The U.S. and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War.

Interesting how so much has gone on, and how all of a sudden we are supposed to be taught in an instant what is going on in Ukraine, and then we are just expected to take a side whether it is understood by us or not.
Some might say that the Tennessee flag was on the wrong side of the conflict.
It’s easy, in 2012 a Pro Russian won the Presidency by paying Trump adviser MANAFORT millions to polish him up enough to win. That was Yanakovich. He was corrupt but he won the election because the pro-Russia regions Crimea and Donbass had over a million voters who gave Yanakovich the win. That’s Democracy. In 2014 Yanakovich was ousted and as a result Putin seized Crimea A vote not by military force. That ended any possibility that a pro-Russian government could prevail in a national election ever again.

After one election Velenski was elected President and he is Jewish. Putin does not aliow demicracy in Russia and he does not want to see it shaping up in UKRAINE. Democracy is a threat to Putin. Specifically on his border in Ukraine.

MARIUPOL being flattened is 90 percent Russian speaking - They didn’t want Putin in their lives. Now they want him to cease to exist.

Umm, manafort was working for OBUMMER,

Umm, manafort was working for OBUMMER,

You are a liar. Manafort illegally lobbied the White House for Yanakovich after Yanakovich jailed former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko..Obama rejected Yanakovich and supported getting Yulia Tymoshenko out of jail.

The lobbying effort that caught prosecutors’ attention tried to persuade the U.S. government to support Yanukovych, who was at the time under international fire for jailing a rival, former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko.​

U.S. lawmakers had condemned Yanukovych’s actions, and he would later flee Ukraine for Russia after his government’s security forces beat protesters in 2013​
The following link has an exceptionally loaded and informative interview with Oliver Stone regarding Putin, NATO, nationalism from all sides and not referring to only 2 sides here. Stone interviewed Putin 12 times over two years while making The Putin Diaries (haven’t viewed that yet but will soon) and well worth a read.

“The crisis over Ukraine grows simultaneously more dangerous and more absurd,” Katrina vanden Heuvel recently wrote in The Nation. Rather than help de-escalate the growing conflict between Ukraine and Russia over the Donbas region, it seems like the Biden administration and U.S. corporate media have been beating the war drums. The result of any war, needless to say, would be catastrophic for all involved and would have pernicious repercussions the world over. “

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The following link has an exceptionally loaded and informative interview with Oliver Stone regarding Putin, NATO, nationalism from all sides and not referring to only 2 sides here. Stone interviewed Putin 12 times over two years while making The Putin Diaries (haven’t viewed that yet but will soon) and well worth a read.

“The crisis over Ukraine grows simultaneously more dangerous and more absurd,” Katrina vanden Heuvel recently wrote in The Nation. Rather than help de-escalate the growing conflict between Ukraine and Russia over the Donbas region, it seems like the Biden administration and U.S. corporate media have been beating the war drums. The result of any war, needless to say, would be catastrophic for all involved and would have pernicious repercussions the world over. “

This is interesting, and it is a POV of many Russian defenders.

I have no doubt that Russia was, "pushed," into this, to a degree. But I note in this interview, that even Stone does not think that Putin will launch a full blown invasion. The date of this interview is February 11, 2022, a full fourteen days before the complete assault on Ukraine. An argument can be made that it was the plan of the western alliance to draw him into the Donbas, much like Afghanistan, and then bleed Russia from there, and Putin decided to cut the head off the snake, which from everything I read, even the pundits on RT and Al Jeezera did not see coming.

. . . so, not surprised that Oliver Stone got that wrong as well. Even the US intelligence was caught flat footed on that. But. . . it sure is a propaganda coup for the west.
The following link has an exceptionally loaded and informative interview with Oliver Stone regarding Putin, NATO, nationalism from all sides and not referring to only 2 sides here. Stone interviewed Putin 12 times over two years while making

Do you read what you post? This from your link:

And this is—it’s not working, and what Putin is saying in general is: lay off; back away. You cannot run war exercises all the time on our borders; you cannot talk this language of calling us the aggressor. And that’s what’s very interesting to me, is the United States media always say—every day I see it in the newspaper or this or that—the Russian invasion, the coming Russian invasion of Ukraine.​
Now, this is outrageous, because first of all, they have no proof that Russia intends to invade Ukraine; I doubt that they would. I think Russia is concerned only with the Donbass region.​
Your mentor was played by blame America Putin.
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The following link has an exceptionally loaded and informative interview with Oliver Stone regarding Putin, NATO, nationalism

Why can’t you bring yourself to utter these five words unconditionally?

Russia was wrong to invade.”

Russia was wrong to invade.”

Russia was wrong to invade.”

Russia was wrong to invade.”

