The U.S. and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War.

During war especially hard to know.
ITS NOT A WAR when a nation with 100 times military capability with thousands of bombs and cruise missiles invades a weak nation . It’s called an atrocity.

We have seen nothing like it since Hitler invaded Poland in 1939.

On September 1, 1939, the German army under Adolf Hitler launched an invasion of Poland that triggered the start of World War II (though by 1939 Japan and China were already at war). The battle for Poland only lasted about a month before a Nazi victory. But the invasion plunged the world into a war that would continue for almost six years and claim the lives of tens of millions of people.​
NATO's origins lie in the Korean War. That origin should, by most any IQ higher than 80, be called femininazi over-reach.
No they don't. NATO was well established when Kim Il Sung INVADED the peaceful, agrarian Republic of Korea with the encouragement and direct support of the USSR and the PRC. NATO was formed in response to the USSR building the Iron Curtain along the borders of the Eastern European countries it CONQUERED in 1944 and 1945. Stalin's government reneged on all the agreements it made during the war to get support from the WAllies.
Are you nine years old or something. Putin is deliberately killing civilians. He murdered 1000 today in a theater in Mariupol Who are the women and children shelter in the basement. Before they went in they marked in white the Russian words children on the ground next to the building. Visible on satellite. They may have killed 1000 women and children one bomb today. do you want to negotiate with that.

What country is going to take in 20 million refugees while Putin is sitting there waiting holding back his cruise missiles. His army is bogged down so he can’t waste his cruise missiles on military installations. He wants to win by terrorizing civilians. That’s what we’re seeing. That’s what you don’t seem to understand.
May have been the worst thing they could have done was to write that at the site, because after Zelensky told the citizen's to arm themselves, then they became the enemy as well. So the Russians wouldn't have known if the site was housing military under cover of a shelter or not correct ?? Zelensky is a dummy...
ITS NOT A WAR when a nation with 100 times military capability with thousands of bombs and cruise missiles invades a weak nation . It’s called an atrocity.

We have seen nothing like it since Hitler invaded Poland in 1939.
On September 1, 1939, the German army under Adolf Hitler launched an invasion of Poland that triggered the start of World War II (though by 1939 Japan and China were already at war). The battle for Poland only lasted about a month before a Nazi victory. But the invasion plunged the world into a war that would continue for almost six years and claim the lives of tens of millions of people.
That's what we're trying to avoid, but the war monger's are determined to get it going beyond the border's of Ukraine, and that is unexceptable.
The correct article, but at the same time it is funny how the author is obliged to start with the words: "Vladimir Putin's decision to launch a full-scale invasion of Ukraine is a monstrous act of aggression that has plunged the world into a perilous situation..."
After these words, the whole article tells why this attack was justified, but the tribute to the "free, thinking media" was given. :)
Launch an attack then blame the victim. It's like raping someone and then blaming them for provoking you. Are you Muslim?
May have been the worst thing they could have done was to write that at the site, because after Zelensky told the citizen's to arm themselves, then they became the enemy as well. So the Russians wouldn't have known if the site was housing military under cover of a shelter or not correct ?? Zelensky is a dummy...
Ok Rooskie. It is a war crime to intentionally target.unarmed civilians. are you a white evangelical Christian by any chance or Russian Orthodox?
Are you aware that according to NATO's bylaws, that any country with disputed territory cannot be a member of NATO? The Crimea region has been under dispute for over 8 years. Are you under the impression that NATO plans to change its bylaw about this requirement solely for Ukraine, when it holds that standard for all other non-member countries?
A gentleman is the master of his word - if he wants, he can give it, and if he wants, he can take it back.(c)
A gentleman is the master of his word - if he wants, he can give it, and if he wants, he can take it back.(c)
Ah yes, the superficial gentleman is worth about as much as a cockroach. When the mouth says one thing to appear sincere, but covert thoughts understand the deception of pretending it’s anything permanent or lasting.

Maybe in the future, if world relations don’t devolve further, humans in charge will be given truth scans, it can be done. Knowing the inner workings of one’s mind via the assistance of AI. What a hot bed that will be, all unscrupulous politicians crying foul and claiming it is an invasion of privacy, but a tool for learning when a leader is planning to change the terms of the agreement while he or she is signing the agreement. The problem will be with the purity of the AI fact checker that could easily be abused by corrupt programmers. It’ll be one of those situations where the AI fact checkers will also need independent fact checkers, a never ending cycle. It’s too easy to “prove something” that in reality is a falsehood, and doubtful that will change as technology continues to race ahead of ethical considerations.
Why are you a fascist collaborator? When a Fascist Thug with a powerful war machine at his disposal wants your territory to fulfill he be given a historic mark on Russian dynasties / you say surrender before the first shots are fired? Appease appease appease and then appease some more until you lose your soul living under Putin’s boot. Zelenski drew the proper line to fight - no fault lies with him. You are a coward for thinking the way coward’s do.
World-Class Soros Gold

Striking skit. The word from Zellybelly is "America's Got Talent!" Congratulations!
I'm of the opinion that there's more than one side and you don't seem to acknowledge that
Is it clear to you that the Russian military crossed the border into Ukraine On February 24, 2022 around 5 AM local time? So what is the “side“ that comprehends that the military incursion and aggression plus the start of genocide is justified or necessary?
Ok Rooskie. It is a war crime to intentionally target.unarmed civilians. are you a white evangelical Christian by any chance or Russian Orthodox?
Answer the question boy ? Ok they identify themselves in hopes to not be attacked, but in war, the site could have been a hide out for military operations hidden under the disguise of a shelter correct ? We know the truth yes, but did military operations conducted out in the fields within a war zone by the Russian military, otherwise know the difference of a true shelter or a possible military site disguised as a shelter ???

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