The Truth? Whites Commit The Most Crime In America

based on FBI data from Eric Holder's DOJ, you idiot.

Oh, the lying and data fudging started way before Eric Holder was born. Try J. Edgar Hoover.

That somehow affects contemporary data?

Grasping at straws, guy?

Not at case you were unaware...racism and racial bias is institutionalized and long been apart of the unjust system. You think Eric Holder has the power to single-handedly change the status quo? White privilege is going nowhere...but you could downplay it's ubiquity and importance....but that would be too much like "right".
We should hold a White History Month and see what kind of names we get called.

Moron. Every month is White History Month. Who are in History textbooks? White people.

Depends on the textbook. I don't know what they are like in schools today, even when my son was in school they refused to let him bring the books home. I don't think they wanted the parents to know what they were teaching. I can tell you that when I homeschooled my son the majority of my materials were on European history. I tried to intersperse that with other histories around the world. I think we are sadly lacking in some history. For example, what was it, 300 years before Christ a bunch of round rocks in Mexico were carved into head that look negroid. Is it possible the black man got here long before the Europeans? I do not believe every month is white history month but history, taught properly should include all races. And it should include the truth. Christopher Columbus never set foot on the North American continent. Paul Revere never made the midnight ride, he spent the night in many other things we were taught as children are wrong? I was taught that American Indians didn't make good slaves because they rebelled and that blacks made good slaves because they didn't rebel. Imagine my surprise, when, while homeschooling my son, we came across several black slave rebellions.

Our public schools are sadly lacking and I'm not sure at this point if we can fix them.
LOL....and I have a bridge to sell.

The one you bought from obama? Sorry I've passed on that one twice.

No....the one I built. Obama tried to "bridge" the Congressional Divide...but the Repubs hate him so much, because of his race, that it couldn't be "bridged".

Yeah he tried to "bridge" alright, by doing an end run around Senate rules to pass ACA, by making "recess appointments" when the Senate was in session. By lying his ass off about Benghazi; those "bridges"?

Incoming! (See ya @ 12:09)
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Oh, the lying and data fudging started way before Eric Holder was born. Try J. Edgar Hoover.

That somehow affects contemporary data?

Grasping at straws, guy?

Not at case you were unaware...racism and racial bias is institutionalized and long been apart of the unjust system. You think Eric Holder has the power to single-handedly change the status quo? White privilege is going nowhere...but you could downplay it's ubiquity and importance....but that would be too much like "right".

Of course he holds the power to affect the status quo. He can decide what voter intimidation charges to prosecute.
Most ill feelings whites have today for blacks, is not so much racism as resentment over the way whites are treated in order to coddle blacks and buy their votes.
Indeed. We can start with your people tossing the first coin.
That's pure racist, Mr. Poet, even for the intellectual that you seem to be.

How is it racist, holding you and yours in accountability. Racism isn't behind every tree, nook or cranny. And you are the last people to live an let live, especially in the gun culture you crave.
We can start with your people tossing the first coin

Which of "my people?" It sounds like you're dividing this up along racial lines. That is racist. It's not negative and it's not positive, it's just racist. You're wanting a racist answer to a problem that has a root cause in at least 4 principles, and maybe more.


Single-parent Family

Broken Family

Lack of Education.

None of the 4 major root causes of crime has a color. Crime is not the hallmark of any race. It happens among human beings mostly when the 4 above principles cause a young person's life to turn to crime, murder being just one of them.
The one you bought from obama? Sorry I've passed on that one twice.

No....the one I built. Obama tried to "bridge" the Congressional Divide...but the Repubs hate him so much, because of his race, that it couldn't be "bridged".

Yeah he tried to "bridge" alright, by doing an end run around Senate rules to pass ACA, by making "recess appointments" when the Senate was in session. By lying his ass off about Benghazi; those "bridges"?

