The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

  • Total voters
They must have been out of town during general conference, its too bad they don't follow the churches suggestion and be nice.
They must have been out of town during general conference, its too bad they don't follow the churches suggestion and be nice.

I am sure more heeded the advice, than otherwise. That is quite a blanket statement to say no one was there. I am sure he would have stopped talking if everyone got up and left. But I am glad you read it, so now you know the churches official stance on the issue of the doctrine of inclusion.
"I had a lot of Mormon friends when I lived in Phoenix back in the 90s. There aren't many Mormons in Arkansas. I have seen the movies "The God Makers" and "The God Makers II". Quite interesting."

It's too bad that you are hearing a one sided point of view from some bitter ex-members that want to portray half-truths. I would like to know what was so interesting.

It's difficult to come to a commons ground with a Mormon interpretation of the bible when they are taught that the present day bible is corrupted, and thus dear old Joseph Smith Jr. had to pull a new bible literally out of his hat with a seers stone via an ange called Moroni.

First of all the "Jesus" of the Mormons is not the "Jesus" of the bible. Plain and simple. The Aaronic Priesthood is so unbiblical too. The Temple secrets taught or given to Temple Mormons is totally out of Freemason or Masonic teaching and is occultic.

Mormons do not accept salvation by "grace" but by "works". The Christian bible teaches that faith comes first and salvation and then works are a resultant of that new, God given faith called, "Being Born Again" or "Born From Above" as Jesus clearly taught Nicodemus the Pharisee.

Joseph Smith Jr. was not martyr'd either. He was jailed in Illinois for breaking into a local newspaper office and damaging or attempting to damage the printing press. Why? Cause the paper printed anti-Mormon articles. A crowd had come to take him out of jail and noose him or give him an uncomfortable ride out of town along with his followers, and he/Smith Jr. got possession of a pistol and got in a shoot-out with the locals and died. The Church rewrote history for their followers making Smith Jr. a martyr for his faith. He was a treasure hunter, along with Smith Sr., his dad in New York, before coming up with this great idea of starting a new religion.

Teddy Roosevelt even demanded that the American Flag be taken down from the Mormon Temple in Salt Lake City, Utah, as their religion was "persona non grata" with the U.S. government. It hadn't been that many years earlier that the terrible "Mountain Meadows Massacre" had been committed by Brigham Young and his followers, disguised as American Indians.

Burning Boosum: This is the catch-all of Morminism. The friendly, smilely, young men at your door step will prey on nominal Christians that don't know the bible and it's cautions within to believers and will take up the challenge to "Pray" to God and see if Mormonism is real.

So many people have had weird supernatural experiences that conveniently seem to convey the message that Mormonis is the truth. Many of their converted have had dreams where a long departed relative spoke to them and told them that Mormonism is the truth.

The bible infatically says, "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word(Scripture) of God"! Namely, the bible is God's communication to mankind of the truths of His nature, His desires for mankind, and His mapwork of salvation of our fallen race through the death, burial, and ressurrection of Jesus Christ.

I'll have to give old Joseph Smith Jr. credit. He was a con man in New York, and a very intelligent one at that. He's conned millions up to the present

The Mormon church classifies him as a prophet, but the definition of a prophet according to the bible is a man who is a spokesman/woman of God, does not false prophesy(which Joseph Smith Jr false prophesied many times), one time. I.E.. A true prophet of God has a 100% batting average when in comes to prophesying. One false prophesy, and that prophet is or was killed. A Prophets position was too important.

The Book of Mormon has gone through so many word/sentence changes since it's 1830's authorship by Smith, that it will make your head spin.

The 2,000 year old Dead Sea Scrolls validate the present day bible as still accurate and dependable. The nearly complete Isaiah Dead Sea Scroll is word for word a match to the viable, and accepted translations nowadays....Which Incluce, the King James, NASB, NIV, etc.

Do not include the Book of Mormon nor the Jehovah's Witnesses's New World Translation bible in this mix.

The JW's, have conveniently changed N.T. wordage in strategic areas to change the nature or diety of Jesus Christ to one of a created being, that validates their false premise that Jesus was the Arch Angel Michael, and thus was a created being. So the scripture where Jesus said to the crowd, "Before Abraham I AM", which meant, I am God, is rebuked by the Jehovah's Witnesses. Their founder was taken to court back at the turn of the 19th century, and challenged with his claims to know ancient greek and was a translater, and was thoroughly proven to be totally illiterate in Greek. Their founder just took the present day bible of his time and changed certain wordage to support his alleged, personal revelation of "truth" about God.

The greatest test to tell if a religion is trully Christian, is how do they deal with the biblical Jesus Christ. His He God incarnate in the flesh, ever present, in the past, ever present in the future, or is He merely a created being, and less that God the Father in stature/importance.

The islamic religion gives Jesus creedance as a prophet, but claims that he didn't really die on the cross, but swooned, and was revived after being removed, or a substitute was crucified in his place. J.W.'s claim Jesus was crucified on a stake, and was not God's Son, incarnate.

