The U.S. and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War.

Pentagon's marionette, Lloyd Austin, has just arrived in Sofia, Bulgaria, for a media photo-op a day after Russian diplomats are expelled.

We must take heed to Putin's message. He knows about puppet theater. Furthermore, there is another Maidan besides the one in Kiev Russia is drawing attention to, almost as fast as the Pentagon puppeteers pull the dusty relics from their closet.

Putin calls Kinzhal (Dagger) "the ideal weapon." Kinzhal has just destroyed much stored military equipment at Ivano-Frankivsk.

Twin Towns and Sister Cities of Ivan-Frankivsk include Arlington County, USA, location of the Pentagon. CIA operatives in Ukraine know about Viche Maidan, the square in Ivano-Frankivsk. If the URL does not function, type it into the spacebar:

Viche Maidan. - Ivano-Frankivsk
'....During christmas the maidan gets filled with people participating in a vertep parade.'

Pentagon sends puppets, Putin sends rockets.


If you happened to witness a very large angry hulk of a man with a large club bludgeoning a woman, and old man and two young children to death do you really have to delve into the historical fsmily events, review photos, employment status, religious affiliation, social media, and, interview police and educated authorities, and examining divisional aspects currently demonstrated by the weaker members of ttat man’s family before deciding that the man is wrong?I

I will give you 10 points for that response, but don't get too happy, you're still in the negative lol
As Xi and Putin plan Siberia-2 pipeline, the second Kinzhal strike takes out a fuel depot at Mykolaiv:

2022 marta 20 Moscow Times: Russia Has Again Fired Hypersonic Missiles in Ukraine
Pentagon's marionette, Lloyd Austin, has just arrived in Sofia, Bulgaria, for a media photo-op a day after Russian diplomats are expelled.

We must take heed to Putin's message. He knows about puppet theater. Furthermore, there is another Maidan besides the one in Kiev Russia is drawing attention to, almost as fast as the Pentagon puppeteers pull the dusty relics from their closet.

Putin calls Kinzhal (Dagger) "the ideal weapon." Kinzhal has just destroyed much stored military equipment at Ivano-Frankivsk.

Twin Towns and Sister Cities of Ivan-Frankivsk include Arlington County, USA, location of the Pentagon. CIA operatives in Ukraine know about Viche Maidan, the square in Ivano-Frankivsk. If the URL does not function, type it into the spacebar:

Viche Maidan. - Ivano-Frankivsk
'....During christmas the maidan gets filled with people participating in a vertep parade.'

Pentagon sends puppets, Putin sends rockets.

Only at Ukraine. We do not fear Russia...........Only the MAD principle keeps us from beating them into the ground like a tent stake.........THAT AND POLITICAL WHORES in charge of us. Right now Russia China and BRICS are looking to come off the Petro dollar.

The lose of the Dollar as the world currency will financially destroy us by the globalist............The puzzle pieces come together. BRICS and even so called allies like Saudi Arabia are now trading in YUAN...........

That is a CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER to the U.S. Andy why we should punch the dang bear right in the mouth in Ukraine RIGHT NOW. Many from my side will be against that...........But it is CLEAR...........THE BEAR AND DRAGON are on the move to destroy us financially...........Our own leaders have done such a great job already.......They want to finish us off.

Their aim to destroy why we should bitch slap Putin.
Only at Ukraine. We do not fear Russia...........Only the MAD principle keeps us from beating them into the ground like a tent stake.........THAT AND POLITICAL WHORES in charge of us. Right now Russia China and BRICS are looking to come off the Petro dollar.

The lose of the Dollar as the world currency will financially destroy us by the globalist............The puzzle pieces come together. BRICS and even so called allies like Saudi Arabia are now trading in YUAN...........

That is a CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER to the U.S. Andy why we should punch the dang bear right in the mouth in Ukraine RIGHT NOW. Many from my side will be against that...........But it is CLEAR...........THE BEAR AND DRAGON are on the move to destroy us financially...........Our own leaders have done such a great job already.......They want to finish us off.

Their aim to destroy why we should bitch slap Putin.
Losing the moral high ground has cost us severely, and it has caused us to fall from grace in God's eyes possibly... Once a majority Christian or Christian loving nation with the strength of 10 bears, has all but now been reduced to nothing more than a laughing stock to the world whether friend or foe, then we are seen as a nation in extreme duress over our internal affairs, and over our external affairs.

We actually might be seen as being far more dangerous to the world now, otherwise with the world seeing us as being highly unstable within, and yet here we are in possession of one of the most powerful nuclear Arsenal's in the world.

Us not realizing that with such power comes great responsibility, and it is so that we should always, and will always, be a defending nation of peace in the world, and not an aggressive one in the world. It is of the utmost importance.
Losing the moral high ground has cost us severely, and it has caused us to fall from grace in God's eyes possibly... Once a majority Christian or Christian loving nation with the strength of 10 bears, has all but now been reduced to nothing more than a laughing stock to the world whether friend or foe, then we are seen as a nation in extreme duress over our internal affairs, and over our external affairs.

