The U.S. and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War.

Our bombs and guns kill the hell out of those who get in our path or attack the world trade centers...........
Really? Tell me more about attack on Saudi Arabia or United Arab Emirates. 17 of the 19 terrorists of the 9.11.2001 attack in New York were from these countries.
Really? Tell me more about attack on Saudi Arabia or United Arab Emirates. 17 of the 19 terrorists of the 9.11.2001 attack in New York were from these countries.
And. OBL was ditched by Saudi Arabia. OBL offered to fight Sadam. Saudi disagreed. While I know the Sandy world produces suicide bombers every day These govt didnt order the hit on us.

They were in Afghanistan that is where we attacked
O.K. Who was in Irak then? WMD? No, they were not. The US government has admitted this. How can the government of a country that brazenly invents reasons for war be trusted?
That was baby Bush wanting revenge for Daddy Bush. So called assassination of Daddy via Sadam.

They did have WMDs before 1st Gulf War. We blew the shit out of them then. Marines going into Kuwait Sarin Monitors were going off. 1 maybe a malfunctiin. All of them not a malfunction.

I know this because they told me about it when we were in Somalia.

We really didnt know how much we destroyed ir what was left. But they sure as hell had it before that
The Russian Defense Ministry clarified that last night Russian aircraft destroyed four anti-aircraft missile systems in Ukraine: three S-300 and one Buk-M1. In addition, hypersonic missiles of the "Dagger" aviation missile system reached the target and destroyed an ammunition depot in the Ivano-Frankivsk region.

Coastal missile system "Bastion" smashed the centers of radio and radio intelligence of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Odessa region.

In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, 196 ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles, 1,438 tanks and armored combat vehicles, as well as 145 multiple rocket launchers have been destroyed.
That was baby Bush wanting revenge for Daddy Bush. So called assassination of Daddy via Sadam.
Yes. this is an old trick of American politics: "It's not us! it's the Republicans' fault. Then: It's not us. it's the Democrats!" The World has long been indifferent to who exactly is to blame, and it blames the United States, regardless of the ruling party. And he is doing the right thing, because Republicans or Democrats are just two hands of behind-the-scenes financial capital - the real owner of the country.
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The Russian Defense Ministry clarified that last night Russian aircraft destroyed four anti-aircraft missile systems in Ukraine: three S-300 and one Buk-M1. In addition, hypersonic missiles of the "Dagger" aviation missile system reached the target and destroyed an ammunition depot in the Ivano-Frankivsk region.

Coastal missile system "Bastion" smashed the centers of radio and radio intelligence of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Odessa region.

In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, 196 ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles, 1,438 tanks and armored combat vehicles, as well as 145 multiple rocket launchers have been destroyed.
Yep...those are the losses that are being hidden. You only see the other list of Russian losses.

No. Putin attacked Ukraine he thought was weak. - end of story. Now Putin must be destroyed by a united world much bigger than NATO. Are you for us or against us..
I am American, but I am no fool... We aren't dealing with a weakling in Russia, and the Russians aren't weaklings or a weak people, so us understanding this keeps us from making mistakes that might cause Russia to make a mistake that would make the world regret that mistake. Calmer head's prevail hopefully, but politicizing this could move this situation across the border in Ukraine, and the besieged Zelensky would love that one, because it would shift the battle off of him, and onto the world in which is what he's been begging for since the beginning. We are so stupid that political posturing and grandstanding placed us into a position where we can't help in secret a nation that wanted to help itself. Sorry, but we are just idiot's anymore. Sad situation.
Really? Tell me more about attack on Saudi Arabia or United Arab Emirates. 17 of the 19 terrorists of the 9.11.2001 attack in New York were from these countries.
It's because we got enough sense to track down exactly who is responsible, and also to find out who is providing safe haven and training ground's for the terrorist. Neither of which you mentioned were doing that although they might have been raised or born in those region's or area's. Now where we really dropped the ball was allowing Pakistan to be some sort of shady partner in the world, because they were definitely not an ally or worse they enabled attacks against our troop's by cross border action's while we operated in the regional theater.
I am American, but I am no fool... We aren't dealing with a weakling in Russia, and the Russians aren't weaklings or a weak people, so us understanding this keeps us from making mistakes that might cause Russia to make a mistake that would make the world regret that mistake. Calmer head's prevail hopefully, but politicizing this could move this situation across the border in Ukraine, and the besieged Zelensky would love that one, because it would shift the battle off of him, and onto the world in which is what he's been begging for since the beginning. We are so stupid that political posturing and grandstanding placed us into a position where we can't help in secret a nation that wanted to help itself. Sorry, but we are just idiot's anymore. Sad situation.
Ukraine is a personal financial gold mine for the DC swamp-rats both GOP and DNC.....They use it to launder taxpayer money back into their own bank accounts. I can only imagine the dirt Zelensky has on the lot of them. You can be damn sure Putin knows all of it too. While we are on the subject Zelensky himself personally oversaw the persecution, murder, rape and terrorizing of the Russian speaking nationals in the breakaway provinces so he is absolutely no hero, no angel and no different than his Russian counterpart. He's just the darling of DC because they profit personally from him that's all. Hunter isn't the only DC brat that steals American Taxpayer money from that place. What freaking asshole<>jerk would ever choose war on his own turf when he could have simply made a few casual agreements instead that could have been renegotiated at a later date? This is no hero.... this is an idiot or this is a dishonest man. Being both of those is not out of the question either.

