The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

  • Total voters
I thought they did a study of the type of weave of the cloth, and it isn't a type of weave used back in Jesus' time.

Also Carbon 14 testing of cloth fragments have come up much newer than Jesus' time too.

We actually agree for once.

Im all for using every evidence we can for the resurrection of Christ. The Shroud just isnt accurate. We have plenty of good evidence without resorting to bad evidence.
"We have plenty of good evidence without resorting to bad evidence." lol, like what? And please don't say cuz it's written in a book.

"Why the heck would God reveal Himself to you" That's the dumbest excuse I've heard in a long time.
I have a question for truthspeaker:

Are Mormons right and every other religion is wrong? Is the book of mormons the only true revelation from god?

This question is not fair because the answer to it is far more complex then you make it seem. We believe our doctrine to be true but just because we believe that doesn't mean that God will condemn others; even if we are right. Mormons have to pay for their individual sins just like every one else.
The Book of Mormon absolutely is not the only true word from God. It actually says so and so does the Bible. God judges people based on their hearts and actions. That is our stance.
I am a Christian woman- non-denominational. I worked for a Mormon boss, very nice person and a very devoted Mormon. One thing I did notice is that he had a tendency to blow off any suggestions or recommendations that were made by a woman employee or even his own business consultant, who happened to be a woman. He did not take many actions that were suggested to him by a woman and therefore lost me and other women employees that were top notch.

I was watching Glen Beck the other day on television and he was talking about the Tea Parties, he was going on about how women have really become involved in this and implied that it was because they had more time to do this than the men did, being that they were house wives and mothers. One women interrupted him and reminded him that many of the women attending the parties were small business owners. He kind of blew that off.

Mitt Romney- another Mormon insulted Sarah Palin when it was brought to his attention that she was on the cover of Time Magazine being depicted as the conservative voice of America. I don't know his exact words but it was something about being a beauty queen and in a way denegrating her contribution to the conservative movement.

I would like to think that Mormon men have not been brought up to believe that somehow women are not their equals, but it has been my experience especially with my old boss, that this may very well have been ingrained in him since he was a child.

What say you????

If the individuals are guilty of what you imply they are guilty of(discrimination against females) then they are individually in the wrong. Our church doctrine does not support them.
However, these statements made by these men are open to interpretation and we need to be slow to judgment of their intentions. A lot of people are anxious to jump on a Mormon individual's statement because they have preconcieved notions ingrained in their minds. I would need to hear the statements myself but whatever their intentions it is immaterial because the doctrine is what I am here to explain and not individual weaknesses.

I suggest you read this thread from the beginning because we have discussed this before.
Tell me about magic underwear please?

My favorite is the magic plates.

I have read the book of mormon and find it even crazier than the bible.

You can believe what you want but trying to get others to buy into your fantasy is fraud.

You're entitled to your opinion. Do you have any questions?

I'll most likely get bashed by the Mormon members here, but in respect to husband/wife relationships as designated in the LDS/Mormon religion I have this quote.


The following are strange teachings and public statements of the LDS church founders:

1. No man or woman in this dispensation will ever enter into the celestial kingdom of God without the consent of Joseph Smith. (Journal of Discourses, p289)

Another Mormon belief is that the men resurrect their wives. The Mormon man if he is worthy will become a god on some uninhabited planet out in the Universe. He then as the god of his own world will at his own discretion resurrect those wives who were faithful and obedient to him. They then become the goddesses of his planet and rule with their husbands. A joke among the Mormon's which reflects this teaching goes like this:

It is resurrection day and the Mormon man begins to call his wives from the grave. He first called Mary, and says to her you were a wonderful wife and such a comfort to me, "Come on up!" Then to Sarah and several other wives he makes complimentary statements and calls them to be resurrected too. Then he comes to Ethel....."Ethel," he says, "You made my life a living H... and never obeyed. You just stay where you are."

Heaven for Mormon women is eternal pregnancy. They have to produce the spirit babies who will populate the world when human babies are born. Also those LDS women who are not sealed to their husbands for all time and eternity in the temple marriage or were never married will be the servants of those goddess wives who were blessed by their husbands and were resurrected.

