The U.S. and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War.

I don't think we've ever invaded anything, but we have come to the rescue of government's in distress throughout the world, and we have gotten our ace's shot off for doing so, but no we haven't ever invaded another country for the purpose of expansionism.
Lol. Really? We didn’t invade Afghanistan,Iraq, Syria, Libya, etc? What?

This is the thinking of the unthinking American. They somehow think America only does good, like the fourth grade government textbook stated.
Lol. Really? We didn’t invade Afghanistan,Iraq, Syria, Libya, etc? What?

This is the thinking of the unthinking American. They somehow think America only does good, like the fourth grade government textbook stated.
Some were right and some wrong............Same as the history of the world.

Now you play AMERICA SUCKS CARD you WANT US DEAD COMRAD...........hmmm
Lol. I address another poster. Of course you must twist it into something else.
You responded to me...........Oh point stands comrad.......FUCK PUTIN........I understand they want to take us down......So SCREW THEM........
Yes, but it still all comes down to the reasons for war, and it seems that in this case for some reason, it's like pulling teeth to get to the truth on these wars anymore. That's alright though, because the one they aren't fooling is the one that will deal with their souls come judgement day.
Yes, but it still all comes down to the reasons for war, and it seems that in this case for some reason, it's like pulling teeth to get to the truth on these wars anymore.

Lol. Really? We didn’t invade Afghanistan,Iraq, Syria, Libya, etc? What?

This is the thinking of the unthinking American. They somehow think America only does good, like the fourth grade government textbook stated.
We can go back to each conflict or war, and find that there was a spark for sure, and History is on our side when it comes to not reacting until we absolutely thought we had too....

Countries play stupid game's, and hey win stupid prize's.

America didn't become great through expansionism or imperialism. We became great because we always bat for the little guys and gal's, and also we protect our interest when needed.

The situation in Ukraine is not good, otherwise after all the bull crap that went on inside of it's corrupt political apparatus, and in which ultimately encapsulated the west over time, so this almost feels like a trap.
Lol. Really? We didn’t invade Afghanistan,Iraq, Syria, Libya, etc? What?

This is the thinking of the unthinking American. They somehow think America only does good, like the fourth grade government textbook stated.
I don't think we've ever invaded anything, but we have come to the rescue of government's in distress throughout the world, and we have gotten our ace's shot off for doing so, but no we haven't ever invaded another country for the purpose of expansionism.
We can go back to each conflict or war, and find that there was a spark for sure, and History is on our side when it comes to not reacting until we absolutely thought we had too....

Countries play stupid game's, and hey win stupid prize's.

America didn't become great through expansionism or imperialism. We became great because we always bat for the little guys and gal's, and also we protect our interest when needed.

The situation in Ukraine is not good, otherwise after all the bull crap that went on inside of it's corrupt political apparatus, and in which ultimately encapsulated the west over time, so this almost feels like a trap.

Most wanted the gold standard.......And they got hit...........yes........true.

But now they drive us off a cliff on purpose.
We put ourselves on that cliff, purposely out on a ledge. If we are corrupt? I can't see how they shouldn't be able to defend themselves from such a lunacy of thieves & murderers.

These thieves? They do not even do business and governance in our name, and now? You want to condone intelligence operations and war, all in the private banking cartels name? If they are "too big to fail?" Are they too big to be opposed by war now?


The constitution was long ago subverted, and here you are, defending that? :dunno:

I'm for AMERICA and the CONSTITUTION. . . I have no idea who these folks that are for the elites and the bankers are. . . the ones that clamber for giving away money for the war machines of death and destruction.

Check this video out, and think about the date 2015.... Was this man a prophet ?

I was at awe over the futuristic knowledge this man had of the coming debacle that is Ukraine being wrecked today, just as this professor had laid out in this seminar or speaking he gave back in 2015. Thanks for taking time to watch and acknowledge the importance of the video's, otherwise to understand the sickness in order for us to hopefully understand the cure before it's to late.

We have national security risk takers in our government, and hopefully they don't get us all killed.

I might be doubling up on my response here, but I don’t see what happened to first one.

I’m about halfway through the footage; this guy really knows Ukraine’s history and presents NATO’s past actions with helpful timelines. NATO lured Putin into the thistle bush directly stating back in 2010 that Ukraine would become a NATO member when formerly agreeing that it would remain a buffer state. The maps utilized show divisional aspects of language within Ukraine and how it compares to Ukrainian versus pro-Russian elements.

Thanks so much for posting and I’ll review the second half tomorrow.
Check this video out, and think about the date 2015.... Was this man a prophet ?

I was at awe over the futuristic knowledge this man had of the coming debacle that is Ukraine being wrecked today, just as this professor had laid out in this seminar or speaking he gave back in 2015. Thanks for taking time to watch and acknowledge the importance of the video's, otherwise to understand the sickness in order for us to hopefully understand the cure before it's to late.

We have national security risk takers in our government, and hopefully they don't get us all killed.

Consortium News just had a LIVESTREAM with him a little while back. This is one of those sources I was talking about.

The new definition of a "sovereign nation" - It is a nation under the full control of the United States, which leaves the administrative apparatus of local collaborationists for visibility and covering its leadership.
Well I'm glad the people of the Ukraine don't have to depend on you to decide whether or not they are a sovereign Nation. You know where you can put that idea. And tell your buddy putin, we see right through his lies. The president of Ukraine is Jewish. Ukraine has anti-Semitic activity legally defined as criminal Acts. The Azov Battalion was that a low of only 900 members in 2022. That membership was made up of people from 22 countries including Russia. Russia has more Nazi activity in the Ukraine has. Now we know why putin was so familiar with it, He is one of them.

The U.S. and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War​

Welp, no one can ever know that for sure now, can they, but I see why everyone here thinks you love Putin! You ain't attacking him in full lockstep dryheave. And of course by default that means you want him to win! Have you ever known a time like this when so many people could judge you by reading your mind! Or at least as far as they are concerned. :uhh:

You made the cardinal sin, Ringo, you revealed the pro-Putin nature of Newsweek! That paper must be full of Russians! Better send the FBI quick.

The rest of them over there must be Trump supporters. :smoke:
The problem was first explained in post # 602, where we copied the exact place in the comments to the video that talked about the problem. Otherwise, the narrator in the video mentions the problem at timepoint ~ 10:15.
Yes, it was censored by the US Army. Welcome to the "West" land of freedom and Democracy where Julian Assange has been imprisoned for ..... telling the truth.

:death: :death: :death:

Ukraine LINK.jpg
Naive About Kiev

According to the Globalist outsourcing lazy fairies preaching laissez-faire, if Zellbelly has it, he must have earned it. So the Rooskies are just jealous, which, according to oinkonomics, is the only reason the have-nots resent the haves!!!
Are you saying that Putin is jealous of Zilinksy because Zilinksy "has" and Putin "has not"? Or are you saying that Every Day Joe who criticizes Zilinsky for taking kickbacks from Washington is jealous of Zilinsy's wealth? Either way, this is kindergarten logic. :206:

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