The U.S. and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War.

Allowing the support of Nazi Germany is the same as supporting Nazi Germany. Ford paid for the Nazi's uniforms. Charles Lindbergh held speeches in support of the Nazis. Coca Cola even created a new drink (Fanta) for the express reason to do business with the Nazis. And who allowed it to happen while having declared war with the Nazis? The United States! Don't try to weasel out of the truth and make excuses.
Those things happened before the US entered the war. Unlike where you live American citizens have the freedom to speak and do as they wish as long as they don't violate the law.

Fanta was developed to avoid the embargo here is a short Wikki article:

"Fanta is a brand of fruit-flavored carbonated soft drinks created by Coca-Cola Deutschland under the leadership of German businessman Max Keith. There are more than 200 flavors worldwide. Fanta originated in Germany as a Coca-Cola substitute in 1940 due to the American trade embargo of Nazi Germany which affected the availability of Coca-Cola ingredients. Fanta soon dominated the German market with three million cans sold in 1943. The current formulation of Fanta was developed in Italy in 1955."
Simething was going down on 22 Jan with the Ukraine National Guard, Combining forces from Kiev, Odessa and Western Territorial National Guard Administrations, so Putin striking first may have been to intercept the plans. Major-General Koneshenkov:

"V prikaze podrobno raspisan plan podgotovki odnoi iz udarnykh gruppirovok dlia nastupatel'nykh destvii v zone tak nazyvaemo "operatsii ob'edinennogo sil na Donbass.
The order describes in detail the plan for preparing one of the shock groups for an offensive in the Donbass, the so-called "operation of combined forces." '
So? Donbass is part of Ukraine and is essentially fighting a low grade civil war with Ukraine. Russia has no right to invade Ukraine. Of course your source is a Russian General so it's very likely propaganda.
POSPOTUS Joe Xi goes to Poland, and Zakharova's video is right there to warn the demented that U.S. flesh will be regarded as mercenaries:

2022 marta 26
'....naemnikov dlia uhastiia v boevykh desitviia na territorii strany.
mercenaries to participate in hostilities in the country.'
" We send them our finest ballerinas, they send Pepsi-Cola in return."
(A quasi-famous Russian quote)
Those things happened before the US entered the war ...
*** You need to stop relying upon the revisionist version of history by the CIA. :26:

America's declaration of war on Germany made it illegal for U.S. motor companies to do business with Germany yet at the outbreak of war in 1939 both General Motors and Ford became crucial to the German military and immediately retooled themselves to become suppliers of war materiel to the German army. American managers of both GM and Ford went along with the conversion of their plants to military production at a time when U.S. government documents show they were still resisting calls by the Roosevelt administration to step up military production in their plants at home. In June 1940, after the fall of France, Henry Ford personally vetoed a U.S. government-approved plan to produce under license Rolls-Royce engines for British fighter planes, according to published accounts by his associates. Both Ford and GM took pains to make their subsidiaries appear as "German" as possible. In April 1939, for example, German Ford made a personal present to Hitler of 35,000 Reichsmarks in honour of his 50th birthday.

Documents show that Ford and GM followed a conscious strategy of continuing to do business with the Nazi regime, rather than divest themselves of their German assets. Less than three weeks after the Nazi occupation of Czechoslovakia in March 1939, GM defended this strategy as sound business practice, given the fact that the company's German operations were highly profitable.

The importance of Ford and GM went beyond making trucks for the German army. Ford agreed to a complicated barter deal that gave the Reich increased access to large quantities of strategic raw materials, particularly rubber. Hitler would never have considered invading Poland and Russia without Ford and GM or without synthetic fuel technology provided by them. Ford and General Motors were important to the Nazi war machine and were integral parts of the German war effort.

In July 1938, four months after the German annexation of Austria, Henry Ford accepted the highest medal that Nazi Germany could bestow on a foreigner, the Grand Cross of the German Eagle. The following month, a senior executive for General Motors, James Mooney, also received a medal for his distinguished service to the Reich.

Ford finally admitted that he profited from forced labour at its plants in Germany. Documents prove that Ford received dividends from its German subsidiary worth approximately $60,000 for the years 1940-43 and NOTE that Ford was eager to demand compensation from the U.S. government after the war for losses due to bomb damage to Ford plants and therefore should also be responsible for any benefits derived from forced labour. General Motors was paid $32 million by the U.S. government for damages sustained to its German plants.