Mormons claim that Jesus's brother in heaven was Lucifer, and that a great meeting was held to decide who would go to earth and become the Saviour. Jesus got picked, and Lucifer rebelled cause he wanted to be the Saviour.

Also, Mormon works, reveals itself doctrinally in that a good Mormon man can some day be the first Adam of his own planet. He also holds the power to ressurect his wife from the dead.

You may not know this but the great geneological interest that the Mormons have is to do with baptising the dead for salvatioon. Mormons believe that one can be baptised after death and have salvation, yet a literal "hell" isn't really in Mormon doctrine. It's more or less degrees of goodness that are accepted.

Interestingly, Hubbards, Scientology has some similarities to Mormonism in the area of planets and races of people. Hubbard taught in Scientology that our human race came from another planet, called "Nob". Yes, my friend, John Travolt, and Tom Cruise buy into that. I respect them as actors, but I sure don't accept their religious leanings at all. They are absolutely weird.

The finger prints of cults and the occult, always centers on how Jesus of the bible is defined by them. In every case, he will be diminished in diety to "a god"(J.W.'s NWT), or in the case of Mormonism, just one of many Jesus's or Adams of planets.
So many people have had weird supernatural experiences that conveniently seem to convey the message that Mormonis is the truth. Many of their converted have had dreams where a long departed relative spoke to them and told them that Mormonism is the truth.

Mormons claim that Jesus's brother in heaven was Lucifer, and that a great meeting was held to decide who would go to earth and become the Saviour. Jesus got picked, and Lucifer rebelled cause he wanted to be the Saviour.

Also, Mormon works, reveals itself doctrinally in that a good Mormon man can some day be the first Adam of his own planet. He also holds the power to ressurect his wife from the dead.

The finger prints of cults and the occult, always centers on how Jesus of the bible is defined by them. In every case, he will be diminished in diety to "a god"(J.W.'s NWT), or in the case of Mormonism, just one of many Jesus's or Adams of planets.

I have had vivid dreams involving the mormon religion, I didn't know what the dreams meant. Are you saying they make those dreams happen through some sort of hoodoo-voodoo?
It's difficult to come to a commons ground with a Mormon interpretation of the bible when they are taught that the present day bible is corrupted, and thus dear old Joseph Smith Jr. had to pull a new bible literally out of his hat with a seers stone via an ange called Moroni.

First of all the "Jesus" of the Mormons is not the "Jesus" of the bible. Plain and simple. The Aaronic Priesthood is so unbiblical too. The Temple secrets taught or given to Temple Mormons is totally out of Freemason or Masonic teaching and is occultic.

Mormons do not accept salvation by "grace" but by "works". The Christian bible teaches that faith comes first and salvation and then works are a resultant of that new, God given faith called, "Being Born Again" or "Born From Above" as Jesus clearly taught Nicodemus the Pharisee.

Joseph Smith Jr. was not martyr'd either. He was jailed in Illinois for breaking into a local newspaper office and damaging or attempting to damage the printing press. Why? Cause the paper printed anti-Mormon articles. A crowd had come to take him out of jail and noose him or give him an uncomfortable ride out of town along with his followers, and he/Smith Jr. got possession of a pistol and got in a shoot-out with the locals and died. The Church rewrote history for their followers making Smith Jr. a martyr for his faith. He was a treasure hunter, along with Smith Sr., his dad in New York, before coming up with this great idea of starting a new religion.

Teddy Roosevelt even demanded that the American Flag be taken down from the Mormon Temple in Salt Lake City, Utah, as their religion was "persona non grata" with the U.S. government. It hadn't been that many years earlier that the terrible "Mountain Meadows Massacre" had been committed by Brigham Young and his followers, disguised as American Indians.

Burning Boosum: This is the catch-all of Morminism. The friendly, smilely, young men at your door step will prey on nominal Christians that don't know the bible and it's cautions within to believers and will take up the challenge to "Pray" to God and see if Mormonism is real.

So many people have had weird supernatural experiences that conveniently seem to convey the message that Mormonis is the truth. Many of their converted have had dreams where a long departed relative spoke to them and told them that Mormonism is the truth.

The bible infatically says, "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word(Scripture) of God"! Namely, the bible is God's communication to mankind of the truths of His nature, His desires for mankind, and His mapwork of salvation of our fallen race through the death, burial, and ressurrection of Jesus Christ.

I'll have to give old Joseph Smith Jr. credit. He was a con man in New York, and a very intelligent one at that. He's conned millions up to the present

The Mormon church classifies him as a prophet, but the definition of a prophet according to the bible is a man who is a spokesman/woman of God, does not false prophesy(which Joseph Smith Jr false prophesied many times), one time. I.E.. A true prophet of God has a 100% batting average when in comes to prophesying. One false prophesy, and that prophet is or was killed. A Prophets position was too important.

The Book of Mormon has gone through so many word/sentence changes since it's 1830's authorship by Smith, that it will make your head spin.

The 2,000 year old Dead Sea Scrolls validate the present day bible as still accurate and dependable. The nearly complete Isaiah Dead Sea Scroll is word for word a match to the viable, and accepted translations nowadays....Which Incluce, the King James, NASB, NIV, etc.

