The U.S. and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War.

Do you know that Ukraine is the number three biggest exporter of grain to the world? Prior to February 24 Ukraine’s access to the world through the ports in Odessa. Just up the road from the Russian advance through Crimea.

Both Russia and Ukraine are two of the largest wheat exporters in the world, together accounting for between a quarter and over a third of the world's wheat supply. Putin can cut off Ukraine’s ability to ship grain by sea if they take ODESSA.

Do you really know PUTIN’s genocide is about NATO? He wants to control shipment of grain to a third of the world.
The Rulers Want Us to Think That War Is a Waste of Money

There's no reason why we ourselves don't make wars profitable. Since we saved the gutless Danes from the Nazis, we should have received resource-rich Greenland as a reward.

Mexico and Venezuela have violated our own Monroe Doctrine. For that, we should take their oil. But our Globalist bipartisan ruling class wants to reduce the common wealth of its American subjects; One-World Government fears prosperity.
Zelensky, an actor who made a living playing the piano with a dick, now has accounts for $1 billion. Do you think he earned them with his musical eccentricities?
Depends on the dick I

No...wait....let me get this right......

" That Goddamned Trump! "
why not save yourself a whole lot of time and wasted effort and just research which army has crossed the border into another country and is now committing genocide on women children and elderly in that country. That’s all you need to figure out which side is wrong.
True understanding requires delving into historical events, reviewing Ukrainian and Russian documentaries with interviews of the commoners, and examining divisional aspects currently demonstrated by Ukrainians.

You choose to swim in shallow waters for overt circumstances, way too shallow for true understanding, and I will continue to dive deep.
Are you saying we shouldn’t assist President Zelenskyy and defending his country and its people from the Russian onslaught?
Judging from a moral point of view. that is, the US needs to sit quietly and hope that everyone will forget about them, and certainly not get ahead with its moralizing and righteousness. And if hypocrisy did not reign in the USA, then they would have done so.
unfortunately require constant war and bloodshed


True understanding requires delving into historical events, reviewing Ukrainian and Russian documentaries with interviews of the commoners, and examining divisional aspects currently demonstrated by Ukrainians.

If you happened to witness a very large angry hulk of a man with a large club bludgeoning a woman, and old man and two young children to death do you really have to delve into the historical fsmily events, review photos, employment status, religious affiliation, social media, and, interview police and educated authorities, and examining divisional aspects currently demonstrated by the weaker members of ttat man’s family before deciding that the man is wrong?
Judging from a moral point of view. that is, the US needs to sit quietly and hope that everyone will forget about them, and certainly not get ahead with its moralizing and righteousness. And if hypocrisy did not reign in the USA, then they would have done so.

I’ll ask again: Are you saying we should not assist President Zelenskyy as he tries to defendi his country and its people from the Russian onslaught?

If you happened to witness a very large angry hulk of a man with a large club bludgeoning a woman, and old man and two young children to death do you really have to delve into the historical fsmily events, review photos, employment status, religious affiliation, social media, and, interview police and educated authorities, and examining divisional aspects currently demonstrated by the weaker members of ttat man’s family before deciding that the man is wrong?
At that point of the story that you have presented, do I know the reason why the man is bludgeoning the family to death? Yes, my immediate reaction would be
to attempt to protect the children regardless of the “why” factor. You see, that is important historical information, albeit likely something that has just occurred for the man with the club scenario. If that man with the club just returned home and found his daughters raped and his wife killed and he saw that old man and woman do it, this defines his revenge motive. If the man, however, is just a crazed lunatic going around killing everybody in sight at random, it would be a totally different story.

You have again proven you focus only on the immediate circumstances without investigating the “why” catalyst, in Ukraine’s case caralysts.
You have again proven you focus only on the immediate circumstances without investigating the “why” catalyst, in Ukraine’s case caralysts.

you said you would be trying to stop an angry man from clubbing a woman an elderly man and two young children to death. You said you would intervene without knowing the circumstances and try to stop it. Why do you oppose the American people interveningTo stop Vladimir Putin from clubbing Ukrainian people to death on a horrific scale not seen since Adolf Hitler invaded Poland in 1939.
I’ll ask again: Are you saying we should not assist President Zelenskyy as he tries to defendi his country and its people from the Russian onslaught?
A decent government would help Russia crack down on the nazis and nazi ideology in Ukraine.
Unfortunately, the United States helped create the existing regime in Ukraine, so it is difficult to expect decent behavior from it.
It seems that with the scum in the American government, we are inevitably heading for a war, that will turn into a nuclear one. Enjoy the remnants of peacetime.
The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reports a fat catch. An employee of the main directorate of the SBU for Donetsk and Luhansk regions, who was directly involved in organizing sabotage and terrorist activities on the territory of the People's Republics, was captured.

