seems to be the problem with alot of people. They want others to change, but they don't apply their own standards to themselves. I agree that we need to encourage others to do better. We need to preach, exhort, teach, and minister to the needs of others, but we need to make sure we are working on ourselves as well. We need to make sure we are practicing what we teach and encourage others to.

I consider this as part of ministry. (at least when im talking about religion, the political stuff is just more fun). It's also an exercise to help me grow and love others. Even when they are insulting.

I also think you might want to stop presuming people aren't educated simply because they believe and disagree with you. If you don't mind me asking, what is your educational background? How often do you read books for educational purposes? How do you study and learn?

Get to work!

I have no doubt that many of us already are, even if you deny such. I suggest you do the same. I would encourage you to continue to lift your brothers as well. Stop ridiculing them and lift them. If they disagree with you so what?
I have started this post because it still seems there are a lot of people out there that don't understand our religion. One thing I know I can do is clarify a lot misconceptions that people have.
I served a two year mission in South Africa, and I think I have pretty much heard it all. I actually would welcome some questions that I haven't heard before.
I know some of you aren't interested in what we really believe, but are only going to be interested in trying to trap me in my words, but that's ok. I welcome those attempts as well. Let's see what this develops into.:eusa_pray:

Do you always wear ur fundie undies.?
I have started this post because it still seems there are a lot of people out there that don't understand our religion. One thing I know I can do is clarify a lot misconceptions that people have.
I served a two year mission in South Africa, and I think I have pretty much heard it all. I actually would welcome some questions that I haven't heard before.
I know some of you aren't interested in what we really believe, but are only going to be interested in trying to trap me in my words, but that's ok. I welcome those attempts as well. Let's see what this develops into.:eusa_pray:

ANY variety of "CHRISTIAN" is a screwed up mystical believing, intellectually lazy, wishful thinking, arrogant, self-serving, childishly acting human being.

To elevate ANY ONE human being above another, from the moment of birth and baptism......this is the ultimate kind of tribal lunacy that we see in a 21st century world.


Please people, grow up and let your brains grow up, too! We don't need to be fighting amongst each other, killing over a million people with American tax dollars in the last ten years, all based upon "Christianity is better than..." kind of thinking.

Please, Christians, of any and all varieties, get over your mythologies, and fight for human beings being able to co-exist in peace and mutual support upon this planet. Believe what fairy tales you want to believe about Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, Jesus, Moses parting the seas, whatever.......I don't really think it makes a bit of difference what you believe.....just get on with saving the people... all the people.. on the planet,

AND STOP THIS SILLY BICKERING AND INTERNET VOTING !!! Get to work fixing stuff. Get an education, get busy doing something to make this planet a better place to live and stop fighting with each other over which mythology you prefer!!

Get to work!

In response to your heavy insults all I would say to you is get yourself an education. You have obviously done zero research on my religion because if you had then you would realize our entire religion revolves around making a difference among mankind for the better.
Did you ever consider that Atheism is also mythology?
I have started this post because it still seems there are a lot of people out there that don't understand our religion. One thing I know I can do is clarify a lot misconceptions that people have.
I served a two year mission in South Africa, and I think I have pretty much heard it all. I actually would welcome some questions that I haven't heard before.
I know some of you aren't interested in what we really believe, but are only going to be interested in trying to trap me in my words, but that's ok. I welcome those attempts as well. Let's see what this develops into.:eusa_pray:

Do you always wear ur fundie undies.?

Cute avatar Mooner... will you contribute anything of substance?
I can't say I have gone into any indepth analysis of the Mormon religion. As far as I know, there aren't many Mormons where I live, and I have never been a big fan of organized religion. In all honesty, most of my knowledge about Mormons probably comes from South Park. While I don't recommend animated TV shows as being the primary source for knowledge on any subject, it does lend me the base of what my general opinion is.

I don't remember the exact line, but the Mormon charecter that has been the center of the episode tells the boys he doesn't care what the origins of the religion were, what was important was what it teached today. Because of it, he was a good person, close with his family, and involved in his community.

Nothing wrong with that.
Hmm I wonder how many Bishops believe that. Also Relief Society is quite different depending on the Ward as well.

I'm not quite sure what you mean. Are you asking how many bishops believe in preaching official church doctrine? If someone is found preaching false church doctrine, they are taken to church court and disciplined and if necessary, excommunicated.