Do not include the Book of Mormon nor the Jehovah's Witnesses's New World Translation bible in this mix.

The JW's, have conveniently changed N.T. wordage in strategic areas to change the nature or diety of Jesus Christ to one of a created being, that validates their false premise that Jesus was the Arch Angel Michael, and thus was a created being. So the scripture where Jesus said to the crowd, "Before Abraham I AM", which meant, I am God, is rebuked by the Jehovah's Witnesses. Their founder was taken to court back at the turn of the 19th century, and challenged with his claims to know ancient greek and was a translater, and was thoroughly proven to be totally illiterate in Greek. Their founder just took the present day bible of his time and changed certain wordage to support his alleged, personal revelation of "truth" about God.

The greatest test to tell if a religion is trully Christian, is how do they deal with the biblical Jesus Christ. His He God incarnate in the flesh, ever present, in the past, ever present in the future, or is He merely a created being, and less that God the Father in stature/importance.

The islamic religion gives Jesus creedance as a prophet, but claims that he didn't really die on the cross, but swooned, and was revived after being removed, or a substitute was crucified in his place. J.W.'s claim Jesus was crucified on a stake, and was not God's Son, incarnate.

Mormons claim that Jesus's brother in heaven was Lucifer, and that a great meeting was held to decide who would go to earth and become the Saviour. Jesus got picked, and Lucifer rebelled cause he wanted to be the Saviour.

Also, Mormon works, reveals itself doctrinally in that a good Mormon man can some day be the first Adam of his own planet. He also holds the power to ressurect his wife from the dead.

You may not know this but the great geneological interest that the Mormons have is to do with baptising the dead for salvatioon. Mormons believe that one can be baptised after death and have salvation, yet a literal "hell" isn't really in Mormon doctrine. It's more or less degrees of goodness that are accepted.

Interestingly, Hubbards, Scientology has some similarities to Mormonism in the area of planets and races of people. Hubbard taught in Scientology that our human race came from another planet, called "Nob". Yes, my friend, John Travolt, and Tom Cruise buy into that. I respect them as actors, but I sure don't accept their religious leanings at all. They are absolutely weird.

The finger prints of cults and the occult, always centers on how Jesus of the bible is defined by them. In every case, he will be diminished in diety to "a god"(J.W.'s NWT), or in the case of Mormonism, just one of many Jesus's or Adams of planets.

The above post is so full of truths, half truths, and outright falsehoods that it's hard to know where to begin.

Let's start with all of those revisions of the Book of Mormon. That simply isn't true.

A good Mormon man can someday become the Adam of his own planet? Where on Earth did that one come from?

Mormons do teach that God, the Father has many worlds, the Earth is just one of them. They teach that we, his children, are potential gods of other worlds.

Don't all children want to grow up to be like their parents?

That is one of the interesting points of doctrine that differs from mainstream Christianity, to be sure. In a sense, Mormon doctrine is polytheistic, but only one god is recognized for this world.

As for the Bible being totally accurate, how anyone can believe that the Bible is literally true is beyond me. Such a belief takes a whole lot of faith, and not a little ignoring of fact and logic, not to mention Christian history.

As I said before, I'm not really a believer in any of it, but I'll stick to this statement: If Christianity is true, then Mormonism is also true. The original church was lost, and the only way to restore it is through modern prophecy. Does any other church believe in modern prophecy?
It's difficult to come to a commons ground with a Mormon interpretation of the bible when they are taught that the present day bible is corrupted, and thus dear old Joseph Smith Jr. had to pull a new bible literally out of his hat with a seers stone via an ange called Moroni.

First of all the "Jesus" of the Mormons is not the "Jesus" of the bible. Plain and simple. The Aaronic Priesthood is so unbiblical too. The Temple secrets taught or given to Temple Mormons is totally out of Freemason or Masonic teaching and is occultic.

Mormons do not accept salvation by "grace" but by "works". The Christian bible teaches that faith comes first and salvation and then works are a resultant of that new, God given faith called, "Being Born Again" or "Born From Above" as Jesus clearly taught Nicodemus the Pharisee.

Joseph Smith Jr. was not martyr'd either. He was jailed in Illinois for breaking into a local newspaper office and damaging or attempting to damage the printing press. Why? Cause the paper printed anti-Mormon articles. A crowd had come to take him out of jail and noose him or give him an uncomfortable ride out of town along with his followers, and he/Smith Jr. got possession of a pistol and got in a shoot-out with the locals and died. The Church rewrote history for their followers making Smith Jr. a martyr for his faith. He was a treasure hunter, along with Smith Sr., his dad in New York, before coming up with this great idea of starting a new religion.

Teddy Roosevelt even demanded that the American Flag be taken down from the Mormon Temple in Salt Lake City, Utah, as their religion was "persona non grata" with the U.S. government. It hadn't been that many years earlier that the terrible "Mountain Meadows Massacre" had been committed by Brigham Young and his followers, disguised as American Indians.

