The truth about Nelson Mandela

Sounds like the white land stealers should leave to me. Amazing how white people get up in arms over Blacks Africans killing whites that stole their land. SMH

ever been to Africa?

Usually the countries that haven't been stolen by whites are total shitholes.

Yes I have. Several times. Its a beautiful awe inspiring continent. Makes you realize how frantic the media is to paint it as a place where people live in mud huts and swing from trees and eat missionaries. Oh...I see you fell for it too.

I've been there. Kenya is great (Mombasa), Somalia is terrible in the cities, especially Mogadishu.

Oh, and there still are people living in mud huts along the rivers here and there. When you visit a village the kids are running around in rags but the tribal leader somehow finds the whitest shirt you've ever seen and greets us.
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ever been to Africa?

Usually the countries that haven't been stolen by whites are total shitholes.


Because hundreds of years of Europeans stealing their resources had absolutely no effect on their economies.

They didn't just steal their resources. The oppressed and subjugated the people for centuries. They decimated their cultures, destroyed their tribal boundaries, wiped out their sense of self and their dignity, took away their religion and their identity, killed millions of them, and more. For about 300 years on average. We will never, ever know what Africa could have or would have become had they been left alone to evolve on their own.
Genocide Watch has theorised that farm attacks constitute early warning signs of genocide against Afrikaners and has criticised the South African government for its inaction on the issue, pointing out that the murder rate for them ("ethno-European farmers" in their report, which also included non-Afrikaner farmers of European race) is four times that of the general South African population.[36] There are 40,000 white farmers in South Africa. Since 1994 close to three thousand farmers have been murdered in thousands of farm attacks,[37] with many being brutally tortured and/or raped. Some victims have been burned with smoothing irons or had boiling water poured down their throats

Sounds like the white land stealers should leave to me. Amazing how white people get up in arms over Blacks Africans killing whites that stole their land. SMH

So you think it right to murder white farmers. Is it your opinion that all 'whites' in South Africa should be killed or only those who till the land?
Sounds like the white land stealers should leave to me. Amazing how white people get up in arms over Blacks Africans killing whites that stole their land. SMH

ever been to Africa?

Usually the countries that haven't been stolen by whites are total shitholes.

Yes I have. Several times. Its a beautiful awe inspiring continent. Makes you realize how frantic the media is to paint it as a place where people live in mud huts and swing from trees and eat missionaries. Oh...I see you fell for it too.

I have lived in two African countries. The Congo and Botswana. The peoples of the first have turned it into a close approximation of hell on earth. The second is a well-run democracy and a country of which its people are rightly proud. Beware of all generalisations about Africa or Africans.
ever been to Africa?

Usually the countries that haven't been stolen by whites are total shitholes.

Yes I have. Several times. Its a beautiful awe inspiring continent. Makes you realize how frantic the media is to paint it as a place where people live in mud huts and swing from trees and eat missionaries. Oh...I see you fell for it too.

I have lived in two African countries. The Congo and Botswana. The peoples of the first have turned it into a close approximation of hell on earth. The second is a well-run democracy and a country of which its people are rightly proud. Beware of all generalisations about Africa or Africans.

Genocide Watch has theorised that farm attacks constitute early warning signs of genocide against Afrikaners and has criticised the South African government for its inaction on the issue, pointing out that the murder rate for them ("ethno-European farmers" in their report, which also included non-Afrikaner farmers of European race) is four times that of the general South African population.[36] There are 40,000 white farmers in South Africa. Since 1994 close to three thousand farmers have been murdered in thousands of farm attacks,[37] with many being brutally tortured and/or raped. Some victims have been burned with smoothing irons or had boiling water poured down their throats

Sounds like the white land stealers should leave to me. Amazing how white people get up in arms over Blacks Africans killing whites that stole their land. SMH

So you think it right to murder white farmers. Is it your opinion that all 'whites' in South Africa should be killed or only those who till the land?

It isn't right to kill anyone. However, the white Afrikaners have oppressed and been responsible in one way or another for the deaths of millions of black South Africans for centuries. The land they live on is stolen land. For example, is the native Americans were able to raise forces and leave the reservation to kill whites and take back their land, as far as I am concerned, they'd be entirely justified. Their cultures were destroyed in much the same way the black Africans' cultures were. The difference is the whites in Africa made, essentially, slaves out of the blacks while the whites in America simply killed all the native people because the culture of the native Americans did not lead to enslavement, they just wouldn't do it. So, as they were useless, the whites killed them. What white Europeans have done to other cultures is not something that is over and done with. The results go on and one.
He didn't run a terrorist organization from a South African prison.

