The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

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Ya, but most people you meet must dismiss you when you tell them that you're a mormon, and like, 99.99% of the people you try to convert laugh at you or slam the door in your face.
I know you are on a crusade for homosexuals but don't take it out on private organizations.

All internet forums are predominately in favor of all aspects of the gay political agenda. Its my belief that their organizations assign them to various forums. It wouldn't surprise me if they are paid (just a suspiscion I have).

In general, internet forums are always pretty much the same in terms of the views expressed, and yet when you discuss with ordinary people there is usually a wider range of views than you see on internet forums. Forums being predominately a mixture of ultra-liberals, anti-values libertines who claim to be fiscal conservatives, and angry "moderates" who hate everyone but themselves and yet claim to be the most reasonable of anyone.
This a pretty basic question for Mormons:

Why is there an image of the angel Moroni on the top of the temple, but not the Cross, as is seen on most Christian churches, both Catholic, Protestant, and Non-denominational?A cross is two pieces of wood. Not a necessary flag to be saluted. I know what it represents. The death of Jesus. I know it was necessary. But we prefer to put prime emphasis on his resurrection and life rather than death. Does the cross make you a christian or does your faith and actions towards others?

Is there something about the cross that the angel Moroni who allegedly visited Joseph Smith Jr. back in the early 1800's that makes it take a back seat?It has nothing to do with taking a back seat. The angel Moroni atop our temples(not churches) is a symbol that the trumpets will sound to the east announcing the second coming of JESUS THE CHRIST.

All throughout the N.T., the crucifixion of Jesus Christ was the beginning of the great move of "grace" by God upon mankind. Without the "cross" there would be no salvation, and no, new life in Christ.

Galatians 2:20 "I have been crucififed with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me, and delivered Himself up for me.".(Inspired by God, and written by His vessel, the Apostle Paul.)

Every true Christian enters into Christ's crucified, ressurrected, and ascended life. The Spirit of Christ indwells every believer by the power of God's doing, through the faith of the human agent/man.

"Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God." Romans(Written by the Apostle Paul under the inspiration of God.)
Paul wore no special underware with occult symbolsYou are so sure of this but all jews wear symbolic clothing to remind them of their faith in God, just like us.. Christianity is not a belief system that depends upon superstitious acts of protection of one's soul, via special underware, mandatory tithing, or forced righteous living in order to "please" God, and receive righteousness.

Righteousness is a "gift" and a positional bestowment from God upon every true believer, and is not received by our "good" works. It is based on our accepting God for who He is, and that is an act of faith.

Abraham was considered "righteous" by God because He "believed", not because he performed certain "goodie" acts. The "goodie" acts were/are spawned from the the new positional righteousness that God has given the believer. When man believes and or accepts Christs attonement for his sins, God makes that man a "new creature/creation" in Christ Jesus. Old things pass away, in that "true" believer's life. That is why true converts to Christ, will often experience a total change in their lives, concerning goals, habits, priorities, and just their whole outloof of life and their relationships to their fellow man. When a person receives the Holy Spirit, they literally receive the Person of Christ into their life, and their lives start to parallel Christs, as revealed in the N.T. gospels and epistles. A person is not purged of their God given personality or identity, but they do experience tremendous transformation in their lives. Where once they thought nothing of many sinful acts of mankind, now they find their conscience "pricked" and convicted. Never the less the Christian still has the "free will" to live as a willing "bond slave" of God's rightful ownership, or they can still choose to live a carnal/fleshly life that seeks to find indentity in the world, and it ungodly agendas.

Jesus didn't expect to win a popularity contest when He came to earth 2,000 years ago. He came to "save", and to "seek" out mankind, and introduce mankind to the true nature of God, as He was the incarnation of God in the flesh. As Jesus said, "You've seen me, you've seen the Father.". He also said that He and the Father are one.". He/Jesus could don nothing that contradicted the Father.

God has revealed Himself very clearly to mankind. He has protected His message of salvation, security, and everlasting immortality offered to mankind couldn't be more clear as revealed in the bible.

God does not want us to jump through hoops as most religions nowadays mandate in order to be allegedly "righteous" or "perfected" to their god's satisfaction.

Grace is a missing noun in all the religions of the world except for true biblical Christianity. Grace is unmerited favor towards one who is not deserving. Grace is an expression of love that was authored by God when He gave His only Son, on the Cross for our pardon.

Now people can't understand why some are saved or going to heaven and some aren't. Isn't God being picky and evil and not gracious? Far from it. God's grace is only conditional in this sense. It is hinged on man's freewill to humble himself, and bascially surrender his life, his dreams, his self fullfilling ways and accept that his Creator knows what's best, as He's the Potter, and man is the clay.