Burning Boosum: This is the catch-all of Morminism. The friendly, smilely, young men at your door step will prey on nominal Christians that don't know the bible and it's cautions within to believers and will take up the challenge to "Pray" to God and see if Mormonism is real.

So many people have had weird supernatural experiences that conveniently seem to convey the message that Mormonis is the truth. Many of their converted have had dreams where a long departed relative spoke to them and told them that Mormonism is the truth.

The bible infatically says, "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word(Scripture) of God"! Namely, the bible is God's communication to mankind of the truths of His nature, His desires for mankind, and His mapwork of salvation of our fallen race through the death, burial, and ressurrection of Jesus Christ.

I'll have to give old Joseph Smith Jr. credit. He was a con man in New York, and a very intelligent one at that. He's conned millions up to the present

The Mormon church classifies him as a prophet, but the definition of a prophet according to the bible is a man who is a spokesman/woman of God, does not false prophesy(which Joseph Smith Jr false prophesied many times), one time. I.E.. A true prophet of God has a 100% batting average when in comes to prophesying. One false prophesy, and that prophet is or was killed. A Prophets position was too important.

The Book of Mormon has gone through so many word/sentence changes since it's 1830's authorship by Smith, that it will make your head spin.

The 2,000 year old Dead Sea Scrolls validate the present day bible as still accurate and dependable. The nearly complete Isaiah Dead Sea Scroll is word for word a match to the viable, and accepted translations nowadays....Which Incluce, the King James, NASB, NIV, etc.

Do not include the Book of Mormon nor the Jehovah's Witnesses's New World Translation bible in this mix.

The JW's, have conveniently changed N.T. wordage in strategic areas to change the nature or diety of Jesus Christ to one of a created being, that validates their false premise that Jesus was the Arch Angel Michael, and thus was a created being. So the scripture where Jesus said to the crowd, "Before Abraham I AM", which meant, I am God, is rebuked by the Jehovah's Witnesses. Their founder was taken to court back at the turn of the 19th century, and challenged with his claims to know ancient greek and was a translater, and was thoroughly proven to be totally illiterate in Greek. Their founder just took the present day bible of his time and changed certain wordage to support his alleged, personal revelation of "truth" about God.

The greatest test to tell if a religion is trully Christian, is how do they deal with the biblical Jesus Christ. His He God incarnate in the flesh, ever present, in the past, ever present in the future, or is He merely a created being, and less that God the Father in stature/importance.

The islamic religion gives Jesus creedance as a prophet, but claims that he didn't really die on the cross, but swooned, and was revived after being removed, or a substitute was crucified in his place. J.W.'s claim Jesus was crucified on a stake, and was not God's Son, incarnate.

Mormons claim that Jesus's brother in heaven was Lucifer, and that a great meeting was held to decide who would go to earth and become the Saviour. Jesus got picked, and Lucifer rebelled cause he wanted to be the Saviour.

Also, Mormon works, reveals itself doctrinally in that a good Mormon man can some day be the first Adam of his own planet. He also holds the power to ressurect his wife from the dead.

You may not know this but the great geneological interest that the Mormons have is to do with baptising the dead for salvatioon. Mormons believe that one can be baptised after death and have salvation, yet a literal "hell" isn't really in Mormon doctrine. It's more or less degrees of goodness that are accepted.

Interestingly, Hubbards, Scientology has some similarities to Mormonism in the area of planets and races of people. Hubbard taught in Scientology that our human race came from another planet, called "Nob". Yes, my friend, John Travolt, and Tom Cruise buy into that. I respect them as actors, but I sure don't accept their religious leanings at all. They are absolutely weird.

The finger prints of cults and the occult, always centers on how Jesus of the bible is defined by them. In every case, he will be diminished in diety to "a god"(J.W.'s NWT), or in the case of Mormonism, just one of many Jesus's or Adams of planets.

I will assume that you are not trying to attack us and spread further confusion about the history of our church and the Prophet Joseph Smith because I realize you have not studied your history and have been fed a line by some anti Mormon preachers that you have chosen to believe.
I also will give you a break because I know you have not read through this whole thread which addresses several misconceptions you have brought up. It is also apparent that your understanding of Mormon doctrine and our interpretations are more than sketchy. We actually DO believe in the Jesus of the Bible and state so more than numerous times. We will have to agree to disagree on your interpretation of the Bible doctrines as this thread is not about proving which side is right but about clarifying the truth about what we believe and teach.
As for your gross misunderstanding about the death of the Prophet Joseph Smith and the "fake" martyrdom of Joseph Smith, I will refer you to an entirely neutral historical account published here about the actual cause of Joseph Smiths death. Also note what happened after Smith was slain how a man who tried to cut off Smith's head with a sword, was struck dead immediately with no wounds when he lifted his arm to decapitate Smiths head. The mob fled as thunder and lighting scared them away and they shouted, "the mormons are coming" although it has been confirmed there was no such force coming.
Death of Joseph Smith, Jr - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Still awaiting all those questions you have about Buddhism, 'truthspeaker' lol.
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The above post is so full of truths, half truths, and outright falsehoods that it's hard to know where to begin.

