The truth about Nelson Mandela

Wow, these are a WHOLE lot of accusations and not one name of a specific individual.

If the banks settled out of court, it was because they didn't want to get in front of a jury of 12 guys like me who took a beating in their recession.

Oh, the NSA program? Your boy Bush started that and Right Wingers defended him to the hilt when he did.

I should also point out the private companies are ALREADY spying on our interenet activities...

Bush started Data-mining folks talking to known terrorists and Obama simply expanded it to all Americans.

Countrywide was one of the banks. They settled out of court because it's ether that or pay the bloodsucking lawyers to defend them for the next decade against the federal government.

Private companies usually ask for our permission. The NSA doesn't.

No, they don't. When I type in Obama and I go to the humor website I like to visit and get "Should Obama Be Impeached?" in a banner ad, I didn't ask for that and I didn't give anyone permission to follow my web history.

Countrywide settled because they were as guilty as a cat in a canary cage. They got off easy.

Countrywide didn't settle anything because Countrywide was no longer in existence.
South Africa is the BEST that Africa has to offer! Yet, the South African government practices racial pograms on their minority class (whites). The government sanctions and defends genocide on whites. They do nothing to stop it and have outlawed whites from owning guns to protect themselves (very Hitler, Stalin and Mao-esque). They are the homicide, car-jacking, rape, BABY rape and AIDSA capital of the world. They lead in all of them. Nice stats to have as the continents leading economy!

They have a horrendous economy, no matter what they liberals try to say it is. The country is only getting worse and worse each year. When they finally get rid of all the Whites through, genocide, ethnic cleansing and flight, they will be no better than Zimbabwe (both morally and economically).

The government of South Africa is the ANC. It's is not multiracial.

If you think it's bad now, it is going to get much worse because the ANC is running out of property to redistribute.
Something you guys don't get.

You guys see the "eek, a communist".

What people in South Africa or Cuba or Vietnam see are liberators.

Than let his own people idolize him, but not the rest of the world.
Too late. All the GOP hatred won't change it either. Nelson is on the level of Jesus as the haters gnash their teeth.

I do love it when cons expose their bigotry. The party gets smaller and smaller and smaller.Poof! All gone!
Something you guys don't get.

You guys see the "eek, a communist".

What people in South Africa or Cuba or Vietnam see are liberators.

Than let his own people idolize him, but not the rest of the world.
Too late. All the GOP hatred won't change it either. Nelson is on the level of Jesus as the haters gnash their teeth.

I do love it when cons expose their bigotry. The party gets smaller and smaller and smaller.Poof! All gone!

We have another one on the site now.....
Genocide Watch has theorised that farm attacks constitute early warning signs of genocide against Afrikaners and has criticised the South African government for its inaction on the issue, pointing out that the murder rate for them ("ethno-European farmers" in their report, which also included non-Afrikaner farmers of European race) is four times that of the general South African population.[36] There are 40,000 white farmers in South Africa. Since 1994 close to three thousand farmers have been murdered in thousands of farm attacks,[37] with many being brutally tortured and/or raped. Some victims have been burned with smoothing irons or had boiling water poured down their throats
That's easy.

How about all the voter repression laws passed in republican controlled states to keep black people from voting?

:lol: Yet I doubt you can link a single "repressive law" that stopped blacks from voting since the mid-60s. On the other hand I can give you thousands of links proving democraps not only registered dead folks, cartoon characters, and multiple identities for urban blacks to vote illegally. Then there's the "bad timing" of US Military overseas votes (strong GOP) arriving too late to be counted thanks to democRAT tricks. But like ol Saul says, accuse your enemies of what you're doing.
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Picture I.D.s are for buying cigs, booze, driving, bank transactions, getting on and off military installations, and getting into Democrat townhalls but they're racist if you require them fir voting.
Genocide Watch has theorised that farm attacks constitute early warning signs of genocide against Afrikaners and has criticised the South African government for its inaction on the issue, pointing out that the murder rate for them ("ethno-European farmers" in their report, which also included non-Afrikaner farmers of European race) is four times that of the general South African population.[36] There are 40,000 white farmers in South Africa. Since 1994 close to three thousand farmers have been murdered in thousands of farm attacks,[37] with many being brutally tortured and/or raped. Some victims have been burned with smoothing irons or had boiling water poured down their throats

Sounds like the white land stealers should leave to me. Amazing how white people get up in arms over Blacks Africans killing whites that stole their land. SMH
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Whites should leave Africa the same way they left Chicago and Detroit. Simply leaving is not enough, after the whites leave, they should make sure that Africa gets not a single white dime, not a cent. Not a drop of UN gruel.
Whites should leave Africa the same way they left Chicago and Detroit. Simply leaving is not enough, after the whites leave, they should make sure that Africa gets not a single white dime, not a cent. Not a drop of UN gruel.

Thats that racist vindictive part of you speaking. :lol: Theres help for that.
Something you guys don't get.

You guys see the "eek, a communist".

What people in South Africa or Cuba or Vietnam see are liberators.

And they have the rest of their lives to regret and assign blame for their lack of discernment when they get the "eek" Communism they mis-perceived as liberation.
Let's not forget Barry's no-good Drunk driving, womanizing Daddy was also an African anti-Colonialist Commie, like Mandela.

And most importantly is a reminder that Obama planned, while a very junior Senator, a new tax on us which would have sent hundreds of millions of dollars to Africa via the U.N.