Incoming! (See ya @ 12:09)

The American public clamored for comprehensive healthcare coverage, and they got it. The Republican Congress sought to block it because the insurance, drug and provider lobbies contributed to their coffers to side with them, against the consumers. Recess appointments are the privilege of any POTUS...and every POTUS has used the privilege. Seeing that the Republican Congress has almost unanimously voted down his every choice for cabinet appointments, I see no problem with him circumventing the BS. He didn't lie about Benghazi. And neither did Jarrett. And neither did Hilary. It was a covert CIA operation, in the making, and the CIA disclosed what they wanted to disclose. End of story.
That somehow affects contemporary data?

Grasping at straws, guy?

Not at case you were unaware...racism and racial bias is institutionalized and long been apart of the unjust system. You think Eric Holder has the power to single-handedly change the status quo? White privilege is going nowhere...but you could downplay it's ubiquity and importance....but that would be too much like "right".

Of course he holds the power to affect the status quo. He can decide what voter intimidation charges to prosecute.
Most ill feelings whites have today for blacks, is not so much racism as resentment over the way whites are treated in order to coddle blacks and buy their votes.

Really? And would you be speaking for most whites? Are you able?
Resentment? For the way whites are treated? In order to coddle blacks and buy their votes? Are you daft? Crazy? Or touched? You would have to be.
Whites are the least oppressed group in America. You don't know what it is to be oppressed or "ill-treated". But please cry me a river, though.
Coddle blacks? Oh, you mean those pesky voter "intimidation" ID laws???? All those Headstart programs, and school lunch programs for needy kids? Job training?
Next those blacks will be asking for oxygen and water. How rude.
Buy their votes????? Like the Republican Party is actively campaigning to do?
Except what they are selling is not as good as what minorities have in the Democratic Party...and ain't nobody stupid.
Without data supporting your case poet. You're blowing smoke up peoples asses, as I old saying goes.

13% of the population does 52% of all murder. How hard is this to understand?
Oh, the lying and data fudging started way before Eric Holder was born. Try J. Edgar Hoover.

That somehow affects contemporary data?

Grasping at straws, guy?

Not at case you were unaware...racism and racial bias is institutionalized and long been apart of the unjust system. You think Eric Holder has the power to single-handedly change the status quo? White privilege is going nowhere...but you could downplay it's ubiquity and importance....but that would be too much like "right".

I think white privilege ceased to exist back in the 70's when my brother came home from Nam. After being a DJ for the Air Force, he tried to find a job in the public sector, he was told to his face that they would hire him on the spot if he were a black woman.
BS. There are so many crimes perpetrated by the children of the wealthy, as not to be funny...because they feel entitled and above the law.

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BS. There are so many crimes perpetrated by the children of the wealthy, as not to be funny...because they feel entitled and above the law.

I'll agree with you there, just remember that it's not only whites that are wealthy.

BS. There are so many crimes perpetrated by the children of the wealthy, as not to be funny...because they feel entitled and above the law.

More than by the black youth in, say, Chicago?

A black kid in Chicago is at least 20 times as likely to commit a crime as a white kid in Greenwich, CT., more likely 50 times.

BS. There are so many crimes perpetrated by the children of the wealthy, as not to be funny...because they feel entitled and above the law.

More than by the black youth in, say, Chicago?

A black kid in Chicago is at least 20 times as likely to commit a crime as a white kid in Greenwich, CT., more likely 50 times.

Granted...Chicago and Detroit are and have been clear problems, due to gangland activity.
That somehow affects contemporary data?

Grasping at straws, guy?

Not at case you were unaware...racism and racial bias is institutionalized and long been apart of the unjust system. You think Eric Holder has the power to single-handedly change the status quo? White privilege is going nowhere...but you could downplay it's ubiquity and importance....but that would be too much like "right".

I think white privilege ceased to exist back in the 70's when my brother came home from Nam. After being a DJ for the Air Force, he tried to find a job in the public sector, he was told to his face that they would hire him on the spot if he were a black woman.

