The U.S. and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War.

The links are found "below" the video. Did you not look or are they censured in your country? If they are censored I can copy and paste them here.
That's not it. The Army has scrubbed the articles mentioned in the video. Do you understand, or did you not watch the video?
"On March 21, US Ambassador John Sullivan, summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, was made a demarche and handed a note of protest in connection with the recent unacceptable statements by the head of the White House Joe Biden to the President of Russia," the document states. Biden said earlier that he considers Russian President Vladimir Putin a "war criminal."

The Foreign Ministry pointed out that "such statements by the American President, unworthy of a statesman of such a high rank, put Russian-American relations on the verge of rupture. They warned that the hostile actions taken against Russia will receive a decisive and firm rebuff."

"When discussing topical bilateral issues, the Ambassador was acutely faced with the issue of ensuring normal working conditions of Russian diplomatic missions in the United States, including guarantees of their uninterrupted functioning," the ministry concluded.
Biden doesn't know what he is saying from one minute to the next. The world knows this so he isn't taken seriously. At home however the American population eat his words like pudding and they still quote sources from the CIA as though it is the God's truth.
That's not it. The Army has scrubbed the articles mentioned in the video. Do you understand, or did you not watch the video?
I don't understand what you are saying. If there is a statement in the video that is not substantiated by the links below then quote the passage and mark the time. You can't just say "there is something missing" and think I'm going to go back and watch the whole video again making notes of every word and try to guess what you are referring to. I am willing to meet you halfway but I'm not going to bend over backwards just to help you.
I don't understand what you are saying. If there is a statement in the video that is not substantiated by the links below then quote the passage and mark the time. You can't just say "there is something missing" and think I'm going to go back and watch the whole video again making notes of every word and try to guess what you are referring to. I am willing to meet you halfway but I'm not going to bend over backwards just to help you.
The problem was first explained in post # 602, where we copied the exact place in the comments to the video that talked about the problem. Otherwise, the narrator in the video mentions the problem at timepoint ~ 10:15.
Or they waited until they had the winning hand.

Russia developed hypersonic cruise missiles, and tested them. They're unstoppable. So NATO over a barrel. Putin has thousands of missiles aimed at them, and they have nothing to defend with, or shoot back with.

So when Putin told his forces to warm up the weapons. That was his way of telling NATO he has the strategic upper hand.
Once Again, the Doormats Will Get Stomped On

Weak, America-dependent NYETO has a way of backing down from defending gutless parasitic Poland. They can go back to an agreement they reneged on when Russia was weak and say that all Eastern European membership is invalid.
Twist your wicked self into as many serpent's as you desire, but in the end you fail.
One must live the actual religious pathology to best gain victory over it. For most that understand how religions can secrete atheism, especially the world's champion for secreting it, xianity, there can never be a return. When the religious addict invokes revelations, rest assured it is an anxious attempt to escape the logical contradiction.

'As we observed in the introductory chapter, most of the leading theologians within such traditions recognized the logical problems with the notion of an infinite supernatural Agent who favors a particular coalition. If "the infinite" cannot be thought as an Entity distinct from "the finite," else it would be limited by the finite and so itself be finite in that very limitation. Then (a fortiori [italics]) the infinite cannot be thought of as one supernatural Person distinct from other persons, who favors one Polity distinct from other polities.

Nevertheless, even the most rigorous of logicians would only follow this line of flight so far before appealing to another source of knowledge, immunized from logic: revelations and rituals to which only members of the religious in-group had access.'
(Shults, Iconoclastic Theology: Gilles Deleuze and the Secretion of Atheism, pp. 57-8)
Once Again, the Doormats Will Get Stomped On

Weak, America-dependent NYETO has a way of backing down from defending gutless parasitic Poland. They can go back to an agreement they reneged on when Russia was weak and say that all Eastern European membership is invalid.

So now you are saying Putin will take Poland next? Are you for this as you ATTACK POLAND it appears?

