The U.S. and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War.

My other fear is Biden being forced to recklessly show bravado when he isn't like that. Otherwise someone like Biden showing some kind of fake bravado is a very dangerous thing. It could escalate things way worse out of control than they already are.
He is a puppet on strings......Russia knows this............they know who pulls the strings............And that Biden is just a weekend at Bernie's skit.

They understand our military isn't Biden..........Pressure can still be brought to bare............
That overlooks BRICS......which is now on the move to get rid of the DOLLAR........

That is a clear and present danger brought to us by the Globalist and their puppet Biden.
Yes we have put ourselves into a situation, but it could be something we can't control, because the Bible is going to fulfill itself one way or another. Have to just stand up for righteousness as individual's to death do we all part this world.
Nuts. The bible is one of the most dangerous self-glossing literatures on the planet, drenched with dipshit violence and fairy tales.
Nuts. The bible is one of the most dangerous self-glossing literatures on the planet, drenched with dipshit violence and fairy tales.
And this is why you are a complete nut job that will never amount to a pile of manure in life. Sorry but you bring it upon yourself, and why you aren't a Democrat (heck you might be), just boggles the mind.
He is a puppet on strings......Russia knows this............they know who pulls the strings............And that Biden is just a weekend at Bernie's skit.

They understand our military isn't Biden..........Pressure can still be brought to bare............
I am trying to think of a president (since Eisenhower) who isn't a puppet on a string. I can't think of any.
And this is why you are a complete nut job that will never amount to a pile of manure in life. Sorry but you bring it upon yourself, and why you aren't a Democrat (heck you might be), just boggles the mind.
You are fucked up on the lord, you have a mental disease akin to bloodsucking vampirism: attaching yourself and your religious mafia to world events in the hope that a long-out-of-style belief system will still be able to trump knowledge so that the protection rackets of faith stay current. A form of pedophilia.
Probably the most profound thing is that the non-existent god in the believer's head alreay knows what's going to happen, and watches anyway while doing (nothing [italics]). There's no chance of a system such as that going mad.
I agree, and worse is that it is used to justify war in our time.
The evolution of this mental disease and protection racket aligns with hominid groups migrating out of Africa. One of the best for the syllabus is Shults, Iconoclastic Theology: Gilles Deleuze and the Secretion of Atheism.
Dumb hypothetical that absolutely doesn't apply to militaries fighting in war, and this all because of their government's.

Try harder.

War is Hell period, and yes sadly enough civilian's end up as causalities in war, otherwise when the two sides go for each other's throats with extreme prejudice. Pumping your citizen's up to fight a war against a major foe was an irresponsible act that placed civilian's into harms way. What kind of person does something like that ?? It should have been women and children out, then let's rock and roll to the beat of the drum's.
When we do it? It's "collateral damage."

When they do it? It's a "war crime."


We fight "terrorists."

They fight "freedom fighters."

You are fucked up on the lord, you have a mental disease akin to bloodsucking vampirism: attaching yourself and your religious mafia to world events in the hope that a long-out-of-style belief system will still be able to trump knowledge so that the protection rackets of faith stay current. A form of pedophilia.
Twist your wicked self into as many serpent's as you desire, but in the end you fail.
We are morally destroying ourselves.........and financially destroying ourselves by not kicking the bought and paid for politicians out of office and into prison where far too many belong. We fought 20 years for what.............a never ending War fought on the enemies terms as the weapons manufacturers made bank off the blood.

BRICS has been around since then.............and it's purpose is CLEAR......take us down.........with the end of the dollar.

Global reset is coming...........and hell to follow.........

With Russia............China and the others..........I understand they want us GONE............While I can't stand the assholes who got us here........I understand the situation and WHY I'M VERY HARD ON RUSSIA. THEY ARE NOT ANGELS......... Their purpose is our demise and POWER. But we have a drooling idiot in office......

We have no one with a back bone.............You WILL NOT AGREE WITH ME.........but I'd have put the military on alert and increased troop levels as soon as they massed on Ukraine's border and TOLD PUTIN you so much as pass gas at me I will hit you........

