The U.S. and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War.

A colossal explosion, a powerful rocket attack on the Retroville shopping center in Kiev. The missile strike was carried out after Russian intelligence received evidence that Ukraine was harboring Grad multiple launch rocket systems and other equipment at civilian facilities. In the video, a Ukrainian rocket launcher fires a salvo at Russian troops, after which it leaves for a shopping center

Thanks for sharing that scene of civilian bombing. You did a service to the world here, and I bless the photographer who took the picture and shared it with you.

I hope the Russians pack it in before they get their lights put completely out. One report said 15,000 Russian soldiers had died trying to murder civilians and that the ones who are left are depressed about killing their own Russia's relatives in the Ukraine. If they don't leave soon, Putin is gonna get his lights turned off if he doesn't get out first.
I don't know how in American laws, but for example in the Soviet Union, the crime committed by the group was qualified as a more serious crime, than the same crime, committed by one. It is committed by a group of persons, by prior agreement, that is, there can be no talk of an accidental commission of a crime.
The Netrix Is a Globalist Preppy Conspiracy to Commit the Crime of Fake Debate

In the formerly United States, that is called the RICO Act (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations).
Timothy McVeigh was an American who attacked the OKC federal building. Countries are often not responsible for actions of terrorists who just happen to be born there. Maybe we should have attacked New York.
Arma Virumque Cano

Around 200 BC, Albania had an empire that committed piracy against a growing Roman power. The Senate sent a legacy complaining to its queen. She said that the pirates were private Albanian citizens and not agents of her government. The Romans answered that "Rome takes responsibility for every action of its own citizens; why couldn't she?"

She laughed at them. In a few weeks, they destroyed every city in her empire. Albania has been a nothing country ever since.
Do you have any clue as to why Belgrade was bombed? I don't think you do.
Islam Must Be Destroyed

It was a Globalist attack on Serbia for being friendly to Russia and China. The Globullies also hated the fact that the Serbs were killing off the jihadi Bosnians and Kosovars. Chechnya was part of that jihad, which was orchestrated by Osama bin Laden.

Notice how the crypto-Globalist Conservatives didn't try to connect the Balkan intervention to Clinton when blaming him for 9/11?
Homo sapiens' major fuck-up during its history on this planet has been to anthropomorphize the material of the earth itself and call it god, to make it alive, existent as an entity. This fuck-up leads to the violence of religion, the second major fuck-up of Homo sapiens.
The Next Human Species Has Been Around for Thousands of Years. Evolution Is a Slow Process Until the Finals.

Very few of those whom the jealous multicultie degenerates call "human" are at the homo sapiens level. All the rest are homo erectus.
Russia will change the calculations for the supply of gas to unfriendly countries in rubles, Vladimir Putin said. "It doesn't make sense to deliver our goods to the EU and the USA and receive payment in dollars and euros," he said.
Tellingly, all this stuff was obvious 20 years ago.
30 years ago, there was still hope for some kind of friendship with America, but apparently, the russian bourgeoisie was clearly explained the other day, who they are for their western "partners".

God bless America!!!
What Happens When a Line of Dominoes Has an Angry Bear at the Other End?

Our Globalist rulers are so stupid that they think Slav must mean "slavish." They easily colonized the Ukraine and thought it verified their Low-IQ take on nationalities.
He told/warned them for ten damn years or better but now they are all surprised when it happened?
Pardom Moi .... But did you meanie :
" Ten years or " WORSE.
Whereupon reality the only " better " time in the last 10 years is the
Trump years.
Historians will be left with no other choice but to
establish that.While explaining how Fact Checkers are no friend to
America,let alone American Citizens.
Islam Must Be Destroyed

It was a Globalist attack on Serbia for being friendly to Russia and China. The Globullies also hated the fact that the Serbs were killing off the jihadi Bosnians and Kosovars. Chechnya was part of that jihad, which was orchestrated by Osama bin Laden.

Notice how the crypto-Globalist Conservatives didn't try to connect the Balkan intervention to Clinton when blaming him for 9/11?
Sure good at that CommieSpeak ,Red. I suppose you support the Dialectic?
I sure as hell know, the solution is NOT supporting their crimes and their propaganda, and them getting us to do their bidding.

