The U.S. and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War.

God is great, and God is good, and God is righteous. There is no corruption in God, nor will he allow corruption to prevail. Blessed be his kingdom, and blessed be his holy name forever and ever Amen.
Which God? Putin’s idea of God?
Absurd. Emotional lack of thinking. Stop.
Why? Do you have any specifics?

Is this irrational?

You live on a planet where a great generation defeated Germany and Japan for doing exactly what Vladimir Putin is doing in Ukraine for the past four weeks..​
Why? Do you have any specifics?

Is this irrational?

You live on a planet where a great generation defeated Germany and Japan for doing exactly what Vladimir Putin is doing in Ukraine for the past four weeks..​
You clearly are duped by the emotional rantings of the idiots in the msm.

Do you not know of the mass murderers throughout history? W and O killed far more people than Putin has, to say nothing of Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, etc. Have you ever heard of these killers?
You live on a planet where a great generation defeated Germany and Japan for doing exactly what Vladimir Putin is doing in Ukraine for the past four weeks..

Except Putin is worse because he already is the greatest terrorist of all mankind.

I don’t know where you live but you do not deserve to live in one of the coalition of democracies that with all its flaws helped create a world where are you are free to condemn the very nations after WWII that gave you freedom to live your life during 80 years of relative peace and stability the world has not seen before. . And you have the gall to defend Vladimir Putin who is doing his best to disrupt that stability and peace because he wants to be remembered as Russia’s greatest Czar Or some other mad man issue needs to be resolved inside his evil head.
How many genders are there? Can you answer this simple question?
Thank you so much for sharing Mister Beal; that historical information is absolutely packed. I’m only about 1/4 of the way through because I am behind the times, and need to research the details of Polish influences mentioned and constant battle to retain Russian Orthodox religion and the various empires that fought for religious and political control. Most interesting about Kyiv’s (Russian’s Kiev) history. So much to review. So now I am aware I know so much less than I thought I did, darn it, that always happens when digging! Lol Anyway, thanks again for sharing your knowledge and your tools for knowledge, and I appreciate the subsequent article that you’ve posted as well.
Most of the folks that have been gas-lit by the Anglo-Amreican establishment and our fog of war, would probably just call me a "Putin tool," for not hopping on the war propaganda. . . but? With that said, if you want to find sources that are unconnected to the establishment media, you can click on that "Stay Informed" link at the bottom of any of my posts.

There is a link in the OP to this;

For me? the best sources are those furthest away from the establishment, both government and corporate. That is how I manage to find this information. Most times, this stuff is going to be shadow banned by the search engine algorithms. I look at sources from all sides, liberal, center, and conservative.

I do tend to favor certain sources that get their information and narratives correct over time though.
why not save yourself a whole lot of time and wasted effort and just research which army has crossed the border into another country and is now committing genocide on women children and elderly in that country. That’s all you need to figure out which side is wrong.
Are you stupid or something ? Everyone knows that wars start for long term reasoning, and it isn't as simple as just looking at which military crossed into which militaries territory.
Most of the folks that have been gas-lit by the Anglo-Amreican establishment and our fog of war, would probably just call me a "Putin tool," for not hopping on the war propaganda. . . but? With that said, if you want to find sources that are unconnected to the establishment media, you can click on that "Stay Informed" link at the bottom of any of my posts.

There is a link in the OP to this;

For me? the best sources are those furthest away from the establishment, both government and corporate. That is how I manage to find this information. Most times, this stuff is going to be shadow banned by the search engine algorithms. I look at sources from all sides, liberal, center, and conservative.

I do tend to favor certain sources that get their information and narratives correct over time though.
Great post. I’m in complete agreement.

What I’ll never understand are Americans who get their news from establishment corporate media and think their informed. When it’s so easy to prove their news sources lie and misrepresent on the regular, and are completely compromised by the ultra wealthy and the globalists.
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Are you stupid or something ? Everyone knows that wars start for long term reasoning, and it isn't as simple as just looking at which military crossed into which militaries territory.
Following his idiocy W and O must be terrible war criminals (and of course they are) for invading several nations. Yet he won’t admit to this, like so many dumb Americans. The hypocrisy of Americans is limitless.
Great post. I’m in complete agreement.

What I’ll never understand are Americans who get their news from establishment corporate media and think their informed. When it’s so easy to prove their new sources lie and misrepresent on the regular, and are completely compromised by the ultra wealthy and the globalists.
A lot of it has to do with the agenda and who are the "stake holders."

Hell, even Klaus Schwab is pushing this thing, called, "stake holder capitalism." Which, in essence means, the rich and the powerful will rule, and the poor and powerless won't have a say in their destiny. Who has a stake in making a police state, controlling all the levers of power, making the narrative, and seizing all the resources?

SO? What it boils down to, is media that is funded by billionaire foundations, or the billion dollar interlocking global corporate advertisements, or ad. revenue sponsored from grants given by governments, all have a stake in certain types of propaganda. Hell, I hear the same exact government promos on my conservative talk radio station, as I do on my NPR station these day. .. it doesn't bode well for getting the truth, it really doesn't.

Most of the media that is independent of those influences? Is going to be largely "populist," in nature, meaning, directly funded by ONLY by small nickle and dime contributions made directly from the public. The upshot of that? If a production isn't truthful media, if it isn't telling the public FACTS, and lack of spin, to which we can accurately live our lives on? These sources and folks making it just won't get paid.

