The Truth? Whites Commit The Most Crime In America

White privilege isn't limited to employment is endemic and institutionalized in American society, culture and enterprise. You enjoy it when you shop, apply for a loan, join a country or private club, or are dealing with law enforcement or legal matters, among many other situations.

Ironic how, "white privilage" doesn't extend to the "white house."

Sure it does..

Well, perhaps it only extends half-way.
I think white privilege ceased to exist back in the 70's when my brother came home from Nam. After being a DJ for the Air Force, he tried to find a job in the public sector, he was told to his face that they would hire him on the spot if he were a black woman.

White privilege isn't limited to employment is endemic and institutionalized in American society, culture and enterprise. You enjoy it when you shop, apply for a loan, join a country or private club, or are dealing with law enforcement or legal matters, among many other situations.

I don't belong to a country club and the non academic sorority I belong to accepts people of all races. There is no White Entertainment Channel. There is no White Miss America pageant. The few times I've had dealings with law enforcement I felt they were incompetence. I have friends who have been hassled by the cops, all white...imagine that? Yeah, most of them are homeless too.

When I worked for the government, our computer specialist wanted an assistant. He went to the commander to ask for a trainee position. The commander said that was a great idea and wanted to hire a very popular black guy in our organization into the position. When our computer specialist pointed out that the only person they could hire was me because I was the only one in the AFPRO that had taken the test, they changed their minds and created a higher position in another office, giving our computer specialist someone to fight with instead of someone to help him. When I quit my job to stay home with my child, the black woman they hired to replace me while I was on leave said if they didn't hire her, she was going to file a discrimination case against them. The only thing that was in my original job that she did was sort mail. She didn't do the computer reports, the data entry, the contract assignments, etc. She only sorted the mail and they kept her because they didn't want to go through a discrimination lawsuit. She got paid the same as me for doing almost nothing. A job that took me less than 10 minutes a day when I was working. And she got paid 8 hour days for that.

Nope, I don't buy the white privilege crap you are trying to sell.

Wealthy privilege I'll give you, but not white privilege.

I'm not trying to sell anything. I'm just pointing out reality. Here is someone, like you, whom you may believe over me:
[ame=]Tim Wise - White Privilege - YouTube[/ame]
I think white privilege ceased to exist back in the 70's when my brother came home from Nam. After being a DJ for the Air Force, he tried to find a job in the public sector, he was told to his face that they would hire him on the spot if he were a black woman.

White privilege isn't limited to employment is endemic and institutionalized in American society, culture and enterprise. You enjoy it when you shop, apply for a loan, join a country or private club, or are dealing with law enforcement or legal matters, among many other situations.

Ironic how, "white privilage" doesn't extend to the "white house."

LOL. Non sequitur. Doesn't even make sense. Thanks for playing, though.
I'm not trying to sell anything. I'm just pointing out reality.

Well, since we're all pointing out reality, I guess you won't mind if I point out that "white privilage" allows an easy excuse for blacks who fail.


That's OK, whenever I make a math error, I blame Asians.
White privilege isn't limited to employment is endemic and institutionalized in American society, culture and enterprise. You enjoy it when you shop, apply for a loan, join a country or private club, or are dealing with law enforcement or legal matters, among many other situations.

Ironic how, "white privilage" doesn't extend to the "white house."

LOL. Non sequitur. Doesn't even make sense. Thanks for playing, though.

Yeah went over your head, huh?


Probably some white guy's fault.
Don't White People Kill Each Other, Too?

And yet we keep hearing about black-on-black crime because it fits the false media narrative.

In fact, all races share similar ratios. Yet there's no outrage or racialized debate about "white on white" violence. Instead, the myth and associated fear of "black on black" crime is sold as a legitimate, mainstream descriptive and becomes American status quo.

The truth? As the largest racial group, whites commit the majority of crimes in America. In particular, whites are responsible for the vast majority of violent crimes. With respect to aggravated assault, whites led blacks 2-1 in arrests; in forcible-rape cases, whites led all racial and ethnic groups by more than 2-1. And in larceny theft, whites led blacks, again, more than 2-1.

Given this mathematical truth, would anyone encourage African Americans to begin shooting suspicious white males in their neighborhoods for fear that they'll be raped, assaulted or murdered? Perhaps George Zimmerman's defenders should answer that question. If African Americans were to act as irrationally as Zimmerman did, would any rationale suffice to avoid arrest?

White-on-White Crime: It Goes Against the False Media Narrative

With respect to aggravated assault, whites led blacks 2-1 in arrests; in forcible-rape cases, whites led all racial and ethnic groups by more than 2-1. And in larceny theft, whites led blacks, again, more than 2-1.