If you really bleev that Ukraine is innocent, are that is it some sort of liberal Democracy worth defending, you have bought yet, another one of their lies. . . among, many, many, MANY others.
And exactly where am I supposed to get the truth on that...........given that every angle of it ARE LIES.............From Russia.......Ukraine ...........and our gov't......

Yes there are many lies..........So many that you can't believe them...........but you can't believe everything Russia says either.............IS UKRAINE the NEW NAZI NATION.......or is it some of them and not the majority...........Which is it? Ukraine is a nation and they ARE NOT RUSSIA..........And Russia has hit Georgia, Crimea and now all of Urkraine.......Putin is EX KGB and I don't trust him any further than I can throw him........He's old school USSR COLD WAR ........

Now what really turned me against them.....They are determined to DESTROY US.............via the DOLLAR.........they have been pushing this agenda for nearly 2 decades...and right now 24 nations .....last I heard ........are trading in YUAN..............

That is why I said you want to jump on the sword you are on your on............This is about our survival in America........whether we have scumbags leading us or not...........I'm not voting to screw myself even with them being the cancer of this country. Not gonna happen. And I understand RUSSIA AND CHINA ARE OUR ENEMIES.
They're So Stupid They Think It Must Be Something Said by a Moron

That's not what "oxymoron" really means. Quit handing over your mind to the Illiterate Liberal Language Lords.
Because todays left is worsened by far than " a most notable coward,an
endless liar,an hourly promise breaker, the owners of not one good quality. "
Merely wasting time competing with fellow three-inch fools for the fondling
likewise of scurvy companionship.
Thou Sayeth I.
I mean ... Me.
The Russians and Germany have a history of war against one another that dates back at least one thousand years. They use countries inbetween, like Poland for example, as their tug-of-war victims. Germany broke with Hitler's massive murders of not only the Jews, but also with each other's handicapped children who suffered not only birth defects, but separate but similar deaths in Nazi Germany's secret killing stalls. We really don't know the numbers of any but the Jews, because they likely realized that killing the gypsies or an ayran's handicapped family member should go undisclosed forever. There are a lot of guesses as to the number out there, and though they disagree, the thought of illegally murdering people goes against Mosaic law. Will we ever know the truth? I've read everything on it, and killing civilians without a trial by jury is beyond the pale regardless of who is doing the murder of innocents. Allowing innocents to be murdered and failure to acknowledge the heinous displacement of ten million people is one of the saddest times history has been a jawdrop to the American people with its failures of leaders to aid the down-and-out in favor of recieving stipends from drug cartels at the highest level of those who open our borders to drug cartels who punish America with Chinese fentanyl that furnishes 500 american deaths per week. is unacceptable.

We didn't start the fire.
When America was founded, slavery was the rule of the day.

It was expected, everywhere. Soon after America was founded, it began to disappear. With in an hundred years, hundred and twenty-five years of the founding of America, women got the right to vote, children were no longer subjected to long hours of labor.

When our nation was founded, genocide was the rule, not the exception. When our nation was founded, torture, and complete disregard for life, was the rule, not the exception.

No where on earth, did the citizens have any say over their destiny. . . NO WHERE.

Every place on the planet was ruled by either an aristocracy, a king, a queen, a chieftain, a tribal elder or a strongman. . . basically, mob thug. . . a despot.

So? What did the wisdom of our most gracious founders believe about these most brutal foreigners? And their never ending savage wars? Their placing of material values over civil rights, civil liberties, peace, love and freedom? I WILL TELL YOU WHAT THEY THOUGHT. . . and how the globes poison would affect us, if we let it. . .


. . . NOW? If you want to throw our hard won freedom and liberty away for the agendas of the international banks, and global corporations, which DO NOT GIVE A DAMN, about liberal democracy. For Ukraine is no less corrupt, and no more free, than Russia is.

. . . . it will only serve to make us more poor, and less free, by entangling ourselves in this mess. If we want to spread freedom and liberty? The best way to do that, is to do what we have always done, model it and preform it the best, not force it, that never works.