Both Ford and General Motors declined requests for access to their wartime archives and declined to answer questions about the fact that GM plants in Germany used French and Belgian prisoners as slave labourers.
Fanta was developed to avoid the embargo ...
:auiqs.jpg:So, you don’t know what an embargo is … is that your defence? That’s like saying, “Well, your honour, the only reason I stole that get-away car is because I know that I committed an illegal act when I murdered her so I shouldn't be charged with auto theft”.
Unlike where you live American citizens have the freedom to speak and do as they wish as long as they don't violate the law.
Let’s get one thing straight, shall we? Seeing that you insist on putting your foot in your mouth I can tell you that “the freedom to speak and do as I wish” is FAR GREATER “where I live” than the misinformative, disinformative, inferior-educated & censored US. :45:
So? Donbass is part of Ukraine and is essentially fighting a low grade civil war with Ukraine. Russia has no right to invade Ukraine. Of course your source is a Russian General so it's very likely propaganda.
Your source of information is a CIA hornet's nest of misinformation, disinformation, propaganda and lies supplemented by Joan Wayne "We're the best!" Hollywood films plus Dick & Jane Easy Reader books with titles such as "Duck and Cover!" and "Run Spot, Run!" and memos written by Joe Arpaio. And yet you think you have insight into Donbas! :laughing0301:
Your source of information is a CIA hornet's nest of misinformation, disinformation, propaganda and lies supplemented by Joan Wayne "We're the best!" Hollywood films plus Dick & Jane Easy Reader books with titles such as "Duck and Cover!" and "Run Spot, Run!" and memos written by Joe Arpaio. And yet you think you have insight into Donbas! :laughing0301:
Hmmm interesting to hear your take on thing's, but of course I hope that someone answer's your potentially heavy poured on propaganda that is being spewed here, because the scenarios or so called cherry picked so called revisionist history that you are spewing, otherwise if having a possible heavy slant of anti-Americanism involved in them, needs rebutted if they are not true.
Cherrypick this true or false: Were the effeminates of CIA and British MI6 creating hostilities linked to Maidan, or were they not? It was Maidan that created the illegitimate Ukraine of 2014.
Your source of information is a CIA hornet's nest of misinformation, disinformation, propaganda and lies supplemented by Joan Wayne "We're the best!" Hollywood films plus Dick & Jane Easy Reader books with titles such as "Duck and Cover!" and "Run Spot, Run!" and memos written by Joe Arpaio. And yet you think you have insight into Donbas! :laughing0301:
Hmmm interesting to hear your take on thing's ...
That's a good start.
... I hope that someone answer's your potentially heavy poured on propaganda .....

The fact that my reply is an answer to the "propaganda" being parroted by the American crapolia preceeding it got misplaced when you read it?
Mr. X: You are a liar, Glasnost.
Glasnost: It is you who is a liar.
Beagle9: It is typical of you Glasnost to resort to personal insults!
... because the scenarios or ... so called revisionist history that you are spewing ... .. having a possible heavy slant of anti-Americanism ...

Have any brainwashed, dumbed-down recipients of CIA misinformation, disinformation and propaganda ever tried to motivate the "with us or against us" standard "anti-American" balderdash. No? No, I didn't think so because it always crops up when someone tells the truth about American misdeeds. You're fine when guys like us put in a good word for the US but as soon as we get down to the nitty-gritty you all start whinging, "Anti-American!"

..... needs rebutted if they are not true.
If what I say is not true then yes rebutting is welcome. Do you accept my challenge?
Last edited:
That's a good start.

The fact that my reply is an answer to the "propaganda" being parroted by the American crapolia preceeding it got misplaced when you read it?
Mr. X: You are a liar, Glasnost.
Glasnost: It is you who is a liar.
Beagle9: It is typical of you Glasnost to resort to personal insults!

Have any brainwashed, dumbed-down recipients of CIA misinformation, disinformation and propaganda ever tried to motivate the "with us or against us" standard "anti-American" balderdash. No? No, I didn't think so because it always crops up when someone tells the truth about American misdeeds. You're fine when guys like us put in a good word for the US but as soon as we get down to the nitty-gritty you all start whinging, "Anti-American!"

If what I say is not true
then yes rebutting is welcome.
Ok, then we shall await the rebuttals then.
What are you waiting for? Show me what you've got. Are you skipping out of my challenge? :safetocomeoutff:
I'll admit that I'm not an educated historian to the point that I can dispute your points In total, but I'll use my biblical learnings to empower my common sense, and use my countries history within my limited knowledge of it, and will use my limited knowledge of world history to try and discern the truth out of the points you make. So I'll past the torch of History to other's here that might make your points either truthful or lie's based upon their better assessment of such points being made.

Haven't watched these videos you've posted, but I'll ask this, are you a Russian asset working to use propaganda on these platforms in order to engage American's as if to convince them that they've been alledgedly lied too by they're government, and this in regards to Russia and Ukraine ? If so, I also wonder why you haven't been confronted by our government as to who you are, and what is your purpose here ? If your word's are truth, and you are an American, then it might explain why they are leaving you be for now, otherwise because you aren't really a security issue at this point. They also might have faith that the American citizen's aren't as dumb or gullible about world affair's as is maybe thought that they are by any foreign asset's working here or abroad.

I will say though, that anything that is true should be welcomed by the U.S. citizen because we are suppose to stand up for righteousness and the truth no matter what. If we have issues, and it is brought to our attention, then we should investigate and put a spot light on it in order to keep in line with our traditional American values.

That’s a reality that few Americans know of or well even accept if they did. It’s mind boggling how enormously propagandized most Americans are. It’s even worse…not only do they fail or refuse to understand Russia‘s position but they fail to see the hypocrisy of their government, when it comes to war.

Many Americans are getting more and more ferociously defensive of the empire they live under as the aggressive propaganda brainwashing campaign they're being subjected to manifests its intended effects. - Caitlin Johnstone.

This so called great reset just might result in millions of deaths and terrible suffering.
Haven't watched these videos you've posted, but I'll ask this, are you a Russian asset working to use propaganda on these platforms in order to engage American's as if to convince them that they've been alledgedly lied too by they're government, and this in regards to Russia and Ukraine ? If so, I also wonder why you haven't been confronted by our government as to who you are, and what is your purpose here ? If your word's are truth, and you are an American, then it might explain why they are leaving you be for now, otherwise because you aren't really a security issue at this point. They also might have faith that the American citizen's aren't as dumb or gullible about world affair's as is maybe thought that they are by any foreign asset's working here or abroad.

I will say though, that anything that is true should be welcomed by the U.S. citizen because we are suppose to stand up for righteousness and the truth no matter what. If we have issues, and it is brought to our attention, then we should investigate and put a spot light on it in order to keep in line with our traditional American values.
There it is again!!!

Anyone who strays from our criminal government and media narrative on Russia, is accused of being a traitor. This form of McCarthyism is perpetrated by both the left and right. Proving once again how the two sides love war.

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