People avoid or run from this "surrender" as they perceive it as the end of their "fun" or "free will" to live life the way the want. In one sense it does create a change, but it doesn't rob man of freewill, but instead opens up an entire vista of goals, and possiblities, that fullfill the vacuum of emptiness that unsaved man is constantly striving to quench or fill in his most deep innermost self.

The LDS/Mormon Church has heaped myriads of requirements upon their members in order to "be" that acceptable person before their god. The bible totally disagrees with this. Jesus said take my "yoke", as it is easy/light. Mormons are constantly "expected" to perform in order to "be", through wearing strange occult marked underware, going through temple rituals of "sealing", priesthoods, etc..

All along, in the N.T. of the bible, God has said over and over again that every true believer/Christian is a royal priest, and ambassador of God. Christ fullfilled the ultimate priesthood. He gave his life, as the ultimate offering, that would never have to be repeated again. "It is finished!" was His succinct and final words. Even the Roman centurion that stood at the base of the cross, exclaimed that this man was surely the Son of God. Earthquakes happened, the skies thundered, and most importantly the "veil" in the holy temple that blocked non-Levitical Jew, and gentile from entry to the Holy of Holies was rent or torn in two. What did this mean? It meant that Jesus had opened up access to God Almighty that very day that He gave His life. Now man had access to the Holy of Holys. He didn't need a special Levitical, or Aaronic priest to intercede between himself and God. God was offering total access of Himself to mankind.

Man's responsibility was not to wear strange underware, but to "accept" by faith, that "He" Jesus Christ was who He claimed to be.

Paul quoted in one of His epistles that several hundred people still were alive at the writing that epistle, that actually saw the "risen" Christ, before He ascended to heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father. Yet Jesus did not leave mankind naked and vunerable to sin, and the woes and depressions of life, but sent His Spirit, the Holy Spirit on Pentacost, starting with His Apostles and disciples first. On that first day of Pentacost, several thousand received the Spirit, and become the new Church.

Joseph Smith's alleged revelation adds nothing new, but adds much bazaar, and outlandishness to a very sober gospel that was passed on to us in the bible.

The Book of Mormon is a compilation of partially copied bible scripture and then renamed with strange authors, and convoluted stories.

Every day, archeology continues to unearth in the MiddleEast and throughout Asia Minor, more physical proofs that substantiate the bible, yet the Book of Mormon has not had one archeological substantiation of it's N. & S. American stories.

Salvation is again not based on works, but righteous works do follow after "true" salvation. This totally goes againt the tenents of LDS/Mormon doctrine. They must "do" in order to "be". In true biblical Christianity, we "become" through faith, and then we start to "do" because of our gratitude, based on our new nature.

I actually appreciated the first couple of questions. The rest of the novel seems to be an exact copy and paste of your pointless attempt to debate me on faith versus works. I am not here to debate my stance, only explain why I take the stance I do. I have already answered you. If you want to believe your thing, then go for it. I am not going to argue with you.
Where is the BSA national jamboree?

Fort A.P. Hill in VA

last time I checked that is publicly funded and owned site that the BSA pays 0.00$ to have their jamboree there. That is just one example of the public funding. I guess they are changing the policy though as I saw in the news part that it will no longer be at fort Hill. So after 2013 I can only bitch about reparations, ha.

1. I was just remembering the south park episode fondly not really referencing it.
2. I'm not on a crusade for homos. I'm on a crusade to get a seperation of church and state. The BSA also hates atheists, myself included.
Where is the BSA national jamboree?

Fort A.P. Hill in VA

last time I checked that is publicly funded and owned site that the BSA pays 0.00$ to have their jamboree there. That is just one example of the public funding. I guess they are changing the policy though as I saw in the news part that it will no longer be at fort Hill. So after 2013 I can only bitch about reparations, ha.

1. I was just remembering the south park episode fondly not really referencing it.
2. I'm not on a crusade for homos. I'm on a crusade to get a seperation of church and state. The BSA also hates atheists, myself included.

Separation of church and state was made when the constitution was formed. Didn't you get the memo. Nothing changed.
Where is the BSA national jamboree?

Fort A.P. Hill in VA

last time I checked that is publicly funded and owned site that the BSA pays 0.00$ to have their jamboree there. That is just one example of the public funding. I guess they are changing the policy though as I saw in the news part that it will no longer be at fort Hill. So after 2013 I can only bitch about reparations, ha.

1. I was just remembering the south park episode fondly not really referencing it.
2. I'm not on a crusade for homos. I'm on a crusade to get a seperation of church and state. The BSA also hates atheists, myself included.