Now. ... as far as the drug cartels? I agree with you. When the Barbary pirate attacked us directly? Just for pursuing peaceful commerce, we struck back.

There is no excuse for THAT corruption. The border should be closed, and controlled. If the military needs to be sent down there to do it, then we should do that. Instead of sending billions to Ukraine in aid. . . we should be sending billions in aid to the southern states to get that problem under control.
This is about our survival in America.
I really don't get you.

That is why I said you want to jump on the sword you are on your on............This is about our survival in America........whether we have scumbags leading us or not...........I'm not voting to screw myself even with them being the cancer of this country. Not gonna happen. And I understand RUSSIA AND CHINA ARE OUR ENEMIES.

I was never in favor of putting energy sanctions on Russia. That will only hasten this forward, that is, WHAT THESE FOLKS WANTS. ON top of this. . . You are the one putting forward the idea that, BRICS, is somehow different than the IMF, they are all part of the same group of oligarchs. I don't think you understand how the fiat currency game of the international bankers work. They only have a couple of choices. They can create a global currency, switch to the Yuan, allow every nation to have it's own, or have the globe agree on some crypto. . . which the folks in charge never would allow, none of the oligarchs will. But if you understand the currency markets, you would see, the current reserve currency is purposely, and has been purposely debased. They never intended it to go on forever, OUR OWN LEADERS were destroying it.

How can you say, "RUSSIA AND CHINA ARE OUR ENEMIES," when our leaders, have brought us to this point? Russia and China didn't put us so far into debt it will never, ever, EVER be repaid. Russia and China didn't debase the value of the dollar so must that an once of gold in 1900 was $35. . . and today, an once of gold cost, well, hell, you get the picture.

During colonization, the reserve currency was the Guilder. Then the global reserve currency became the Pound. Did you think it would be the dollar forever? The only way it could be, is if the REAL enemies were kept out, but they weren't, they destroyed our currency, like they did with all the others, now it is time to move on. They are done pillaging this nation of value.

That doesn't mean we have to fight a war, or destroy the world, it means. . . . we need to be Americans again.

How is. . . not getting involved in the economic toil or war in Europe, about the survival of America?

Why do we need bother with any of them?

Can we grow our own food? Can we make our own energy? How about our own building materials? Can we make our own steel, there IS still iron in the ground here, and concrete, and lumber? According to the Constitution, we should be able to create our own currency? Get rid of the Federal Reserve, they are the ones that did this to us.

If we did all that before WWII, and Russia is quickly working and being self sufficient again. . .. why the hell can't we?


What's the worst that could happen. . . kids would have real jobs again, and be able to afford to buy home and start families, and stop worrying about what gender they identify as?

Screw these folks' propaganda, and their great reset. . . . We don't need their new normal or their silly European "military operation."

It doesn't need to be a threat to America's survival if we had a decent set of American politicians and economists leading us. . . .
Putin's Gas Ruble and Welfare Baboons

Great reset is oxymoronic when it comes to capitalism, because any reset worthy of sane economic attention will be betrayed almost immediately. The argument above calls for some kind of code. Capitalism has no code.

'Freud himself indeed spoke of the link between his "discovery" of the death instinct and World War I, which remains the model of capitalist war. More generally, the death instinct celebrates the wedding of psychoanalysis and capitalism; their engagement had been full of hesitation. What we have tried to show apropos of capitalism is how it inherited much from a transcendent death-carrying agency, the despotic signifier, but also how it brought about this agency's effusion in the full immanence of its own system.

The full body, having become that of capital-money, suppresses the distinction between production and antiproduction: everywhere it mixes antiproduction with the productive forces in the immanent reproduction of its own always widened limits (the axiomatic). The death enterprise is one of the principal and specific forms of the absorption of surplus value in capitalism. It is this itinerary that psychoanalysis rediscovers and retraces with the death instinct.'
(Nick Land, Making It With Death: Remarks on Thanatos and Desiring production)

So, whilst welfare baboons are consuming, capitalism is repelling the limits it has just set for itself. This is why capitalism has an intimate relationship to the schizophrenic process. Even if no one has ever actually seen a schizophrenic.

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