The U.S. and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War.

putin realizes Russia without domination over the Ukraine is a much weaker state. Unfortunately Ukrainians know what freedom is now, and this is going to go badly for putin. Ukraine has a comedian who was elected president and embraced Western ideas and democracy. Russia has an oligarchy in place and a fake President putin. I'll call him a fake person because, legitimate challenges to his leadership have occurred but the people have either been imprisoned or murdered. That makes for fake elections and fake leadership. Ukraine is Miles ahead of Russia on freedom and democracy it just doesn't exist in Russia.
Ukraine is a drug trafficking hub thanks to the CIA operatives in Kiev and Lviv. Lviv Oblast just got a taste of what a Russian-style drug bust is about. Ukraine's model is tarnished as POSPOTUS JoeXi prepares to go to Europe to talk to NATO.
When the threat of invasion began NATO should have had an emergency meeting and admitted them to the organization that would have stopped putin in his tracks. Now he's committing war crimes and no one is willing to risk world war III over the Ukraine, it's a shame. Even arming them is risking putin's wrath. ( He's already threatened nuclear warfare. ) I don't know how much more the civilized world can stand by and watch him commit these atrocities. It makes you wonder who's his next target, is it Poland ? If he attacks a NATO member that would be world war III. This is a problem with tyrants and dictators when they become psychotic and have delusions it's difficult to distinguish from their normal behavior.
NATO's origins lie in the Korean War. That origin should, by most any IQ higher than 80, be called femininazi over-reach.
The new definition of a "sovereign nation" - It is a nation under the full control of the United States, which leaves the administrative apparatus of local collaborationists for visibility and covering its leadership.
Considering your definition of free and soveriegn is a nation under Russian authoritarian rule, I'll take that with a grain ... or maybe bucket of salt.
The one thing putin has done. Is prove that the Ukraine deserves to be in NATO. Russia is a threat to world Peace, and Russia does not have the right to decide if another Nation joins or doesn't join NATO. His psychosis is very obvious in his delusion that nature Nation poses a aggressive threat to him, it doesn't. It simply keeps Russia under his insane leadership in check.
Are you aware that according to NATO's bylaws, that any country with disputed territory cannot be a member of NATO? The Crimea region has been under dispute for over 8 years. Are you under the impression that NATO plans to change its bylaw about this requirement solely for Ukraine, when it holds that standard for all other non-member countries? Or, do you have information that NATO plans to scrap this requirement? Not likely. Talk about a set up for continuous wars non-stop, admitting all countries with boundary disputes. If ranking member countries of NATO go that route, they will expose a most war mongering position.

IF ranking countries of NATO vote to axe the disputed territory requirement, they'll sink faster than a lead bullet in funding alone, and will be viewed as total buffoons.
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Americans make up about 30% of the Ukrainian Volunteer Legion. It's easy to see why. The USA has lots of young veterans with real combat experience, who are familiar with the American gear that's getting shipped to Ukraine.

Other big contributors are Germany, UK and Canada. Canada is punching above its weight class here due to the large Ukrainian immigrant community there.
Americans make up about 30% of the Ukrainian Volunteer Legion. It's easy to see why. The USA has lots of young veterans with real combat experience, who are familiar with the American gear that's getting shipped to Ukraine.

Other big contributors are Germany, UK and Canada. Canada is punching above its weight class here due to the large Ukrainian immigrant community there.
Stop war mongering. A solution is about to happen that will stop the loss of lives.
Is it your philosophy that all war by powerful nations is rightfully started and fought?
In a Foxhole, Liberalism Ceases to Exist

Only a Demodumbo would jump to that accusation. SCROTUS turned loose pushy Preppy Progressive protesters to send the message that Whites who aren't born rich don't matter at all. The purpose of our wars since Freedom of Screech was turned into a weapon of Birth-Class Supremacy has been to kill off those who might wake up at home and overthrow this decadent self-appointed ruling class.
If you look at Vietnam war protests that wathere is a chance you are ok with killing babies like Lt Calley was .

VIETNAM was a mistake. I never held our troops responsible for what LBJ and Nixon did.
The Evil Seed

My Lai was a Communist stronghold. Those fake civilians were always killing your fellow Americans or helping the enemy to do that.

The lie that the war was a mistake has been propagated by the cowards and traitors on both the Left and the Right who deserted the nation at the time. That class took over government, business, entertainment, and the media. We are drifting upside-down and won't last unless they and their descendants are put out of business.
My Lai was a Communist stronghold. Those fake civilians were always killing your fellow Americans or helping the enemy to do that.

The lie that the war was a mistake has been propagated by the cowards and traitors on both the Left and the Right who deserted the nation at the time. That class took over government, business, entertainment, and the media. We are drifting upside-down and won't last unless they and their descendants are put out of business
The gutless and incompetent Ukrainian Army is using civilians as overlapping shields.
Are you still getting paid in Rubles? Did you know that civilians are supposed to live in apartment buildings abd not be targeted
You are incorrect. Pootin has constantly told the world that if Ukraine moved to join NATO then pootin would declare war. You have to be an imbecile to ignore factual history like that. xiden decided to join a Friendship Agreement in August where he stipulated that while the US would not petition for Ukraine to enter NATO, the USA would not lobby against it either.

THAT is the date that pootin began moving troops towards the border. That is not arguable. You can believe whatever asinine bullshit you want, but those facts are IRREFUTABLE.
The Earth Is Flattened

Ever since Russia collapsed into weakness thirty years ago, the neo-cons and other Globalists have been weaving a noose around Russia. The Ukraine was to be the last knot before stringing up the most anti-globalist nation on earth. If the Glowblob succeeds in suffocating Russia, WE'RE NEXT!
The Earth Is Flattened

Ever since Russia collapsed into weakness thirty years ago, the neo-cons and other Globalists have been weaving a noose around Russia. The Ukraine was to be the last knot before stringing up the most anti-globalist nation on earth. If the Glowblob succeeds in suffocating Russia, WE'RE NEXT!
It was the USSR and it collapsed .......RIGHTFULLY SO. Those countries now in NATO TO THE EAST in Europe are only there because the USSR fell. Germany is now whole as a result.

THEY DON'T WANT TO GO BACK..........They still remember how bad it sucked there....................and will fight and die before going back.

Russia WASN'T NOBLE...........They enslaved Eastern Europe from WWII til 1991
Stop war mongering. A solution is about to happen that will stop the loss of lives.
Oh, tell us more.

Just make sure you keep insulting the brave freedom-fighter American vets while you do so. People love that.

I suppose this is working out well for the Q-traitors. They get to do the two things they love most at the same time -- support fascism and hate on veterans.
I don’t need to do homework. NATO did not attack Russia. Russia attacked a weak nation committing genocide as we speak. That’s all the homework you need to do. As we rebuild Ukraine it will be a NATO nation and I am proud to have them. We’ll take all Putin’s anti-war political prisoners to be resettled in Ukraine under NATO protection.
The Mother of All Biddies

Are you auditioning to be this embee's Baghdad Bob? Pretty tough competition here; break a leg!

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