The Truth? Whites Commit The Most Crime In America

Focusing is not a problem for me, m'kay?
Blacks who fail? Bitch, please. Where is failure in me? I am a published writer, an acclaimed musician, and a locally known activist. I don't need an excuses to call you out as taking advantage of the construct of "white privilege", which without, you couldn't compete on a level playing field.
Whites who fail are more than failures....given that each and everyone of them have the unfair advantage of white privilege and the good ol' boy network of "working the system". You have a "leg up", and you still fall behind???? That's some piss poor trifling individual.
And you're still caught up by racial bias by asserting that blacks, somehow, have a higher rate of unemployment and that whites have a higher rate of employment, by disregarding the obvious socio-economic influences, state of the economy, and the endemic disconnect of opportunities for minorities, in a "white world"????? Please.
And your suggestion that all can be forgiven by naming more streets after MLK is offensive and puerile. Let me stop...and remand you back to ignore.

MLK was a massive cliché windbag. Let's get that out of the way first. :D
Without affirmative action, blacks couldn't compete. Recognize the gift whites give you and stop complaining. Your pretensions about being a successful writer and musician (what's your name, maybe I've even heard of you) are moot, because if you were as smart as you claim, you'd recognize that the problems that blacks face are of their OWN MAKING. Stop blaming slavery and whitey already, you're living in the distant past. Wake up and smell the... burning crack pipe, the school drop-out rate and the lack of condoms in your community. :D

Really? Who won the Nobel Peace Prize, and whose life and sacrifice is revered, the world over, thank you very much. You'd be in the minority of those who view MLK Jr. in a negative light.
Oh, and blacks compete, very well, without AA....I did. Never had to use it. Gifts whites give????? You're insane. Human beings are bestowed with gifts from the Almighty, whites having nothing to do with that, Missy.
And I hardly need a lecture, from some scamp, questioning my credentials, and qualifications as if she had some modicum of success or achievement. Who the fuck are you?
Systemic racism and bias account for most of obstacles minorities face in America......perpetrated by whites, who are intent on retaining power, clout and authority. Make no mistake about it. But all of that, fortunately, is "changing", as the last election proved. You are rapidly becoming the "new minority", as Hispanics are, by sheer numbers, becoming the majority. Adapt, or fade and die.
Whitey? Why you racist right wingers continue to use racial pejoratives (even when describing yourselves) is baffling. You're projecting your own racism, onto others. I don't refer to whites as "whitey"....that is so 60's, Black Power Movement. This is 2013. Honey, come up to the times.
And Miss drugging days are long over. I dropped out of college, yet, have the ability to commune with PH.D's. and intellectuals. And condoms (non sequitur), are readily available at clinics and Walgreens. LMAO at your stupidity and biases.

Isn't the Nobel Prize a 'white privilege" award? :D
MLK wasn't the sharpest shoe in the closet, he was basically a bible thumper, who got lucky on a few quotes. But then again, he was such a windbag that just by sheer volume, he was bound to spout something catchy. :D
But just because a lot of people think a certain way about him, doesn't negate what he actually was. Just like no matter how many people believe that god actually exists, it doesn't automatically make it true either.

"Why you racist right wingers continue to use racial pejoratives (even when describing yourselves) is baffling".
So all the blacks who call each other ******, they're all racist as well? Sheet man, that's pretty much everyone except Bill Cosby. :lol:

AA takes away places from more qualified non-blacks.

And O'bama is only half black, but I'm sure that even you knew that.

So where are you published? Besides the internet, that is. :lol:
MLK was a massive cliché windbag. Let's get that out of the way first. :D
Without affirmative action, blacks couldn't compete. Recognize the gift whites give you and stop complaining. Your pretensions about being a successful writer and musician (what's your name, maybe I've even heard of you) are moot, because if you were as smart as you claim, you'd recognize that the problems that blacks face are of their OWN MAKING. Stop blaming slavery and whitey already, you're living in the distant past. Wake up and smell the... burning crack pipe, the school drop-out rate and the lack of condoms in your community. :D