Let's start with all of those revisions of the Book of Mormon. That simply isn't true.

A good Mormon man can someday become the Adam of his own planet? Where on Earth did that one come from?

Mormons do teach that God, the Father has many worlds, the Earth is just one of them. They teach that we, his children, are potential gods of other worlds.

Don't all children want to grow up to be like their parents?

That is one of the interesting points of doctrine that differs from mainstream Christianity, to be sure. In a sense, Mormon doctrine is polytheistic, but only one god is recognized for this world.

As for the Bible being totally accurate, how anyone can believe that the Bible is literally true is beyond me. Such a belief takes a whole lot of faith, and not a little ignoring of fact and logic, not to mention Christian history.

As I said before, I'm not really a believer in any of it, but I'll stick to this statement: If Christianity is true, then Mormonism is also true. The original church was lost, and the only way to restore it is through modern prophecy. Does any other church believe in modern prophecy?

A little research and you'd find that the Book of Mormon has been revised many times since it's inception in the 1830's. You can say, "no", but that's just hopeful thinking.

If you really research J. Smith Jr.'s true background, it isn't pretty. The church has propagandized Smith's life with so many lies/untruths it'll make one's head spin.

People just can't believe that millions of people can adhere or belong to this religion and not be aware, but they are for the most part.

Most Mormons are not Temple Mormons, and are not revealed the strange, skewed, rituals, that are totally occultic, in the vein of Masonic occultic rituals.

Also, non-Mormons are not allowed in the Temple to attend a Mormon friend's wedding.

True Christian marriage is not a secretive ceremony nor something that must be sealed in a strange secretive building.
Someone mentioned "Magic Underware". This is not a joke, totally committed Mormons, both men and women where this strange underware with little occultic symbols.

Truth speaks........can call me a screwball, or a "hater", but is totally wrong. The Mormon church cannot refute what I posted, without lieing.

Their Jesus is not the Bible Jesus, and they know it.

Also they trully believe that the bible that Christians adhere to, for God's truth is corrupt, thus Mr. New York Con man, Smith Jr., offered the world his version, the book of Mormon, that is just filled with a mishmash of fairytale stories and plagerism from the bible's scripture.

Archeolology, to date has not been able to validate one historical statement concerning North America.

The Indigenous American Indians have been DNA studied and do "NOT" have any lost tribe/Jewish connections, but are Asiatic in origin.

The Book of Mormon claims that metalurgy was developed by these lost civilizations in N. America, but to date, not one piece of iron, copper, or bronze has been found in pre-Anglo North or South America.

The Mormon religion is a total manifestation of Joseph Smith Jr.. The Mormon church is a monolith not only of false religion, but is a monsterious business enterprise.....Marriot's just being one segment......

As a Christian, I don't dislike or hate Mormons, and infact enjoy and look forward to dialoguing with their missionaries at my doorstep.

In fact my hear goes out to them, as they are very, very, lost according to what the Lord Jesus Christ emphatically says in the bible.

They have the changed the biblical Jesus into a mere man who received divinity. The have even skewed the immaculate conception, into a strange sexual connection between their Father God, and the Virgin Mary.

Most Mormons don't know about these teachings, and therefore refute it. Some will take a change and do some research, and discover that they have been hoodwinked into a counterfeit, Christian cult. There are many ex-Mormons who have painfully broken away from Mormonism, but have been ostracized by family members, friends, and business associates that have remained true to their religion.

When a person is initially entered into Mormonism, they are gradually massaged into the Mormon doctrine as they would easily "bolt" from the church if they realized how bazaar and unbiblical the core doctrine of Mormonism is.

Also, Mormons aren't supposed to do independent bible study, but are required or strongly encouraged to follow their church elder's direction and also interpretation of the King James bible that they will use at times when trying to convert biblical or nominal Christians.

The biblical statement, "The truth shall make you free", is the last statement that a novice Mormon will be encouraged with, as they are told that Mormonism "Is the truth", and the Christian church is totally misleading the masses, as the bible is no longer accurate.

Why? Cause the Mormons teach that the continual re-translating of the bible over the last nearly 2,000 years has just multiplied human error in translating.

Of course this totally goes against the very important Character of God.........."Omnipotent"..........Which translates to "All Powerful". In other words, God is omnipotent, and has "Protected" His word or communication to mankind from the time of it's inception.

God doesn't need J. Smith Jr. to "fix"/"correct" His truth/bible to make it right and correct for mankind. God doesn't need a con artist-gone religious who has experienced alleged visitations of angels of questional origin to protect His Word.

Every true Christian knows that God is not weak nor non-involved in the plight of man. Nor does any true Christian beleive that God just made man and let him loose to wander aimlessly on planet earth to try and discover the truth of life, and meaning, by mere chance.

Again, the whole premise of Mormonism being the True Church, is based on God's ineptitude to protect His Word throughout the centuries.

And again for those that believe the 1830's Book of Mormon is word for word identical to the one they read today, they are very, very, mis-informed.

