The truth about Nelson Mandela

So, I take it this thread devolved to cowboys vs. indians so that liberals wouldn't have to discuss Mandela's indiscretions and/or atrocities? TYPICAL.

Tell us about Mandela's indiscretions and/or atrocities?

There is but one law for all, namely that law which governs all law, the law of our Creator, the law of humanity, justice, equity - the law of nature and of nations.
Edmund Burke
"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty..."

All most Americans of a certain age is interested in is sex, intoxication, work, computing and video games.

Despotism and duties?

They can't compute that.

What they seem to believe is that the Government is like Amazon or Lands End or Ebay. A large benign entity which does 'business' with them, at their choosing.

And for people to have that view of the Government shows us that the Government, believe it or not, is on it's best behavior and is showing its best side.

Only after we grant them just enough power to be our Masters (as Obamacare's eventual single payer mandate will evince) will the Government stop putting on any facade.

They want to control us. And if Obamacare is ever forced upon the entire population the Government will be, effectively, in control of our health care.

Which means the Government will have control over every single one of us.

And Obama would have, single handedly, overthrown this government without firing a shot.

News flash.

The government has had control over you pretty much since the inception of this country. Thats what governments do. The US is exceptionally good at it because.....just read the second line of my signature.

Your assertion is debateable. But what is beyond debate is that Obamacare was designed to steal control of the American people and make us subjects of an Obama government which acts as our Master.
As expected, President Carter will be going to SA to honor Mandela, so that makes four of the five living presidents paying tribute to the man.

Mandela trip dominates Obama's schedule

GHW Bush will not be, due to ill health, though if he could, I'm sure he would be there.

Other notables going: Prime Minister David Cameron, Prince Charles, Desmond Tutu, and a ton of other foreign dignitaries.

There will be 10 days of national mourning, with the first major event being the Memorial service, December 10.

That will be at the Johannesburg soccer stadium which holds close to 100,000 people.


Some are saying Mandela will get the greatest burial in history!

which teams are playing ??
So you think it right to murder white farmers. Is it your opinion that all 'whites' in South Africa should be killed or only those who till the land?

Its not murder. They are taking back their land. What do you whites call it when you kill people that stole your land? Patriots or something like that right?

See my message above addressed to Esmeralda. Do you also think native Americans have the right to kill non-native American farmers, and their families, at will? And that such actions would not be murder?

I think if you or your ancestors stole someones land, they ask you to move off of it and you don't they have a right to use whatever means necessary to remove you. What are you missing about its not your land therefore you have no right to forcibly take it and be outraged when someone kills trying to recover it?
Its not murder. They are taking back their land. What do you whites call it when you kill people that stole your land? Patriots or something like that right?

See my message above addressed to Esmeralda. Do you also think native Americans have the right to kill non-native American farmers, and their families, at will? And that such actions would not be murder?

I think if you or your ancestors stole someones land, they ask you to move off of it and you don't they have a right to use whatever means necessary to remove you. What are you missing about its not your land therefore you have no right to forcibly take it and be outraged when someone kills trying to recover it?

So murder rather than legal or political measures are acceptable to you?

Good to know.....

ever been to Africa?

Usually the countries that haven't been stolen by whites are total shitholes.


Because hundreds of years of Europeans stealing their resources had absolutely no effect on their economies.

They didn't just steal their resources. The oppressed and subjugated the people for centuries. They decimated their cultures, destroyed their tribal boundaries, wiped out their sense of self and their dignity, took away their religion and their identity, killed millions of them, and more. For about 300 years on average. We will never, ever know what Africa could have or would have become had they been left alone to evolve on their own.

Pure communist propaganda.

Most of the damage that has taken place in Africa is because of feuds between tribes and the spread of Islam along with a great deal of ethnic and religious cleansing. Poverty, disease, warlords running amok. Deforestation. Famine. Lack of employment. That is what isdestroying Africa.
That's easy.

How about all the voter repression laws passed in republican controlled states to keep black people from voting?

:lol: Yet I doubt you can link a single "repressive law" that stopped blacks from voting since the mid-60s. On the other hand I can give you thousands of links proving democraps not only registered dead folks, cartoon characters, and multiple identities for urban blacks to vote illegally. Then there's the "bad timing" of US Military overseas votes (strong GOP) arriving too late to be counted thanks to democRAT tricks. But like ol Saul says, accuse your enemies of what you're doing.

You are too easy. Below is a column discussing just a few of the voter suppression laws passed by republicans.

Go ahead...I challenge you to post your "thousands of links" about democrats registering dead people.

It's not happening on any significant scale at all.
See my message above addressed to Esmeralda. Do you also think native Americans have the right to kill non-native American farmers, and their families, at will? And that such actions would not be murder?

I think if you or your ancestors stole someones land, they ask you to move off of it and you don't they have a right to use whatever means necessary to remove you. What are you missing about its not your land therefore you have no right to forcibly take it and be outraged when someone kills trying to recover it?

So murder rather than legal or political measures are acceptable to you?

Good to know.....

Thats some of the funniest stuff I have heard in awhile. So someone comes and forcibly steals your home, kills some of your family, and the system that supports those actions passes laws to keep you confined to an outhouse on your land and your answer is to plead to the people that run that same system to get your land back through the legal process? Why should a native have to ask permission to have their land back from the people who stole it? Shouldn't a simple "please move off my land" do? Do you at least see the irony and smugness in your recommendation?
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Because hundreds of years of Europeans stealing their resources had absolutely no effect on their economies.

They didn't just steal their resources. The oppressed and subjugated the people for centuries. They decimated their cultures, destroyed their tribal boundaries, wiped out their sense of self and their dignity, took away their religion and their identity, killed millions of them, and more. For about 300 years on average. We will never, ever know what Africa could have or would have become had they been left alone to evolve on their own.