The Boy Scouts arent a church. There isnt an establishment clause issue with them.
This a pretty basic question for Mormons:

Why is there an image of the angel Moroni on the top of the temple, but not the Cross, as is seen on most Christian churches, both Catholic, Protestant, and Non-denominational?A cross is two pieces of wood. Not a necessary flag to be saluted. I know what it represents. The death of Jesus. I know it was necessary. But we prefer to put prime emphasis on his resurrection and life rather than death. Does the cross make you a christian or does your faith and actions towards others?

Is there something about the cross that the angel Moroni who allegedly visited Joseph Smith Jr. back in the early 1800's that makes it take a back seat?It has nothing to do with taking a back seat. The angel Moroni atop our temples(not churches) is a symbol that the trumpets will sound to the east announcing the second coming of JESUS THE CHRIST.

All throughout the N.T., the crucifixion of Jesus Christ was the beginning of the great move of "grace" by God upon mankind. Without the "cross" there would be no salvation, and no, new life in Christ.

Galatians 2:20 "I have been crucififed with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me, and delivered Himself up for me.".(Inspired by God, and written by His vessel, the Apostle Paul.)

Every true Christian enters into Christ's crucified, ressurrected, and ascended life. The Spirit of Christ indwells every believer by the power of God's doing, through the faith of the human agent/man.

"Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God." Romans(Written by the Apostle Paul under the inspiration of God.)
Paul wore no special underware with occult symbolsYou are so sure of this but all jews wear symbolic clothing to remind them of their faith in God, just like us.. Christianity is not a belief system that depends upon superstitious acts of protection of one's soul, via special underware, mandatory tithing, or forced righteous living in order to "please" God, and receive righteousness.

Righteousness is a "gift" and a positional bestowment from God upon every true believer, and is not received by our "good" works. It is based on our accepting God for who He is, and that is an act of faith.

Abraham was considered "righteous" by God because He "believed", not because he performed certain "goodie" acts. The "goodie" acts were/are spawned from the the new positional righteousness that God has given the believer. When man believes and or accepts Christs attonement for his sins, God makes that man a "new creature/creation" in Christ Jesus. Old things pass away, in that "true" believer's life. That is why true converts to Christ, will often experience a total change in their lives, concerning goals, habits, priorities, and just their whole outloof of life and their relationships to their fellow man. When a person receives the Holy Spirit, they literally receive the Person of Christ into their life, and their lives start to parallel Christs, as revealed in the N.T. gospels and epistles. A person is not purged of their God given personality or identity, but they do experience tremendous transformation in their lives. Where once they thought nothing of many sinful acts of mankind, now they find their conscience "pricked" and convicted. Never the less the Christian still has the "free will" to live as a willing "bond slave" of God's rightful ownership, or they can still choose to live a carnal/fleshly life that seeks to find indentity in the world, and it ungodly agendas.

Jesus didn't expect to win a popularity contest when He came to earth 2,000 years ago. He came to "save", and to "seek" out mankind, and introduce mankind to the true nature of God, as He was the incarnation of God in the flesh. As Jesus said, "You've seen me, you've seen the Father.". He also said that He and the Father are one.". He/Jesus could don nothing that contradicted the Father.

God has revealed Himself very clearly to mankind. He has protected His message of salvation, security, and everlasting immortality offered to mankind couldn't be more clear as revealed in the bible.

God does not want us to jump through hoops as most religions nowadays mandate in order to be allegedly "righteous" or "perfected" to their god's satisfaction.

Grace is a missing noun in all the religions of the world except for true biblical Christianity. Grace is unmerited favor towards one who is not deserving. Grace is an expression of love that was authored by God when He gave His only Son, on the Cross for our pardon.

Now people can't understand why some are saved or going to heaven and some aren't. Isn't God being picky and evil and not gracious? Far from it. God's grace is only conditional in this sense. It is hinged on man's freewill to humble himself, and bascially surrender his life, his dreams, his self fullfilling ways and accept that his Creator knows what's best, as He's the Potter, and man is the clay.

People avoid or run from this "surrender" as they perceive it as the end of their "fun" or "free will" to live life the way the want. In one sense it does create a change, but it doesn't rob man of freewill, but instead opens up an entire vista of goals, and possiblities, that fullfill the vacuum of emptiness that unsaved man is constantly striving to quench or fill in his most deep innermost self.

The LDS/Mormon Church has heaped myriads of requirements upon their members in order to "be" that acceptable person before their god. The bible totally disagrees with this. Jesus said take my "yoke", as it is easy/light. Mormons are constantly "expected" to perform in order to "be", through wearing strange occult marked underware, going through temple rituals of "sealing", priesthoods, etc..