White privilege isn't limited to employment is endemic and institutionalized in American society, culture and enterprise. You enjoy it when you shop, apply for a loan, join a country or private club, or are dealing with law enforcement or legal matters, among many other situations.
Not at case you were unaware...racism and racial bias is institutionalized and long been apart of the unjust system. You think Eric Holder has the power to single-handedly change the status quo? White privilege is going nowhere...but you could downplay it's ubiquity and importance....but that would be too much like "right".

I think white privilege ceased to exist back in the 70's when my brother came home from Nam. After being a DJ for the Air Force, he tried to find a job in the public sector, he was told to his face that they would hire him on the spot if he were a black woman.

White privilege isn't limited to employment is endemic and institutionalized in American society, culture and enterprise. You enjoy it when you shop, apply for a loan, join a country or private club, or are dealing with law enforcement or legal matters, among many other situations.

Ironic how, "white privilage" doesn't extend to the "white house."
Not at case you were unaware...racism and racial bias is institutionalized and long been apart of the unjust system. You think Eric Holder has the power to single-handedly change the status quo? White privilege is going nowhere...but you could downplay it's ubiquity and importance....but that would be too much like "right".

I think white privilege ceased to exist back in the 70's when my brother came home from Nam. After being a DJ for the Air Force, he tried to find a job in the public sector, he was told to his face that they would hire him on the spot if he were a black woman.

White privilege isn't limited to employment is endemic and institutionalized in American society, culture and enterprise. You enjoy it when you shop, apply for a loan, join a country or private club, or are dealing with law enforcement or legal matters, among many other situations.

I don't belong to a country club and the non academic sorority I belong to accepts people of all races. There is no White Entertainment Channel. There is no White Miss America pageant. The few times I've had dealings with law enforcement I felt they were incompetence. I have friends who have been hassled by the cops, all white...imagine that? Yeah, most of them are homeless too.

When I worked for the government, our computer specialist wanted an assistant. He went to the commander to ask for a trainee position. The commander said that was a great idea and wanted to hire a very popular black guy in our organization into the position. When our computer specialist pointed out that the only person they could hire was me because I was the only one in the AFPRO that had taken the test, they changed their minds and created a higher position in another office, giving our computer specialist someone to fight with instead of someone to help him. When I quit my job to stay home with my child, the black woman they hired to replace me while I was on leave said if they didn't hire her, she was going to file a discrimination case against them. The only thing that was in my original job that she did was sort mail. She didn't do the computer reports, the data entry, the contract assignments, etc. She only sorted the mail and they kept her because they didn't want to go through a discrimination lawsuit. She got paid the same as me for doing almost nothing. A job that took me less than 10 minutes a day when I was working. And she got paid 8 hour days for that.

Nope, I don't buy the white privilege crap you are trying to sell.

Wealthy privilege I'll give you, but not white privilege.
That somehow affects contemporary data?

Grasping at straws, guy?

Not at case you were unaware...racism and racial bias is institutionalized and long been apart of the unjust system. You think Eric Holder has the power to single-handedly change the status quo? White privilege is going nowhere...but you could downplay it's ubiquity and importance....but that would be too much like "right".

I think white privilege ceased to exist back in the 70's when my brother came home from Nam. After being a DJ for the Air Force, he tried to find a job in the public sector, he was told to his face that they would hire him on the spot if he were a black woman.

LOL white priviledge cease to exist starting with your brother coming back from Nam? LOL that was funny...Thanks for the laugh.
I think white privilege ceased to exist back in the 70's when my brother came home from Nam. After being a DJ for the Air Force, he tried to find a job in the public sector, he was told to his face that they would hire him on the spot if he were a black woman.

White privilege isn't limited to employment is endemic and institutionalized in American society, culture and enterprise. You enjoy it when you shop, apply for a loan, join a country or private club, or are dealing with law enforcement or legal matters, among many other situations.

Ironic how, "white privilage" doesn't extend to the "white house."

Sure it does..

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