Really? Who won the Nobel Peace Prize, and whose life and sacrifice is revered, the world over, thank you very much. You'd be in the minority of those who view MLK Jr. in a negative light.
Oh, and blacks compete, very well, without AA....I did. Never had to use it. Gifts whites give????? You're insane. Human beings are bestowed with gifts from the Almighty, whites having nothing to do with that, Missy.
And I hardly need a lecture, from some scamp, questioning my credentials, and qualifications as if she had some modicum of success or achievement. Who the fuck are you?
Systemic racism and bias account for most of obstacles minorities face in America......perpetrated by whites, who are intent on retaining power, clout and authority. Make no mistake about it. But all of that, fortunately, is "changing", as the last election proved. You are rapidly becoming the "new minority", as Hispanics are, by sheer numbers, becoming the majority. Adapt, or fade and die.
Whitey? Why you racist right wingers continue to use racial pejoratives (even when describing yourselves) is baffling. You're projecting your own racism, onto others. I don't refer to whites as "whitey"....that is so 60's, Black Power Movement. This is 2013. Honey, come up to the times.
And Miss drugging days are long over. I dropped out of college, yet, have the ability to commune with PH.D's. and intellectuals. And condoms (non sequitur), are readily available at clinics and Walgreens. LMAO at your stupidity and biases.

Isn't the Nobel Prize a 'white privilege" award? :D
MLK wasn't the sharpest shoe in the closet, he was basically a bible thumper, who got lucky on a few quotes. But then again, he was such a windbag that just by sheer volume, he was bound to spout something catchy. :D
But just because a lot of people think a certain way about him, doesn't negate what he actually was. Just like no matter how many people believe that god actually exists, it doesn't automatically make it true either.

"Why you racist right wingers continue to use racial pejoratives (even when describing yourselves) is baffling".
So all the blacks who call each other ******, they're all racist as well? Sheet man, that's pretty much everyone except Bill Cosby. :lol:

AA takes away places from more qualified non-blacks.

And O'bama is only half black, but I'm sure that even you knew that.

So where are you published? Besides the internet, that is. :lol:

No, stupid bitch, the Nobel Peace Prize is not an award based on skin color. And I'm not going to even entertain your characterization of a world icon. You are not worthy to speak or write his name. And for your "going there", you will, after this post be put on ignore.
And do're an atheist. That explains much. You think you run things. Well, bitch, if you think you woke yourself up this morning, ruminate in that, ok? It'll all come out, as they say, "in the wash". LOL.
And you racist dare you write out the word as if it were nothing. I don't use the word. And I don't associate with anyone that uses the word. I am not responsible for what others do or say. The Black Power Movement, during the 60's, reclaimed the word, and empowered folks. The fact remains that you can't say it, in close company, without suffering possible damage to life and limb, to which I encourage you to go to the nearest neighborhood mall, and scream it from the rafters. We'll read about your demise in the local rag.
And if the bottom line is "qualifications"...the more qualified candidate for the job will get it, without favoritism, cronyism or nepotism being the criterion for hiring, firing and promotions...when AA is applied. The myth is that AA allows for the hiring of substandard applicants. It doesn't. Show where it does....nevermind, you're headed to ignore.
President Obama is, indeed, "half-black", yet identifies as African-American. His prerogative.
Don't worry about where or how I'm published....You're not interested enough to plunk down the $15 for my chapbook, so move the hell on. Bye.
Really? Who won the Nobel Peace Prize, and whose life and sacrifice is revered, the world over, thank you very much. You'd be in the minority of those who view MLK Jr. in a negative light.
Oh, and blacks compete, very well, without AA....I did. Never had to use it. Gifts whites give????? You're insane. Human beings are bestowed with gifts from the Almighty, whites having nothing to do with that, Missy.
And I hardly need a lecture, from some scamp, questioning my credentials, and qualifications as if she had some modicum of success or achievement. Who the fuck are you?
Systemic racism and bias account for most of obstacles minorities face in America......perpetrated by whites, who are intent on retaining power, clout and authority. Make no mistake about it. But all of that, fortunately, is "changing", as the last election proved. You are rapidly becoming the "new minority", as Hispanics are, by sheer numbers, becoming the majority. Adapt, or fade and die.
Whitey? Why you racist right wingers continue to use racial pejoratives (even when describing yourselves) is baffling. You're projecting your own racism, onto others. I don't refer to whites as "whitey"....that is so 60's, Black Power Movement. This is 2013. Honey, come up to the times.
And Miss drugging days are long over. I dropped out of college, yet, have the ability to commune with PH.D's. and intellectuals. And condoms (non sequitur), are readily available at clinics and Walgreens. LMAO at your stupidity and biases.

