The truth must come out.

Yes. Sane. As in, people who don’t defend this guy

Ah, you are, likely momentarily, confused.
My poor avatar has always wanted the videos to be responsibly shown.

Which leads me to question why Kevin McCarthy, Tucker Carlson, and Fox has chosen to NOT show American citizens the other 47-mintues of Goathead Guy's criminal occupation of the Capitol of the United States of America.

Do you know why?
Do you condone Kevin & Tucker & Fox keeping that from us citizens?
If you do......well, why?
Ummmm, what has stolen flat-screen TV's got to do with Goathead Guy and the seditionist attack on the Capitol of the United States of America on January 6th?

Ask one of your fellow snowflake f*tards to explain it to you since its too complex for you to understand.

BTW, ignorant dumbass, it wasn't a 'goat head'.


Ah, you are, likely momentarily, confused.
My poor avatar has always wanted the videos to be responsibly shown.

The Democrats / DOJ / J6 Committee had the chance to show all of the video. They chose not to. Only cherry-picked clips that supported their narrative were played.

Don't try to spin it to make McCarthy / Carlson seem like the 'bad guys'. Its disingenuous and stupid.
"Ask one of your fellow snowflake f*tards to explain it to you since its too complex for you to understand........ignorant dumbass...."

Ah, I was afraid of that.
And was concerned that the poster's emotions would drive his responses.....and it would promptly devolve into crude and vulgar ad hominem attacks.

And that's a pity. That is regrettable.

But then, this chatroom is free to all.....with no qualifications in education, maturity, or age.
So we get what we get.
On the positive side of that though, we all clearly can see how undereducation, poor parenting, lack of drive and decorum can drive folks to ad hominems as a go-to tactic in their adult discourse. If one only has one tool in the tool box, well...................

Only cherry-picked clips that supported their narrative were played.

Which begs the question....why did Kevin and Tucker choose to cherry-pick the 51-minutes of Goathead Guy's criminal occupation of the Capitol?

They showed us only 4-minutes...about 7%..... of the video of the criminal occupation.
Why only 7%?
What are they hiding?
Why are they hiding it?
Ah, I was afraid of that.
And was concerned that the poster's emotions would drive his responses.....and it would promptly devolve into crude and vulgar ad hominem attacks.

And that's a pity. That is regrettable.

But then, this chatroom is free to all.....with no qualifications in education, maturity, or age.
So we get what we get.
On the positive side of that though, we all clearly can see how undereducation, poor parenting, lack of drive and decorum can drive folks to ad hominems as a go-to tactic in their adult discourse. If one only has one tool in the tool box, well...................


Speaking of emotions / feelings....

You get triggered because someone calls out your inability to understand the 'big picture' and because you were corrected for your mistake about 'the Shaman's' attire so you go on your pathetic rant, attempting to 'flip the script' to hide your ignorance.



Feel free to join your f*tard snowflake BFFs back at the kids' table and let the adults talk.
Which begs the question....why did Kevin and Tucker choose to cherry-pick the 51-minutes of Goathead Guy's criminal occupation of the Capitol?

So you only support Democrats choosing what clips to play...

The J6 Committee had WEEKS to play the videos. Carlson only had MINUTES withon his show. He chose to use those minutes exposing Democrat / J6 Committee lies.

Again, don't try to spin it to make McCarthy / Carlson seem like the 'bad guys'. Its disingenuous and you.

Ah, you are, likely momentarily, confused.
My poor avatar has always wanted the videos to be responsibly shown.

Which leads me to question why Kevin McCarthy, Tucker Carlson, and Fox has chosen to NOT show American citizens the other 47-mintues of Goathead Guy's criminal occupation of the Capitol of the United States of America.

Do you know why?
Do you condone Kevin & Tucker & Fox keeping that from us citizens?
If you do......well, why?
What avatar?
So you only support Democrats choosing what clips to play...

The J6 Committee had WEEKS to play the videos. Carlson only had MINUTES withon his show. He chose to use those minutes exposing Democrat / J6 Committee lies.

Again, don't try to spin it to make McCarthy / Carlson seem like the 'bad guys'. Its disingenuous and you.
What silly hypocrisy. They were fine with the limited release showing violent rioters. Now with new videos released showing a different story, they scream for more video. Lol.
The Questions remain:

  1. W-H-A-T actions by Goathead Guy were NOT shown in the 47-minutes that were edited out of the FOX video shown by Kevin McCarthy and Tucker Carlson.

  2. W-H-Y ...... didn't Kevin & Tucker show what Goathead was doing in the Capitol during the nearly one hour of his criminal occupation?
The Questions remain:

  1. W-H-A-T actions by Goathead Guy were NOT shown in the 47-minutes that were edited out of the FOX video shown by Kevin McCarthy and Tucker Carlson.

  2. W-H-Y ...... didn't Kevin & Tucker show what Goathead was doing in the Capitol during the nearly one hour of his criminal occupation?
laughing hilariously.jpg
The Questions remain:

  1. W-H-A-T actions by Goathead Guy were NOT shown in the 47-minutes that were edited out of the FOX video shown by Kevin McCarthy and Tucker Carlson.

  2. W-H-Y ...... didn't Kevin & Tucker show what Goathead was doing in the Capitol during the nearly one hour of his criminal occupation?

Ask the Election-Denier Chairman of the J6 Committee why they didn't show more video.
Which is perfect if you want to spin stories about what that video is showing. No audio means you can imagine anything!
Could you explain why the CHP were escorting the Shaman. Why didn’t they arrest him? Why didn’t they evict him?
My poor snowflake, it’s okay to hate Trump but support full transparency of 1/6 videos. You may think withholding information from the American people is acceptable, but this would make you a fascist. Are you a fascist?

The shaman walked in to the Capitol. Show the video where he “broke in”.

Here’s the video from your beloved CNN clearly showing him walking in. Once in, he was escorted through the capitol by CHP. You apparently are unaware of this because CNN hasn’t shown you that video, but it’s readily available for your viewing if you want to.

Jan. 6 footage shows Capitol cops escorting QAnon Shaman to Senate floor

Why be dishonest and consistently lie? Isn’t that exact what you accuse Trump of being? Why be like dumb Don?

I said nothing about Trump. That you continue to attempt to frame my position around Trump further reveals even you know you lost this argument many posts ago.

As far as your nonsense that BuffaloHead didn't break into the Capitol, he was standing with a violent mob who smashed in windows and doors to break in and then followed them inside through the busted open door. To declare him not breaking in is as retarded as saying out of 5 intruders in your home, the only one to break in was the one who broke open the door to allow all of them entry. :cuckoo:

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