The U.S. and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War.

Sure good at that CommieSpeak ,Red. I suppose you support the Dialectic?
Bootlickers Are Easy to Kick Into the Gutter

The Commies are, and always have been, the conceited sons and daughters of the rich thieves you worship and sacrifice your manhood for. By the way, your idols will throw useful idiots like you under the bus as soon as they can replace you with a foreign HeirHead.
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Merely wasting time competing with fellow three-inch fools for the fondling
likewise of scurvy companionship.
Thou Sayeth I.
I mean ... Me.
Our Elitist Constitution Creates This Effect

Yeah, losers with no self-identity desperately seek a group that will hug them while its leaders pick their pockets.
Absolutely true.

The only time any nation (with the exception of the UK) fought the Nazis was after the Nazis invaded or declared war. Most all nations were neutral until that point and in fact, the US supported the Nazis even during the war.
No other nation supported the Nazis. No the US didn’t support Germany. Some American companies had subsidiaries in Germany just like they did in France, Spain, Australia and Canada. The profits from those German subsidiaries during the war stayed in Germany. The parent companies didn’t provide assistance, manpower, technology or funding. Otherwise Germany would have been operating Ford GPAs (jeeps) and other American designed vehicles like Russia was instead of inferior German, French and whatever other vehicles they could steal.
The Russians were active allies with Germany from the late twenties on. That relationship continued right up until the beginning of Operation Barbarossa. Russian trains loaded with war material and raw materials steamed right past the German invasion forces as they invaded Ukraine. Stalin refused to believe Hitler had betrayed him and held back Russian defensive forces from engaging the invading Germans at first, then had a nervous breakdown for several days before accepting the reality that Germany had betrayed Russia and invaded.
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Putin's Gas Ruble and Welfare Baboons

Great reset is oxymoronic when it comes to capitalism, because any reset worthy of sane economic attention will be betrayed almost immediately. The argument above calls for some kind of code. Capitalism has no code.

'Freud himself indeed spoke of the link between his "discovery" of the death instinct and World War I, which remains the model of capitalist war. More generally, the death instinct celebrates the wedding of psychoanalysis and capitalism; their engagement had been full of hesitation. What we have tried to show apropos of capitalism is how it inherited much from a transcendent death-carrying agency, the despotic signifier, but also how it brought about this agency's effusion in the full immanence of its own system.

The full body, having become that of capital-money, suppresses the distinction between production and antiproduction: everywhere it mixes antiproduction with the productive forces in the immanent reproduction of its own always widened limits (the axiomatic). The death enterprise is one of the principal and specific forms of the absorption of surplus value in capitalism. It is this itinerary that psychoanalysis rediscovers and retraces with the death instinct.'
(Nick Land, Making It With Death: Remarks on Thanatos and Desiring production)

So, whilst welfare baboons are consuming, capitalism is repelling the limits it has just set for itself. This is why capitalism has an intimate relationship to the schizophrenic process. Even if no one has ever actually seen a schizophrenic.
Profit Is a Tax. Only Unions Can Prevent Excess and Undeserved Profits.

Capitalism is an extension of the landed aristocracy; there was no fundamental change in the ruling structure or its politics. Nor was their any in the guillotine-fodder's grandson, Socialism. Today in Terminal America, the born 1% are represented in the 1% twenty times greater than they logically should be. Ownership and management can't be productive positions, or the leaders wouldn't let them be hereditary.

So Heiristocratic Capitalism cannot be consistently productive. Just as peasants produced the previous totalitarian Birth-Class Supremacy's parasitic wealth, employees produce for the Capitalist leeches. When the parasites' take overbalances the actual producers' take by a wide ratio, economic downturns or collapses occur.

This top-heavy Capitalism is like sports, where the players, not the owners, produce the revenue.

Not only do the neglected and resentful sons of the Greedhead zombies become Communist leaders; the private system itself is collectivist. The employers produce all the revenue, and the owners collect it from them.
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Russia will change the calculations for the supply of gas to unfriendly countries in rubles, Vladimir Putin said. "It doesn't make sense to deliver our goods to the EU and the USA and receive payment in dollars and euros," he said.
Tellingly, all this stuff was obvious 20 years ago.
30 years ago, there was still hope for some kind of friendship with America, but apparently, the russian bourgeoisie was clearly explained the other day, who they are for their western "partners".