2. The earth, "conceives" and produces other earths, the same as a mulberry tree produces mulberry trees. The earth is alive or it could not reproduce itself. (Heber C. Kimball, Journal of Discourses,1857, p 36)

3. Brigham Young taught that the sun and moon were inhabited! In fact he said there was no doubt about it, either! ( Journal of Discourses, 1880, p 271) Not much different from scientologist founder Hubbard's teachings.

4. Joseph Smith preached that the moon was inhabited by men and women who were about six feet tall, dressed like Quakers, and lived about a 1000 years. He promised Oliver B Huntington, that he would preach the gospel before he was 21 years of age and that he would preach to the inhabitants of the moon! (TheYoung Woman's Journal, 1892, vol 3, page 264)

5. Brigham Young said that gold and silver grow the same way the hair grew on his head grows. (Brigham Young, Journal of Discourse, 1852, p 219)

6. The planet "Kolob" is the "nearest unto the throne of God." (Doc. & Cov. Sec.130:7-8) Kolob is the planet where the great council of gods met and Jesus's plan for redemption was accepted and Satan's rejected. The gods who meet on Kolob assign the newly exalted gods (Mormons who were faithful) to the planets where they will rule with their wives, such as the god of earth.
No doubt I'll be called a "Mormon hater" as I've been called in earlier post in this thread.
For those of you who are new to this thread and haven't read from the beginning; Please realize I am not dodging this feeble attack on our faith.

It's just that they are all so easily answered and have already been explained several times within these 90 plus pages of Q&A.
If you are new, I highly encourage you to read from the beginning or search the thread for the topic you are about to bring up.
but if you ask an honest question without an agenda I will deal with it even if I have answered it before. Thank you.:eusa_angel:
"Thankfully, the Lord has established this land as a land of liberty where man can worship Him according to the dictates of our hearts and conscience. You may disbelieve it, but the Book of Mormon can stand of its own accord. The Lord can and does show people with His power that it's true."

Dude, you're seriously trippin', the Lord told you to steal the land from the indians?
Do you homeys still outlaw alcohol in your state?

Ok "homey". Can you rise above a 3rd grade insult trade-off and come a little stronger with your questions?
My favorite is the magic plates.

I have read the book of mormon and find it even crazier than the bible.

You can believe what you want but trying to get others to buy into your fantasy is fraud.

Magic plates? Who has ever said anything about magic plates. Certainly there are gold plates involved which contained the original text to the Book of Mormon, but there is nothing magical about them. They are indeed Holy, but so is anything sanctified of God.

Out of curiosity, which parts of the Book of Mormon did you find crazier than the Bible? Id seriously love to here what you have to say. And I am talking about you personally, not talking about what some other website says or what.

Thankfully, the Lord has established this land as a land of liberty where man can worship Him according to the dictates of our hearts and conscience. You may disbelieve it, but the Book of Mormon can stand of its own accord. The Lord can and does show people with His power that it's true.

Oh where to about THERE IS NO GOD to sanctify any of your bullshit..and that is for you specifically and all christians morman or otherwise.

Ok, thanks for your:offtopic: opinion. Thank you for that. I am sure you think we are all crazy religious wackjobs who blindly accept ancient dogmas that have been forced on our impressionable minds at a young age. That's fine.
Would you like to contribute to the topic?:clap2:
12. The Dead Sea Scrolls found at Qumran many years back revealed a nearly complete scroll of the O.T. book of Isaiah. When it was compared to present day bible translations of Isaiah, it was found to be exactly the same, though obviously not written in present day English, but in the language of the day used by those Jewish writers nearly 2,000 years ago.

How true!!!! Great post.

I see that you are quite taken with the 8-ball's half truths about our church. What you assume to be our doctrine claimed by him is not so. If you want an authoritative statement on what we believe, you ought to at least give someone who actually practices our doctrine the benefit of the doubt. Or even the benefit of a chance to explain before you make up your mind.
Mormons are just another bunch of god fearing pedophiles. Geez, is there even 1 religion that isn't all whacked out?



