The Truth? Whites Commit The Most Crime In America

I'm just trying to figure out the "WHY" part of this? Because you'll see some studies also saying Hispanic crimes have gone up as well as white crimes.

The why part is that 70-80% of blacks are born out of wedlock, which is the number one cause of poverty, thus the overwhelming trend towards crime.

Lies and sissy chatter. Based on stats compiled by whites, to serve an agenda.

based on FBI data from Eric Holder's DOJ, you idiot.
The Truth? Whites Commit The Most Crime In America



We're number 1!
We're number 1!
We're number 1!​
Non-Jewish Whites, Mr Editec :eusa_hand:
We should hold a White History Month and see what kind of names we get called.

I would like to see the law that states that black will receive longer sentences.

I would also like to see the rap sheets.

and are there no black jurors and judges?

Until then, it's all conjecture and the cited article is an opinion piece. What study?

Of course you would like to see those things. Once youre given the proof you ask for you ask for other proof, and other proof until you get waaaaay down into making it personal "I want to see their rap sheets".

Nothing will burst that bubble you live in. New facts have no effect on your already held beliefs. And the proof of how fucking desperate and stupid you are is to ask where is the law that states blacks will get longer sentences :cuckoo: What? Go read about a dam book you cant make a law to discrimate...its against...the law Einstein
Is there any other data collected outside of the government? It seems that whites have to do everything!

Honestly, Do you blacks have any of your own data that's accurate to make a case? If you don't then your blowing smoke up our ass.
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2-1 huh?

I would call that a good assumption if the ratio of whites to blacks was even. Problem is blacks only make up 16% of the total population. According to the FBI blacks commit way more than their share of violent crimes.

I also would say you had a point if you didn't insist on calling Latinos whites and insist on including them in the statistics on whites.

The FBI? White people doctoring data, to keep and influence the status quo. Don't believe it.

Fucken racist.

A racist? Simply because I believe that the track record of some whites is "crystal clear", and that I, personally, wouldn't put anything past them???? Are you saying that white people are above demeaning and lying on blacks for the sole purpose of portraying themselves in the best possible light? You're guilty of such yourself. Please. LOL.
And for the record...I don't group all white people in the same bunch....some of y'all are decent folk. Just not you.
3x more murders, 3x more convictions.
1x whites murdering, 1x whites convictions.

That is a proportion that is actually 1:1. It seems mathematically similar to me. More crimes, more convictions; fewer crimes, fewer convictions.

If all of them would stop killing other people, there would be 0 murder crimes and 0 murder convictions.

Wouldn't it be a nice world if everybody took the attitude to live and let live?

Indeed. We can start with your people tossing the first coin.
That's pure racist, Mr. Poet, even for the intellectual that you seem to be.

How is it racist, holding you and yours in accountability. Racism isn't behind every tree, nook or cranny. And you are the last people to live an let live, especially in the gun culture you crave.
2-1 huh?

I would call that a good assumption if the ratio of whites to blacks was even. Problem is blacks only make up 16% of the total population. According to the FBI blacks commit way more than their share of violent crimes.

I also would say you had a point if you didn't insist on calling Latinos whites and insist on including them in the statistics on whites.

The FBI? White people doctoring data, to keep and influence the status quo. Don't believe it.
White people? Like Sandy Berger, Hillary Clinton's main adviser under Obama as Secretary of State, who was convicted of the crime of stealing documents from the National Archives for the purpose of removing proof of Clinton's state dealings used to deal with enemies of America?

Which white people again, poet?

Let's start with Bush and Cheney, and their whole administration....including the wanna be whites, Condie Rice, Rod Paige and Colin Powell (although he exercised a "mea culpa", and was forgiven)...there are plenty more.
Poet is the only black in America that doesn't know that living in black neighborhoods and attending black inner-city schools is less safe than living in white neighborhoods and suburban schools where the ratio of whites to blacks is more representative of the general population.

That is a bald faced lie. You don't know don't pretend that you even remotely do.
Predominantly "white schools" are just as violent, prone to crime and drug usage as any minority school.
For example: Nice Girls With Guns - - News - Houston - Houston Press

And don't ever speak for me...I'm fully capable of speaking for myself....#dork.
So you can dismiss it as "compiled by whites"? Maybe if blacks would stay in school, there would be some of them to help in the compiling. :D

Oh, never fear....there are plenty enough blacks coming out of school, well-qualified, to beat you and yours out of quality case you hadn't noticed, the job lines are overwhelming "white-dominated". Maybe if y'all were better skilled, you could keep a job.

Thanks to affirmative action. You're welcome.

You're stupid. AA has nothing to do with it.
Don't White People Kill Each Other, Too?

And yet we keep hearing about black-on-black crime because it fits the false media narrative.

In fact, all races share similar ratios. Yet there's no outrage or racialized debate about "white on white" violence. Instead, the myth and associated fear of "black on black" crime is sold as a legitimate, mainstream descriptive and becomes American status quo.

The truth? As the largest racial group, whites commit the majority of crimes in America. In particular, whites are responsible for the vast majority of violent crimes. With respect to aggravated assault, whites led blacks 2-1 in arrests; in forcible-rape cases, whites led all racial and ethnic groups by more than 2-1. And in larceny theft, whites led blacks, again, more than 2-1.

Given this mathematical truth, would anyone encourage African Americans to begin shooting suspicious white males in their neighborhoods for fear that they'll be raped, assaulted or murdered? Perhaps George Zimmerman's defenders should answer that question. If African Americans were to act as irrationally as Zimmerman did, would any rationale suffice to avoid arrest?

White-on-White Crime: It Goes Against the False Media Narrative

Are you taking into account that blacks make up only 12% of the population while whites make up what is it now, 70% of the population? Of course, by shear numbers it makes since that more whites commit crimes, there are what, 6 times more whites in the us than blacks? Yet, by your own numbers they only commit twice as many crimes as blacks? You've just supported the idea that blacks are more violent and more criminal than whites.

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