God bless America!!!
Europe will be happy to pay Russia in worthless rubles, while only accepting hard currency or raw materials for the many things it sells Russia. No one outside Russia has accepted rubles in international trade since the USSR was formed. That’s why Russia was always a major arms seller. It needed the hard currency from those arms purchases to buy what it needed from the west.
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From Camelot to Kamala

Why didn't JFK obey the Monroe Doctrine? Because of his cowardice and treason at the Bay of Pigs, he became a loose-cannon to compensate for that. A blowhard fraternity bully, he took the world to the brink of mutually assured destruction. The Cuban Missile Crisis could have been easily solved by taking American nukes out of Turkey.

Kennedy's recovery of his fake heroic image would have made him escalate in Vietnam, despite what worshipful Liberals and Preppy-loving Conservatives preach from their designer pulpits.
Bootlickers Are Easy to Kick Into the Gutter

The Commies are, and always have been, the conceited sons and daughters of the rich thieves you worship and sacrifice your manhood for. By the way, your idols will throw useful idiots like you under the bus as soon as they can replace you with a foreign HeirHead.
Wrong ,Commie. I voted for Trump.
On the Epic of the Dollar, one current report in the Russian media:

2022 marta 25
' Dollar USA seichas po suti - mera vsekh veshchei.
The American dollar is now essentially the measure of all.

Pri etom zamorozka aktivov Rossii ne mozhet proiti besseledno.
At the same time, the freezing of the Russia's assets cannot go unnoticed.

Mnogie strany imeiut znachitel'nye protivorechiia s USA i opat'sia za svoi koshelek ne khochetsia.
Many countries have significant contradictions with America and you don't want to be afraid for your wallet.

Naprimer, u Kitai v zolotovaliutnykh reservakh est' odin trillion dollarov USA.
For example, China has one trillion US dollars in gold and foreign exchange reserves.

Prorabatyvaiushchiesia seichas puti ukhoda ot dollarov - eto ne poisk ego zameny, a proshchupyvanie al'ternativnykh kanalov, dobavil Sosnovskii.
The ways to move away from dollars that are currently being worked out are not a search for its replacement, but a probing of alternative channels that will supplement the settlements in American currency, Sosnovskiy added.'
Sosnovkiy continues with an example of an alternative channel to boycott the dollar.

'Otkaz Rossii ot platezhei za gaz v dollarakh i evro -- pervyi znachimyi shar v etom napravlenii. Eta mera skoree kosnetsia evro, chem dollara, uveren ekspert.
Refusal to pay for gas in dollars and euros is the first significant step in this direction. This measure is more likely to affect the euro than the dollar, the expert is sure.'
The correct article, but at the same time it is funny how the author is obliged to start with the words: "Vladimir Putin's decision to launch a full-scale invasion of Ukraine is a monstrous act of aggression that has plunged the world into a perilous situation..."
After these words, the whole article tells why this attack was justified, but the tribute to the "free, thinking media" was given. :)
I call BS!!! Ukraine never joined NATO or the EU and both were denied for decades!

Russia has ZERO threat of attack, whether by a formal army, small insurrection or terrorist attack, from Ukraine!

This was plain and simple a land grab! And Russia is failing.
No the US didn’t support Germany. Some American companies had subsidiaries in Germany
Allowing the support of Nazi Germany is the same as supporting Nazi Germany. Ford paid for the Nazi's uniforms. Charles Lindbergh held speeches in support of the Nazis. Coca Cola even created a new drink (Fanta) for the express reason to do business with the Nazis. And who allowed it to happen while having declared war with the Nazis? The United States! Don't try to weasel out of the truth and make excuses.
Simething was going down on 22 Jan with the Ukraine National Guard, Combining forces from Kiev, Odessa and Western Territorial National Guard Administrations, so Putin striking first may have been to intercept the plans. Major-General Koneshenkov:

"V prikaze podrobno raspisan plan podgotovki odnoi iz udarnykh gruppirovok dlia nastupatel'nykh destvii v zone tak nazyvaemo "operatsii ob'edinennogo sil na Donbass.
The order describes in detail the plan for preparing one of the shock groups for an offensive in the Donbass, the so-called "operation of combined forces." '

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