The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

  • Total voters
If we don't stand on our common Christian principles and values we will fall and our Republic will fall even further than it has already. We must have leaders that stay true to our Christian heritage and character or we as a nation are doomed; unless you all think God is a liar?:eusa_liar:

do what you gotta do but stay the shit out of my political life , or life in general .

I don't care if you marry your brother . just stay out of public law .

Is that you SATAN!:evil:

as much as mormon worship Satan you should know him by now .

your religion is anti-American , you think like the RC that you can interfere with politics to make this a christian country , except most christian think your evil thats why your boy lost his bid for repig candidate . and why your nasty little religion is running adds to try and prove your just American regulor guys ,

look at how they backed Romney . lol
Multiculturalism is a progressive weapon being used to fan the flames of social, and political conflict and subversion in many countries around the world. It is spread in music, media, education, politics, addiction, sex, dependency on gov't, and religion whether foreign or secular.

Thanks to the progressives promoting the mass immigration invasion taking place in our Country, I believe racial conflict will intensify as our economic and political failings intensify.

People are very protective of their culture, heritage, religion, liberty and form of gov't if it reflects who they are as a nation of people....
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If we intend to win the culture war, we have to choose what we do more carefully. Legislating is not a sign of winning the culture war, it's a sign that we are losing it.

First step is changing our own life, our own traditions our own culture. and then persuading others to follow.

And yes we participate in politics. We have a responsibility to ourselves and our fellow Americans to stand for good principles in government. Not to mention the right to. If you don't like that, feel free to speak out against us.
If we intend to win the culture war, we have to choose what we do more carefully. Legislating is not a sign of winning the culture war, it's a sign that we are losing it.

First step is changing our own life, our own traditions our own culture. and then persuading others to follow.

And yes we participate in politics. We have a responsibility to ourselves and our fellow Americans to stand for good principles in government. Not to mention the right to. If you don't like that, feel free to speak out against us.

participate ? really ?
Californa has a percentage of 7 in the moron community yet mormons from around the country sent money to california to influence a bill . yes gay marriage .

why ?
there participation and trying to flat out rule
your not the only ones , the catholics try it by withholding sacrament from politician that vote against vatican wishes ,
the protestant built collages to try and train infiltrates into government .
look you can go be a god in other universe if thats your belief but your not god here .
If we intend to win the culture war, we have to choose what we do more carefully. Legislating is not a sign of winning the culture war, it's a sign that we are losing it.

First step is changing our own life, our own traditions our own culture. and then persuading others to follow.

And yes we participate in politics. We have a responsibility to ourselves and our fellow Americans to stand for good principles in government. Not to mention the right to. If you don't like that, feel free to speak out against us.

Right.... Checkout my blog...

New age global Babylon? « My Blog
So I take it you don't like it when people you don't like voice their opinion in politics? Too bad. We aren't going to stop
So I take it you don't like it when people you don't like voice their opinion in politics? Too bad. We aren't going to stop

what a moron
no one like it when a religion tries to take control of government , and you run adds all you like trying to convince people your descent but people wont care , Romney didn't make it and neither will any other ,

people wake up and they'll see what a peace4 of shit you are .
you dumb ass were kicked out of every state , only a territory would allow you . thing haven't change . you don't like it ? to damn bad .
You don't have to like us. Doesn't mean we don't have to right to speak up. Nor does it mean we don't have the right to engage in the politican process for causes we believe in. Nor does it mean we can't exercise our faith freely in our lives.

Simply because you don't like it, doesn't make us second class citizens.

The individual sounds like one of the uneducated savages who snuck into the US to vote for more free stuff from Sheik O'Buzzard and his progressive Harlots in Washington....
me too , but not enough to be one .

Sarcasm is lost on you isn't it?

He's probably serious... I doubt he wants to be tolerant of anything outside of his 0bama worship...

you poor little people you can't get past Obama , you hate black people sp much that he is the reason for all your hate derected at you .

but the grown up answer is I'm entolerable to religous groups trying to gain control over political in the entire country . your opwn flock of sheep is just fine but all of us? even the magarety of us because we are non believer ? no FUCKING WAY , the protestants try it , now you clown , and you pathetic dicks think its because of Obama ? n
\ hi am a clown and a mormon . love those TV bull shit adds ot evber the Democrat party . it YOU !!!

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