The U.S. and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War.

This documents that Russia and Ukraine agreed to consultations in August, Euromaidan officially beginning in November:

2013 Aug 19 Medvedev, Azarov Agree on Consultations to Resolved Trade and Economic Problems
War in Donbas suspended the operation for 2014:

Exercise Vigilant Eagle
'....A planned Vigilant Eagle 2014 was suspended due to tensions between the U.S. and Canada on one side, and the Russian Federation on the other, over the War in Donbass.'
With Russia winning the war, I’d expect a nice CIA false flag event they are infamous for. Maybe a sweet chemical weapons attack that kills a bunch of Ukrainian women and children, which they will blame on Russia and many dumb Americans will buy it.
Personally, after that Bill Gates interview?

I'm expecting a bio-terror event. The way he smirked after he said, "the next one will get the world's attention. . . " like he knew the whole thing was planned.

Like they bait Russia into war, then release the pathogens and blame it on them, and that will necessitate the global vaccine passport system.

Shout it louder. To shout over the questions about the creation of what types of prohibited biological weapons the americans were engaged in laboratories in Ukraine. And you will have to answer.
Do you agree that the motive behind Washington’s sanctions on Russia is to bring the country to its knees...?
Paul Craig Roberts– Possibly. Washington is sufficiently stupid to think this.

The rumor that I had heard, that Putin was a Grand Master Free Mason, and a MI6 double agent certainly would make sense in the context of this article. :eusa_think:
Personally, after that Bill Gates interview?

I'm expecting a bio-terror event. The way he smirked after he said, "the next one will get the world's attention. . . " like he knew the whole thing was planned.

Like they bait Russia into war, then release the pathogens and blame it on them, and that will necessitate the global vaccine passport system.

Yep. After they all lied about the bio-labs, Nuland drops the truth. you might be on to something. They’ll release a bio weapon from those bio labs and claim Russia did it.
This is interesting, and it is a POV of many Russian defenders.

I have no doubt that Russia was, "pushed," into this, to a degree. But I note in this interview, that even Stone does not think that Putin will launch a full blown invasion. The date of this interview is February 11, 2022, a full fourteen days before the complete assault on Ukraine. An argument can be made that it was the plan of the western alliance to draw him into the Donbas, much like Afghanistan, and then bleed Russia from there, and Putin decided to cut the head off the snake, which from everything I read, even the pundits on RT and Al Jeezera did not see coming.

. . . so, not surprised that Oliver Stone got that wrong as well. Even the US intelligence was caught flat footed on that. But. . . it sure is a propaganda coup for the west.
I counted on readers to note the date that this was prior to the invasion, but I appreciate you mentioning this for those readers who missed it.

Oliver Stone’s interview contains various historical factors about Russia and Ukraine that are important to further understand current conditions, and that was my purpose for linking it.

The following facts were discussed during the Stone interview:

1. In December 1999, Boris Yeltsin resigned as president of Russia and appointed Putin acting president until official elections were held. In March 2000, Putin was elected to his first term. What might not be known to all readers is that the US backed Putin until the “war on terror” targeted Saddam Hussein and Putin sided with Germany’s stance instead of supporting the US.

2. Many people, from their words not my assumption, are under the impression that Putin is a communist. Putin defeated the candidate for the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, which was the founding and ruling party of the Soviet Union. Putin is a nationalist.

3. Putin could be president until 2036. Considering everything that’s happened since 2014 (8 years), that is a long time from now (14 years). Strong leaders understand that it’s better to work things out in diplomacy with your adversaries, always imo, instead of allowing for major loss of innocent lives to continue. Neither Zelenskyy nor Putin, in their words and deeds, appear to be much concerned about the loss of lives.

Why hasn’t NATO stated that Ukraine can not be admitted because of its territorial disputes? Why did Russia go in on 3 fronts instead of just targeting the east, where Donbass leaders asked for his help to breakaway?

In reviewing the words of NATO’s Secretary General, strategic locations are primary to determine how much help or backup NATO is willing to provide. After all, “NATO is not a charity”, as per the words of one member, and the words “strategic location” should be fully evaluated to grasp the purpose of NATO. It was set up as a defensive union of countries, but evolved into much more of an offensive posture.

Regardless of the continuation of half truths through political mouthpieces, understanding the full picture requires hours of learning Ukraine’s history. I’m still working on it- current focus on the Orange Revolution.

Regarding NATO’s requirements for membership the following is relevant and linked below: “However, some analysts point out that judging to what extent a country will be able to fulfill NATO's conditions is difficult, since many of the admission criteria -- barring the military conditions -- are hard to quantify, and a country's strategic importance may at times be considered ahead of its democratic and economic development.”