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Ukraine is a personal financial gold mine for the DC swamp-rats both GOP and DNC.....They use it to launder taxpayer money back into their own bank accounts. I can only imagine the dirt Zelensky has on the lot of them. You can be damn sure Putin knows all of it too. While we are on the subject Zelensky himself personally oversaw the persecution, murder, rape and terrorizing of the Russian speaking nationals in the breakaway provinces so he is absolutely no hero, no angel and no different than his Russian counterpart. He's just the darling of DC because they profit personally from him that's all. Hunter isn't the only DC brat that steals American Taxpayer money from that place. What freaking asshole<>jerk would ever choose war on his own turf when he could have simply made a few casual agreements instead that could have been renegotiated at a later date? This is no hero.... this is an idiot or this is a dishonest man. Being both of those is not out of the question either.


MY god what hath the Qgod wrought…?
Zelensky, an actor who made a living playing the piano with a dick, now has accounts for $1 billion. Do you think he earned them with his musical eccentricities?
Are you saying we shouldn’t assist President Zelenskyy and defending his country and its people from the Russian onslaught?
Calmer head's prevail hopefully

How do calm heads prevail over a sociopathic mass murderer who has shown their propensity for expanding his already huge territory west into Europe.?

We are so stupid that political posturing and grandstanding placed us into a position where we can't help in secret a nation that wanted to help itself.
No it was Vladimir Putin a sociopath with absolutely no conscious about killing women and children who has us in the position we are in as a part of humanity.
This might interest you. . .

Oh, and this is a history, written by Putin, given to his soldiers. I found it an interesting read.

Every Russian Soldier Is Required to Read This 2021 Putin Article on Ukraine​

"We will never allow our historical territories and people close to us living there to be used against Russia"​

Thank you so much for sharing Mister Beal; that historical information is absolutely packed. I’m only about 1/4 of the way through because I am behind the times, and need to research the details of Polish influences mentioned and constant battle to retain Russian Orthodox religion and the various empires that fought for religious and political control. Most interesting about Kyiv’s (Russian’s Kiev) history. So much to review. So now I am aware I know so much less than I thought I did, darn it, that always happens when digging! Lol Anyway, thanks again for sharing your knowledge and your tools for knowledge, and I appreciate the subsequent article that you’ve posted as well.
I’m only about 1/4 of the way through because I am behind the times, and need to research the details of Polish influences mentioned and constant battle to retain Russian Orthodox religion and the various empires that fought for religious and political control.

why not save yourself a whole lot of time and wasted effort and just research which army has crossed the border into another country and is now committing genocide on women children and elderly in that country. That’s all you need to figure out which side is wrong.
Current breaking news has to include the latest that shows Russia moving forward as Putin's current discourse is about the economy of Crimea and actions for the people of the Donbas:

2022 marta 19 V Lugansk vypervye za vosem' let pribil poezd iz Starobelska
A Train from Starobelsk Arrived in Lugansk For the First Time in Eight Years

'V LNR v testovom rezhime zapustili poezd is osvobozhdennogo Starobil'ska v Lugansk
In the LPR, a train from liberated Starobilsk to Lugansk was launched in test mode.
....Segodniia takzhe budet otpravlenie iz Lugnska v Starobel'sk.'
Today there will also be a departure from Lugansk to Starobelsk.'

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