The discovery of the nearly 2,000 year old Dead Sea Scrolls that includes a nearly complete copy of the O.T. book of Isaiah, confirmed without a doubt that God is trully omnipotent, and has protected His truth/written communication, to man in the subsequent centuries up to the 21st or present time.

Mormons are encouraged to avoid independent bible study, without the overseeing of an elder = suspicious.

Mormons are to avoid contact with ex-members.= Why? Might they find out something that doesn't bode well for their system of belief?

Christians are encourged to study both independently, pray independently, and also to join in bible studies with other believers, as a way of discovering God's direction for their lives through the revelations of the scripture.

Christians are taught to question all in their church, who bring news of "Thus sayeth the Lord". In fact the Apostle Paul of the N.T. encouraged the Christian church of Berea or the Bereans to even question himself/Paul when he brought teaching to them! The bereans were were studious and would indeed go the the scriptures to make sure that Paul or an other messengers of the churches brought them news or teaching that agreed with God's word, or the scriptures.

Another tell-tale sign of many Christian and non-Christian cults is "works" to earn salvation or special "brownie points" with God.

No where in the bible does it teach that one must, "do things", in order to please God. Just as a parent of a child is most pleased with their child for who he/she is, whether he or she acts a certain way or not, God has accepted those that have placed their trust/life upon God's Son, Jesus Christ, as their Saviour, and Lord of their lives. Why? Because Jesus was the one the did the "works" that brought them salvation, and new life. There is nothing withing mortal man that can earn him or her salvation. God is the one who "saves" and He accepts all who come to Him in humbleness, a contrite/broken heart, with full knowledge that they are mere, fallible dust, and He/God, is the only answer to forgiveness and life. God offered the ultimate Passover Lamb, through His Son Jesus, once and for all.

There are no other planets and future Adam and Eves to populate them, according to Smith Jr, and Brigham Young.

These are all teachings spawned by the Prince of this World, namely Lucifer/Satan. Smith Jr. nor any of the alleged prophets of Mormonism that followed Smith were repentant men, nor did they adhere to biblical beliefs.

It was only a few years ago, that the Mormon church gave up it's doctrine that Caine's generation are the Negroid race, and were not allowed to enter into the Mormon, Aaronic Priesthood.

Because of public scrutiny, and criticism of this racial discrimination, the Prophet of Morminism had a convenient "revelation" that God had changed the rules, and now people of the black/negroid race were now welcome to the Aaronic Priesthood.

God doesn't work that way...............Never has the bible discriminated against races, based on skin color.....etc.

Jesus said, "Go out into the world and bring all into the fold". Paul said that all who are true Christians are a "royal priesthood", i.e. the O.T. veil that kept the common man from the Holy of Holies and the ark of the covenant was Rent or torn apart the day that Jesus said, "It is finished!" on Calvary's cross. Jesus became mankind's intercessor and high priest, and bridge to have a relationship with man's Maker through His broken/sacrificed life. No Aaronic priesthood needed. No secretive temple rites........Jesus rent or ripped the veil, or fence between God and mankind.
You know.......I was talking to my roomie yesterday, and we were talking about Mormons.

We both came to the same conclusion.......

Mormonism is an 1800's version of Scientology.
A little research and you'd find that the Book of Mormon has been revised many times since it's inception in the 1830's. You can say, "no", but that's just hopeful thinking.

If you really research J. Smith Jr.'s true background, it isn't pretty. The church has propagandized Smith's life with so many lies/untruths it'll make one's head spin.

People just can't believe that millions of people can adhere or belong to this religion and not be aware, but they are for the most part.

Most Mormons are not Temple Mormons, and are not revealed the strange, skewed, rituals, that are totally occultic, in the vein of Masonic occultic rituals.

Also, non-Mormons are not allowed in the Temple to attend a Mormon friend's wedding.

True Christian marriage is not a secretive ceremony nor something that must be sealed in a strange secretive building.
Someone mentioned "Magic Underware". This is not a joke, totally committed Mormons, both men and women where this strange underware with little occultic symbols.

Truth speaks........can call me a screwball, or a "hater", but is totally wrong. The Mormon church cannot refute what I posted, without lieing.

Their Jesus is not the Bible Jesus, and they know it.

Also they trully believe that the bible that Christians adhere to, for God's truth is corrupt, thus Mr. New York Con man, Smith Jr., offered the world his version, the book of Mormon, that is just filled with a mishmash of fairytale stories and plagerism from the bible's scripture.

Archeolology, to date has not been able to validate one historical statement concerning North America.

The Indigenous American Indians have been DNA studied and do "NOT" have any lost tribe/Jewish connections, but are Asiatic in origin.

The Book of Mormon claims that metalurgy was developed by these lost civilizations in N. America, but to date, not one piece of iron, copper, or bronze has been found in pre-Anglo North or South America.

The Mormon religion is a total manifestation of Joseph Smith Jr.. The Mormon church is a monolith not only of false religion, but is a monsterious business enterprise.....Marriot's just being one segment......