We actually might be seen as being far more dangerous to the world now, otherwise with the world seeing us as being highly unstable within, and yet here we are in possession of one of the most powerful nuclear Arsenal's in the world.

Us not realizing that with such power comes great responsibility, and it is so that we should always, and will always, be a defending nation of peace in the world, and not an aggressive one in the world. It is of the utmost importance.
We are morally destroying ourselves.........and financially destroying ourselves by not kicking the bought and paid for politicians out of office and into prison where far too many belong. We fought 20 years for what.............a never ending War fought on the enemies terms as the weapons manufacturers made bank off the blood.

BRICS has been around since then.............and it's purpose is CLEAR......take us down.........with the end of the dollar.

Global reset is coming...........and hell to follow.........

With Russia............China and the others..........I understand they want us GONE............While I can't stand the assholes who got us here........I understand the situation and WHY I'M VERY HARD ON RUSSIA. THEY ARE NOT ANGELS......... Their purpose is our demise and POWER. But we have a drooling idiot in office......

We have no one with a back bone.............You WILL NOT AGREE WITH ME.........but I'd have put the military on alert and increased troop levels as soon as they massed on Ukraine's border and TOLD PUTIN you so much as pass gas at me I will hit you........

That is called Peace Thru strength..............Trump was a wild card. They had no idea whether he'd pull the trigger on them. He sure as hell did in Syria allowing Russian Mercs to get hit.

That is why they didn't invade.
That is called Peace Thru strength..............Trump was a wild card. They had no idea whether he'd pull the trigger on them. He sure as hell did in Syria allowing Russian Mercs to get hit.

That is why they didn't invade.

Or they waited until they had the winning hand.

Russia developed hypersonic cruise missiles, and tested them. They're unstoppable. So NATO over a barrel. Putin has thousands of missiles aimed at them, and they have nothing to defend with, or shoot back with.

So when Putin told his forces to warm up the weapons. That was his way of telling NATO he has the strategic upper hand.
Or they waited until they had the winning hand.

Russia developed hypersonic cruise missiles, and tested them. They're unstoppable. So NATO over a barrel. Putin has thousands of missiles aimed at them, and they have nothing to defend with, or shoot back with.

So when Putin told his forces to warm up the weapons. That was his way of telling NATO he has the strategic upper hand.
Against NATO he doesn't have the upper hand.............Hypersonic missiles on a conventional battlefield will not change the outcome if our fleet of drone weapons wipe them out.

If he uses them for Nukes..........the world ends anyway. We have more than enough to destroy them 100 times over.
Against NATO he doesn't have the upper hand.............Hypersonic missiles on a conventional battlefield will not change the outcome if our fleet of drone weapons wipe them out.

They are intermediate range (up to 5,000 KM) so drones would have to strike deep within the heart of Russia to take on the launch sites. And their speed and maneuverability make them virtually unstoppable. Whether conventionally or nuclear armed.

Putin said he was creating the next generation of unstoppable missiles, and then he did. We have no defense against them, and we have nothing in the arsenal to threaten to shoot back with.
They are intermediate range (up to 5,000 KM) so drones would have to strike deep within the heart of Russia to take on the launch sites. And their speed and maneuverability make them virtually unstoppable. Whether conventionally or nuclear armed.

Putin said he was creating the next generation of unstoppable missiles, and then he did. We have no defense against them, and we have nothing in the arsenal to threaten to shoot back with.
So. One weapon doesn't win a war.........And even with that show me their MASSIVE ABILITY to hit our cruise missiles?

You overrate 1 WEAPON..........

F22 rapture..............can go in there unseen and hit as it pleases...........Can't see it........Can't hit it.

Then AWACS will show them 1000 aircraft coming at them...........figure out where they are before they hit?

One hypersonic tech doesn't change a thing if we go at it with them.............if a Nuke NOTHING CHANGES EITHER.......they will die with us.
We don't have any cruise missiles. At least not in theatre. Ours are all air launched. We have nothing on the ground.

What you don't see in the sea is what will kill you.

And one Aegis could fire a 100 of them in the black sea in about 5 minutes and hit a dime.

We have the most aircraft in the world............and stealth can launch them in MASS.........

If Russia pulls the trigger on US..........we will beat them into the ground like a tent stake.........That is why they threaten with Nukes.

What you don't see in the sea is what will kill you.

And one Aegis could fire a 100 of them in the black sea in about 5 minutes and hit a dime.

Putins missiles are 3-5 times faster than ours. We have nothing in the inventory to track them, catch them, or shoot them down. So for every Aegis cruiser we have ready to fire at him, he has dozens of missiles pointed back that we can't stop.

Why do you think Putin created the next generation missile. It's even better than stealth.
We are morally destroying ourselves.........and financially destroying ourselves by not kicking the bought and paid for politicians out of office and into prison where far too many belong. We fought 20 years for what.............a never ending War fought on the enemies terms as the weapons manufacturers made bank off the blood.