Biden is a POS.........but I don't think he can allow too much even though he is bought off............why the assholes shouldn't steal elections.
Need a leader not a drooling idiot.
I have only the greatest respect for George Kennan. John Mearsheimer is a giant of a scholar. But I respectfully disagree. The problem with their argument is that it assumes that, had nato not expanded, Russia wouldn’t be the same or very likely close to what it is today. What we have today in Russia is not some kind of surprise. It’s not some kind of deviation from a historical pattern. Way before nato existed—in the nineteenth century—Russia looked like this: it had an autocrat. It had repression. It had militarism. It had suspicion of foreigners and the West. This is a Russia that we know, and it’s not a Russia that arrived yesterday or in the nineteen-nineties. It’s not a response to the actions of the West. There are internal processes in Russia that account for where we are today.

I would even go further. I would say that nato expansion has put us in a better place to deal with this historical pattern in Russia that we’re seeing again today.

I can’t agree. When the USSR dissolved almost overnight and without any bloodshed, this was a major historical event. It should have lead to the US and Russia developing friendly relationships, and it did for a few years.

NATO should have closed down with the end of the USSR. Instead the powers-that-be decided that needed an enemy to keep the war profiteers flush with cash. So, they expanded NATO even though they promised not to.

Somehow Americans don’t comprehend how provocative NATO expansion is to Russia. They somehow think a massive military mobilized on Russia’s border designed to kill Russians, shouldn’t concern Russia.
I can’t agree. When the USSR dissolved almost overnight and without any bloodshed, this was a major historical event. It should have lead to the US and Russia developing friendly relationships, and it did for a few years.

NATO should have closed down with the end of the USSR. Instead the powers-that-be decided that needed an enemy to keep the war profiteers flush with cash. So, they expanded NATO even though they promised not to.

Somehow Americans don’t comprehend how provocative NATO expansion is to Russia. They somehow think a massive military mobilized on Russia’s border designed to kill Russians, shouldn’t concern Russia.
The ones who JOINED after the fall did it to make sure they didn't get taken back over by the USSR...........

It was designed to take on Russia and even after the fall Russia were NOT THE GOOD GUYS............NATO expanded as it WAS WINNING..........

Has NATO attacked Russia...........WELL NO WE HAVEN'T........except for economic War when they invade others.
The United States had nothing to do with Putin deciding to bomb the living daylights out of people in the Ukraine that was punished to the max by Russia in WWII and early years of the Cold War. Stalin killed over 20 million Ukrainians when people were looking at Germany's Hitler who was doing what Putin is doing today--eliminating anybody getting in his way. I understand the American Red Cross is lending a good hand to the Ukrainian. I just went to their website to see what they're doing. There's a lot of starvation going on inside the country where Putin's forces are bombing all avenues of life till they kill everyone there if they have to to go in and plunder the sources in the sovereign nation that has been deeply disrespected by the civilized western world, imho, except for their neighbor Poland and a couple of other countries nearby who could already be in Putin's crosshairs due to their helping feed milliona of people who no longer have a home due to Putin's bombing of men, women, and children. It makes me a little sick to think about what Putin has done to them.
Read this and you might change your mind.
The West’s Hands in Ukraine Are as Bloody as Putin’s
Russia has been supplying weapons to our enemies and those of our allies forever. Ukraine left the USSR because they didn't want to be oppressed anymore along with all of Eastern Europe.

Guess you forgot the history of the Cold War.

RUSSIA ISN'T INNOCENT.........and if they wanted the 2 areas in dispute they should have just taken those 2 and said they are ours..........They didn't do that they invaded the Capital.

They are now taking the key port cities and plan on taking the strategic Black Sea PORTS.

They are innocent of NOTHING.
The ones who JOINED after the fall did it to make sure they didn't get taken back over by the USSR...........

It was designed to take on Russia and even after the fall Russia were NOT THE GOOD GUYS............NATO expanded as it WAS WINNING..........

