The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

  • Total voters
Because I am not selling anything and you are...or does jesus the carpenter build all of your palaces?

Not selling a thing man. Simply teaching, exhorting and encouraging people to live better lives.

Encouraging peeps to be poly-pedophiles, and that the only true god is a white god that wants you to enslave and ignore your women. Hmmm, it's not really catching on, is it.:cuckoo:

Truthspeaker: "I could put you in the Dolorian drive to the airport, fly both of you to Jerusalem, drive to 88 miles an hour, then get out and hop on a jackass, ride to the sepulchre as Jesus walked out of it and you still wouldn't believe."
But you couldn't, now could you? Because if we said yes and went there with you, nothing would happen, you know that, I know that, everyone knows that. Again, no proof of anything, just empty words.
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Encouraging peeps to be poly-pedophiles, and that the only true god is a white god that wants you to enslave and ignore your women. Hmmm, it's not really catching on, is it.:cuckoo:

Of course it's not catching on. We aren't teaching that. Why would we want to?

But you couldn't, now could you? Because if we said yes and went there with you, nothing would happen, you know that, I know that, everyone knows that. Again, no proof of anything, just empty words.

I would presume, that the actual reason he couldnt do it is because, as far as we know, Time Travel is not humanly possible.

However, were it, you would indeed see the living Savior rise from the dead. I know that because the Spirit has revealed it to me. That's one of the many beautiful aspects of the Gospel. You don't have to take my word for it. Or the word of the Apostles. You can find out for yourself by going to the Lord and seeking the truth from Him. And He can reveal it to you.

However, my guess is you will never actually even concieve of the possibility that you are wrong to ever even consider attempting it. And God will judge you according to your knowledge and you desire to seek after knowledge. And thankfully, for your sake, He is merciful with all His children. Even disrespectful ones.
Because I am not selling anything and you are...or does jesus the carpenter build all of your palaces?

Not selling a thing man. Simply teaching, exhorting and encouraging people to live better lives.

Encouraging peeps to be poly-pedophiles, and that the only true god is a white god that wants you to enslave and ignore your women. Hmmm, it's not really catching on, is it.:cuckoo:

Truthspeaker: "I could put you in the Dolorian drive to the airport, fly both of you to Jerusalem, drive to 88 miles an hour, then get out and hop on a jackass, ride to the sepulchre as Jesus walked out of it and you still wouldn't believe."
But you couldn't, now could you? Because if we said yes and went there with you, nothing would happen, you know that, I know that, everyone knows that. Again, no proof of anything, just empty words.

Boy you sure showed me. I guess you can go now.
"Boy you sure showed me. I guess you can go now."

Good, intelligent comeback, I guess you didn't have a real answer, not surprising. In fact, the religionites here never seem to have any real answers.

Ok, buddy, let's go to Jerusalem and see if we can catch a glimpse of jesus. Geez, just writing that I feel like a doofus.
"Boy you sure showed me. I guess you can go now."

Good, intelligent comeback, I guess you didn't have a real answer, not surprising. In fact, the religionites here never seem to have any real answers.

Ok, buddy, let's go to Jerusalem and see if we can catch a glimpse of jesus. Geez, just writing that I feel like a doofus.

If you are looking for a lot of logical and scientific explanations you will have to start from the beginning and read all the way to the end. Since you are so intelligent and I am an idiot surely you can read my statements and actually refute one of them. Just start from the beginning and make a list, if you will, of the problems you see and maybe we can discuss them in an "intelligent" way.
You are entering an arena that you are not prepared to enter. I suggest you read up on what has already been brought up multiple times rather than casually jump onto the end of this thread and spout off nonsense you think we haven't already dealt with. Therefore I will not repeat myself to a USMB rookie.
Happy reading.(Or not):cool:
LOLOLOL. I started reading the beginning of the thread where you're asking peeps to ask you questions about mormonism, and the first question is: "Tell me about magic underwear please?"

Too funny!

Look I tried, but nearly died laughing, plus there's like 92 pages. If they're all a funny as the first half page...
Look if you can explain your religion to South Africans for 2 years, you can answer my simple question.
You know, it seems to me that once in the not so distant past of USMB, a poster who just went around to the religious debate threads trolling was reprimanded rather severely.

It's not appropriate and it's offensive. Start coming up something to actually contribute instead of just laughing stupidly at everything that your betters write.
LOLOLOL. I started reading the beginning of the thread where you're asking peeps to ask you questions about mormonism, and the first question is: "Tell me about magic underwear please?"

Too funny!

Look I tried, but nearly died laughing, plus there's like 92 pages. If they're all a funny as the first half page...
Look if you can explain your religion to South Africans for 2 years, you can answer my simple question.

Happy reading. Hope you keep enjoying yourself. You'll eventually get your questions answered
Gee, you have a nice friendly religion there. No wonder mormons comprise 0.000000001% of the world's people, you're waaaayyyyyy too friendly.
Gee, you have a nice friendly religion there. No wonder mormons comprise 0.000000001% of the world's people, you're waaaayyyyyy too friendly.

The mormans showed thier hand when they sucked up to howard hughes and stole his estate.

Approximately three weeks after Hughes' death, a handwritten will was found on the desk of an official of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Salt Lake City. The so-called "Mormon Will" gave US$1.56 billion to various charitable organizations (including US$625 million to the Howard Hughes Medical Institute); nearly US$470 million to the upper-management in Hughes' companies and to his aides; US$156 million to first cousin William Lummis; US$156 million split equally between his two ex-wives Ella Rice and Jean Peters; and US$156 million to a gas-station owner named Melvin Dummar. Dummar initially denied any knowledge about the will but changed his story when his fingerprints were found on the envelope containing the will.

