The Tyre Nichols Beatdown.Can We All Guess How The Left And/Or Mobs Would Of Reacted If This Happened In Los Angeles With Five White Policemen?

They can't debate me no more than you can loser. They know they are going to look like fools if they try. You haven't caught on yet.
Why would anyone want to debate a shitforbrains butt-reaming asshole???
Many have pondered over the reason why this happened, and many instances of the same have happened in the past in America. But only once have we heard the most likely explanation and that came from Michael Moore during the Chauvin murder case.

Michael had the courage to say that it's because America lives a culture of wars and killing abroad and has for at least since WW2. It's America's culture.

At best, the word 'culture' was mentioned, but then quickly passed over.

But yet again, tears were shed and bewilderment was displayed, as the truth was once again skirted around by American media people who can never know the truth.
Moore has lived his life at advantage from a parent who produced inferior cars and blamed management because the wages and benefits were extreme, and they could not compete with Asian products. Look at him. This man would have died in most places on earth at an early age.
Proof? That's not an answer, that's a guess.
No. A guess is something that you pull out of your ass.
There's proof that ANTIFA is organized by the Lincoln Project and the CIA and supported by the FBI.
The evidence is everywhere.
Why would anyone want to debate a shitforbrains butt-reaming asshole???
Not to worry, a shitforbrains butt-reaming asshole like you isn't debating anything anyway, so debate was never posible for you anyway.
The real outrage comes when the police dept. and all the politicians close ranks around the cops and try to make sure they get away with murder.

You mean when there is usually doubt about what happened and want to wait for the facts to come out, while the democrats are bussing in blm and antifa brownshirts to start the rioting, looting, burning and murdering in the black mean like that so they can exploit the incident regardless of what actually happened......

Like in Georgia....? Where the democrat party press glossed over the fact that the rich, white, democrat party antifa thug shot the police officer....and the media simply said the police killed him without relating the "shooting the police officer part?"
What's the matter pal, the riots you were hoping for so you could harp on Antifa and BLM didn't work out for you?

Damn. Now all of the attention will stay focused on the police, and the qualified immunity they will be losing soon.

Let's see how policing in America works, when these cops can now lose their homes and bank accounts, when they get "tough" on crime.
So what happened to the cop who defended himself from Michael Brown in the Ferguson, Missouri shooting? You know, the incident where liars like Al Sharpton invented "Hands up, don't shoot". What happened to that cop? You don't know and you don't care. That's the tragedy the left ignores. Sick.
No. A guess is something that you pull out of your ass.
There's proof that ANTIFA is organized by the Lincoln Project and the CIA and supported by the FBI.
The evidence is everywhere.
That's exactly what you did, pull it out of your ass.

And that is a lie for one, by claiming ANTIFA, which is just an idea, has no organization, and is not supported by the CIA and FBI. How do we know? Because your miserable lying no good ass, didn't provide the link proving that. You're also a loser.
You mean when there is usually doubt about what happened and want to wait for the facts to come out, while the democrats are bussing in blm and antifa brownshirts to start the rioting, looting, burning and murdering in the black mean like that so they can exploit the incident regardless of what actually happened......

Like in Georgia....? Where the democrat party press glossed over the fact that the rich, white, democrat party antifa thug shot the police officer....and the media simply said the police killed him without relating the "shooting the police officer part?"
democrats are bussing in blm and antifa brownshirts to start the rioting, looting, burning and murdering in the black mean like that so they can exploit the incident regardless of what actually happened...... Your proof of this?
That's exactly what you did, pull it out of your ass.

And that is a lie for one, by claiming ANTIFA, which is just an idea, has no organization, and is not supported by the CIA and FBI. How do we know? Because your miserable lying no good ass, didn't provide the link proving that. You're also a loser.
I've never seen an idea destroy downtown Atlanta before?
I guess ideas need to be arrested and thrown in jail for last week's attacks.
democrats are bussing in blm and antifa brownshirts to start the rioting, looting, burning and murdering in the black mean like that so they can exploit the incident regardless of what actually happened...... Your proof of this?
Why don't you look it up. Donate – Atlanta Antifascists
Google is your friend.
The AP is full of shit. They don't care about the truth...because the truth will end up getting them raided by the FBI.
You won't be countering that argument, so get your losing no good ass to the back of the bus you fucking idiot.
I've never seen an idea destroy downtown Atlanta before?
I guess ideas need to be arrested and thrown in jail for last week's attacks.
Thanks for admitting I am right. No proof, no documentation, no nothing. Thanks loser/liar.
You mean when there is usually doubt about what happened and want to wait for the facts to come out, while the democrats are bussing in blm and antifa brownshirts to start the rioting, looting, burning and murdering in the black mean like that so they can exploit the incident regardless of what actually happened......

Like in Georgia....? Where the democrat party press glossed over the fact that the rich, white, democrat party antifa thug shot the police officer....and the media simply said the police killed him without relating the "shooting the police officer part?"
We've watched the right close ranks around the even the most heinous cases of police brutality. It seems you still have little understanding of why people even get upset.
Moore has lived his life at advantage from a parent who produced inferior cars and blamed management because the wages and benefits were extreme, and they could not compete with Asian products. Look at him. This man would have died in most places on earth at an early age.
Your attack on his personal appearance is noted and to be honest it can't be denied. But that's not addressing what he offered as the reasons.

It's going to take an outstanding display of honesty by any American to accept his theory. Even the parents and loved ones of the victims still seem to need to skirt the issue.
We've watched the right close ranks around the even the most heinous cases of police brutality. It seems you still have little understanding of why people even get upset.
Quit making shit up.

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