Prior to admittance of a few current members: "They [NATO member states] are also looking at it in a geo-strategic context -- the context of relations with Russia and also the benefits -- if they don't admit it, that's fine, but they discuss it -- the benefits and the disadvantages of admitting one Baltic country, or two, or three," Gedmin said. "And the argument is going around in circles about -- apart from the qualifications of an individual candidate -- does it make sense if only one, according to narrow criteria, is qualified? Does it make sense strategically, only to admit one country?"

“Gedmin stressed that, in the end, NATO will admit those countries that, on balance, bring more benefits to the alliance and to regional security than they bring costs or risks. And that, he said, will be a difficult and complex decision.” Anyone under the impression that NATO’s purpose is to save lives with proactive humanitarian efforts leading the cause, should consider this factor.

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Why does it matter? I don’t believe it was Zelenski. Do you believe it was the former comedian who has become the Ukrainians people’s George Washington in a battle to the death against a Russian sociopath with nuclear weapons? There is only one military committing genocide outside of their borders in Europe at this very moment. I don’t know what the euro maiden protest have to do with your own decision about who is wrong and who’s right when civiliansAre being bombed into oblivion. You have a moral decision to make. Why can’t you make it?
So I come back to this thread and I see that you have responded 7 times to my last night’s post. This leads me to believe you are an angry little fellow. No worries, I get caught up emotionally at times discussing political posturing.

We will not agree on much because you only view that there is one entity in the wrong- Russia. I am never going to forget that NATO could’ve absolutely avoided this war. Biden’s administration knew what was coming. The media at large was beating the war drums daily for weeks for it to happen. Biden chose to avoid meeting with Putin and left it to Macron to deliberate. Nations considered world leaders, particularly top world leaders, head to the negotiation table. Is France now the new western leader? Not in the least. It was an absolute decision on the part of Biden’s handlers to stay mute, and this intentional failure could have led to an agreement for peace. Biden’s utter ineptness cost many, many lives.
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Never again pro-Russian: Ukraine has been an illegitimate state since 2014.
The Feral Nations' and the Feralphile Nations' Goal: Turn the White Race Into Third-World Peasants

UK-rain's entire existence has been illegitimate. The decadent Globalist stinkpot, the Eurine Union, swiped it from a totally collapsed Russia, then filled the Russian President Yeltsin's mind with Enron Capitalism fantasies, which further weakened Russia. That's when the Globalist military arm of the Eurotrash landfill decided to turn Eastern Europe into a NYETO noose around Russia, the last best hope of nationalist independence from the One-World order.
How could NATO have avoided this war?
Only one member needed to publicly state that due to its own bylaws that Ukraine could not be admitted as a member. That’s all they had to do. Period. Now, let’s say that would’ve happened. I’ll never know but I’m not sure Putin would’ve invaded. More analysis is needed from people who know the full history.
Regardless of the continuation of half truths through political mouthpieces, understanding the full picture requires hours of learning Ukraine’s history. I’m still working on it- current focus on the Orange Revolution.
This might interest you. . .

Oh, and this is a history, written by Putin, given to his soldiers. I found it an interesting read.

Every Russian Soldier Is Required to Read This 2021 Putin Article on Ukraine​

"We will never allow our historical territories and people close to us living there to be used against Russia"​

By the way, are you planning to answer my question about your opinion on who killed the protesters in Kiev’s Maidon 2014 massacre?
The is the best article, the most honest answer I have found.

A purposeful intelligence operation, from the old 33rd degree Free Mason motto. . . "Order from Chaos."

Neither protester, or police, that is why both were caught in the cross fire. Much like some of the US mass shootings. Really demonic shit, if you ask me.

The Buried Maidan Massacre and Its Misrepresentation by the West​

Winner of the 2015 I.F. Stone Medal from Harvard’s Nieman Foundation​


Only one member needed to publicly state that due to its own bylaws that Ukraine could not be admitted as a member. That’s all they had to do. Period.

Do you know that Ukraine is the number three biggest exporter of grain to the world? Prior to February 24 Ukraine’s access to the world through the ports in Odessa. Just up the road from the Russian advance through Crimea.

Both Russia and Ukraine are two of the largest wheat exporters in the world, together accounting for between a quarter and over a third of the world's wheat supply. Putin can cut off Ukraine’s ability to ship grain by sea if they take ODESSA.

Do you really know PUTIN’s genocide is about NATO? He wants to control shipment of grain to a third of the world.

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