It's a "super" religion.


Now that's legitimately funny!:rofl:
The one message that really hit home with me, was the fact that after Jesus's crucifiction and he was placed in his tomb, his 11 deciples hid out afraid that since they had been followers of Jesus they would be next in line to be crucified. They were afraid to be recognized as friends of Jesus.

Jesus appeared to the women first, then to the deciples. My pastor made a point that had the resurrection of Jesus not occured and his deciples had not seen him rise again, then why on earth would they go out and preach his message, knowing full well the terrible deaths that they would incur. They all died terrible deaths, but they no longer feared physical death. Should Jesus not have risen from the grave there would be no Christian religion, there would be no point in the teaching of his words. Think about this, it's profound.

Hopefully, this will open some minds and hearts to God, I can tell by some of the messages that there are alot of non-believers on this board. To me- that is a sad thing, God loves you and is always searching for you, trying to open your hearts and minds to him.

There is a God. He does love us all. We all just need to do our own individual and honest soul searching to find Him. That is far more important than trying to prove someone else's faith wrong.
For all of you people that need scientific evidence, researching the Shroud of Turin may help you. As of this day there is no explanation of how that image got on that cloth. Scientists who were atheists have come out and stated that the shroud is the image of Christ and is Christ's burial cloth. There have been carbon dating tests on the fringe of the cloth and it was not dated to Christ's time, however, many believe that the portion of the cloth that was taken for carbon dating had been repaired by French Monks and that this produced an erroneous dating. The Catholic church has not released it for further testing, and scientists are still running tests on what little remains of the small peice of material. It is absolutely fascinating to me as well as others who continue to research it.

One fact remains, no scientist has been able to explain or replicate that image in today's scientific, know everything world.

Desperation. If you want to believe something bad enough you might see jesus when you wipe your butt.
Still waiting for you to contribute.:popcorn:
"Hopefully, this will open some minds and hearts to God, I can tell by some of the messages that there are alot of non-believers on this board. To me- that is a sad thing, God loves you and is always searching for you, trying to open your hearts and minds to him."

God should know where I am, and he's welcome anytime for beers and doobies. better yet for all us doubters, why doesn't he hold a press conference? Clear up all the doubt? Or does that make too much sense? I have to convince myself that it/god exists?

It's not about making what you call "too much sense."
Sounds like your mind is already made up. If that's the case why don't you go do your own thing and stop trying to bother people who believe in God. Let me know when you want a serious discussion.
"Its the biggest proponent of the Resurrection of Christ. No one is arguing that Christ didnt rise from the dead."

sorry, no proof.

I could put you in the Dolorian drive to the airport, fly both of you to Jerusalem, drive to 88 miles an hour, then get out and hop on a jackass, ride to the sepulchre as Jesus walked out of it and you still wouldn't believe.;)
For all of you people that need scientific evidence, researching the Shroud of Turin may help you. As of this day there is no explanation of how that image got on that cloth. Scientists who were atheists have come out and stated that the shroud is the image of Christ and is Christ's burial cloth. There have been carbon dating tests on the fringe of the cloth and it was not dated to Christ's time, however, many believe that the portion of the cloth that was taken for carbon dating had been repaired by French Monks and that this produced an erroneous dating. The Catholic church has not released it for further testing, and scientists are still running tests on what little remains of the small peice of material. It is absolutely fascinating to me as well as others who continue to research it.

One fact remains, no scientist has been able to explain or replicate that image in today's scientific, know everything world.

Desperation. If you want to believe something bad enough you might see jesus when you wipe your butt.
Still waiting for you to contribute.:popcorn:

I hope you have been enjoying your popcorn. I am busy and get to the internet as I have time. In my opinion mormans are a cult not unlike the Jones family. Threats of excomunicaations and secret underwear.. Don't you get it? Every religion on this planet ...and there must be hundreds is just as serious as yours. They cannot all be right...BUT!!! They all CAN be wrong. Simple logic.

