The truth about Truman’s bombing Japan

The scumbag fdr was so interested in peace that he ignored all possibilities and was happy to have more American servicemen die until the opportunity to incinerate hundreds of thousands of civilians at one shot was ready.

FDR was dead, April 12, 1945.

A-bomb tested July 16, 1945

Until it exploded, we had no clue if it would even work.
Ah, now MacArthur was secretly a Japanese agent? You wanna stick with that one? Might be time to take your condition to the conspiracy forum.
I can link to ACTUAL Government Documents you have a link to an unsubstantiated Newspaper story. Gee I wonder which is accurate.

You’ve repeated your one and only talking point enough old man. Go sit in the corner and eat your jello.
And you can not dispute ACTUAL Government documents with a News paper article.
Ah, now MacArthur was secretly a Japanese agent? You wanna stick with that one? Might be time to take your condition to the conspiracy forum.
I can link to ACTUAL Government Documents you have a link to an unsubstantiated Newspaper story. Gee I wonder which is accurate.

Then you have a scoop on World history!
Actually world history got it right Japan never offered to surrender all they EVER offered was a cease fire and return to 41 start lines with NO concessions in China.
"4 June 1945


The following information, transmitted by the OSS representative in Bern on 2 June, is a sequel to memorandum dated 12 May 1945 concerning an alleged Japanese peace feeler. The source of the information is the same German authority on the Far East who is considered anti-Nazi but pro-Japanese:

Source is in touch with Fujimura, who is understood to be one of the principal Japanese naval representatives in Europe and a former Assistant Naval Attache in Berlin. Fujimura is reported to be in direct and secret contact by cable with the Japanese Minister of Marine [Navy?] and is believed to enjoy the confidence of the Japanese Government.

Fujimura indicated to source that the Navy circles who now control [?] the Japanese Government would be willing to surrender but wish, if possible, to save some face from the present wreckage. These Navy circles, he declares, particularly stress the necessity of preserving the Emperor in order to avoid Communism and chaos. Fujimura emphasizes that Japan can not supply itself with basically essential foodstuffs and is dependent upon Korea for sugar and rice. He also insists that Japan needs to retain some of its merchant marine for necessary food imports."

Memoranda for the President: Japanese Feelers — Central Intelligence Agency
any way these are worthless--the votes of the hierarchy are what counted

"yeahbut, yeahbut, yeahbut" as expected
Ah, now MacArthur was secretly a Japanese agent? You wanna stick with that one? Might be time to take your condition to the conspiracy forum.
I can link to ACTUAL Government Documents you have a link to an unsubstantiated Newspaper story. Gee I wonder which is accurate.

Then you have a scoop on World history!
Actually world history got it right Japan never offered to surrender all they EVER offered was a cease fire and return to 41 start lines with NO concessions in China.

"4 June 1945


The following information, transmitted by the OSS representative in Bern on 2 June, is a sequel to memorandum dated 12 May 1945 concerning an alleged Japanese peace feeler. The source of the information is the same German authority on the Far East who is considered anti-Nazi but pro-Japanese:

Source is in touch with Fujimura, who is understood to be one of the principal Japanese naval representatives in Europe and a former Assistant Naval Attache in Berlin. Fujimura is reported to be in direct and secret contact by cable with the Japanese Minister of Marine [Navy?] and is believed to enjoy the confidence of the Japanese Government.

Fujimura indicated to source that the Navy circles who now control [?] the Japanese Government would be willing to surrender but wish, if possible, to save some face from the present wreckage. These Navy circles, he declares, particularly stress the necessity of preserving the Emperor in order to avoid Communism and chaos. Fujimura emphasizes that Japan can not supply itself with basically essential foodstuffs and is dependent upon Korea for sugar and rice. He also insists that Japan needs to retain some of its merchant marine for necessary food imports."

Memoranda for the President: Japanese Feelers — Central Intelligence Agency
any way these are worthless--the votes of the hierarchy are what counted

"yeahbut, yeahbut, yeahbut" as expected
that's why they surrendered in Feb of 1945 .......?
"4 June 1945


The following information, transmitted by the OSS representative in Bern on 2 June, is a sequel to memorandum dated 12 May 1945 concerning an alleged Japanese peace feeler. The source of the information is the same German authority on the Far East who is considered anti-Nazi but pro-Japanese:

Source is in touch with Fujimura, who is understood to be one of the principal Japanese naval representatives in Europe and a former Assistant Naval Attache in Berlin. Fujimura is reported to be in direct and secret contact by cable with the Japanese Minister of Marine [Navy?] and is believed to enjoy the confidence of the Japanese Government.

Fujimura indicated to source that the Navy circles who now control [?] the Japanese Government would be willing to surrender but wish, if possible, to save some face from the present wreckage. These Navy circles, he declares, particularly stress the necessity of preserving the Emperor in order to avoid Communism and chaos. Fujimura emphasizes that Japan can not supply itself with basically essential foodstuffs and is dependent upon Korea for sugar and rice. He also insists that Japan needs to retain some of its merchant marine for necessary food imports."

Memoranda for the President: Japanese Feelers — Central Intelligence Agency
any way these are worthless--the votes of the hierarchy are what counted

"yeahbut, yeahbut, yeahbut" as expected
that's your most intelligent post on the whole thread
A piece by Justin Libby in the Summer 1993 issue of World Affairs delineates the efforts at negotiating a surrender throughout 1945.
The terms being sought by those agents of the Japanese government attempting to negotiate surrender were the same terms that we eventually accepted after fdr's bombs fulfilled his final wish to slaughter hundreds of thousands of civilians.
The terms being sought by those agents of the Japanese government attempting to negotiate surrender were the same terms that we eventually accepted after fdr's bombs fulfilled his final wish to slaughter hundreds of thousands of civilians.
No they were NOT Japan insisted on a ceasefire a return to 1941 start lines No occupation in fact no foreign troops in Japan at ALL, the Emperor in sole control, and no consequences for the war at all. They were STILL demanding that after the 1st Bomb.
The terms being sought by those agents of the Japanese government attempting to negotiate surrender were the same terms that we eventually accepted after fdr's bombs fulfilled his final wish to slaughter hundreds of thousands of civilians.
No they were NOT ....

Keep repeating yourself, rainman.
I will since I have ACTUAL evidence to support my position you have nothing IN FACT NONE of your supposed sources even say what the Japanese offered and NONE are official Government records.
The terms being sought by those agents of the Japanese government attempting to negotiate surrender were the same terms that we eventually accepted after fdr's bombs fulfilled his final wish to slaughter hundreds of thousands of civilians.
No they were NOT ....

Keep repeating yourself, rainman.
I will since I have ACTUAL evidence to support my position you have nothing IN FACT NONE of your supposed sources even say what the Japanese offered and NONE are official Government records.

Are you a very good driver?

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