The truth about Nelson Mandela

Sure! We have entire criminal organizations run from prisons. Tookie Williams was on death row and directed the murders of witnesses from his prison cell. He was also honored when he was finally executed.
George H.W. Bush says Mandela was wrongly imprisoned.

That still doesn't tell me if he really thinks that Mandela was wrongly imprisoned. Only that he said that speaking as the president.

Now IF you intend to say that Mandela should not have been imprisoned but permitted to bomb hospitals and schools as he intended to do, then just say so.

Al Sharpton says Mandela bombed these places "at night so as not to kill people"....the Bill Ayers strategy too...until he and Bernadine got bored with it and decided to kill some folks. For those with impaired minds, Ayers got Barry started in politics and ghost-wrote his book. :disbelief:
one of the marxist terrorists died.

the alive marxist semi-terrorists want to honor him.

did you all also cried deeply when arafat died?

Arafat was murdered, assassinated, he didn't simply "die," and yes, that was a regrettable lost opportunity, however slight.

who cares. one more of the punks eliminated
Obama and 3 past American presidents are attending his funeral. I imagine Bush Sr. isn't going due to health reasons. Leaders from all over the world are attending. This is said to be one of the largest state funerals in history. He was a great, great man.

That's a matter of opinion.

It is the opinion of the vast majority if the world's population.

in your brainwashed mind only.

The 99.99% of the world's population could not care less about some marxist terrorist finally dead in South Africa.
Nelson Mandela death: 91 world leaders head to South Africa to honor titan

(CNN) -- More than 90 heads of state are on their way to South Africa for what is expected to be the largest gathering of world leaders in Africa's history.

It's a clear sign of what kind of impact Nelson Mandela left on the world.
Mandela, the activist who spent 27 years in prison before becoming his country's first black president, died Thursday at the age of 95.

U.S. President Barack Obama left Washington for Johannesburg on Monday morning to attend the memorial service for Mandela, which will take place Tuesday in the city's soccer stadium. The 90,000 seats probably won't be enough to house the many mourners wanting to pay tribute to the great anti-apartheid leader.

A state funeral will be held Sunday in Mandela's ancestral hometown of Qunu in the Eastern Cape province.

At least 91 heads of state and 10 former heads of state have said they're going to South Africa this week, government international relations spokesman Clayson Monyela said.

91 world leaders head to South Africa to honor Nelson Mandela -
But if you murdered school teachers, tortured and raped women, mutilated and executed civilians and went by the name of Contras, according the St. Ronnie, you were "the moral equivalent of the Founding Fathers" and not only that - he'll help fund ya and getcha the guns.

Sounds like what's going on in Egypt, Syria, and Libya.

Thanks to Obama.
The more i research the man, the more confused I become on what my opinion should be of him. He did do an amazing thing but helping topple a very evil and oppressive government. That fact cannot be contested. I'm impressed with initial desire to remain non-violent.

What has my opinion still non decided are some of his actions, statements and connections. His major influences were Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin and Mao Zedong. He supported and was inspired by Fidel Castro. He did not condemn the crimes against humanity perpetrated by the Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK) in the 1980s (a group that he founded). What also has been thinking is the fact that white south african farmers are being murdered and south african has not improved much since the over throw of the apartheid.
The more i research the man, the more confused I become on what my opinion should be of him. He did do an amazing thing but helping topple a very evil and oppressive government. That fact cannot be contested. I'm impressed with initial desire to remain non-violent.

What has my opinion still non decided are some of his actions, statements and connections. His major influences were Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin and Mao Zedong. He supported and was inspired by Fidel Castro. He did not condemn the crimes against humanity perpetrated by the Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK) in the 1980s (a group that he founded). What also has been thinking is the fact that white south african farmers are being murdered and south african has not improved much since the over throw of the apartheid.

Racism wasn't the greatest problem in South Africa it appears.
Obama and 3 past American presidents are attending his funeral. I imagine Bush Sr. isn't going due to health reasons. Leaders from all over the world are attending. This is said to be one of the largest state funerals in history. He was a great, great man.

That's a matter of opinion.

It is the opinion of the vast majority if the world's population.

Then it should be easy for you to prove.

I'll wait....:eusa_whistle:
If it's true that he was a Marxist then look at what good Marxism has achieved in SA.
I don't need a lecture from a lying piece of shit like you, so save it.

If they were to name any schools after him today they'd end up being firebombed, most likely by Democrats.

I wasn't on here most of this weekend.

I spent most of the weekend not thinking aboot Obama.

All of the praises of Mandela seemed to be over his ability to forgive. Show me where Obama had ever done that. He's so busy trying to get even he can't see straight. One of the reasons you pricks like him.

Really, when has he done that?

Who is the poor unfortnate recipiant of Obama's vindictive wrath?

We'll wait.

I wasn't on here most of this weekend.

I spent most of the weekend not thinking aboot Obama.

All of the praises of Mandela seemed to be over his ability to forgive. Show me where Obama had ever done that. He's so busy trying to get even he can't see straight. One of the reasons you pricks like him.

Really, when has he done that?

Who is the poor unfortnate recipiant of Obama's vindictive wrath?

We'll wait.

Who's we???

You and your socks?

To answer your question, I'll be specific.
Obama has gone after the Tea Party, branded them as racists.

He's sued several banks with accusations of unfair lending practices, and handed out cash to thousands of blacks who borrowed from them. The banks settled out of court of course. A total shakedown.

He's sent the IRS after rightwing groups, Jewish groups, Christian groups. He's gone after every rightwing talk-show host using the IRS.

He's infringed on the civil liberties of millions of Americans allowing the NSA to spy on their communications. Their internet habits, their phone conversations.

He's talked about Social Justice (getting even with the rich, i.e. whites)
He claims his primary job now isn't to defend this nation from all enemies foreign and domestic, but to assure income equality. All that is is redistribution of wealth. Stealing from one group and giving it to another, keeping a goodly share for himself and his buds.

Really, when has he done that?

Who is the poor unfortnate recipiant of Obama's vindictive wrath?

We'll wait.

Who's we???

You and your socks?

To answer your question, I'll be specific.
Obama has gone after the Tea Party, branded them as racists.

He's sued several banks with accusations of unfair lending practices, and handed out cash to thousands of blacks who borrowed from them. The banks settled out of court of course. A total shakedown.

He's sent the IRS after rightwing groups, Jewish groups, Christian groups. He's gone after every rightwing talk-show host using the IRS.

He's infringed on the civil liberties of millions of Americans allowing the NSA to spy on their communications. Their internet habits, their phone conversations.

He's talked about Social Justice (getting even with the rich, i.e. whites)
He claims his primary job now isn't to defend this nation from all enemies foreign and domestic, but to assure income equality. All that is is redistribution of wealth. Stealing from one group and giving it to another, keeping a goodly share for himself and his buds.

Wow, these are a WHOLE lot of accusations and not one name of a specific individual.

If the banks settled out of court, it was because they didn't want to get in front of a jury of 12 guys like me who took a beating in their recession.

Oh, the NSA program? Your boy Bush started that and Right Wingers defended him to the hilt when he did.

I should also point out the private companies are ALREADY spying on our interenet activities...

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