As a Christian, I don't dislike or hate Mormons, and infact enjoy and look forward to dialoguing with their missionaries at my doorstep.

In fact my hear goes out to them, as they are very, very, lost according to what the Lord Jesus Christ emphatically says in the bible.

They have the changed the biblical Jesus into a mere man who received divinity. The have even skewed the immaculate conception, into a strange sexual connection between their Father God, and the Virgin Mary.

Most Mormons don't know about these teachings, and therefore refute it. Some will take a change and do some research, and discover that they have been hoodwinked into a counterfeit, Christian cult. There are many ex-Mormons who have painfully broken away from Mormonism, but have been ostracized by family members, friends, and business associates that have remained true to their religion.

When a person is initially entered into Mormonism, they are gradually massaged into the Mormon doctrine as they would easily "bolt" from the church if they realized how bazaar and unbiblical the core doctrine of Mormonism is.

Also, Mormons aren't supposed to do independent bible study, but are required or strongly encouraged to follow their church elder's direction and also interpretation of the King James bible that they will use at times when trying to convert biblical or nominal Christians.

The biblical statement, "The truth shall make you free", is the last statement that a novice Mormon will be encouraged with, as they are told that Mormonism "Is the truth", and the Christian church is totally misleading the masses, as the bible is no longer accurate.

Why? Cause the Mormons teach that the continual re-translating of the bible over the last nearly 2,000 years has just multiplied human error in translating.

Of course this totally goes against the very important Character of God.........."Omnipotent"..........Which translates to "All Powerful". In other words, God is omnipotent, and has "Protected" His word or communication to mankind from the time of it's inception.

God doesn't need J. Smith Jr. to "fix"/"correct" His truth/bible to make it right and correct for mankind. God doesn't need a con artist-gone religious who has experienced alleged visitations of angels of questional origin to protect His Word.

Every true Christian knows that God is not weak nor non-involved in the plight of man. Nor does any true Christian beleive that God just made man and let him loose to wander aimlessly on planet earth to try and discover the truth of life, and meaning, by mere chance.

Again, the whole premise of Mormonism being the True Church, is based on God's ineptitude to protect His Word throughout the centuries.

And again for those that believe the 1830's Book of Mormon is word for word identical to the one they read today, they are very, very, mis-informed.

The discovery of the nearly 2,000 year old Dead Sea Scrolls that includes a nearly complete copy of the O.T. book of Isaiah, confirmed without a doubt that God is trully omnipotent, and has protected His truth/written communication, to man in the subsequent centuries up to the 21st or present time.

Mormons are encouraged to avoid independent bible study, without the overseeing of an elder = suspicious.

Mormons are to avoid contact with ex-members.= Why? Might they find out something that doesn't bode well for their system of belief?

Christians are encourged to study both independently, pray independently, and also to join in bible studies with other believers, as a way of discovering God's direction for their lives through the revelations of the scripture.

Christians are taught to question all in their church, who bring news of "Thus sayeth the Lord". In fact the Apostle Paul of the N.T. encouraged the Christian church of Berea or the Bereans to even question himself/Paul when he brought teaching to them! The bereans were were studious and would indeed go the the scriptures to make sure that Paul or an other messengers of the churches brought them news or teaching that agreed with God's word, or the scriptures.

Another tell-tale sign of many Christian and non-Christian cults is "works" to earn salvation or special "brownie points" with God.

No where in the bible does it teach that one must, "do things", in order to please God. Just as a parent of a child is most pleased with their child for who he/she is, whether he or she acts a certain way or not, God has accepted those that have placed their trust/life upon God's Son, Jesus Christ, as their Saviour, and Lord of their lives. Why? Because Jesus was the one the did the "works" that brought them salvation, and new life. There is nothing withing mortal man that can earn him or her salvation. God is the one who "saves" and He accepts all who come to Him in humbleness, a contrite/broken heart, with full knowledge that they are mere, fallible dust, and He/God, is the only answer to forgiveness and life. God offered the ultimate Passover Lamb, through His Son Jesus, once and for all.

There are no other planets and future Adam and Eves to populate them, according to Smith Jr, and Brigham Young.

These are all teachings spawned by the Prince of this World, namely Lucifer/Satan. Smith Jr. nor any of the alleged prophets of Mormonism that followed Smith were repentant men, nor did they adhere to biblical beliefs.

It was only a few years ago, that the Mormon church gave up it's doctrine that Caine's generation are the Negroid race, and were not allowed to enter into the Mormon, Aaronic Priesthood.

Because of public scrutiny, and criticism of this racial discrimination, the Prophet of Morminism had a convenient "revelation" that God had changed the rules, and now people of the black/negroid race were now welcome to the Aaronic Priesthood.

God doesn't work that way...............Never has the bible discriminated against races, based on skin color.....etc.

Jesus said, "Go out into the world and bring all into the fold". Paul said that all who are true Christians are a "royal priesthood", i.e. the O.T. veil that kept the common man from the Holy of Holies and the ark of the covenant was Rent or torn apart the day that Jesus said, "It is finished!" on Calvary's cross. Jesus became mankind's intercessor and high priest, and bridge to have a relationship with man's Maker through His broken/sacrificed life. No Aaronic priesthood needed. No secretive temple rites........Jesus rent or ripped the veil, or fence between God and mankind.