That's awful!
What's the ratio of white population-black population?


This is fun.

What "race" makes up most of the Prison Population.

Whites make up more of America..commit more crimes..yet somehow..they don't make it to prison in the numbers that minorities do.


What "race" makes up most of the Prison Population.

The criminals?

Whites make up more of America..commit more crimes..yet somehow..they don't make it to prison in the numbers that minorities do.

That's terrible. Call Jesse Jackson.
I'm not trying to sell anything. I'm just pointing out reality.

Well, since we're all pointing out reality, I guess you won't mind if I point out that "white privilage" allows an easy excuse for blacks who fail.


That's OK, whenever I make a math error, I blame Asians.

Ha! That's rich. White privilege (learn to spell), in your estimation, is an excuse for blacks.
I say it's a perk, you couldn't otherwise make it in the world without. You actually have to institute an "unfair advantage", to get through life....because it's so harsh.
In Ancient Rome, you'd be labeled "barbarian", as most of the Germanic tribes were. Fancy that.
Like I said the way the Native Americans were treated is an example of white purity. The way Africans were treated pre and post civil rights is an example of white hospitality. ARE WHITES NOT MERCIFUL?

BS. There are so many crimes perpetrated by the children of the wealthy, as not to be funny...because they feel entitled and above the law.

More than by the black youth in, say, Chicago?

A black kid in Chicago is at least 20 times as likely to commit a crime as a white kid in Greenwich, CT., more likely 50 times.

Granted...Chicago and Detroit are and have been clear problems, due to gangland activity.
And Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Camdem, Hartford, Flint, St Louis, Oakland, Memphis, Little Rock, Birmingham, Baltimore or Atlanta, in other words, any fairly large or large city with a large minority population. Statistics seem to support that cities with Democrat mayors have a bigger crime problem.
More than by the black youth in, say, Chicago?

A black kid in Chicago is at least 20 times as likely to commit a crime as a white kid in Greenwich, CT., more likely 50 times.

Granted...Chicago and Detroit are and have been clear problems, due to gangland activity.
And Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Camdem, Hartford, Flint, St Louis, Oakland, Memphis, Little Rock, Birmingham, Baltimore or Atlanta, in other words, any fairly large or large city with a large minority population. Statistics seem to support that cities with Democrat mayors have a bigger crime problem.
More racist propaganda.....sorry, not buying. You want to blame minorities for it all, forgetting the root cause: racism and discrimination on the parts of whites. If you supported education, then students would excel and go on to higher learning, and not occupy 'the streets". There would be less poverty...but you like 'em impoverished. You like 'em killing each other. You like em "drugged up and out"....keeps 'em from voting contrary to your interests. But the blacks aren't who you have to worry about. Hee hee.
I'm not trying to sell anything. I'm just pointing out reality.

Well, since we're all pointing out reality, I guess you won't mind if I point out that "white privilage" allows an easy excuse for blacks who fail.


That's OK, whenever I make a math error, I blame Asians.

Ha! That's rich. White privilege (learn to spell), in your estimation, is an excuse for blacks.
I say it's a perk, you couldn't otherwise make it in the world without. You actually have to institute an "unfair advantage", to get through life....because it's so harsh.
In Ancient Rome, you'd be labeled "barbarian", as most of the Germanic tribes were. Fancy that.

Marked for further action in about 4 hours.
Heard of affirmative action?
The Truth? Whites Commit The Most Crime In America

Define "crime".
Granted...Chicago and Detroit are and have been clear problems, due to gangland activity.
And Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Camdem, Hartford, Flint, St Louis, Oakland, Memphis, Little Rock, Birmingham, Baltimore or Atlanta, in other words, any fairly large or large city with a large minority population. Statistics seem to support that cities with Democrat mayors have a bigger crime problem.
More racist propaganda.....sorry, not buying. You want to blame minorities for it all, forgetting the root cause: racism and discrimination on the parts of whites. If you supported education, then students would excel and go on to higher learning, and not occupy 'the streets". There would be less poverty...but you like 'em impoverished. You like 'em killing each other. You like em "drugged up and out"....keeps 'em from voting contrary to your interests. But the blacks aren't who you have to worry about. Hee hee.
Bullshit! Whites don't cause black women to have children they can't support. We don't cause black kids to view education as "acting white". We don't force black kids to drop out of high school, abuse drugs and commit crimes.
Black kids today have a good deal more advantages than their grandparents did. Explain why they are faring worse.

Spend some time here. In 1926, blacks made up 21% of state prison populations. Now it's what about 50%?

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