The U.S. and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War.

You didn't answer my question: What do you mean by "get taken back?" Cat got your tongue or have you realized that you don't know what you are talking about and you're about to get your butt kicked?
You iduot look at a map if the old USSR before collapse. You are one dumb individual
I was right! You know absolutely nothing about it. But I feel sorry for you so here is a hint to further your education: The so-called Eastern European nations were Communist for the VERY SAME REASONS that the Western European nations were Capitalist. Chew on that for a while and see if it starts to gel and then let me know more about your notion of "get taken back". This should be good! :uhoh3:
I appreciate all that Biden has done throughout his career or the American people. Can you say the same of trump and his whole lifetime what he's done for the American people no what he's done for himself everything is about him. That's the problem he doesn't care or think about you or I, he's a good pretender. And he's obviously got you conned. Turning phone off now sorry I'm not wasting any more of my time today on you.
Exactly what has he done?
"During the storming of the capital, the aggressor's Air Force carried out 1,000 missile and bombing missions a day."

But don't worry, freedom lovers, It's about Baghdad, 2003
1000 a day?

My God, you are stupid! Did the aircraft fly 24/7 and have only a few miles to travel to Baghdad?

It must be our new super stealth fighter that is invisible all the time!
NATO has certainly been poking the Bear for many years now..... of course they are guilty of triggering this war!

NATO was built for another era, the truth is that since the fall of the Soviet Union, NATO has become obsolete.

but.......they don't want to let go.....they still want to remain as they were 50 years ago!

Total idiots!

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Who and what is poking the Bear? Got any specifics?
This about NATO .....the truth :thup:

I'm quoting

"........NATO is an anachronism. It now accounts for about three-quarters of military spending and weapons dealing around the globe. Instead of preventing war, it promotes militarism, exacerbates global tensions and makes war more likely. This Cold War relic shouldn’t be reconfigured to maintain U.S. domination in Europe, or to mobilize against Russia or China, or to launch new wars in space. It should not be expanded, but disbanded. Seventy years of militarism is more than enough."
Spoken like a true Communist!

Americans don’t want to hear the truth about their warmongering imperialist empire. If someone tells them the truth, they are immediately attacked and accused of treason.
Because they aren't valid. I looked up the election law in Pennsylvania that you were talking about. It was valid under the emergency clause of the election board. And the pandemic was definitely an emergency. After the election Republicans repealed the law. You cannot repeal a law if it wasn't a legal law to begin with.
Uh, yes you most certainly can! American history is replete with examples.

Think of very landmark SCOTUS decision. Almost all reversed laws that were in place.
Most people here in the states and on this board don’t get any of thst,only my Facebook friends from other countries seem to get this and do not dismiss the evidence as a conspiracy theory.a few posters here understand this at least.just got to turn off the idiot box and do some research at’s all over the place in thstbalternative news outlet,the op gets this,skye gets this,not many do though,

the msm media is winning the battle with their lies with the people,the only war that matters though that’s being won is the one on the ground,NATO and the Ukraine government are getting their asses kicked. :yes_text12:
When did NATO commit any military action is Ukraine? It's hard to get your ass kicked if you are not there, dumbass!
The labs were created after the fall of the old Soviet Union (Putin's wet dream is recreate the Soviet Empire). The purpose of the labs is to deactivate bio weapons and chemical weapons. The U.S. and Ukraine are not developing weapons, they are destroying them
OK. I agree with all but their creation. When were they built and first used?

Every single chemical weapon that was in the US arsenal has been shipped to two facilities for destruction. There are only two facilities in the US where they are systematically destroyed. Neither one is a chemical weapons lab
Americans don’t want to hear the truth about their warmongering imperialist empire.
That's true.
If someone tells them the truth, they are immediately attacked and accused of treason.
There's a "good" reason for this. Americans (collectively speaking) are raised in a nation that is similarly dysfunctional as families of alcoholics, drug addicts and violent child abusers. Their children learn to respect fear and aggressive retaliation if they do not stand by their parents. They are required to lie in order to stay loyal to the family.

Now, imagine a whole nation of these under-educated and tormented citizens (with the NSA able to find out how many times you take a pee every day) walking on eggshells for fear of being accused of being anti-American, America "haters", Communists, Socialists or "rocking the boat". Have you ever been to the US? Have you noticed all of the American flags displayed in all of the govermnet buildings and planted on the front lawn of so many houses? Why do think that is? :www_MyEmoticons_com__shush:
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Not a single hypocritical whore in the world canceled economic ties with the United States, when they bombed Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, but on the contrary, they happily took part in this.
And now everyone is tearing up ties with Russia...
It's not Putin who's bothering you, hypocritical bitches.
Russia is stuck across your throat, you two-faced faggots.
Yugoslavia was to prevent genocide, Afghanistan is self-explanatory (An Article V NATO operation), Iraq is self-explanatory and was a coalition of forces, Syria was already being bludgeoned by Russia (Ironically you forgot!), Libya was a coalition of forces. The US did none of this alone.
So little fact of armed putch and overthrow of legitimate government in 2014 meant nothing to you? Yeah, it is hard to argue with this kind of twisted logic. You see, other side of the world has nothing to do with US. Ukraine, on other side, right on the border with Russia and just recently was for 350 years together with Russia in one state...
By the way Russian army is 10 miles from New York. And i am not kidding.

It’s quite common for our politicians, media pundits, and intelligence agencies get things wrong. In fact, all them can’t be trusted to ever tell the truth. Yet many Americans still believe them.

Most recently they all lied about bio-labs in Ukraine. Then the neocon nutjub who helped make this war possible with her 2014 coup, spilled the truth.

Now our government is flooding Ukraine with military hardware. What could go wrong?

With Russia winning the war, I’d expect a nice CIA false flag event they are infamous for. Maybe a sweet chemical weapons attack that kills a bunch of Ukrainian women and children, which they will blame on Russia and many dumb Americans will buy it.
Where is the CIA going to get the chemical weapons? Buy them from Russia?

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