Isn't the Nobel Prize a 'white privilege" award? :D
MLK wasn't the sharpest shoe in the closet, he was basically a bible thumper, who got lucky on a few quotes. But then again, he was such a windbag that just by sheer volume, he was bound to spout something catchy. :D
But just because a lot of people think a certain way about him, doesn't negate what he actually was. Just like no matter how many people believe that god actually exists, it doesn't automatically make it true either.

"Why you racist right wingers continue to use racial pejoratives (even when describing yourselves) is baffling".
So all the blacks who call each other ******, they're all racist as well? Sheet man, that's pretty much everyone except Bill Cosby. :lol:

AA takes away places from more qualified non-blacks.

And O'bama is only half black, but I'm sure that even you knew that.

So where are you published? Besides the internet, that is. :lol:

No, stupid bitch, the Nobel Peace Prize is not an award based on skin color. And I'm not going to even entertain your characterization of a world icon. You are not worthy to speak or write his name. And for your "going there", you will, after this post be put on ignore.
And do're an atheist. That explains much. You think you run things. Well, bitch, if you think you woke yourself up this morning, ruminate in that, ok? It'll all come out, as they say, "in the wash". LOL.
And you racist dare you write out the word as if it were nothing. I don't use the word. And I don't associate with anyone that uses the word. I am not responsible for what others do or say. The Black Power Movement, during the 60's, reclaimed the word, and empowered folks. The fact remains that you can't say it, in close company, without suffering possible damage to life and limb, to which I encourage you to go to the nearest neighborhood mall, and scream it from the rafters. We'll read about your demise in the local rag.
And if the bottom line is "qualifications"...the more qualified candidate for the job will get it, without favoritism, cronyism or nepotism being the criterion for hiring, firing and promotions...when AA is applied. The myth is that AA allows for the hiring of substandard applicants. It doesn't. Show where it does....nevermind, you're headed to ignore.
President Obama is, indeed, "half-black", yet identifies as African-American. His prerogative.
Don't worry about where or how I'm published....You're not interested enough to plunk down the $15 for my chapbook, so move the hell on. Bye.

I'm agnostic, not atheist: no proof has been shown either way, but if anyone ever comes up with any, I'm open to changing my mind. can't be any fairer than that.

If Barry doesn't say he's black, Michelle will THUMP HIM!!!! :D

MLK had ONE good idea, equality for all, but let's face it, he WAS a major fartsack, lol.

So where can I buy your book? Let me guess... the internet? :D
Cmon , I WANT ONE!!!
White privilege (learn to spell), in your estimation, is an excuse for blacks.

I say it's a perk, you couldn't otherwise make it in the world without. You actually have to institute an "unfair advantage", to get through life....because it's so harsh.

In Ancient Rome, you'd be labeled "barbarian", as most of the Germanic tribes were. Fancy that.


Um...ancient Rome.....Germanic Tribes.....try to fucking focus, m'kay;

The subject is too complicated for you to follow.

A. Blacks who fail, then have a convenient excuse: "white privilege."

B. Whites who fail, are ridiculed as, well....... failures.

Guess which race has a higher rate of employment?


Perhaps what you need are a few more streets renamed Martin Luther King Blvd. to really have an impact.

Focusing is not a problem for me, m'kay?
Blacks who fail? Bitch, please. Where is failure in me? I am a published writer, an acclaimed musician, and a locally known activist. I don't need an excuses to call you out as taking advantage of the construct of "white privilege", which without, you couldn't compete on a level playing field.
Whites who fail are more than failures....given that each and everyone of them have the unfair advantage of white privilege and the good ol' boy network of "working the system". You have a "leg up", and you still fall behind???? That's some piss poor trifling individual.
And you're still caught up by racial bias by asserting that blacks, somehow, have a higher rate of unemployment and that whites have a higher rate of employment, by disregarding the obvious socio-economic influences, state of the economy, and the endemic disconnect of opportunities for minorities, in a "white world"????? Please.
And your suggestion that all can be forgiven by naming more streets after MLK is offensive and puerile. Let me stop...and remand you back to ignore.

More Blithering Idiocy from Racially Motivated Whiners.


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