Thank you for that most recent post as I will clarify the truth of your statements. I also see that you have conceded your error on the history of Joseph's death. Moving on.
There absolutely were changes made. There were many grammatical errors made in the original translation of the Book of Mormon. The changes made were simply to correct those. I have read virtually all of the changes and none of them change the meaning or translation of the book. There were also gramatical errors in writing by several of the different Nephite prophets who wrote in the book, which is actually a strong stamp of authenticity since some prophets were better writers than others. Just the same way that not everyone is as good at spelling and grammar as others. If one person had written the book, it would have been consistent whereas the Book of Mormon includes different styles of speech and sentencing. Yes there have been changes, but not like what you are making it seem to be.
Yes it is true that only temple worthy people are allowed to attend the short temple marriage ceremony. But everyone is invited to the reception and ring ceremony outside the Temple. It has not been a major concern for most people as the wedding itself is short, and leads immediately to a public reception in most cases.
As for the "secrecy" of the Temple, we have addressed this issue earlier in the messageboard. It is not meant to keep people out. We invite everyone to meet the standards to enter and find out for themselves what it's all about. But even if you were allowed inside you wouldn't find it so dramatic. It is a very conservative atmosphere and a quiet pleasant place. There is nothing extreme going on inside and surely people can respect our desire to have an exclusive place for worship and meditation where we can escape the pressures and lifestyle of the world for a few moments.
Also since you did not read the section about the Masons and Joseph Smith, it is understandable that you are misinformed about it.
Joseph Smith was indeed curious about the Masons and for a time joined with them to see what they were all about. The symbols and tokens used were a topic of concern that he inquired of the Lord about. He was told that the symbols had lost their true meaning and was revealed the proper use and purpose of them in the temple. They are slightly different from the ones the Masons use and mostly have a different meaning. I am actually very glad he clarified the issue for us. I don't see what the big deal is for people when they hear Joseph Smith was a Mason for a time. No big deal.
You know.......I was talking to my roomie yesterday, and we were talking about Mormons.

We both came to the same conclusion.......

Mormonism is an 1800's version of Scientology.

I don't know much about Scientology, so you might be right. What are the similiarities of the two?
Also for 8-ball. You say that the personal history of Joseph Smith is not pretty, I have done extensive research on the man I consider to be a prophet and major part of my faith in Christ and would consider myself an idiot if I didn't research it. You will be hard pressed to find someone who knows more about the less known facts of his history than me.
Just what is it that you find so ugly about his past?
I don't agree with LDS but you have a right to your religion but I do have a problem with how some of the men treat their wives or women in general. Part of my family is mormon living outside of Salt Lake and the men treat women like they are inferior and just belong home with the kids and being their servants. I also worked with this lady who was mormon and she had to ask her husband for permission to pretty much go to the bathroom. Can you tell me where it says women are your servants in the book of mormon?
Also for 8-ball. You say that the personal history of Joseph Smith is not pretty, I have done extensive research on the man I consider to be a prophet and major part of my faith in Christ and would consider myself an idiot if I didn't research it. You will be hard pressed to find someone who knows more about the less known facts of his history than me.
Just what is it that you find so ugly about his past?
I was taught he was kicked out of the colonies for religious and money reasons and that is when he went to Utah.
I don't agree with LDS but you have a right to your religion but I do have a problem with how some of the men treat their wives or women in general. Part of my family is mormon living outside of Salt Lake and the men treat women like they are inferior and just belong home with the kids and being their servants. I also worked with this lady who was mormon and she had to ask her husband for permission to pretty much go to the bathroom. Can you tell me where it says women are your servants in the book of mormon?

The Book of Mormon itself rebukes people like you have described in Jacob Chapter 2 and the Doctrine and Covenants says that men like this have excercised unrighteous dominion and are "worse than the heathen" and "amen to that man's priesthood."
Men like you have described have no scriptural or doctrinal base to stand on and are some of the vilest of sinners according to us.
The Book of Mormon comes from one guy; Joseph Smith. Either you think he was a real prophet or you don't.
Also for 8-ball. You say that the personal history of Joseph Smith is not pretty, I have done extensive research on the man I consider to be a prophet and major part of my faith in Christ and would consider myself an idiot if I didn't research it. You will be hard pressed to find someone who knows more about the less known facts of his history than me.
Just what is it that you find so ugly about his past?

Unfortunately, in order to be a prophet, you've gotta be one or the other, a Jew, or a B'nei Noach (Son of Noah).

Joseph Smith was neither.

Ever notice his name is "Joe Smith"? He's a nobody.
The similarities are that they are both made up stories.

Ron Hubbard used science fiction, Mormons use a bastardized version of the Bible.

For a second there, I thought we could have a discussion but true to form you have not disappointed by layin the leather on us. Well we believe it is a true story and you don't, so where were we again?

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