All along, in the N.T. of the bible, God has said over and over again that every true believer/Christian is a royal priest, and ambassador of God. Christ fullfilled the ultimate priesthood. He gave his life, as the ultimate offering, that would never have to be repeated again. "It is finished!" was His succinct and final words. Even the Roman centurion that stood at the base of the cross, exclaimed that this man was surely the Son of God. Earthquakes happened, the skies thundered, and most importantly the "veil" in the holy temple that blocked non-Levitical Jew, and gentile from entry to the Holy of Holies was rent or torn in two. What did this mean? It meant that Jesus had opened up access to God Almighty that very day that He gave His life. Now man had access to the Holy of Holys. He didn't need a special Levitical, or Aaronic priest to intercede between himself and God. God was offering total access of Himself to mankind.

Man's responsibility was not to wear strange underware, but to "accept" by faith, that "He" Jesus Christ was who He claimed to be.

Paul quoted in one of His epistles that several hundred people still were alive at the writing that epistle, that actually saw the "risen" Christ, before He ascended to heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father. Yet Jesus did not leave mankind naked and vunerable to sin, and the woes and depressions of life, but sent His Spirit, the Holy Spirit on Pentacost, starting with His Apostles and disciples first. On that first day of Pentacost, several thousand received the Spirit, and become the new Church.

Joseph Smith's alleged revelation adds nothing new, but adds much bazaar, and outlandishness to a very sober gospel that was passed on to us in the bible.

The Book of Mormon is a compilation of partially copied bible scripture and then renamed with strange authors, and convoluted stories.

Every day, archeology continues to unearth in the MiddleEast and throughout Asia Minor, more physical proofs that substantiate the bible, yet the Book of Mormon has not had one archeological substantiation of it's N. & S. American stories.

Salvation is again not based on works, but righteous works do follow after "true" salvation. This totally goes againt the tenents of LDS/Mormon doctrine. They must "do" in order to "be". In true biblical Christianity, we "become" through faith, and then we start to "do" because of our gratitude, based on our new nature.

I actually appreciated the first couple of questions. The rest of the novel seems to be an exact copy and paste of your pointless attempt to debate me on faith versus works. I am not here to debate my stance, only explain why I take the stance I do. I have already answered you. If you want to believe your thing, then go for it. I am not going to argue with you.

Not one iota of my last post was copy-paste, but from my knowledge of the bible.
Joseph Smith's alleged revelation adds nothing new, but adds much bazaar, and outlandishness to a very sober gospel that was passed on to us in the bible.

The Book of Mormon is a compilation of partially copied bible scripture and then renamed with strange authors, and convoluted stories.

Just saw this and had to ask.

How is it possible for the Book of Mormon to add nothing new, but then add much bizzare and outlandishness? It either adds nothing new or it adds alot of weird things. It cant do both any more than Christ could have Risen from the dead and not Risen.

The Book of Mormon is a complitation of a partially copied Bible? really? yet it contains outlandish and bizzare doctrines, what does that say about the Bible it was allegedly copied from?

Oh and please name one convoluted story that is copied from the Bible than renamed with strange author.

You can't seem to reach a single conclusion on what the Book of Mormon actually is. All your theories cant be correct. I really would recommend reading it sometime. Youll have a much clearer understanding of it.
Truthspeaker, one last question:

If your god exists and is so great, why does he need you to go door to door talking him up?
ok, one more: is this true?

"Mormonism teaches that God the Father is a resurrected, "exalted" human being named Elohim who was at one time not God. Rather, he was once a mortal man on another planet who, through obedience to the precepts of his God, eventually attained exaltation, or godhood, himself through "eternal progression." The Mormon God, located in time and space, has a body of flesh and bone and thus is neither spirit nor omnipresent."

ok, one more: is this true?

"Mormonism teaches that God the Father is a resurrected, "exalted" human being named Elohim who was at one time not God. Rather, he was once a mortal man on another planet who, through obedience to the precepts of his God, eventually attained exaltation, or godhood, himself through "eternal progression." The Mormon God, located in time and space, has a body of flesh and bone and thus is neither spirit nor omnipresent."


Laugh it up.... It's true. One statement of particular interest to you would be the one that says: "Fools mock, but they shall mourn..." (Ether 12:27)
Truthspeaker, if Mormons think that alien shit, I'll leave you alone, you're dumber than a rock.

(But seriously FUCK, I never knew that! You guys are seriously fucked in the head badly!)
Truthspeaker, if Mormons think that alien shit, I'll leave you alone, you're dumber than a rock.

(But seriously FUCK, I never knew that! You guys are seriously fucked in the head badly!)

Talk about the gorilla calling the banana hairy.

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