The Truth about Private Manning


Feb 22, 2011
I stole this from another board, but I think it may in fact be the truth:

It has become pretty obvious what the deal is with PFC Bradley Manning. He has been held in extended solitary confinement, without so much as underwear, for quite some time now. This isn’t to soften him up for trial (odious enough in itself), because they have him dead to rights. It’s an open and shut case, and they could court martial him at any time, and put him in jail for 400 years, or just have him shot.

But that’s not the point. They want something from young private Manning, and they’ll torment him until they get it.

What they want is Julian Assange.

As it stands, Julian Assange is guilty of nothing more than journalism. In a free society, this is no crime...However, in this age of police states and “national security” (which apparently includes banking shenanigans), it is a crime worse than treason or even cracking a joke in an airport.

Consider: Sweden issues an Interpol “Red” warrant - usually issued against terrorists, etc - for the purpose of “talking to him” about a couple of women who insist that they were raped because he “charmed” them into bed, and they had rather convenient second thoughts months after the fact, and immediately after Assange became public enemy #1. Amazingly enough, this urgent case sort of bogged down once they had their hands on him, and appears to be in limbo.

That will change, of course, after the US government has driven Manning mad enough to make any accusations they wish him to make. Specifically, that accusation would be that Assange conspired with Manning ahead of time, and convinced him to leak the infamous cables...At which point Assange goes from “outlaw journalist” to “accused spy”, in a manner that would make Red China blush.

So here’s the short and skinny...”Enhanced Interrogation” (read: torture, or at the very least outright coercion, to one degree or another) supposedly used only on “ticking time bomb terrorists” is now being used against an American soldier, not to get intel, but to produce a convenient accusation.

Think what you like about Manning, or Assange, or - for that matter - journalism itself, but the fact remains that we are now coercing accusations out of our own soldiers to tidy up political problems.

The "small government right wing" will approve of this abuse in the name of "national security", and in doing so support the Obama adminstration.

The left will ignore it because it is being conducted by the Obama administration, and in doing so support the policies of Bush and Rumsfeld.

And if you’ll put up with that, you’ll put up with anything, won’t you? That's what America™ is all about. Two "sides" of chumps, bickering over an arbitrary, imaginary "difference" in what passes for beliefs.

Way to go, monkeyboys.

Capitol Grilling: CHANGE!

Who are you and what have you done with the USA?
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Your title says it's 'the truth'.... then you admit it 'may be the truth'. And contained within this bullshit is bullshit that isn't true.... so the chances of it being 'the truth' are pretty fucking slim.
I stole this from another board, but I think it may in fact be the truth:

It has become pretty obvious what the deal is with PFC Bradley Manning. He has been held in extended solitary confinement, without so much as underwear, for quite some time now. This isn’t to soften him up for trial (odious enough in itself), because they have him dead to rights. It’s an open and shut case, and they could court martial him at any time, and put him in jail for 400 years, or just have him shot.

But that’s not the point. They want something from young private Manning, and they’ll torment him until they get it.

What they want is Julian Assange.

As it stands, Julian Assange is guilty of nothing more than journalism. In a free society, this is no crime...However, in this age of police states and “national security” (which apparently includes banking shenanigans), it is a crime worse than treason or even cracking a joke in an airport.

Consider: Sweden issues an Interpol “Red” warrant - usually issued against terrorists, etc - for the purpose of “talking to him” about a couple of women who insist that they were raped because he “charmed” them into bed, and they had rather convenient second thoughts months after the fact, and immediately after Assange became public enemy #1. Amazingly enough, this urgent case sort of bogged down once they had their hands on him, and appears to be in limbo.

That will change, of course, after the US government has driven Manning mad enough to make any accusations they wish him to make. Specifically, that accusation would be that Assange conspired with Manning ahead of time, and convinced him to leak the infamous cables...At which point Assange goes from “outlaw journalist” to “accused spy”, in a manner that would make Red China blush.

So here’s the short and skinny...”Enhanced Interrogation” (read: torture, or at the very least outright coercion, to one degree or another) supposedly used only on “ticking time bomb terrorists” is now being used against an American soldier, not to get intel, but to produce a convenient accusation.

Think what you like about Manning, or Assange, or - for that matter - journalism itself, but the fact remains that we are now coercing accusations out of our own soldiers to tidy up political problems.

The "small government right wing" will approve of this abuse in the name of "national security", and in doing so support the Obama adminstration.

The left will ignore it because it is being conducted by the Obama administration, and in doing so support the policies of Bush and Rumsfeld.

And if you’ll put up with that, you’ll put up with anything, won’t you? That's what America™ is all about. Two "sides" of chumps, bickering over an arbitrary, imaginary "difference" in what passes for beliefs.

Way to go, monkeyboys.

Capitol Grilling: CHANGE!

Who are you and what have you done with the USA?

I saw men suffer horrendous wounds and horrible deaths for their country.

Piece Of Shit Bradley Manning deserves the very worst possible, whatever it may be, for betraying his country.


End of story.
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All of this is completely baseless and then you go on to scream torture where no torture exists whatsoever....
Do you even understand what the word means or is everything that is uncomfortable now considered torture?
I personally don't give a Fuck what they might do to this traitor. Torture him all day, everyday, for all I care.
I stole this from another board, but I think it may in fact be the truth:

It has become pretty obvious what the deal is with PFC Bradley Manning. He has been held in extended solitary confinement, without so much as underwear, for quite some time now. This isn’t to soften him up for trial (odious enough in itself), because they have him dead to rights. It’s an open and shut case, and they could court martial him at any time, and put him in jail for 400 years, or just have him shot.