South African prisons are not like American prisons.

They had him cut off from any contacts with the outside world.

What I heard was Winnie did most of it......

But what do I know.

Who do you think was directing Winnie?

They divorced once he was freed - and while he declined to publicly criticize his wife, that was the reason why.
I have yet to get an answer to this question:

What did Mandela do specifically that made him a Communist? Policies? Nope, in fact he revamped the South African economy. He wanted people to be united. He engendered prosperity, and equal opportunity. One of the main facets of Communism/Marxism is "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." Where in any of Mandela's actions did he practice that?

Nobody has an answer, just vitriol and rhetoric.
Genocide Watch has theorised that farm attacks constitute early warning signs of genocide against Afrikaners and has criticised the South African government for its inaction on the issue, pointing out that the murder rate for them ("ethno-European farmers" in their report, which also included non-Afrikaner farmers of European race) is four times that of the general South African population.[36] There are 40,000 white farmers in South Africa. Since 1994 close to three thousand farmers have been murdered in thousands of farm attacks,[37] with many being brutally tortured and/or raped. Some victims have been burned with smoothing irons or had boiling water poured down their throats

Sounds like the white land stealers should leave to me. Amazing how white people get up in arms over Blacks Africans killing whites that stole their land. SMH

So you think it right to murder white farmers. Is it your opinion that all 'whites' in South Africa should be killed or only those who till the land?

Its not murder. They are taking back their land. What do you whites call it when you kill people that stole your land? Patriots or something like that right?
ever been to Africa?

Usually the countries that haven't been stolen by whites are total shitholes.

Yes I have. Several times. Its a beautiful awe inspiring continent. Makes you realize how frantic the media is to paint it as a place where people live in mud huts and swing from trees and eat missionaries. Oh...I see you fell for it too.

I have lived in two African countries. The Congo and Botswana. The peoples of the first have turned it into a close approximation of hell on earth. The second is a well-run democracy and a country of which its people are rightly proud. Beware of all generalisations about Africa or Africans.

Save your warning for someone who thinks the entire continent is backwards and full of savages to be conquered. I know what I experienced and the myth broadcast to the world is a fat lie.
ever been to Africa?

Usually the countries that haven't been stolen by whites are total shitholes.

Yes I have. Several times. Its a beautiful awe inspiring continent. Makes you realize how frantic the media is to paint it as a place where people live in mud huts and swing from trees and eat missionaries. Oh...I see you fell for it too.

I've been there. Kenya is great (Mombasa), Somalia is terrible in the cities, especially Mogadishu.

Oh, and there still are people living in mud huts along the rivers here and there. When you visit a village the kids are running around in rags but the tribal leader somehow finds the whitest shirt you've ever seen and greets us.

You make it sound like some of the trailer parks 2 cities over from me. There are poor people everywhere. Europeans colonized Africa and fucked up parts of it pretty badly by destabilizing the natural order.
I have yet to get an answer to this question:

What did Mandela do specifically that made him a Communist? Policies? Nope, in fact he revamped the South African economy. He wanted people to be united. He engendered prosperity, and equal opportunity. One of the main facets of Communism/Marxism is "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." Where in any of Mandela's actions did he practice that?

Nobody has an answer, just vitriol and rhetoric.

First and foremost its kind of impossible to be a Communist today, and that is much of peoples confusion, not understanding the terms. A Communist was in the 60's an actual part of the USSR, Communism is the Russian government, period. Marxism is what the Communist followed.

So when it comes to Mandela when one calls him a Communist they may look at Mandela's history with the USSR. That pretty much made Mandela a Communist, studying Russian Communism, taking money from the Communist, receiving training, advice, support from Communist Russia.

That is Mandela's early history, if we look at what Mandela did after he war released from jail, Mandela made speeches in favor of Marxism.

At least this is what google tells us.

It was a messy world in the 60's, with the chief antagonizers being the Communist. Sure, the world needed work, but in the history of the 1900's, the USSR made the world a worst place, especially in South Africa, through Mandela.

Did Mandela repent for those crimes? That is the real question that should be answered.
Yes I have. Several times. Its a beautiful awe inspiring continent. Makes you realize how frantic the media is to paint it as a place where people live in mud huts and swing from trees and eat missionaries. Oh...I see you fell for it too.

I have lived in two African countries. The Congo and Botswana. The peoples of the first have turned it into a close approximation of hell on earth. The second is a well-run democracy and a country of which its people are rightly proud. Beware of all generalisations about Africa or Africans.