The little folks can't afford to spend their money on crap.

As Rockefeller himself once was famous for saying. . .


IMO, this is why, more and more, both government and big tech, are trying to censor that, which they cannot control.

If you happened to witness a very large angry hulk of a man with a large club bludgeoning a woman, and old man and two young children to death do you really have to delve into the historical fsmily events, review photos, employment status, religious affiliation, social media, and, interview police and educated authorities, and examining divisional aspects currently demonstrated by the weaker members of ttat man’s family before deciding that the man is wrong?
Dumb hypothetical that absolutely doesn't apply to militaries fighting in war, and this all because of their government's.

Try harder.

War is Hell period, and yes sadly enough civilian's end up as causalities in war, otherwise when the two sides go for each other's throats with extreme prejudice. Pumping your citizen's up to fight a war against a major foe was an irresponsible act that placed civilian's into harms way. What kind of person does something like that ?? It should have been women and children out, then let's rock and roll to the beat of the drum's.
A lot of it has to do with the agenda and who are the "stake holders."

Hell, even Klaus Schwab is pushing this thing, called, "stake holder capitalism." Which, in essence means, the rich and the powerful will rule, and the poor and powerless won't have a say in their destiny. Who has a stake in making a police state, controlling all the levers of power, making the narrative, and seizing all the resources?

SO? What it boils down to, is media that is funded by billionaire foundations, or the billion dollar interlocking global corporate advertisements, or ad. revenue sponsored from grants given by governments, all have a stake in certain types of propaganda. Hell, I hear the same exact government promos on my conservative talk radio station, as I do on my NPR station these day. .. it doesn't bode well for getting the truth, it really doesn't.

Most of the media that is independent of those influences? Is going to be largely "populist," in nature, meaning, directly funded by ONLY by small nickle and dime contributions made directly from the public. The upshot of that? If a production isn't truthful media, if it isn't telling the public FACTS, and lack of spin, to which we can accurately live our lives on? These sources and folks making it just won't get paid.

The little folks can't afford to spend their money on crap.

As Rockefeller himself once was famous for saying. . .


IMO, this is why, more and more, both government and big tech, are trying to censor that, which they cannot control.
The people were all for this tech crap, but slowly they are going to regret it, especially as it becomes more and more intrusive into their everyday lives. We have been slowly groomed, and we are being set up to accept our privacy as being just another notch on the tree of state control. First it was "trust us" this stuff is harmless, and it's going to make our lives better, but what it ended up being is an invasive thing that became an "I GOTCHA NOW" kind of thing.

Trust me when I say that you people had best back back up on the gang plank, and try to retake the boat. We are seeing only a small preview into what's coming soon, and you won't like it.
It should have been women and children out,
Why would Ukrainian Women and children and old people leave on or before February 20 because Putin was exercising his military in drills on the Russian side of the border with no intention to start a war?
Everyone knows that wars start for long term reasoning, and it isn't as simple as just looking at which military crossed into which militaries territory.

When Vladimir Putin sent his army across the border into Ukraine on February 24, 2022 there was absolutely no long-term reasoning involved. Vladimir Putin decided to do it. His pretext for why he did it, denazification, encroachment of NATO, militarization of the Ukrainian government are not rational truthful factual or reasonable in anyway. Vladimir Putin is a sociopath who thought he could walk over Ukraine in 48 hours. That was a miscalculation. Now Putin is compensating by targeting civilians and mass murder cannot be associated with reasonableness by anyone with a moral compass or knows the difference between good and evil, right and wrong.
Following his idiocy W and O must be terrible war criminals (and of course they are) for invading several nations. Yet he won’t admit to this, like so many dumb Americans. The hypocrisy of Americans is limitless.
Well I have to say that during the times of wars that which we have had in the past, I was for our going after the bad guy's in the world, otherwise who brought about our going after them when we did because of our interest in the regions.

Yeah Sadam Hussien might not have been part of 9-11, but he was a brutal dictator that attacked Kuwait, and we should have went to Bagdad when we defensively attacked Sadam for the Kuwaiti's sake in Desert Storm, and then especially when we later had to create a no fly zone for the Kurds. Giving our enemy Pakistan million's of dollar's in aid, otherwise after learning that they were giving safe haven to Bin Laden was another political blunder done in our namesake back in the day. Yeah they were our enemy for doing just that. On and on it goes.
Why would Ukrainian Women and children and old people leave on or before February 20 because Putin was exercising his military in drills on the Russian side of the border with no intention to start a war?
What you want to bet that Zelensky knew what was coming ?
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When Vladimir Putin sent his army across the border into Ukraine on February 24, 2022 there was absolutely no long-term reasoning involved. Vladimir Putin decided to do it. His pretext for why he did it, denazification, encroachment of NATO, militarization of the Ukrainian government are not rational truthful factual or reasonable in anyway. Vladimir Putin is a sociopath who thought he could walk over Ukraine in 48 hours. That was a miscalculation. Now Putin is compensating by targeting civilians and mass murder cannot be associated with reasonableness by anyone with a moral compass or knows the difference between good and evil, right and wrong.

This is your sociopath ? Funny Xi doesn't seem to think that he is.
Do you have Stalin and Hitler in the same position? Do you think you don't have a little brainwashing problem yourself?
You misunderstand. The poster I responded to claimed Putin was the worst war criminal EVER!

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