Has NATO attacked Russia...........WELL NO WE HAVEN'T........except for economic War when they invade others.
Yeah the US and NATO would never invade another nation or provoke war. lol

Where have you been the last few decades?
Last edited:
That 17 minute video is definitely worth anyone’s time to watch and thanks for
posting it Beagle.


Declaring a no fly zone would require a decision about Ukraine continuing their drones.

Past no-fly zones, as with Iraq and Libya, resulted in major escalation of everyone shooting at each other. In Iraq, US Black Hawks shot down by friendly fire.

The vast geographical area of Ukraine, comparable to be the size of Texas, makes a no-fly zone more difficult.

Establishing a no-fly zone in Ukraine would involve going into Russian air space and possibly into Belarus.

Russian troops on the ground currently estimated to be around 180,000 in the Ukraine.

Russia can fire missiles from within their own air space at 2000 miles.

My own assessment based upon researching, there are most likely more than one war criminal in the mix in addition to Putin.
Check this video out, and think about the date 2015.... Was this man a prophet ?

I was at awe over the futuristic knowledge this man had of the coming debacle that is Ukraine being wrecked today, just as this professor had laid out in this seminar or speaking he gave back in 2015. Thanks for taking time to watch and acknowledge the importance of the video's, otherwise to understand the sickness in order for us to hopefully understand the cure before it's to late.

We have national security risk takers in our government, and hopefully they don't get us all killed.
Russia has been supplying weapons to our enemies and those of our allies forever. Ukraine left the USSR because they didn't want to be oppressed anymore along with all of Eastern Europe.

Guess you forgot the history of the Cold War.

RUSSIA ISN'T INNOCENT.........and if they wanted the 2 areas in dispute they should have just taken those 2 and said they are ours..........They didn't do that they invaded the Capital.

They are now taking the key port cities and plan on taking the strategic Black Sea PORTS.

They are innocent of NOTHING.
Yeah the US and NATO would never invade another nation or provoke war. lol

Where have been the last few decades?
9/11 where have you been............But I'll give you they gave us perpetual war so they can hook up their biddies in the body bag business.......Same as Russia....they sold to the other side there too.

Militaries WIN WARS........POLITICIANS LOSE THEM. Had I been in Charge after 9/11 I'd have went postal in Afghanistan and would have used Total War. Like WWII if necessary. I'd have made them understand the GAMES ARE OVER.........that is how you win.

Putin understands that ...........But he isn't destroying the entire cities........he's surrounding and will STARVE THEM OUT if he has to.

Other Wars we were in some good and bad.........Which has been going on since the dawn of time

Putin WANTS UKRAINE.........NATO didn't attack him.......No matter what you say.

NOW BRICS..........They want to DESTROY US with the DOLLAR.....which our own politicians are doing it for him.

FUCK PUTIN........I understand the end plan.......He CAN KISS MY ASS and so can you.
Yeah the US and NATO would never invade another nation or provoke war. lol

Where have been the last few decades?
I don't think we've ever invaded anything, but we have come to the rescue of government's in distress throughout the world, and we have gotten our ace's shot off for doing so, but no we haven't ever invaded another country for the purpose of expansionism.

I don't have an hour........And I know we are NOT ANGELS.

I don't have to watch..........because I understand Russia and China's main goal. And that is to take us down and become the new SUPER POWERS.....Mainly China.

We lose the dollar as the world's reserve currency we are screwed. Hell we are screwed by our own politicians already...........but I understand PUTIN WANTS US DESTROYED.

That is the BRICS goal.
I don't have an hour........And I know we are NOT ANGELS.

I don't have to watch..........because I understand Russia and China's main goal. And that is to take us down and become the new SUPER POWERS.....Mainly China.

We lose the dollar as the world's reserve currency we are screwed. Hell we are screwed by our own politicians already...........but I understand PUTIN WANTS US DESTROYED.

That is the BRICS goal.
If start watching, it's hard to stop... Give it a look see when ever you get the chance.

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