BRICS has been around since then.............and it's purpose is CLEAR......take us down.........with the end of the dollar.

Global reset is coming...........and hell to follow.........

With Russia............China and the others..........I understand they want us GONE............While I can't stand the assholes who got us here........I understand the situation and WHY I'M VERY HARD ON RUSSIA. THEY ARE NOT ANGELS......... Their purpose is our demise and POWER. But we have a drooling idiot in office......

We have no one with a back bone.............You WILL NOT AGREE WITH ME.........but I'd have put the military on alert and increased troop levels as soon as they massed on Ukraine's border and TOLD PUTIN you so much as pass gas at me I will hit you........

That is called Peace Thru strength..............Trump was a wild card. They had no idea whether he'd pull the trigger on them. He sure as hell did in Syria allowing Russian Mercs to get hit.

That is why they didn't invade.
I agree totally... Yes we had an opportunity to do exactly what you said in the beginning if we had the right leadership, but once the equal powerful nuclear nation kicked dirt in our face, and then we missed the opportunity to project strength first, is when he gained the green light on attacking Ukraine due our known weakness in our leadership, and maybe compromised situation in our current leadership.

His (Putin's) word's afterwards of placing his nuclear forces on alert was his first strike without actually pulling the trigger on the world... It paralyzed the world response because it was to late once the first verbal strike had been taken in a show of unshakable defiance concerning what was touted in the past as a new world order no matter how much it hurt nation's that didn't follow the rules that would be laid out in that order.

I feel like we've been sold out, compromised, and grouped into something that most Americans hate and/or denounce, but we as American's are powerless to do anything about it or so we've been led to believe.
Putins missiles are 3-5 times faster than ours. We have nothing in the inventory to track them, catch them, or shoot them down. So for every Aegis cruiser we have ready to fire at him, he has dozens of missiles pointed back that we can't stop.

Why do you think Putin created the next generation missile. It's even better than stealth.
One weapon doesn't win a war..................We don't FEAR RUSSIA......Only the nukes stop us from whooping their asses right now.

You overrate one weapon system. It CAN BE TAKEN OUT. How does it fire anything if it is blown to hell?
I agree totally... Yes we had an opportunity to do exactly what you said in the beginning if we had the right leadership, but once the equal powerful nuclear nation kicked dirt in our face, and then we missed the opportunity to project strength first, is when he gained the green light on attacking Ukraine due our known weakness in our leadership, and maybe compromised situation in our current leadership.

His (Putin's) word's afterwards of placing his nuclear forces on alert was his first strike without actually pulling the trigger on the world... It paralyzed the world response because it was to late once the first verbal strike had been taken in a show of unshakable defiance concerning what was touted in the past as a new world order no matter how much it hurt nation's that didn't follow the rules that would be laid out in that order.

I feel like we've been sold out, compromised, and grouped into something that most Americans hate and/or denounce, but we as American's are powerless to do anything about it or so we've been led to believe.
Biden is there puppet............He would not have done this with Trump. Trump wouldn't back down and is a UNKNOWN.......which makes them Fear challenging him.

Biden..............THEY OWN HIM

What you don't see in the sea is what will kill you.

And one Aegis could fire a 100 of them in the black sea in about 5 minutes and hit a dime.

We have the most aircraft in the world............and stealth can launch them in MASS.........

If Russia pulls the trigger on US..........we will beat them into the ground like a tent stake.........That is why they threaten with Nukes.
Yeah, but we don't want that, so either we get our house in order or we will probably face nuclear winter by challenging a snake that's backed into a defensive corner now. Our time has past to project peacefully strength without action due to a perception that we might take action if the push into Ukraine happened, so now because of the disrespect of Biden, this Putin may feel that he will never allow someone like a Biden to make a laughing stock out of Russia, so we had best tread lightly in the situation until we gain some kind of respect in our leadership back.
One weapon doesn't win a war..................We don't FEAR RUSSIA......Only the nukes stop us from whooping their asses right now.

You overrate one weapon system. It CAN BE TAKEN OUT. How does it fire anything if it is blown to hell?
Agree, but it's a shame we were put into this situation, and we should never forget.
Yeah, but we don't want that, so either we get our house in order or we will probably face nuclear winter by challenging a snake that's backed into a defensive corner now. Our time has past to project peacefully strength without action due to a perception that we might take action if the push into Ukraine happened, so now because of the disrespect of Biden, this Putin may feel that he will never allow someone like a Biden to make a laughing stock out of Russia, so we had best tread lightly in the situation until we gain some kind of respect in our leadership back.
That overlooks BRICS......which is now on the move to get rid of the DOLLAR........

That is a clear and present danger brought to us by the Globalist and their puppet Biden.
Biden is there puppet............He would not have done this with Trump. Trump wouldn't back down and is a UNKNOWN.......which makes them Fear challenging him.

Biden..............THEY OWN HIM
My other fear is Biden being forced to recklessly show bravado when he isn't like that. Otherwise someone like Biden showing some kind of fake bravado is a very dangerous thing. It could escalate things way worse out of control than they already are.

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