You should have found a quote from Stone after Putin began a war of aggression and genocide against the peaceful people of Ukraine. Here is Stone now;

“Although the United States has many wars of aggression on its conscience, it doesn’t justify Mr. Putin’s aggression in Ukraine. A dozen wrongs don’t make a right. Russia was wrong to invade.”

Why did Putin reduce Mariupol to rubble and start murdering its people with cruise missiles?

Historians will figure out the various individuals responsible.

The question is; “Why did Putin reduce Mariupol to rubble and start murdering its people with cruise missiles?”

There is no question as to who is responsible for reducing Mariupol to rubble. Do you know if any valid reason why Putin is doing it?
well worth a read.

This man is unhinged.
You are a liar. Manafort illegally lobbied the White House for Yanakovich after Yanakovich jailed former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko..Obama rejected Yanakovich and supported getting Yulia Tymoshenko out of jail.

The lobbying effort that caught prosecutors’ attention tried to persuade the U.S. government to support Yanukovych, who was at the time under international fire for jailing a rival, former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko.​

U.S. lawmakers had condemned Yanukovych’s actions, and he would later flee Ukraine for Russia after his government’s security forces beat protesters in 2013​

Manafort and the shrilarys campaign manager, podesta, were PARTNERS you lying sack of poo.
I am for the people of Ukraine

I do not back


If you do not back Zelenski you do not back the people of Ukraine.

IF you continue to back Trump you do not support the people of Ukraine.

If you do not back the stiff resistance to Putin and the strengthening of NATO and all our anti-Putin allies coming to the swift military and humanitarian aid under the leadership of Biden and Zelenski you do not support the people of Ukraine.

You support the people of Ukraine peoples subjugation to Putin and his army and his bombs and his ignorant mass of brainwashed Russian people and their police.

You do not support the brave people of Ukraine and the brave people of Russia who risk their lives and livelihood and freedom to oppose what Putin is doing to terrorize the peaceful people of Ukraine.

Your support for the people of Ukraine is a fraud. You are weak minded because you support Trump’s lie that he won the 2020 election which would have pleased Putin so very much if he had because American support for Zelinski and the people of Ukraine and NATO would have been weaker if at all. I think the Russian flag would be flying over Kiev by now and ultimately that is what you support
For your love of Trump.
Don‘t you ever tire of being a Putin weasel And Russian useful idiot?

You first. What I posted is factual history. You are the fascist scum trying to hide it.
You first. What I posted is factual history. You are the fascist scum trying to hide it.
LOL..The only fascist scum are those that support fascist and Nazi regimes like you obviously do.
Manafort and the shrilarys campaign manager, podesta, were PARTNERS you lying sack of poo.
You lied, Manafort never worked for Obama. Why did you lie and say he did.

Read it and weep liar. Tony Podesta is John’s brother.