Sounds like the white land stealers should leave to me. Amazing how white people get up in arms over Blacks Africans killing whites that stole their land. SMH

So you think it right to murder white farmers. Is it your opinion that all 'whites' in South Africa should be killed or only those who till the land?

It isn't right to kill anyone. However, the white Afrikaners have oppressed and been responsible in one way or another for the deaths of millions of black South Africans for centuries. The land they live on is stolen land. For example, is the native Americans were able to raise forces and leave the reservation to kill whites and take back their land, as far as I am concerned, they'd be entirely justified. Their cultures were destroyed in much the same way the black Africans' cultures were. The difference is the whites in Africa made, essentially, slaves out of the blacks while the whites in America simply killed all the native people because the culture of the native Americans did not lead to enslavement, they just wouldn't do it. So, as they were useless, the whites killed them. What white Europeans have done to other cultures is not something that is over and done with. The results go on and one.

It surprises me that you think that any native American has the right to kill any 'white' American farmer and his family at will. Does this blanket justification of murder apply to Canada as well?

As far as I know native Americans are not systematically murdering farmers so perhaps they do not share your somewhat eccentric opinion.
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Sounds like the white land stealers should leave to me. Amazing how white people get up in arms over Blacks Africans killing whites that stole their land. SMH

So you think it right to murder white farmers. Is it your opinion that all 'whites' in South Africa should be killed or only those who till the land?

Its not murder. They are taking back their land. What do you whites call it when you kill people that stole your land? Patriots or something like that right?

See my message above addressed to Esmeralda. Do you also think native Americans have the right to kill non-native American farmers, and their families, at will? And that such actions would not be murder?
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I think Mandela makes Obama look terrible. He's an exact opposite of him. I wonder if Obama realizes this.

i would have to say no

he fancied himself to honest Abe as well

even to the point of following Abes train route

and swearing in a couple of times on his bible
So you think it right to murder white farmers. Is it your opinion that all 'whites' in South Africa should be killed or only those who till the land?

Its not murder. They are taking back their land. What do you whites call it when you kill people that stole your land? Patriots or something like that right?

See my message above addressed to Esmeralda. Do you also think native Americans have the right to kill non-native American farmers, and their families, at will? And that such actions would not be murder?

Was it murder when we did it to them? Or was it simply genocide? Is there a difference in the distinction?
The media and our government as well as governments around the world have lied to the people and the truth about this man needs to be told. Some here are old enough to remember that truth.
WND » ?Nelson Mandela was a radical Marxist? » Print

One that confounds good and evil is an enemy to good.
Edmund Burke

That 'one' would be you.

"It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners"
Albert Camus
Rev. Peter Hammond Exposed, A Judeo-Christian War Enabler Uncovered by His Own Financial Supporter

Hammond, and dozens more like him, have preyed upon the people of Sudan as war fodder with their claims used to milk and bilk thousands of well meaning financial contributors out of many millions of American dollars. These dollars have produced misery for many of those who were supposed to be helped in Sudan. It has also probably swelled the well hidden international accounts of men like Hammond and his father-in-law accomplice, Missionary Bill Bathman, who has covered for him shamelessly.

The greater abuse that We Hold These Truths has worked to expose since 1997 is the death, poverty, and loss of homes and future security of millions of Sudanese. Hammond has falsely condemned Sudan as an anti-Christian hell. Mailorder Missionaries have probably done more to destroy the people of Sudan and its shaky stability than have the combined impact of US Sanctions, mercenary insurgency armies that are attempting to steal the country?s new oil reserves by occupying the Southern part of Sudan. Even a recent grasshopper plague can probably be traced to US Sanctions prohibiting the importation of agricultural chemicals, as well as most necessities of life.
Its not murder. They are taking back their land. What do you whites call it when you kill people that stole your land? Patriots or something like that right?

See my message above addressed to Esmeralda. Do you also think native Americans have the right to kill non-native American farmers, and their families, at will? And that such actions would not be murder?

Was it murder when we did it to them? Or was it simply genocide? Is there a difference in the distinction?

British settlers murdered Indians. As did post-revolution Americans. That was THEN. Do native Americans have the right to kill 'white' Americans NOW?

Would someone like to answer this question? I think it has a bearing on how the killing of farmers in S Africa should be viewed.
So, I take it this thread devolved to cowboys vs. indians so that liberals wouldn't have to discuss Mandela's indiscretions and/or atrocities? TYPICAL.

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