The U.S. and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War.

Of course not. They are hitting the bad guys! And all the other 90% of the all dead, they are poor devils, who were unlucky enough to be nearby at the time of impact. They are collateral damage, not the crime at all.
Most of those civilians killed in the Iraq and Afghanistan were killed by their own people. Stop reading the Russki propaganda.
I don't know how in American laws, but for example in the Soviet Union, the crime committed by the group was qualified as a more serious crime, then the same crime, committed by one. It is committed by a group of persons, by prior agreement, that is, there can be no talk of an accidental commission of a crime.
That's right! Thank you for admitting that you do not know shit!
... i was n the military for 23 years, a DoD employee for a year, and nearly 4 years as an Army contractor. At one time, I had trained every special ops unit other than the Marine Corps. I know our rules of engagement.
I'm sure that you do and they are not in accordance with international law or the Geneva Convention Rules.
One must live the actual religious pathology to best gain victory over it. For most that understand how religions can secrete atheism, especially the world's champion for secreting it, xianity, there can never be a return. When the religious addict invokes revelations, rest assured it is an anxious attempt to escape the logical contradiction.

'As we observed in the introductory chapter, most of the leading theologians within such traditions recognized the logical problems with the notion of an infinite supernatural Agent who favors a particular coalition. If "the infinite" cannot be thought as an Entity distinct from "the finite," else it would be limited by the finite and so itself be finite in that very limitation. Then (a fortiori [italics]) the infinite cannot be thought of as one supernatural Person distinct from other persons, who favors one Polity distinct from other polities.

Nevertheless, even the most rigorous of logicians would only follow this line of flight so far before appealing to another source of knowledge, immunized from logic: revelations and rituals to which only members of the religious in-group had access.'
(Shults, Iconoclastic Theology: Gilles Deleuze and the Secretion of Atheism, pp. 57-8)
Worship Prometheus or Go to Hell

Nature is a crime against humanity. If God created nature, He is a criminal. Virile High IQs, as opposed to impotent escapist nerds, have been mankind's only defense against nature. Therefore, those who invented everything that has prevented the rest of us from living like wild animals are the only Supernatural Beings.
Yugoslavia was to prevent genocide, Afghanistan is self-explanatory (An Article V NATO operation), Iraq is self-explanatory and was a coalition of forces, Syria was already being bludgeoned by Russia (Ironically you forgot!), Libya was a coalition of forces. The US did none of this alone.
Big states behave like bandits, small states behave like prostitutes.(c)
Worship Prometheus or Go to Hell

Nature is a crime against humanity. If God created nature, He is a criminal. Virile High IQs, as opposed to impotent escapist nerds, have been mankind's only defense against nature. Therefore, those who invented everything that has prevented the rest of us from living like wild animals are the only Supernatural Beings.
An interesting observation.
Lol. Really? We didn’t invade Afghanistan,Iraq, Syria, Libya, etc? What?

This is the thinking of the unthinking American. They somehow think America only does good, like the fourth grade government textbook stated.
Our Only Crime Is That We Betray Our Race by Submitting to a Ruling Class That Is Not Racist

You're not keeping up with the times. Today, the decadent Glowbullies' grade-school textbook is titled THOSE HORRIBLE WHITE PEOPLE. Your endorsement of that is an overreaction. It feeds Stann's post.

Notice that what I call "Operation What So Proudly We Halliburton" was officially called "Operation Iraqi Freedom." But inferior nations have no right to exist and must be re-colonized. Appeasing those Neanderthals is why we lost there. I saw it in Vietnam and that same multicultie treason has been repeated over and over again.

Biden's real mistake in Afghanistan is that his brain-dead multiculturalism forced him to leave our equipment to our cowardly, corrupt, and incompetent Afghan allies. After my experience with the Vietnamese slimeballs, it didn't surprised me at all that the Taliban won so quickly and captured everything we left for our White-hating ruling class's pet Mountain Monkeys.
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