But that’s not the point. They want something from young private Manning, and they’ll torment him until they get it.

What they want is Julian Assange.

As it stands, Julian Assange is guilty of nothing more than journalism. In a free society, this is no crime...However, in this age of police states and “national security” (which apparently includes banking shenanigans), it is a crime worse than treason or even cracking a joke in an airport.

Consider: Sweden issues an Interpol “Red” warrant - usually issued against terrorists, etc - for the purpose of “talking to him” about a couple of women who insist that they were raped because he “charmed” them into bed, and they had rather convenient second thoughts months after the fact, and immediately after Assange became public enemy #1. Amazingly enough, this urgent case sort of bogged down once they had their hands on him, and appears to be in limbo.

That will change, of course, after the US government has driven Manning mad enough to make any accusations they wish him to make. Specifically, that accusation would be that Assange conspired with Manning ahead of time, and convinced him to leak the infamous cables...At which point Assange goes from “outlaw journalist” to “accused spy”, in a manner that would make Red China blush.

So here’s the short and skinny...”Enhanced Interrogation” (read: torture, or at the very least outright coercion, to one degree or another) supposedly used only on “ticking time bomb terrorists” is now being used against an American soldier, not to get intel, but to produce a convenient accusation.

Think what you like about Manning, or Assange, or - for that matter - journalism itself, but the fact remains that we are now coercing accusations out of our own soldiers to tidy up political problems.

The "small government right wing" will approve of this abuse in the name of "national security", and in doing so support the Obama adminstration.

The left will ignore it because it is being conducted by the Obama administration, and in doing so support the policies of Bush and Rumsfeld.

And if you’ll put up with that, you’ll put up with anything, won’t you? That's what America™ is all about. Two "sides" of chumps, bickering over an arbitrary, imaginary "difference" in what passes for beliefs.

Way to go, monkeyboys.

Capitol Grilling: CHANGE!

Who are you and what have you done with the USA?

Remember who the President is next time you hear about torture during the Bush years.

All of this is completely baseless and then you go on to scream torture where no torture exists whatsoever....
Do you even understand what the word means or is everything that is uncomfortable now considered torture?

first of all I screamed nothing, only the last sentence of the OP was my own.

But you certainly can't rule out torture since the media itself is reporting he is deprived clothing and has been held in solitary confinement since he was arrested.

The author brings up a good point, Manning could have been convicted months ago. So why is he not facing trial?
The "truth" is actually the opposite of what the sympathizers are crying about. The little panty waste has suicidal ideations and has to sleep in the nude so he doesn't kill himself. The brig staff are protecting him. I am sure they do not want to see the little jism stain naked no more than I do, but rules are rules. He is getting the same treatment as any other traitor is getting.
All of this is completely baseless and then you go on to scream torture where no torture exists whatsoever....
Do you even understand what the word means or is everything that is uncomfortable now considered torture?

first of all I screamed nothing, only the last sentence of the OP was my own.

But you certainly can't rule out torture since the media itself is reporting he is deprived clothing and has been held in solitary confinement since he was arrested.

The author brings up a good point, Manning could have been convicted months ago. So why is he not facing trial?
And the media never lies???

I think Eric Holder should convict him, then bring him to trial as he has suggested he's gonna do for any run of the mill terrorist.
The brig staff are protecting him.

hillarious. Protecting him from a speedy trial no doubt.

If he is a traitor, a federal offense, why is he being charged and tried by the military?
As it stands, Julian Assange is guilty of nothing more than journalism. In a free society, this is no crime... a free society Private Manning joined the military. He's not a member of society stating his opinion, he's a member of the military leaking secret information. To equate those is beyond idiotic. As for Assange, he could be arrested if he enters the US, but other then that I would not pursue him. When you publish secret information there is consequences and an American who did that to other countries would be no different.
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All of this is completely baseless and then you go on to scream torture where no torture exists whatsoever....
Do you even understand what the word means or is everything that is uncomfortable now considered torture?

first of all I screamed nothing, only the last sentence of the OP was my own.

But you certainly can't rule out torture since the media itself is reporting he is deprived clothing and has been held in solitary confinement since he was arrested.

The author brings up a good point, Manning could have been convicted months ago. So why is he not facing trial?

Maybe they haven't finished charging him yet. On top of the original charges, they recently added another 22 extra counts. One of those charges is 'aiding the enemy'. That is a capital offense, for which they could seek the Death Penalty.

Maybe, just maybe.... you don't actually have all the facts. There is no rush to convict him, it'll get done... once they have finished investigating his actions and finalizing the charges.
As it stands, Julian Assange is guilty of nothing more than journalism. In a free society, this is no crime... a free society Private Manning joined the military. He's not a member of society stating his opinion, he's a member of the military leaking secret information. To equate those is beyond idiotic. As for Assange, he could be arrested if he enters the US, but other then that I would not pursue him. When you publish secret information there is consequences and an American who did that to other countries would be no different.

Firstly, it should be born in mind that Assange is not a journalist. What he did was espionage. And that is a crime, in the US and internationally.
As it stands, Julian Assange is guilty of nothing more than journalism. In a free society, this is no crime... a free society Private Manning joined the military. He's not a member of society stating his opinion, he's a member of the military leaking secret information. To equate those is beyond idiotic. As for Assange, he could be arrested if he enters the US, but other then that I would not pursue him. When you publish secret information there is consequences and an American who did that to other countries would be no different.

Firstly, it should be born in mind that Assange is not a journalist. What he did was espionage. And that is a crime, in the US and internationally.

I have a hard time seeing it as espionage, which is really stealing secrets. He was trying to reveal them, not steal them. The NY Times did worse and they paid no price at all and they are even still operating in this country.

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