Pure communist propaganda.

Most of the damage that has taken place in Africa is because of feuds between tribes and the spread of Islam along with a great deal of ethnic and religious cleansing. Poverty, disease, warlords running amok. Deforestation. Famine. Lack of employment. That is what isdestroying Africa.

You need a lesson in African history. It doesn't matter what is going on in tribal affairs. Its not European or US land so dont stick your nose in things that are not your business. Thats one of the reasons our country is feared and hated around the world.
What I heard was Winnie did most of it......

But what do I know.

Who do you think was directing Winnie?

They divorced once he was freed - and while he declined to publicly criticize his wife, that was the reason why.

The reason why they divorced after Mandela was freed was because Winnie had become a serious slut screwing anything with a dick that moved. The only man she was unwilling to spread her legs for was Nelson Mandela.
South African Judge Gives Nelson Mandela a Divorce -
Who do you think was directing Winnie?

They divorced once he was freed - and while he declined to publicly criticize his wife, that was the reason why.

The reason why they divorced after Mandela was freed was because Winnie had become a serious slut screwing anything with a dick that moved. The only man she was unwilling to spread her legs for was Nelson Mandela.
South African Judge Gives Nelson Mandela a Divorce -

Thank you for the link - although your description of the events predictably over blew the level of adultery involved (one man is vastly different than a continent of them, even if just as damaging to a marriage). I was reading the papers at the time, and much was made about her actions - especially the burning tires around adolescent necks - and given his advocacy for non-violent means, many thought those actions prompted the divorce.
See my message above addressed to Esmeralda. Do you also think native Americans have the right to kill non-native American farmers, and their families, at will? And that such actions would not be murder?

Was it murder when we did it to them? Or was it simply genocide? Is there a difference in the distinction?

British settlers murdered Indians. As did post-revolution Americans. That was THEN. Do native Americans have the right to kill 'white' Americans NOW?

Would someone like to answer this question? I think it has a bearing on how the killing of farmers in S Africa should be viewed.

OH! Is the timing of the thing relevant now? So - you would say that if the Palestinians broke free at this moment and did to Israel what Israel has been doing to them, it would be okay? What about if Native Americans acted immediately after the trail of tears? Would THEN have been a more politically auspicious time to get their own back? Because, sparky, WHEN all the killing happened in South Africa was directly after their liberation. I tend to get squeamish about all that blood and torture, but I'm not one to call for "traditional" terror either, and one could hardly blame them, given the provocations, could you?
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See my message above addressed to Esmeralda. Do you also think native Americans have the right to kill non-native American farmers, and their families, at will? And that such actions would not be murder?

Was it murder when we did it to them? Or was it simply genocide? Is there a difference in the distinction?

British settlers murdered Indians. As did post-revolution Americans. That was THEN. Do native Americans have the right to kill 'white' Americans NOW?

Would someone like to answer this question? I think it has a bearing on how the killing of farmers in S Africa should be viewed.

There appears to be a consistent theme that runs through a lot of concepts that some white people come up with in terms of what is right and what is fair. For one they believe they set the rules of the game and whine when people don't follow those rules as set forth by their purifying righteousness. No one cares what you think about how much time can elapse. Even so, the case you pointed out with the Native Americans has nothing to do with South Africa in terms of time elapsed.
Was it murder when we did it to them? Or was it simply genocide? Is there a difference in the distinction?

British settlers murdered Indians. As did post-revolution Americans. That was THEN. Do native Americans have the right to kill 'white' Americans NOW?

Would someone like to answer this question? I think it has a bearing on how the killing of farmers in S Africa should be viewed.

There appears to be a consistent theme that runs through a lot of concepts that some white people come up with in terms of what is right and what is fair. For one they believe they set the rules of the game and whine when people don't follow those rules as set forth by their purifying righteousness. No one cares what you think about how much time can elapse. Even so, the case you pointed out with the Native Americans has nothing to do with South Africa in terms of time elapsed.

their purifying righteousness/QUOTE]

I would owe you rep (all out at the moment) if I could send it.

American exceptionalism: Advocating freedom and democracy (*in name only*) all over the world while tolerating none of that shit at home. I'm not sure where that is ripped off from - my apologies.
Its not murder. They are taking back their land. What do you whites call it when you kill people that stole your land? Patriots or something like that right?

See my message above addressed to Esmeralda. Do you also think native Americans have the right to kill non-native American farmers, and their families, at will? And that such actions would not be murder?

I think if you or your ancestors stole someones land, they ask you to move off of it and you don't they have a right to use whatever means necessary to remove you. What are you missing about its not your land therefore you have no right to forcibly take it and be outraged when someone kills trying to recover it?

I think this means that you approve of native Americans killing farmers and also black South Africans murdering farmers at will. I do not.
He was a murdering terrorist. He even said so in his book. Case closed. More blacks died at the hands of the ANC than at the hands of the government according to one study. They used to love filling tires with petrol and throwing them around their homey's necks. Keeping it real.
See my message above addressed to Esmeralda. Do you also think native Americans have the right to kill non-native American farmers, and their families, at will? And that such actions would not be murder?

I think if you or your ancestors stole someones land, they ask you to move off of it and you don't they have a right to use whatever means necessary to remove you. What are you missing about its not your land therefore you have no right to forcibly take it and be outraged when someone kills trying to recover it?

I think this means that you approve of native Americans killing farmers and also black South Africans murdering farmers at will. I do not.

Pretty much. Just remember I approve as long they were asked to leave nicely the first time. I'm not the type to sit around and watch but I definitely support it. You should learn first of all not to steal and second of all to leave when asked. You wouldn't have to worry about it if you got those 2 concepts burned into your peoples life philosophy.

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