That is called Peace Thru strength..............Trump was a wild card. They had no idea whether he'd pull the trigger on them. He sure as hell did in Syria allowing Russian Mercs to get hit.

That is why they didn't invade.
It is important to remember, there is a false dichotomy going on here. A lot of folks forget that. I have the impression that you don't really know the truth about, "BRICS." or what the oligarchs are doing or how they are all really connected. They could explain your devotion to war? :dunno:

The folks in charge, don't care about America anymore, they really don't. None of them do.

Both the IMF, and BRICS, are run by the World Bank and the international oligarchs. They are both integrated into the World Trade Organization and other global institutions.

The global oligarchs don't care who wins or loses. Don't let them toy with you.

Episode 369 - Globalization is Dead. Long Live the New World Order!

The globalists tell us that globalization is dead. But don't worry, there's a New World Order waiting in the wings to take its place. Confused? Don't be. Get the scoop on Globalization 2.0 and the New New (Polycentric) World Order on this week's edition of The Corbett Report podcast.

Phony Opposition: The Truth About the BRICS

The BRICS Summit: What You Need to Know​



When we do it? It's "collateral damage."

When they do it? It's a "war crime."


We fight "terrorists."

They fight "freedom fighters."

Yes, but it still all comes down to the reasons for war, and it seems that in this case for some reason, it's like pulling teeth to get to the truth on these wars anymore. That's alright though, because the one they aren't fooling is the one that will deal with their souls come judgement day.
It is important to remember, there is a false dichotomy going on here. A lot of folks forget that. I have the impression that you don't really know the truth about, "BRICS." or what the oligarchs are doing or how they are all really connected. They could explain your devotion to war? :dunno:
I've been posting on boards since the 90s...........and have read enough for over a decade to make that deduction. Simply stated.......Their goal is our destruction by killing the dollar.

That was and still is their prupose.

The folks in charge, don't care about America anymore, they really don't. None of them do.
They are selling us down the river. That we know and it's for the WEF and Global Reset.

Both the IMF, and BRICS, are run by the World Bank and the international oligarchs. They are both integrated into the World Trade Organization and other global institutions.

The global oligarchs don't care who wins or loses. Don't let them toy with you.
They manipulate currency and take from the country like the Federal Reserve.........They want a Global electronic currency.

When they collapse the dollar and they are doing this...........they will screw us can't just print money forever and this is done not just here but all over the world.

They mean to take us they can say they ARE HERE TO SAVE US LATER. and Sheep will go BAHHHHHH. and follow the ones who did it to them.
I have only the greatest respect for George Kennan. John Mearsheimer is a giant of a scholar. But I respectfully disagree. The problem with their argument is that it assumes that, had nato not expanded, Russia wouldn’t be the same or very likely close to what it is today. What we have today in Russia is not some kind of surprise. It’s not some kind of deviation from a historical pattern. Way before nato existed—in the nineteenth century—Russia looked like this: it had an autocrat. It had repression. It had militarism. It had suspicion of foreigners and the West. This is a Russia that we know, and it’s not a Russia that arrived yesterday or in the nineteen-nineties. It’s not a response to the actions of the West. There are internal processes in Russia that account for where we are today.

I would even go further. I would say that nato expansion has put us in a better place to deal with this historical pattern in Russia that we’re seeing again today.


And how do they do it...............hmmm.....

Crash you and take everything so you have to buy it back and be their slaves.
I've been posting on boards since the 90s...........and have read enough for over a decade to make that deduction. Simply stated.......Their goal is our destruction by killing the dollar.

That was and still is their prupose.

They are selling us down the river. That we know and it's for the WEF and Global Reset.

They manipulate currency and take from the country like the Federal Reserve.........They want a Global electronic currency.

When they collapse the dollar and they are doing this...........they will screw us can't just print money forever and this is done not just here but all over the world.

They mean to take us they can say they ARE HERE TO SAVE US LATER. and Sheep will go BAHHHHHH. and follow the ones who did it to them.
A good study of revelations is appropriate in these times.

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