The Global Poverty Act was a bill in the U.S. Congress co-sponsored by 84 Representatives and 30 Senators.

The Global Poverty Act would require the U.S. President to develop and implement a comprehensive strategy to further the United States foreign policy objective of promoting the reduction of global poverty, the elimination of extreme global poverty, and the achievement of the United Nations Millennium Development Goal of reducing by one-half the proportion of people worldwide, between 1990 and 2015, who live on less than $1 per day. This would require the United States to add 0.7 percent of the U.S. gross national product (23 billion to 98 billion a year) to its overall spending on Humanitarian Aid. This bill has been endorsed by The Borgen Project, Habitat for Humanity, Bread for the World, RESULTS and CARE.

The bill passed the Foreign Affairs Committee in July 2008. It was never scheduled for a vote on the Senate floor, however, and died at the end of the session.

Global Poverty Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Genocide Watch has theorised that farm attacks constitute early warning signs of genocide against Afrikaners and has criticised the South African government for its inaction on the issue, pointing out that the murder rate for them ("ethno-European farmers" in their report, which also included non-Afrikaner farmers of European race) is four times that of the general South African population.[36] There are 40,000 white farmers in South Africa. Since 1994 close to three thousand farmers have been murdered in thousands of farm attacks,[37] with many being brutally tortured and/or raped. Some victims have been burned with smoothing irons or had boiling water poured down their throats

Sounds like the white land stealers should leave to me. Amazing how white people get up in arms over Blacks Africans killing whites that stole their land. SMH

ever been to Africa?

Usually the countries that haven't been stolen by whites are total shitholes.
Genocide Watch has theorised that farm attacks constitute early warning signs of genocide against Afrikaners and has criticised the South African government for its inaction on the issue, pointing out that the murder rate for them ("ethno-European farmers" in their report, which also included non-Afrikaner farmers of European race) is four times that of the general South African population.[36] There are 40,000 white farmers in South Africa. Since 1994 close to three thousand farmers have been murdered in thousands of farm attacks,[37] with many being brutally tortured and/or raped. Some victims have been burned with smoothing irons or had boiling water poured down their throats

Sounds like the white land stealers should leave to me. Amazing how white people get up in arms over Blacks Africans killing whites that stole their land. SMH

ever been to Africa?

Usually the countries that haven't been stolen by whites are total shitholes.

Yes I have. Several times. Its a beautiful awe inspiring continent. Makes you realize how frantic the media is to paint it as a place where people live in mud huts and swing from trees and eat missionaries. Oh...I see you fell for it too.
"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty..."

All most Americans of a certain age is interested in is sex, intoxication, work, computing and video games.

Despotism and duties?

They can't compute that.

What they seem to believe is that the Government is like Amazon or Lands End or Ebay. A large benign entity which does 'business' with them, at their choosing.

And for people to have that view of the Government shows us that the Government, believe it or not, is on it's best behavior and is showing its best side.

Only after we grant them just enough power to be our Masters (as Obamacare's eventual single payer mandate will evince) will the Government stop putting on any facade.

They want to control us. And if Obamacare is ever forced upon the entire population the Government will be, effectively, in control of our health care.

Which means the Government will have control over every single one of us.

And Obama would have, single handedly, overthrown this government without firing a shot.
"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty..."

All most Americans of a certain age is interested in is sex, intoxication, work, computing and video games.

Despotism and duties?

They can't compute that.

What they seem to believe is that the Government is like Amazon or Lands End or Ebay. A large benign entity which does 'business' with them, at their choosing.

And for people to have that view of the Government shows us that the Government, believe it or not, is on it's best behavior and is showing its best side.

Only after we grant them just enough power to be our Masters (as Obamacare's eventual single payer mandate will evince) will the Government stop putting on any facade.

They want to control us. And if Obamacare is ever forced upon the entire population the Government will be, effectively, in control of our health care.

Which means the Government will have control over every single one of us.

And Obama would have, single handedly, overthrown this government without firing a shot.

News flash.

The government has had control over you pretty much since the inception of this country. Thats what governments do. The US is exceptionally good at it because.....just read the second line of my signature.
Oh yeah, he supposedly led terror bombing campaigns while he was STUCK IN A SOUTH AFRICAN PRISON FOR 27 YEARS.

Sure! We have entire criminal organizations run from prisons. Tookie Williams was on death row and directed the murders of witnesses from his prison cell. He was also honored when he was finally executed.

He didn't run a terrorist organization from a South African prison.

South African prisons are not like American prisons.

They had him cut off from any contacts with the outside world.

What I heard was Winnie did most of it......

But what do I know.
Whites should leave Africa the same way they left Chicago and Detroit. Simply leaving is not enough, after the whites leave, they should make sure that Africa gets not a single white dime, not a cent. Not a drop of UN gruel.

Thats that racist vindictive part of you speaking. :lol: Theres help for that.

Then it's "leave and just send money". Is that about it?
Sure! We have entire criminal organizations run from prisons. Tookie Williams was on death row and directed the murders of witnesses from his prison cell. He was also honored when he was finally executed.

He didn't run a terrorist organization from a South African prison.

South African prisons are not like American prisons.

They had him cut off from any contacts with the outside world.

What I heard was Winnie did most of it......

But what do I know.

Who do you think was directing Winnie?

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