You guys do lashes also? Or just a stern finger wagging?
Mormons are Christian, no doubt. Just not the one, true church is all.
Then who holds the keys to bind on earth and in heaven and loose on earth and in heaven? Who then has authority from God?
False definitions. God through Jesus Christ makes His grace and will known to the individual. Remember that the Bible and the Book of Mormon are written by men.
I have started this post because it still seems there are a lot of people out there that don't understand our religion. One thing I know I can do is clarify a lot misconceptions that people have.
I served a two year mission in South Africa, and I think I have pretty much heard it all. I actually would welcome some questions that I haven't heard before.
I know some of you aren't interested in what we really believe, but are only going to be interested in trying to trap me in my words, but that's ok. I welcome those attempts as well. Let's see what this develops into.:eusa_pray:

ANY variety of "CHRISTIAN" is a screwed up mystical believing, intellectually lazy, wishful thinking, arrogant, self-serving, childishly acting human being.

To elevate ANY ONE human being above another, from the moment of birth and baptism......this is the ultimate kind of tribal lunacy that we see in a 21st century world.


Please people, grow up and let your brains grow up, too! We don't need to be fighting amongst each other, killing over a million people with American tax dollars in the last ten years, all based upon "Christianity is better than..." kind of thinking.

Please, Christians, of any and all varieties, get over your mythologies, and fight for human beings being able to co-exist in peace and mutual support upon this planet. Believe what fairy tales you want to believe about Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, Jesus, Moses parting the seas, whatever.......I don't really think it makes a bit of difference what you believe.....just get on with saving the people... all the people.. on the planet,

AND STOP THIS SILLY BICKERING AND INTERNET VOTING !!! Get to work fixing stuff. Get an education, get busy doing something to make this planet a better place to live and stop fighting with each other over which mythology you prefer!!

Get to work!
It's nice to see someone speak the truth to these loathsome irresponsible people. It strikes me as phenomenally reckless and immoral to exploit the naivety of young children yet that is precisely what every religion does. They are such filthy hypocrites; claiming to cherish the "freedom of religion" that protects all faiths while simultaneously denying their own children that very same privilege. No child can defend themselves from such an insidious indoctrination and so it is passed on--like an infectious disease. A truly decent person would wait until their children were adults--fully capable of evaluating those theories and aware of their own rights and responsibilities--before introducing them to religious ideas and materials.

I believe that religion is on the outs. It seems to thrive on ignorance, oppression, and poverty; and all three of those things are rapidly being undermined by the global internet. I think it will ultimately evolve to make our political capital as tangible and fungible as currency makes our other wealth, and that this will allow free market forces to make us into a genuinely wise and competent global electorate. And that that will lead to the protection of children from the industries that seek to exploit them, and hence the death of religion as we know it today.
Atheists waste much time on being unable to prove that God does not exist, so most of us consider that part of their values system rather stupid. But, hey, it's their lives.
Mormons are Christian, no doubt. Just not the one, true church is all.
Then who holds the keys to bind on earth and in heaven and loose on earth and in heaven? Who then has authority from God?
False definitions. God through Jesus Christ makes His grace and will known to the individual. Remember that the Bible and the Book of Mormon are written by men.

How can it be a false definition? The scriptures clearly mention Christ telling Peter that he would be given the keys to the bind on earth and in heaven and loose on earth and in heaven. Who alive has those keys today?
It's nice to see someone speak the truth to these loathsome irresponsible people. It strikes me as phenomenally reckless and immoral to exploit the naivety of young children yet that is precisely what every religion does. They are such filthy hypocrites; claiming to cherish the "freedom of religion" that protects all faiths while simultaneously denying their own children that very same privilege. No child can defend themselves from such an insidious indoctrination and so it is passed on--like an infectious disease. A truly decent person would wait until their children were adults--fully capable of evaluating those theories and aware of their own rights and responsibilities--before introducing them to religious ideas and materials.

I believe that religion is on the outs. It seems to thrive on ignorance, oppression, and poverty; and all three of those things are rapidly being undermined by the global internet. I think it will ultimately evolve to make our political capital as tangible and fungible as currency makes our other wealth, and that this will allow free market forces to make us into a genuinely wise and competent global electorate. And that that will lead to the protection of children from the industries that seek to exploit them, and hence the death of religion as we know it today.

I hate to disappoint you, but you're wrong. Faith in Christ is reviving in the world.
Then who holds the keys to bind on earth and in heaven and loose on earth and in heaven? Who then has authority from God?
False definitions. God through Jesus Christ makes His grace and will known to the individual. Remember that the Bible and the Book of Mormon are written by men.

How can it be a false definition? The scriptures clearly mention Christ telling Peter that he would be given the keys to the bind on earth and in heaven and loose on earth and in heaven. Who alive has those keys today?

That's one interp of the scripture but not the only one, and certainly not the one favored by the overwhelming numbers of the Catholic faith.

Don't worry. I don't Catholicism is any more a "true church" than I do any of those various sects of Mormonism that follow Joseph Smith.
Mormonism is a cult that abuses young girls. if it wasn't, you would empower the girls through education then once an adult, let them decide who they'll marry, or if they go to college...

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