The Manafort Indictment – Podesta Connections & A Message to Influence Peddlers​

October 30, 2017 by Jeff Carlson, CFA

Paul Manafort and his long-time protege Richard Gates were both indicted today.
Manafort’s indictment comes as no surprise given the July pre-dawn FBI raidon his home.
Manafort and Gates were indicted by a federal grand jury on 12 counts: conspiracy against the United States, conspiracy to launder money, unregistered agent of a foreign principal, false and misleading FARA statements, lying to investigators and seven counts of failure to file reports of foreign bank and financial accounts.
The indictment asserts that Manafort and Gates served as unregistered agents of the Government of Ukraine, the Party of Regions (a Ukrainian Political Party) and Victor Yanukovych (President of the Party of Regions).
Manafort and Gates are alleged to have funneled approximately $75 million through offshore accounts and laundered more than $18 million through multiple corporations, partnerships and bank accounts.
The time-frame of “unregistered agent” activities is alleged to have been “between at least 2006 and 2015”. Money laundering activities are alleged to have occurred “from approximately 2006 through at least 2016”.
The indictment contained no links to President Trump or any Trump Campaign-related charges.
The full Indictment can be found here.
The first (lead) charge is conspiracy (1) to defraud the United States and (2) to fail to file reports of foreign bank accounts, to act as an unregistered agent of a foreign principal, and to make false statements to the government.
The second charge is a conspiracy to launder money.
The third set of charges (Counts Three through Six) accuses Manafort with failing to file mandatory reports of foreign bank accounts.
The fourth set of charges (Counts Seven through Nine) accuses Gates with failing to file mandatory reports of foreign bank accounts.
The fifth charge (Count Ten) accuses Manafort and Gates of failing to file a statement of registration as a foreign agent.
The sixth charge (Count Eleven) accuses Manafort and Gates of making false statements about foreign agent registration.
The seventh charge (Count Twelve) accuses Manafort and Gates of lying to government investigators.
The FARA charges are what make this indictment especially interesting.
FARA, or Foreign Agents Registration Actwas enacted for the purpose of ensuring that “the U.S. Government and the people of the United States are informed of the source of information (propaganda) and the identity of persons attempting to influence U.S. public opinion, policy, and laws”.
FARA is a disclosure statute that requires persons acting as agents of foreign principals in a political or quasi-political capacity to make periodic public disclosure of their relationship with the foreign principal, as well as activities, receipts and disbursements in support of those activities. Disclosure of the required information facilitates evaluation by the government and the American people of the statements and activities of such persons in light of their function as foreign agents.
The AP reported in 2016 that Manafort “helped a pro-Russian governing party in Ukraine secretly route at least $2.2 million in payments to two prominent Washington lobbying firms in 2012, and did so in a way that effectively obscured the foreign political party’s efforts to influence U.S. policy”.
The two lobbying firms were the Podesta Group and Mercury LLC.
From the AP article:
During the period when Gates and Manafort were consultants to the Ukraine president’s political party, Gates was also helping steer the advocacy work done by a pro-Yanukovych nonprofit [European Centre for a Modern Ukraine] that hired a pair of Washington lobbying firms, Podesta Group Inc. and Mercury LLC.
The founder and chairman of the Podesta Group, Tony Podesta, is the brother of longtime Democratic strategist John Podesta, who now is campaign chairman for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.
The head of Mercury, Vin Weber, is an influential Republican, former congressman and former special policy adviser to Mitt Romney.
The European nonprofit paid the Podesta Group $1.13 million between June 2012 and April 2014 to lobby Congress, the White House National Security Council, the State Department and other federal agencies, according to U.S. lobbying records.
The nonprofit also paid $1.07 million over roughly the same period to Mercury to lobby Congress. Among other issues, Mercury opposed congressional efforts to pressure Ukraine to release one of Yanukovych’s political rivals from prison.
The Manafort/Gates indictment does not directly name either the Podesta Group or Mercury LLC. Instead, it refers to Company A and Company B.
From the Manafort Indictment:
As part of the scheme, in February 2012, Manafort and Gates solicited two Washington D.C. firms (Company A and Company B) to lobby in the United States on behalf of Yanukovych, the Party of Regions, and the Government of Ukraine.
At the direction of Manafort and Gates, Company A and Company B engaged in extensive lobbying. Among other things, they lobbied multiple Members of Congress and their staffs about Ukraine sanctions, the validity of Ukraine elections, and the propriety of Yanukovych’s imprisoning his presidential rival, Yulia Tymonshenko.
To minimize public disclosure of their lobbying campaign, Manafort and Gates arranged for the Centre [European Centre for a Modern Ukraine] to be the nominal client of Company A and Company B, even though in fact the Centre was under the ultimate direction of the Government of Ukraine, Yanukovych and the Party of Regions.
Company A and Company B were paid for their services not by their nominal client, the Centre, but solely through off-shore accounts associated with the Manafort-Gates entities.
Company A and Company B are the Podesta Group and Mercury LLC.
As reported by the Washington Examiner, both Mercury and the Podesta Group have maintained they were unaware the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine was controlled by the Ukrainian government. Both firms claimed this was why they had not registered FARA disclosures from the start.
Democratic lobbyist Tony Podesta and the Podesta Group, his powerful Washington firm, are now caught up in a federal criminal investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller. They may have violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act by failing to properly disclose work completed on behalf of a pro-Vladimir Putin Ukrainian think tank to the Justice Department
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LOL..The only fascist scum are those that support fascist and Nazi regimes like you obviously do.

Says the moron who bleats about vaccine MANDATES. Guess who had vaccine passports in the past.

Yup the Nazis.

Hello nazi scum.

You people are so fucking stupid, and ignorant of history it is laughable.

Go away pissant.
Says the moron who bleats about vaccine MANDATES. Guess who had vaccine passports in the past.

Yup the Nazis.

Hello nazi scum.

You people are so fucking stupid, and ignorant of history it is laughable.

Go away pissant.
Poor pathetic moron who equates vaccine mandates or mask mandates with the murder and killing of civilians. How Pathetic you are.
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Poor pathetic moron who equated vaccine mandates with the murder and killing of civilians. What a pathetic POS you are.

What an ignorant twerp, you are. You accuse everyone else of what you actually are.

And then have to create a sock account because you have been humiliated so many times you have to slink back under a different name.

What an ignorant twerp, you are. You accuse everyone else of what you actually are.

And then have to create a sock account because you have been humiliated so many times you have to slink back under a different name.

You couldn’t win an argument if your life depended on it. All you do is cast lies and call them truth. Always the good little Goebbels.

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