During a special military operation in Ukraine, an employee of the main directorate of the SBU for Donetsk and Luhansk regions voluntarily surrendered to Russian servicemen
This officer was directly involved in organizing the training of sabotage and terrorist groups to work in areas liberated from the nationalists. The SBU officer provided detailed information regarding all persons involved in conducting sabotage activities on the territory of Donbass.
In addition, the SBU officer reported on terrorist acts planned by militants of the nationalist Azov battalion* in Lviv against employees and facilities of diplomatic missions of the United States and other Western countries
you said you would be trying to stop an angry man from clubbing a woman an elderly man and two young children to death. You said you would intervene without knowing the circumstances and try to stop it. Why do you oppose the American people interveningTo stop Vladimir Putin from clubbing Ukrainian people to death on a horrific scale not seen since Adolf Hitler invaded Poland in 1939.
You will not convince me to support the escalation of war. I will continue to spend my time researching to gain more of a widespread and deeper understanding.

You again added words to what I wrote. I wrote that I would attempt to save the children when not knowing the previous actions of the old man and woman in your story, as all children deserve to be saved.

Put on your reading glasses, it’s okay they are thick you need to wear them to not misquote posters.
Why do you oppose the American people interveningTo stop Vladimir Putin from clubbing Ukrainian people to death on a horrific scale not seen since Adolf Hitler invaded Poland in 1939.
How to live on the same planet with such hypocritical scoundrels like you?
Should normal countries have intervened when the NATO pack led by the United States bombed peaceful Belgrade? And I am silent about the Middle East, there are "brown" people live there, whom it is much easier for you to bomb and kill.
You will not convince me to support the escalation of war. I
Do you support the escalation of helping Ukrainians defend themselves and their country from the sociopath sitting safely in the Kremlin who is openly hellbent on annihilating them or forcing them to leave.
Ukraine is a personal financial gold mine for the DC swamp-rats both GOP and DNC.....They use it to launder taxpayer money back into their own bank accounts. I can only imagine the dirt Zelensky has on the lot of them. You can be damn sure Putin knows all of it too.

If true, you would think that Putin would be cutting a deal with Zelensky to voluntarily surrender his government to be questioned by Putin concerning such things, and then Zelensky would comply, otherwise if these concerns are but just one of a multitude of issues involved that created a big war now.

Heck the American people would want to know that one also. The quid pro quo comes to mind, but Zelensky wasn't there when that went on was he ??? So where was he and what was he doing during those year's ? Why exactly does Putin have an issue with Ukraine and Zelensky in 2022 ?? Was Zelensky poised to carry on any of the alledged History of the alledged corruption that would be aimed at hurting Russian interest in the country, otherwise that still has million's of Russian speaking citizen's living within the country since the fall of the Soviet Union ??

What's this Maiden thing about ?? Will Americans ever know the answers to these things ?? Will average everyday Russian's ever know the answers, will Ukrainians ever know the answers before to many fall victim in this war ???

Biden should have controlled his arrogant mouth when he went to bragging about withholding funds until "they fired the SOB".

The U.S. has been tangled up with Ukraine over the year's, but why ? What was in the United States interest in Ukraine ?? Trading partner or what ?

I am pro-American, but not for a corrupt America in which is hopefully not the case, especially on a large scale. I hate corruption no matter where it is "including" here if it is the case.

World war has now raised it's ugly head again, and that is unexceptable for all peace loving people. Whoever is conducting war better be right about it or it won't be good nor will it prevail. God is great, and God is good, and God is righteous. There is no corruption in God, nor will he allow corruption to prevail. Blessed be his kingdom, and blessed be his holy name forever and ever Amen.
Are you saying we shouldn’t assist President Zelenskyy and defending his country and its people from the Russian onslaught?
He's probably saying "take caution" on who exactly this is, and why he has brought this upon the people of Ukraine to begin with. Russia didn't just get after Zelensky for going along with it, so what exactly was Putin so distraught about, that he decided to attack Ukraine like this ? Think we'll ever get the truth ??
Heck the American people would want to know that one also. The quid pro quo comes to mind, but Zelensky wasn't there when that went on was he ??? So where was he and what was he doing during those year's ?
Ask yourself, how this clown could earn $1 billion.
How to live on the same planet with such hypocritical scoundrels like you?

You live on a planet where a great generation defeated Germany and Japan for doing exactly what Vladimir Putin is doing in Ukraine for the past four weeks..

Except Putin is worse because he already is the greatest terrorist of all mankind.

I don’t know where you live but you do not deserve to live in one of the coalition of democracies that with all its flaws helped create a world where are you are free to condemn the very nations after WWII that gave you freedom to live your life during 80 years of relative peace and stability the world has not seen before. . And you have the gall to defend Vladimir Putin who is doing his best to disrupt that stability and peace because he wants to be remembered as Russia’s greatest Czar Or some other mad man issue needs to be resolved inside his evil head.
Ask yourself, how this clown could earn $1 billion.
It’s the same ridiculous corruption found in almost every nation on earth. Hunter Biden is a multi-millionaire. Proof enough.

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