The truth about Nelson Mandela


Because hundreds of years of Europeans stealing their resources had absolutely no effect on their economies.

They didn't just steal their resources. The oppressed and subjugated the people for centuries. They decimated their cultures, destroyed their tribal boundaries, wiped out their sense of self and their dignity, took away their religion and their identity, killed millions of them, and more. For about 300 years on average. We will never, ever know what Africa could have or would have become had they been left alone to evolve on their own.

Pure communist propaganda.

Most of the damage that has taken place in Africa is because of feuds between tribes and the spread of Islam along with a great deal of ethnic and religious cleansing. Poverty, disease, warlords running amok. Deforestation. Famine. Lack of employment. That is what isdestroying Africa.

You obviously know nothing about European colonization of Africa. You have clearly not made any study of this area of history nor done any serious reading about it. You are dealing with people who know, and you can't just post a lot of bullshit ideas and make any headway. Your statement is completely wrong.
They didn't just steal their resources. The oppressed and subjugated the people for centuries. They decimated their cultures, destroyed their tribal boundaries, wiped out their sense of self and their dignity, took away their religion and their identity, killed millions of them, and more. For about 300 years on average. We will never, ever know what Africa could have or would have become had they been left alone to evolve on their own.

Pure communist propaganda.

Most of the damage that has taken place in Africa is because of feuds between tribes and the spread of Islam along with a great deal of ethnic and religious cleansing. Poverty, disease, warlords running amok. Deforestation. Famine. Lack of employment. That is what isdestroying Africa.

You obviously know nothing about European colonization of Africa. You have clearly not made any study of this area of history nor done any serious reading about it. You are dealing with people who know, and you can't just post a lot of bullshit ideas and make any headway. Your statement is completely wrong.

Having lived in two African countries and taken part in university seminars I have read very widely in African history and contemporary development. I think that Mudwhistle makes a good point.

The half-century since decolinisation is long enough for African countries to have overcome the alleged problems caused by Europeans. But all too many have gone steadily backwards. And this despite the billions upon billions spent on 'developement aid'.
Pure communist propaganda.

Most of the damage that has taken place in Africa is because of feuds between tribes and the spread of Islam along with a great deal of ethnic and religious cleansing. Poverty, disease, warlords running amok. Deforestation. Famine. Lack of employment. That is what isdestroying Africa.

You obviously know nothing about European colonization of Africa. You have clearly not made any study of this area of history nor done any serious reading about it. You are dealing with people who know, and you can't just post a lot of bullshit ideas and make any headway. Your statement is completely wrong.

Having lived in two African countries and taken part in university seminars I have read very widely in African history and contemporary development. I think that Mudwhistle makes a good point.

The half-century since decolinisation is long enough for African countries to have overcome the alleged problems caused by Europeans. But all too many have gone steadily backwards. And this despite the billions upon billions spent on 'developement aid'.

A WHOLE half century? Well for fuck sake,
here WE are, TOTALLY having overcome the problems caused by institutional racism, paternalism, and the good ole boys club that comprise (d?!) OUR "great nation."
You obviously know nothing about European colonization of Africa. You have clearly not made any study of this area of history nor done any serious reading about it. You are dealing with people who know, and you can't just post a lot of bullshit ideas and make any headway. Your statement is completely wrong.

Having lived in two African countries and taken part in university seminars I have read very widely in African history and contemporary development. I think that Mudwhistle makes a good point.

The half-century since decolinisation is long enough for African countries to have overcome the alleged problems caused by Europeans. But all too many have gone steadily backwards. And this despite the billions upon billions spent on 'developement aid'.
A WHOLE half century? Well for fuck sake,
here WE are, TOTALLY having overcome the problems caused by institutional racism, paternalism, and the good ole boys club that comprise (d?!) OUR "great nation."
Japan had their cities burned to the ground, then they were hit with two atomic bombs, yet they bounced back. Inferior cultures have a harder time bouncing back because they are inferior.
Having lived in two African countries and taken part in university seminars I have read very widely in African history and contemporary development. I think that Mudwhistle makes a good point.

The half-century since decolinisation is long enough for African countries to have overcome the alleged problems caused by Europeans. But all too many have gone steadily backwards. And this despite the billions upon billions spent on 'developement aid'.
A WHOLE half century? Well for fuck sake,
here WE are, TOTALLY having overcome the problems caused by institutional racism, paternalism, and the good ole boys club that comprise (d?!) OUR "great nation."
Japan had their cities burned to the ground, then they were hit with two atomic bombs, yet they bounced back. Inferior cultures have a harder time bouncing back because they are inferior.

Thats normally what happens when the US takes responsibility for protecting them and engaging in trade with them. See Israel for another example.

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