You guys go all over the planet and exchange one brand of voodoo for another in the name of "helping" and establishing missionaries in the land of the other believers. If you really just wanted to help you would do that and not try to indoctrinate others that already have a "faith".
I hope you have been enjoying your popcorn. I am busy and get to the internet as I have time. In my opinion mormans are a cult not unlike the Jones family. Threats of excomunicaations and secret underwear.. Don't you get it? Every religion on this planet ...and there must be hundreds is just as serious as yours. They cannot all be right...BUT!!! They all CAN be wrong. Simple logic.

You guys go all over the planet and exchange one brand of voodoo for another in the name of "helping" and establishing missionaries in the land of the other believers. If you really just wanted to help you would do that and not try to indoctrinate others that already have a "faith".

The Jones family? You mean the socialist group that committed mass suicide? How can a religion be compared to an extreme communal political movement?

No they cant all be right. One can be right. And none can be right. To declare them all wrong without investigation and evidence is absurd. Why should we believe they are all wrong simply because you say so?

if you believe that not trying to indoctrinate those who already have faith is so good, why dont you practice what you preach
I hope you have been enjoying your popcorn. I am busy and get to the internet as I have time. In my opinion mormans are a cult not unlike the Jones family. Threats of excomunicaations and secret underwear.. Don't you get it? Every religion on this planet ...and there must be hundreds is just as serious as yours. They cannot all be right...BUT!!! They all CAN be wrong. Simple logic.

You guys go all over the planet and exchange one brand of voodoo for another in the name of "helping" and establishing missionaries in the land of the other believers. If you really just wanted to help you would do that and not try to indoctrinate others that already have a "faith".

The Jones family? You mean the socialist group that committed mass suicide? How can a religion be compared to an extreme communal political movement?

No they cant all be right. One can be right. And none can be right. To declare them all wrong without investigation and evidence is absurd. Why should we believe they are all wrong simply because you say so?

if you believe that not trying to indoctrinate those who already have faith is so good, why dont you practice what you preach

Because I am not selling anything and you are...or does jesus the carpenter build all of your palaces?
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Desperation. If you want to believe something bad enough you might see jesus when you wipe your butt.
Still waiting for you to contribute.:popcorn:

I hope you have been enjoying your popcorn. I am busy and get to the internet as I have time. In my opinion mormans are a cult not unlike the Jones family. Threats of excomunicaations and secret underwear.. Don't you get it? Every religion on this planet ...and there must be hundreds is just as serious as yours. They cannot all be right...BUT!!! They all CAN be wrong. Simple logic.

You guys go all over the planet and exchange one brand of voodoo for another in the name of "helping" and establishing missionaries in the land of the other believers. If you really just wanted to help you would do that and not try to indoctrinate others that already have a "faith".

There is no "indoctrination". You make it sound like we are the "Borg" from Star Trek. Going around assimilating everyone because "resistance is futile."

That's certainly not what we are doing. What is your problem with us? Or is it just organized religion. What questions do you have so I can answer them? 1 at a time please. I don't read 8-Ball's novels anymore.
I hope you have been enjoying your popcorn. I am busy and get to the internet as I have time. In my opinion mormans are a cult not unlike the Jones family. Threats of excomunicaations and secret underwear.. Don't you get it? Every religion on this planet ...and there must be hundreds is just as serious as yours. They cannot all be right...BUT!!! They all CAN be wrong. Simple logic.

You guys go all over the planet and exchange one brand of voodoo for another in the name of "helping" and establishing missionaries in the land of the other believers. If you really just wanted to help you would do that and not try to indoctrinate others that already have a "faith".

The Jones family? You mean the socialist group that committed mass suicide? How can a religion be compared to an extreme communal political movement?

No they cant all be right. One can be right. And none can be right. To declare them all wrong without investigation and evidence is absurd. Why should we believe they are all wrong simply because you say so?

if you believe that not trying to indoctrinate those who already have faith is so good, why dont you practice what you preach

Because I am not selling anything and you are.

Have we asked for your credit card #?
come on seriously. What's in it for me if you decide to join us?

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