Dummar claimed to reporters that late one evening in December 1967, he found a disheveled and dirty man lying along U.S. Highway 95, 150 miles (240 km) north of Las Vegas. The man asked for a ride to Las Vegas. Dropping him off at the Sands Hotel, Dummar said the man told him he was Hughes. Dummar then claimed that days after Hughes' death, a "mysterious man" appeared at his gas station, leaving an envelope containing the will on his desk. Unsure if the will was genuine, and unsure of what to do, Dummar left the will at the LDS Church office. In a trial lasting seven months, the Mormon Will was eventually rejected by the Nevada court in June 1978 as a forgery. The court declared that Hughes had died intestate.

Hughes' US$2.5 billion estate was eventually split in 1983 among 22 cousins, including William Lummis who serves as a trustee of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Dummar was largely discounted by the public as a phony and an opportunist. Jonathan Demme's film Melvin and Howard (starring Jason Robards and Paul Le Mat), was based on Dummar's tale.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Hughes Aircraft was owned by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, who sold it to General Motors in 1985 for US$5.2 billion. Suits brought by the states of California and Texas claiming they were owed inheritance tax were both rejected by the court. In 1984, Hughes' estate paid an undisclosed amount to Terry Moore, who claimed to have been secretly married to Hughes on a yacht in international waters off Mexico in 1949 and never divorced. Although Moore never produced proof of a marriage, her book, The Beauty and the Billionaire, became a bestseller.
"Boy you sure showed me. I guess you can go now."

Good, intelligent comeback, I guess you didn't have a real answer, not surprising. In fact, the religionites here never seem to have any real answers.

Ok, buddy, let's go to Jerusalem and see if we can catch a glimpse of jesus. Geez, just writing that I feel like a doofus.

First, you're right it was a lame comeback.

However, there was nothing to answer. you didnt say anything substantive.
Can I ask why the Mormons bought the Boy Scouts of America, and then started using it as an indoctrination tool forcing members to profess a belief in god and banning homosexuality?
Gee, you have a nice friendly religion there. No wonder mormons comprise 0.000000001% of the world's people, you're waaaayyyyyy too friendly.

Your figures may be a little off but yes we are way outnumbered. that's fine. Too friendly is better than too much of anything else.:razz:
Gee, you have a nice friendly religion there. No wonder mormons comprise 0.000000001% of the world's people, you're waaaayyyyyy too friendly.

The mormans showed thier hand when they sucked up to howard hughes and stole his estate.

Approximately three weeks after Hughes' death, a handwritten will was found on the desk of an official of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Salt Lake City. The so-called "Mormon Will" gave US$1.56 billion to various charitable organizations (including US$625 million to the Howard Hughes Medical Institute); nearly US$470 million to the upper-management in Hughes' companies and to his aides; US$156 million to first cousin William Lummis; US$156 million split equally between his two ex-wives Ella Rice and Jean Peters; and US$156 million to a gas-station owner named Melvin Dummar. Dummar initially denied any knowledge about the will but changed his story when his fingerprints were found on the envelope containing the will.

Dummar claimed to reporters that late one evening in December 1967, he found a disheveled and dirty man lying along U.S. Highway 95, 150 miles (240 km) north of Las Vegas. The man asked for a ride to Las Vegas. Dropping him off at the Sands Hotel, Dummar said the man told him he was Hughes. Dummar then claimed that days after Hughes' death, a "mysterious man" appeared at his gas station, leaving an envelope containing the will on his desk. Unsure if the will was genuine, and unsure of what to do, Dummar left the will at the LDS Church office. In a trial lasting seven months, the Mormon Will was eventually rejected by the Nevada court in June 1978 as a forgery. The court declared that Hughes had died intestate.

Hughes' US$2.5 billion estate was eventually split in 1983 among 22 cousins, including William Lummis who serves as a trustee of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Dummar was largely discounted by the public as a phony and an opportunist. Jonathan Demme's film Melvin and Howard (starring Jason Robards and Paul Le Mat), was based on Dummar's tale.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Hughes Aircraft was owned by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, who sold it to General Motors in 1985 for US$5.2 billion. Suits brought by the states of California and Texas claiming they were owed inheritance tax were both rejected by the court. In 1984, Hughes' estate paid an undisclosed amount to Terry Moore, who claimed to have been secretly married to Hughes on a yacht in international waters off Mexico in 1949 and never divorced. Although Moore never produced proof of a marriage, her book, The Beauty and the Billionaire, became a bestseller.

sounds to me like the Supreme Court made a ruling and nobody took anything. I'm not quite sure your point.
Can I ask why the Mormons bought the Boy Scouts of America, and then started using it as an indoctrination tool forcing members to profess a belief in god and banning homosexuality?

Not quite sure they bought the BSA as much as bought into the BSA. The BSA has it's own rules which we agree with. All their principles are honorable and we try to affiliate with any organization that puts forth good morals and belief in God.
I can't apologize for something we believe is right. I certainly understand why people engage in homosexuality or sympathize with their plight. I sympathize myself to a certain extent.
You might be surprised how tolerant we really are. But then again you might not think we are tolerant at all. I have no control over that. We may do better to hear both sides out and politely agree to disagree.
The Mormon church Bought a controlling stake in BSA, and then changed the rules. The Scout handbook from the 70's tells scoutmasters not to even talk about religion let alone enforce a monotheistic pledge of allegiance. What's worse is that the BSA receives government funding even though they're still enforcing segregation. The Mormon church also spent MILLIONS of dollars advertising for the bill in California to ban gay marriage. Don't try to act like the Mormon church just bought the BSA for economic reasons. The Mormon church is proactive in spreading their belief system.

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